Friday, August 5, 2011

Pride Deceives

As I began mowing my yard, I bent the blade AGAIN.  Frustration flooded my mind.  I took the other mower, borrowed from the last time I bent the blade, and filled it with gasoline.  I attempted to start the mower.  No luck.  I checked the oil and added some.  I tried again.  No luck.  I stopped, took a deep breath and tried again.  Still no luck.  My frustration raised and I felt ready to give up.  God quickly said, Sheree you cannot do this on your own, quit being stubborn and ask for help.

I call upon my father-in-law (AKA - my AAA, locksmith, taxi, handyman, etc.) and he just left work to run an errand in town.  Perfect timing?  No, God provided just the right opportunity for my father-in-law to come help me.  I explained to him via phone that I needed help starting my mower.  Without hesitation, he said he would be right over. 

He started the mower on the first try and with little strain.  Wow, really?  I felt I was pulling really hard and with all my might.  Obviously, I need to get out the weights and build up some muscle.

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
   I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him;
   I will be with him in trouble,
   I will deliver him and honor him." (Psalm 91:14-15)

 "Where there is strife, there is pride,
   but wisdom is found in those who take advice." (Proverbs 13:10)

A year ago, I probably would have continued to try on my own to start the mower.  My pride prevented asking for help in any situation.  No one needed to help me or rescue me.  With pride present, only destruction, frustration, anger and anxiety arise.  Humbling ourselves brings peace, joy and help.  God asks for humble spirits.  We must push away our pride.  Pride deceives!

I could have sat there for an hour and the mower still would not have started.  I lacked the strength.  The moment I recognized this fact I called for help.  My father-in-law came directly and gladly helped me out.  God is waiting to do the same for each of us.  He loves each of His Children and extends a helping hand.  We need only to extinguish pride and reach for His hand.  

Acknowledge weakness.  We cannot do everything on our own.  If we could, then God would not have put so much variety in this world.  God creates everyone with different strengths and weaknesses.  God sends help, we need only ask.

God, thank you for today.  Thank You for sending wonderful people in my life to help at all times.  Thank You for bringing humility into my life.  Without it, my pride would overtake my life and I would lose sight of Your mighty hand.  Keep my heart softened and my stubborn mind far from me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

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