Wednesday, November 25, 2015

One Question

That time of year rolls around again.  You know, full bellies, empty bank accounts, increase in travel while decrease in relaxation.  Stress builds when family gatherings fail in expectation.  Frustration enters the scene when that one special gift sells out.  Depression can seep into the season as darkness sets in earlier and thoughts of loved one’s absence due to various causes.  The holidays do not always bring joy, laughter and peace to everyone.

For some, the struggle is real.  Whether it be loss of a loved one, loneliness, eating disorders, depression, alcoholism, etc.; the holidays can trigger so much pain, difficulty and anxiety.  How can we overcome such inevitable triggers?

One question rings loudly in my ears.  It was asked at church during the children’s Thanksgiving celebration.  The question takes focus off self and destructive thinking.  The question begins the season on the right foot.  The question is deep; yet, one heard every year. . .

What are you most thankful for?

Seems pretty trivial, huh?  But, what if we took this question into account EVERY day?  Before stepping foot on the floor, we answered this question and praised the One that provides. 

I found it difficult to answer such a question that day.  Again, the question arises every year and I can easily ask others for an answer; but, I could not narrow it down. . .
My job – I cannot describe in words the thanks felt for the current position held.  It provides all I ever desired in a career and I look forward to going each day.  My family – well, that is a given.  The three individuals that put up with me daily are amazing.  My health – definitely.  I never imagined such healing that has taken place over the last year. 

All these items rank highly on the list.  To be honest, I hid my true answer due to fear of judgement.  My true answer to the above question may seem cheesy or basic to most.  Over the years I have come to realize what really matters most in life.  I have quite a bit to go in maturity; but, here are a few points to keep in mind when observing thanks.

In the morning, take a moment to look at the sky.  Go ahead, look at it!  Beauty is available to us at any moment of the day.  Thank You God for such a peaceful picture.  Before getting out of bed, take a moment to breathe.  I mean it, take a full complete breath!  Life is given freely and another moment available to impact others.  Thank You God for such an opportunity as this.  While driving to a destination, turn the radio off and prepare yourself.  Though we know not the exact details which lay ahead, the place holds purpose in our story.  Thank You God for trusting us to serve in such a mighty way.  At the next meal, take a moment to chew and allow every taste bud to participate in the activity.  Seriously, enjoy the food!  Thank You God for such nourishment provided daily.  Then, when lying down at night, close your eyes and breathe deeply.  Another day written down in your story; whether success or failure fill the pages, purpose exists.  Thank You God for working all this stuff here on Earth out for good for those loving You!

Now, had I answered the question as such, the kids would have looked at me as though I had three heads.  But, I can tell you that remaining focused on these things keeps the devil at bay.  The triggers of this season hold no power against a thankful heart.  Filling thoughts with Truth guards and protects the mind from toxicity.  Adjusting the eyesight from worldly things to Eternal treasures keeps purpose in the center of every scene. 

Triggers hold the ability to come full force blindside.  I promise you, beginning the day in thanksgiving and praise will provide a solid ground with which to stand and strength to overcome those sneaky triggers.  Will the pain, difficulty and anxiety appear?  Yes; but, with solid ground, clean hearts, protected mind and clear eyesight, processing through and healing from such moments comes quickly.  The Holy Spirit, activated within, arrives just in time to wield off the enemy and his schemes. 

Will you join me and begin today living in thanksgiving?  It need not be just one time a year.  Let us focus on one thing every day and be in continual praise to God for such a beautiful life.  Remember, we are not Home yet and do not belong here.  Keep focused on Eternity – our true Home.

AND. . .Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 
Sheree Craig          

Monday, November 23, 2015

Just a Phase. . .Really?

Typical day:  my son wakes, gets ready, cleans up from breakfast, gathers needed items and waits by the door.  His routine leaves room to play on device and take a breather before beginning a busy day.  Sounds wonderful, right?  Well, my son is not the only child in the home required to get up, get ready and get out the door.  Not mentioning names or pointing fingers; but, there is this precious little angel living in my home lacking sense of time, care or focus.  Typical day:  numerous prompts given to said child to wake up, said child finally comes downstairs and sits with blanket in hand staring off in space.  Said child lacks the skill of decision making when choosing breakfast.  Daily, I spout off the menu available (which does not change) and patiently (okay, not so patiently) wait for an answer.  Once decided, hair still needs brushed, teeth cleaned, outfit changed, shoes on, backpack gathered up and glasses wiped off. 

Oh, the growing moments in this momma’s life does not end when the bell rings for first period.  After school, everything brought home ends up scattered throughout the kitchen floor.  After a shower at night, dirty clothes remain where removed (inside out at that)!  Hair soaking wet, said child receives numerous prompts to brush the tangled mess to prevent drying into a rat’s nest.  Bedtime includes the same kind of process involving said child’s ears failing to function and requests left unmet. 

Just a phase?  I hope.  Some days I feel like all I have accomplished includes various arguments with my child.  Some days I feel like no enjoyment came to my child due to mom spouting out commands.  Around 8PM each night, the remnants of my child’s presence exist in about every room. 

All this is simply an exhausted mom venting. . .I love this child with all my heart and know full well that I will miss this one day.  The cool part about this vent is that an eye opening lesson follows. 

My husband and I observed said child at supper one evening.  This particular evening’s supper had a time limit.  We needed to leave very soon in order to arrive on time to church service.  Our child talks about a mile a minute on various topics as though we have not come together in days.  Then, child realizes a drink is needed with the meal, meanwhile only one tiny bite had been taken.  I watch the child carelessly clean out a cup, dry it off with a paper towel, fill with ice, then water, then put the lid on it and adjust the straw just perfectly.  All the while, talking continuously.  Not a care in the world. 

Ten minutes pass of a twenty minute time limit.  The rest of the family near done with food and there sits a plate still 75% full.  Hair still needs brushed, socks changed and shoes picked out.  A constant reminder that we need to leave spouts out of my husband and I.  Not a care in the world.

We finally get out the door.  Said child sits in the back seat, blanket in hand and eyes gazed out the window.  Words still flow a mile a minute.  Not a care in the world.

See, I have this whole thing wrong.  My heart has been focusing on what time said child takes away that I could be doing something else.  What would that something else be?  For that, I do not have an answer.  My eyes see that the presence of this child reveals in every room every evening.  Why is that a bad thing?  Said child takes time, relaxes, and enjoys every minute of the day, all while trying to have a conversation with me.  Yet, my thoughts remain five minutes ahead, focusing on what needs done and where we need to be soon.  How much do I miss by acting in such a manner?

The lesson here: serve with a loving heart, see the beauty in the presence of loved ones and live in the present.  God commands these things.  Our purpose here is evident in this eye opening lesson from my lovely child.  Wake up each morning and ask God how can I serve today with a loving heart?  Pray diligently for eyes to remain open and see His presence everywhere I look.  And live this day as if it were my last (because we have no idea when that time will come). 

Just a phase?  I hope NOT.  Each day that passes with my children, I learn lessons and grow in relationship with God.  These little people in my home reveal leadership skills greater than any person holding office in our country.  These little people lead me closer to God daily by displaying example of serving, seeing and savoring each moment. 

I love these children and thank God for the two beautiful blessings (even though on most days I feel less than competent to complete such a job as parenting).

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ugh, Shopping Stinks!

Confession:  I hate shopping!  Now, before you go thinking I totally do not fit the feminine mold, hear me out.  I hate shopping for me AND I despise shopping for clothes for me.  I love to browse around, gaze at all the newest items, pick up gifts for others and mosey on home.  But, when the shopping trip involves buying clothes for me, dread develops and I postpone the trip.

One exception exists among all the dread/hate. . .purchase of scrubs or workout gear.  If I could wear elastic band shorts/pants along with T-shirt and hoody every day; I would remain one happy girl (may be why I chose nursing as a career).  I love the latest style of stretchy pants with a long shirt and cute boots.  COMFORT!  

My husband recently purchased a gift card to a rather popular department store for me to spend on clothes.  TORTURE!  When walking into the store, I ventured to the ladies section and browsed through the latest styles.  Picking up a few items, I pictured wearing them and to what occasion it would fit.  Remaining in the ‘safe zone’, I stuck with picking out a variety of shirts.  By the time my husband returned, all the items were placed neatly back on the shelf.  His eyes revealed the obvious question, “What have you been doing this whole time?” 

Remember the show on TLC, “What not to wear”?  Well, I would be a perfect candidate for the show.  I lack the whole fashion, well put together, know what matches gene.  Again, the outfits created for ladies holds no comfort in comparison to workout gear.  The other factor which miffs me about the whole shopping for clothes experience; manufacturers cannot get their act together when it comes to that little number (which holds lots of power if we allow it) placed on the tag of pants.  One store reveals a specific size fitting just perfectly; while, venturing to another store only to find that same size will not make it past my thighs.  FRUSTRATING! 

Meanwhile, men can go from store to store and pick up the same size without trying on and walk away with a successful purchase.  Why do ladies have it so difficult when shopping for clothes?  Why make it torture trying on outfit after outfit?  I don’t think I am alone in these feelings.  The whole experience opens the door wide for the enemy to plant lies, working diligently to overpower Truth.

Comparison breeds FRUSTRATION!  Envy breeds TORTURE!  With these emotions stirring around, the enemy plays in our thoughts in hopes we turn to the world for COMFORT!
It all starts with the first comparison.  Our eyes see another lady in an outfit and she is sporting it quite well.  Thought #1 – I could never pull that off.  Thought #2 – My body would not fit well into that outfit.  Those thoughts sit for a while.  They sink into our everyday thinking, growing one negative thought after another.  Pretty soon, we detest looking in the mirror due to constant pointing out of flaws in the reflection. 

The negative thinking grows wildly into envy.  Envy towards others outward appearance consumes our day.  Words appear in speech: “I wish I looked like her”, “I need to change so I can catch the eye of the one I love”, “I desire a better me.”  In order to quiet such thoughts, we run for something to find relief. 

The world offers numerous regimens, temporary fixes and plans that fit everyone’s ‘needs’.  The world provides enticing advertisements hitting the nail on the head for your situation.  The world gives relief. . .temporarily.  The world can bury those thoughts, hiding all the pain.  The world, the world, the world. . .

LIES!  All these things in this world will not provide the comfort, peace, joy and love God plans for our lives.  God does not intend for our eyes to hold envy, our thoughts to build standards with which to compare or for our spirit to find comfort in the world.  In this world, troubles and trials arise; but do not fear, He has overcome this world. 

He created you beautifully and wonderfully.  He touched every fiber in the womb, placing all just perfectly in His Image.  He sees a glorious reflection each time you stand in front of the mirror.  The number written on the tag of your clothing DOES NOT define you.  The number revealed on the scale as you wait (even sending up a prayer to see a specific number) DOES NOT define you.  The number of candles placed on the cake DOES NOT define you.  You are not a number.  You are His daughter.  You are His cherished child. 

Healthy appears differently on each individual.  A number cannot be set as a standard for every individual to attain.  Outward appearance does not reveal our beauty.  Shine His Spirit, wear His Truths proudly and walk in His Love.  Truth breeds PLEASURE!  Love breeds PEACE!  Faith breeds PURPOSE!                                  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig

Sunday, November 15, 2015

No More Deals

When mom and I were roommates for quite a few years, Saturdays grew to be the greatest day of the week.  Each one consisted of waking before the sun and grabbing the rolled up guide for our morning – the newspaper.  We could care less about results of Friday night football, what concert occurred that evening or who got married.  All we cared about was the lovely section titled Yard Sales. 

I played the navigating role, hitting the hot spots we circled just a few minutes ago; yet, the best yard sales seem to come when we simply followed the blaring orange signs.  Oh, the memories are etched into my heart and each time they surface I smile. 

The typical routine would go as follows: find address of yard sale, do a drive by looking closely to see if any particular item(s) caught our eye, turn around when possible and park if appealing to our needs.  We walked many miles around Owensboro, Kentucky, met wonderful people, built an imagination when discovering how one person’s junk could become our treasure and laughed all along the way.  Of course, a pit stop at Cracker Barrel for breakfast typically existed in the itinerary. 

I do not share such a story without a twist to reveal a greater meaning.  What I did not share is the bargaining, trading and haggling that took place as well.  Most Saturdays resembled the show, “Let’s Make a Deal.”  Price tag says $2, but if you play it right could end up walking away with the item and only losing $1.  Trades could even take place; because, remember one person’s junk is another’s treasure.

In life, this process works out great for all involved.  Cleaning out our homes, selling items for next to nothing and blessing another with a treasure deems a successful day.  In our spiritual life, this process does quite the opposite.  Our human nature loves to catch a good deal, come out ahead on a trade or haggle our way to receive our heart’s desire.  In that mode, we think only of self.  Our focus remains on present satisfaction; yet, the enemy convinces that all is well. 

It has been years since I experienced a Saturday as described above; but, unbeknownst to me, I have continued with trading, bargaining and haggling in life. 

The typical routine goes as follows:  sinful action revealed in prayer/sermon speaking to my heart, doing a few drive by readings in the Bible looking closely to see if the commands given seem worth the change, turning off the current path when possible to then travel a new path leading to greater maturity in my Christian walk.  I have walked many a miles down paths leading away from Truth; yet pleasing the flesh moment by moment.  

Unfortunately, I held my treasures here on Earth.  My walk with God looked like a game of “Let’s Make a Deal”.  Okay God, I will lay down my malnourishing habits, purging actions, negative words and attitude and follow the path you laid for my life.  Yet, unbeknownst to me, my flesh held onto treasures of perfection and following law of the land (society’s opinions).  I simply traded one sin for another; while the enemy convinced such a trade was healthy and lead down the straight path. 

While I planned each day out in complete detail, making a to-do list, buying only the most clean foods, exercising a set amount of time, pleasing others and working diligently to be Superwoman; I missed all the signs God revealed leading to the best treasures.  I felt the need to always feel perfect physically and condemn self when feeling imperfect.  I remained in victim mode for far too long. 

Praise God, my eyes were opened.  I approached the Cross with hands full of Earthly treasures, or complete junk when compared to the treasures in Heaven.  Completely exhausted from holding so tightly to these treasures, I collapsed at the Cross, releasing all to the One Who took such junk on Himself and traded it for Eternal Life for us here.  One trade took place at that moment – my Earthly junk for His Treasure.

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:19-21

I may not have it all together, but the freedom received by living each day with open hands, refusing to play “Let’s Make a Deal” with God anymore and praying harder than the enemy can work keeps me on the right path.  Thank you God for not giving up on me and continuing to provide signs which lead me to the Cross.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig