Monday, November 21, 2016

It all Starts with a Little Trust

A child suffers anxiety when separation occurs due to caregiver going to work, school, running errands, etc.  The child convinces self that the individual will not return EVER!  

As a child grows, they ask questions – LOTS of questions.  Often, after receiving an answer, the child will follow with another one. . .why?  The child desires more concrete reason for the way something works.  After thousands of ‘why’ responses, the caregiver simply states, “Because I said,” or “That is just the way it works.”  

Still growing, a child begins to know it all!  School appears pointless, caregivers lack intelligence and the child walks in pure confidence of self.  Unstoppable, Invincible, no doubts in their capabilities.  

Tainted by the world, a child begins to lose the previously described attributes.  Each day trials arise and the child’s feet hit a fork in the road.  One way leads to peace, joy, comfort and endless pathway; while the other leads to instant gratification, worldly acceptance, loss of self, pain and a dead end.  The storm surrounding hinders eyesight, preventing the child to see clearly the roads ahead.  What step should be taken?

Trust. . .Faith. . .Understanding. . .Confidence. . .

As Christians, we must help others in need of these important characteristics to remain on His path in life.  Growing up, I lost trust in this world.  I asked ‘why’ and ‘what if’ constantly.  I allowed the world to taint every aspect of my being and lost me along the way.  Coming into a relationship with my Lord and Savior, I found out the world stole ability to complete surrender of it all.  I believed, understood and washed clean in the waters of Baptism; but, all the past, all the junk, all the blinding storms made it difficult for my hands to remain open for God to take and guide.  

Years later, trust and faith dwell inside stronger than the storms of this life.  I realize God’s character surpasses any living person on Earth.  His promises ring true for all time.  He will never leave nor forsake.  People – broken, scarred and hurting – will disappoint, break trust, leave, hurt and fail to satisfy your needs.  God is the only Savior.  God answers the why questions in life (in His perfect timing).  God provides a clear picture of the plan for your life.  You were made in His image, not the image of this world.  Quit looking to the world to find out purpose in life.  

Trust in the one True God.  As a pray is spoken, give it fully to Him and know He will work all things out for good.  His ears remain open.  He may not provide an instant answer or reveal a miracle at the time.  But, He will walk through whatever life brings right alongside and provide any tools needed for survival.  You truly will come out stronger as you place trust in His power.

Faith in God keeps vision 20/20.  Look to Heaven and this world will make sense.  Look to this world and all will crumble right before your very eyes.

Understand His character and promises by reading Scripture.  Seek other believers to navigate through some harder to read Scriptures.  Listen closely after reading the Bible and God will reveal the meaning to apply directly to the situation at hand.  He brings understanding to each moment.

Confidence in you comes in surrender to the Creator of ALL.  He prepared you in the womb, fiber by fiber.  He desired the exact image reflected in the mirror.  He loves every fiber of you - just as it appears.  Walk confidently in Him who created you!  You are beautiful and wonderful and here for a purpose.  You matter to the Who matters most! 

Rid of childlike fears – God will never leave or separate from you.  He provides all and any answers you may desire.  Remember the One Who created all is omniscient. . .walk with God-confidence, not self-confidence.  Live in the world, not OF the world.  Remain in Him and purify your heart daily.          
Keep praying harder than the devil can work!
Sheree Craig  


It all Starts with a Little Trust

A child suffers anxiety when separation occurs due to caregiver going to work, school, running errands, etc.  The child convinces self that the individual will not return EVER!  

As a child grows, they ask questions – LOTS of questions.  Often, after receiving an answer, the child will follow with another one. . .why?  The child desires more concrete reason for the way something works.  After thousands of ‘why’ responses, the caregiver simply states, “Because I said,” or “That is just the way it works.”  

Still growing, a child begins to know it all!  School appears pointless, caregivers lack intelligence and the child walks in pure confidence of self.  Unstoppable, Invincible, no doubts in their capabilities.  

Tainted by the world, a child begins to lose the previously described attributes.  Each day trials arise and the child’s feet hit a fork in the road.  One way leads to peace, joy, comfort and endless pathway; while the other leads to instant gratification, worldly acceptance, loss of self, pain and a dead end.  The storm surrounding hinders eyesight, preventing the child to see clearly the roads ahead.  What step should be taken?

Trust. . .Faith. . .Understanding. . .Confidence. . .

As Christians, we must help others in need of these important characteristics to remain on His path in life.  Growing up, I lost trust in this world.  I asked ‘why’ and ‘what if’ constantly.  I allowed the world to taint every aspect of my being and lost me along the way.  Coming into a relationship with my Lord and Savior, I found out the world stole ability to complete surrender of it all.  I believed, understood and washed clean in the waters of Baptism; but, all the past, all the junk, all the blinding storms made it difficult for my hands to remain open for God to take and guide.  

Years later, trust and faith dwell inside stronger than the storms of this life.  I realize God’s character surpasses any living person on Earth.  His promises ring true for all time.  He will never leave nor forsake.  People – broken, scarred and hurting – will disappoint, break trust, leave, hurt and fail to satisfy your needs.  God is the only Savior.  God answers the why questions in life (in His perfect timing).  God provides a clear picture of the plan for your life.  You were made in His image, not the image of this world.  Quit looking to the world to find out purpose in life.  

Trust in the one True God.  As a pray is spoken, give it fully to Him and know He will work all things out for good.  His ears remain open.  He may not provide an instant answer or reveal a miracle at the time.  But, He will walk through whatever life brings right alongside and provide any tools needed for survival.  You truly will come out stronger as you place trust in His power.

Faith in God keeps vision 20/20.  Look to Heaven and this world will make sense.  Look to this world and all will crumble right before your very eyes.

Understand His character and promises by reading Scripture.  Seek other believers to navigate through some harder to read Scriptures.  Listen closely after reading the Bible and God will reveal the meaning to apply directly to the situation at hand.  He brings understanding to each moment.

Confidence in you comes in surrender to the Creator of ALL.  He prepared you in the womb, fiber by fiber.  He desired the exact image reflected in the mirror.  He loves every fiber of you - just as it appears.  Walk confidently in Him who created you!  You are beautiful and wonderful and here for a purpose.  You matter to the Who matters most! 

Rid of childlike fears – God will never leave or separate from you.  He provides all and any answers you may desire.  Remember the One Who created all is omniscient. . .walk with God-confidence, not self-confidence.  Live in the world, not OF the world.  Remain in Him and purify your heart daily.          
Keep praying harder than the devil can work!
Sheree Craig  


Sunday, November 6, 2016

It takes Perseverance

Poor Charlie Brown. . .
His Halloween bag receives rock after rock.  Void of candy, he still approaches each house in hopes this one will be different.  The poor child’s struggles never end.  It begins with Lucy tricking him, yet again, with opportunity to kick the football “Clear to the moon.”  He lands flat on his back after she deceivingly pulls the football away last second.  Struggles continue as an invitation arrives in the mail pertaining to a big Halloween bash.  Again, Lucy tears down Charlie by claiming the invitation a mistake and his name should have appeared on the NOT TO INVITE list. 

The trials do not stop.  As if it were not bad enough, Charlie fails at creating a costume, watches his sister choose a mythical idea over gathering candy and he becomes the laughing stock of the party while others transform his bald head to a jack-o-lantern.  All odds against Charlie, he did not give up.  Charlie continued, one foot in front of the other.  His reaction speaks volumes.  His friendship never-ending.  Others end up running to Charlie, including him in events, leaning on him through difficult times and trusting him with intimate details.  Pushover?  “Yes” man?  Unhappy?  Not sure; but, Charlie does not let life halt his walk or bury him in trials.

Simple character created by the famous Charles Schulz.  At time of creation, Charles could not have realized the impact, fame and money behind such a simple character.  Charles Schulz provides not only entertainment, but a life lesson through the best characters ever created (in my opinion).

Charlie Brown exemplifies perseverance – this trait increases the admiration and support I feel for Charlie.  After watching an episode, you just want to take Charlie and give him a big hug, tell him he is worth more than the trials faced and walk alongside him through it all. 

After watching a day come to an end, God wants to take us and give a huge hug, speak Truth into our soul, describing our worth and walk alongside holding our hand through every moment.  God loves us!  Just as Charles Schulz (Charlie’s creator) always ends the show on a positive note and exemplifies the friendships Charlie holds with the other characters; God will always provide blessings, positive and good in life.  We must keep our eyes open to such. 

What if Charlie Brown ran home, closed the bedroom door and gave up with each trial?  The cartoon would become quite boring and much of life missed by ‘ole Chuck’.  Avoid running when life gets tough.  Keep your head held high so blessings can be seen in all circumstances.  We cannot fathom the outcome of the current situation.  Trust God to reveal it in due time.  He knows the beginning and the end – the in between builds faith, perseverance, character and hope.  Trials in this world are inevitable – we live in brokenness – God provides wholeness within to withstand this life.

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”  Romans 5:1-5      

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


A route leading to a place often traveled changes with each trip.  My handy map chooses different roads leading to the same destination.  Granted, I have exhausted all routes, but the map shuffles the options each time.  I have yet to figure out the rhyme and reason in choosing.  Yet still I follow due to being directionally challenged. 

The drive home presents the same scenario described above.  I require voice direction from the map until reaching a particular highway leading to a familiar exit.  One evening the path leading home was one never traveled in previous visits.  I knew the road and that it would lead to my familiar highway.  The chosen path provides a nice view, two lanes, calm traffic and even speeds. 

I liked the path leading me home.  It brought for a calm drive versus the usual 4 lane highway involving everybody and their brother on a mission for home.  At one point I realized the map quit talking.  Lo and behold the battery died, leaving a directionally challenged individual to fend for self.  I plugged in my lifeline to guide me home; but, since dying completely, the device takes a bit to gain enough strength to proceed with tasks. 

Continuing on the path, I saw nothing familiar.  Some fear began to rise creating thoughts of being lost.  In reality, I knew the map would eventually land me home once reactivated.  I kept driving and finally a few familiar landmarks came into view.  I knew I had not seen any signs pointing to that particular highway as of yet; therefore, held some peace knowing it was to come. 

All the sudden an ole familiar, beautiful voice spoke loud and clear.  The voice directed me to the exact mile marker leading home.  Safe on that particular highway, peace, joy and love for my map arose. 

Hang with me here because the symbolism in this event is mind blowing. . .
I just came from a very special person who helped open my eyes to deeply rooted concerns suffocating the joy of each day.  I meet with this person often and together we have pulled numerous emotional roots from my path in life.  With much success, we continue with each visit to release pain, sorrow, guilt and shame that keeps me bound in chains. 

This specific visit revealed one large, deep, strong root.  The root blocked any progress on the path leading to peace.  It would not budge at first.  My thoughts could not imagine the path without it.  I just continued daily on the path, living with an ugly root standing in the way.  Little did I know, a beautiful path full of peace, new adventures and even ground lay on the other side.  The path ahead of this root has been paved by One Who knows the Way leading to my purpose here. 

After leaving, root disengaged, I had that AHA moment!  I no longer required this root in my life.  At one time, I relied on the root for survival, protection and comfort as I hung tightly to it.  I see the new path ahead.  Though never traveled, unfamiliar and a bit scary; I rely on the One leading me each step of the way.  I have spent too long without direction.  God knows I cannot find my way alone.  I hear His voice loud and clear; that ole familiar voice that once was drowned by the chaotic world and suffocated by various roots.  I hear His voice calling me to take another path.  No more old, familiar habits.

Are you in need of new direction?  Tired of taking the same steps daily in hopes for new pathways to open?  What voice directs each turn, decision and step in your life?  Listen closely my friend to the One Who knows the path to an Eternal destination.  Plug in your Lifeline to guide you Home.  He will provide strength, comfort, confidence and purpose!

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Monday, April 11, 2016

The List

I create a daily list of tasks requiring immediate attention, items need purchased, calls to make and chores left undone from the day before.  The required time of completion does not exceed the hours available in my day.  In other words, completion is doable!  

My list includes the simplest of tasks; for example, you may see anything from pick up kids to make supper.  Seriously. . .who could forget to make supper; yet, that one makes the list often.  I blame lack of memory on pregnancy.  My child took some piece of my brain that eliminated ability to remember.  The struggle is real!  I will go from one room to another and forget what reason I came into that room.  NO, it is not age!  From the day a small heartbeat appeared on a screen revealing new life, post-it notes became a best friend.  

Over the years, numerous lists have come and gone.  Each received an A+ for completion.  Call me Type A personality, perfectionist, predictable, fun-killer, stickler, etc.  I like the label of organized, reliable, prepared, realist, obedient, etc.  Anyone relate?

My lists offers: Comfort, Confidence, Completeness.  

Comfort knowing what to expect for the day based on the list.  No guessing as to what comes next.  I simply look at the list and do what it says.

Confidence in the skills to finish given tasks.  Remaining in my comfort zone increases self-confidence. 

Completeness with each check mark proves purpose of my existence. 

One thing I forgot to mention that each list offers. . .a link.  One link at a time builds the chain which binds me to the lists.  I rely on the list each day to provide a way, a life and the true meaning behind life.  Without a plan in place - anxiety raises.  Lack of ability/skill - shame develops.  Undone projects - worthless thoughts suffocate.  

You see, lists provide organization; but, becomes a yoke when used in such a way just described.  I know that it will all get done in a day’s time, the plans for each day match my God given skills and my worth is reflected from the One Who created my very being.  The Holy Spirit promises to help, guide, guard and protect each hour of each day.  Then, the world comes at me and flesh reaches for things ‘seen’ to survive.  Holding on to the accomplished list provides pride which taints spirit.  Years of such actions effect the physical; causing stomach issues, blood flow abnormalities, emotional roller coasters and much more.  

Crumble the lists.  Rip the itinerary into pieces.  Close the pen.  Open hands wide to offer up mind, body and spirit to the One ultimately in control of each moment.  If we stand in the way, He cannot work to His greatest power.  In Jesus name, I demand the enemy to leave the scene and let God work mightily in this day.

God is the ONLY source of: Comfort, Confidence, Completeness.

Comfort knowing no matter what lay ahead, He has gone before us and provided the way.  Every situation His hand touched prior to us living/surviving it out.  He does not dictate.  He offers a way for peace in every situation here in the broken world.   

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.  2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Confidence knowing His power abides within as we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Greater is He living in us than anything in this world.  

6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. Romans 12:6

Completeness when filling the gap with the Holy Spirit, knowing full well that a specific plan and purpose remains for each of us here.  

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

Sheree Craig    Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Center

DNA contains the biological map creating each individual, setting one apart from another.  All the information remains tightly bound in the tiny portion of a cell called the nucleus.  The tightly bound package is called a chromosome.  Together, chromosomes provide the makeup which enables a species to develop, survive and reproduce (MUCH LATER IN LIFE). 

I believe something went haywire when all the chromosomes began gathering in each cell, mapping out my makeup.  A dominant gene rampaged and overtook each nucleus.  Taking each chromosome hostage, this gene began instilling irrational thinking, construing the fight or flight mechanism and eventually shutting off the fight switch.  Remaining in flight in any and every situation from the get go dug a hole deeper and deeper to hide out.

The gene has a name: FEAR!  Since I can remember, fear wedged its way into each chapter of life.  A few situations topping the list: darkness, spiders and tornadoes.  The dark blinds, allowing ‘things’ or ‘people’ to sneak up without invitation.  Spiders are just hideous little creatures serving no purpose as far as I am concerned.  And, tornadoes rampage the Earth in unpredictable patterns. 

Let’s talk about tornadoes.  These storms create legitimately real fear among many.  I remember mom gathering us in the hallway bathroom as the sirens blared and dad chose to watch the storm.  Dad remained adventurous, while I held onto a pillow for dear life (like a soft pillow would really blunt the impact of the ceiling).  Mom also supplied a Bible as we curled in the bathtub and near the toilet.  Seeing the Bible actually increased my fear as a child due to the fact that prayers usually meant something bad was about to happen.  I remember prayers only lifted to plead for safety in tough/dangerous situations. 

The sirens blaring indicated the need to seek shelter.  Forewarning allowed preparation for impending storms.  The plan included finding the center most portion of your home where no windows exist or the basement located underground and wait the storm out.  Mom created a bag prepared with food/water/necessities in case we ever had to remain in our safe haven for extended periods of time.  We were ready!

Are you ready?  Not for the storms occurring in nature, but the storms occurring spiritually.  These storms outweigh any that Mother Nature can construe.  You know the storms: bad report from the doctor, words spoken in anger, divorce, death of loved ones, overwhelming stress, addiction, etc.  In this world we will have storms BUT, take heart, God calms the worst of them. . .

God gathers all tools required for survival.  He stands waiting, arms open wide.  His angel armies provide a protective barrier from fiery darts.  His Word clears away the storm, keeping focus on purpose and meaning. 

Sometimes in life, storms come full force without warning.  No siren blares.  No time exists to run for shelter.  We must be ready at all times.  Preparation is key. 

What does the center of your ‘home’ look like?  Is there still a vacancy deep down, leaving you helpless in the storm?  Build your toolbox today!  Fill the vacancy with God.  Find comfort in Him, peace in His Word and guidance through the Holy Spirit.  No storm can withstand His power.  Pray without ceasing!  Don’t wait until the storm is full force to seek God through prayer.  Pray daily harder than the devil can work. 

With Love     

Sheree Craig    Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Root

The birds chirping, longer evenings, sun shining, fresh air and wardrobe change all indicate newness.  A new season approaches.  New flowers begin to bloom.  New sports rev up for the season.  New outlook from those hibernating in cold months.  The list can continue. . .

With the new comes on tedious chore I actually LOVE to complete (yes, I have issues).  As the flowers bloom, providing beauty to the eye, weeds come alongside working diligently to choke and steal all nutrients required for floral beauty.  I step in and battle this endless chore.  It relieves any stress/emotion brewing inside as I pull with all might at each weed.  I enjoy finishing, looking back and admiring such clean flower beds. 
Like I said. . .issues!

Think about this chore.  Recall the time when reaching to pull that hideous weed that suffocates the most beautiful flower in your garden.  When pulled, the dull, boring, colorless top comes up easily. . .yet, below the ground the root remains.  The very lifeline to support such a useless weed still waits and steals nutrients from the garden. 

The root must be extracted in order to remove all chances of the same weed returning.  I know, not rocket science, but stick with me.  Think about pulling the weed, leaving some of the root visible.  You can see it, touch it and know full well it must come out!  But, with each touch, fingers slip and no grip can be established.  Working to rid of the suffocating portion, emotions develop and frustration sets in. 

You could grab a shovel and show that root who’s boss.  You could grab the spray and give the root a bit of its own medicine, suffocating the existence of it.  But, what pride would come from simply using such tools to eliminate this root.  Pulling it out of the ground, viewing all the holds it had underneath and pitching it in the garbage brings a sense of victory and power.

Do you have a root planted deep in your life?  Is it time to dig out the very thing suffocating your life?  Are you working diligently; yet, slipping further away with each effort?

Frustration sets in as my eye sees the root established at the core extending deeper still causing struggle to digest life.  Without proper nutrients, life situations overwhelm and processing such seems impossible.  The root steals nutrients, kills joy and destroys me.  Day by day I work to pull it up and pitch it for good; but, day by day pride weakens the grip, leaving the root embedded.

Proper tools must come on the scene and overpower.  The strength deadens as Grace covers the surface.  Suffocation vanishes as Love sinks down deep.  The vacancy of such a root fills as Freedom pours out.  It is then, true beauty shines, peace felt and purpose fulfilled. 

Sound good?  Sound possible?  It is, my dear friend!  Let us tend to our garden!  Be certain to get to the root, stand up to it and show the root Who is in control.  Shine your beauty today.     

With Love     

Sheree Craig    Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Friday, January 1, 2016

Let’s PLAY this Year?

It’s a brand new day.  Wait a minute. . .it’s a brand new year!  What are you going to do?  What did last year teach you about life?  What steps may need to shift in order to begin a different path?

Finances, health, attitude, status, etc.  Most people pick 1+ from this list.  We tend to reflect on the past year with negative perspective in order to condemn and berate self into becoming a “better” person the upcoming days.  We give power to each goal, thinking it will bring happiness; then, place large amounts of pressure on self each day to attain lofty goals.  Envision what life would look like if that goal were reached. . .

Would you truly be happy?  Or, would you just be a smaller size with a heavy heart?  Would you be out of debt but swimming in pain?  Would you be smiling on the outside while burying discontent with self?  The list can go on and on and on. . .

I think I am going to throw away all of that stuff and PLAY this year!  Finances, let them go.  Health, it will all be good.  Attitude, which will come.  Status, no worries there.  I have been observing over the holiday break, especially since life knocked me down with a virus.  I watched my children run around, laugh hard enough to bring tears, rest and enjoy every moment given.  How can they have so much joy while this life brings much trial, trouble and tribulation everywhere you turn?

They play.  They hold responsibilities, get chores done, help whenever asked and take care of their health each day; yet, never lose joy.  They play.  So, I am going to mimic them and PLAY this year.

Pray with focused purpose.  I am going to diligently lift up individuals with exact purpose.  I am going to place all the worries of this world, the troubles in my heart and the emotions stirring in His hands.  He wants them anyway.  He does not intend for us to face any of this alone.  When trying to go at this world under fleshly strength, failure will always result.  Choosing goals to attain this year under fleshly perspective lead us to overwhelming pressures our shoulders cannot bear.  No more of these games.  I want to ask Him the path to take each day, everything else OF this world will fall into place.

22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Luke 12:22

Learn something new each day.  Not necessarily a life changing fact; but, just learn something each day.  Maybe a fact that will assist me on the career path.  Maybe an idea that will provide a connection to a loved one.  Maybe a skill that allows me to engage in activity with the kids.  Who knows?  But, I want to learn something new each day.

5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,
    and let the discerning get guidance—  Proverbs 1:5

Act on the Scriptures read daily.  I can read the Bible until I am blue in the face; but, lack of action keeps a Christian lukewarm.  God does not accept lukewarm.  I want to live it out.  I want no doubt as to Who I serve when I walk into a room.

16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

Yearn for each moment.  No more dread, regardless the situation.  Every moment happens to benefit my life.  Be it stormy, sunny or just a cloudy kind of day; each serves a mighty purpose in the story written for my life.  A lesson needing learned, faith needing growth or pure enjoyment needing experienced.  Whatever the case, I want to yearn to live it, not dread.

1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Romans 5:1-2

And, each moment. . .Keep praying harder than the devil can work!
Sheree Craig