Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Have a Fabulous Day Today!

How are you doing today?  What concerns weigh heavily on your mind?  How can I help you today?

Sometimes, we would love for the person sitting next to us, the one living in our home with us or a friend to call and ask these three questions above.  We love to feel the presence of one with 'skin on' in our lives and see concerning faces for our well-being.  Often, we so desperately need the load taken from our shoulders so we can continue moving on throughout our days. 

Well, my friend, if you need a hug today; raise your arms up to the sky.

"Shout for joy, you heavens;
   rejoice, you earth;
   burst into song, you mountains!
For the LORD comforts his people
   and will have compassion on his afflicted ones." (Isaiah 49:13)

If you need a conversation with a friend over coffee, brew your favorite, sit down and talk.

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him." (1 John 5:14-15)

If your heart weighs heavily and your thoughts lost in worry, cast all that away and place it in the hands of God.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7)

If you need a break and feel overwhelmed, let go of it all.  Stop, take a deep breath and know that He will see you through.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27)

No matter the situation, troubles, concerns or needs; He is the answer.  You need not wait on Him to get home from work, call upon you or speak first.  He remains beside you always, never hangs up and loves to open up the conversation first.  His hands remain open and arms out wide to hug and ready to help.  What's the catch?  You must turn toward Him.  He is the only way to everlasting peace and freedom from our pain or sorrow.

Call upon Him FIRST and He will send reinforcements with 'skin on' if needed.  Who better else to help than our God?  He knows all the answers, comforts with such empathy and loves like none other.  So, tell God how you are doing today, allow Him to lift your burdens and let Him know how He can help.  Have a fabulous day with God!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for loving me without end.  Thank You for all the hugs, conversations and help.  You are amazing!  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Monday, January 30, 2012

Not to be Taken Lightly

If we give up and turn our backs on all we've learned, all we've been given, all the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ's sacrifice and are left on our own to face the Judgment—and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen if you turn on God's Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that he'll hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: "Vengeance is mine, and I won't overlook a thing" and "God will judge his people." Nobody's getting by with anything, believe me.
(The Message Hebrews 10:26-31)

But you need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion.

   It won't be long now, he's on the way;
      he'll show up most any minute.
   But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust;
      if he cuts and runs, I won't be very happy.
But we're not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We'll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.
(The Message Hebrews 10:36-39)

Our God remains the same - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.  God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent!  He created everything and intends for His Creations to follow Him.  If defiance occurs or we deny our freedom found only through His Son, punishment cannot be avoided.  Judgment Day will come.  This day will not be taken lightly.

Are you ready for that day, that hour?  Do you remember those days when you decided to do something you knew was wrong and then hide it from your parents?  You knew that if the truth came out about your actions, grounding would be the least of your troubles.  These are your parents, human individuals, here on Earth and their punishments seemed irrational.  Their reactions displayed extreme anger.  Now, can you imagine approaching our Creator on Judgment Day, knowing you denied Him each day He gave life to you?

Growing up, your parents fell for the excuses and sad stories; they let some actions slip through the cracks to avoid an outbreak of emotions.  You may have even been sly enough to successfully hide the whole situation for years.  I have told on myself (now as an adult) about things I did as a young child or teen.  My parents seemed shocked, but only brushed it off (since now grounding me to my room would feel like a reward).  I remember other times, that I would bat my eyes, cry a little bit and play dumb as though I was not aware of the outcome of my actions.  Worked like a charm!

Well, my friend, God is not our Earthly parents.  He does not accept anything less than wholehearted devotion and acceptance of the sacrifice given through His Son.  He gave His only Son to die for our sins.  Jesus washed away EVERY SIN.  How can we deny Him?  How can we wake up in the morning and not even acknowledge the One who provides every breath we intake?  How can we just give up during a trial or troubled season in life?  Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life.  No one will come to know the Father except through Jesus.  Accepting Him as our Lord and Savior brings us through every situation and allows for the life intended for us to live. 

God is omnipresent (everywhere at all times) and omniscient (all knowing).  Nothing is hidden from Him.  He knows our hearts and every action taken throughout every day.  He will not fall for excuses, such as, "I was too busy for You" or "I felt inadequate to live for You" or "I was going to accept Your Son as my Savior tomorrow."  He will not brush off sin left without repentance.  He commands that you take all sin to the cross, repent, be Baptized and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior over your life.  Jesus washes you clean.  Savior?  From what?  God's Wrath!  Jesus shows us the way to spend an eternity coexistenting with our God.  Without Jesus leading our lives and the Holy Spirit consuming our whole being, we follow a path leading to destruction.  Jesus waits, come follow the path leading to Heaven.

God is omnipotent (all powerful).  Judgment Day is nearing and God will bring punishment, wrath onto those who did not follow Him and denied His Son.  Are you ready?  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and live in a way that follows God's teaching and commands in the Bible.  A place will be prepared for you in Heaven.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for providing freedom from all my sin through the blood of Your Son.  I am here to serve You.  Teach me, guide me and give me the necessary words to spread the Gospel.  Use me as a vessel to further Your Kingdom.  I know my ways are exposed to You and please forgive me for any offensive ways that lay within my heart.  Reveal them to me so that I may keep my feet travelling on the straight path.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stay True to the Vows

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my [opt: lawfully wedded] (husband/wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

Remember these?  Yes, your vows.  For those married, have you lived out the words spoken to your spouse ___ years/months ago?  For those engaged, will you live out the words prepared for your wedding day?  For those single, remember these words as you look for Mr./Mrs. right.

A vow is a solemn promise, pledge or personal commitment.  Solemn indicates the seriousness in the words spoken concerning what will be completed.  Completed, as in total, entire, not lacking, not a detail left undone!

Can you look in the eyes of your significant other today and be fully confident in fulfillment of this promise made?  Are you taking each day and living out the entire vows spoken in solemn manner in front of loved ones and most importantly, God?  If not, how can you change to do so?

As married/dating/single persons, we must live up to the words coming from our mouth.  Actions must reflect our heart and speech.  Honoring what is promised displays the greatest love. 

In the example vows above, statements confirm the promise to remain a constant friend, faithful partner and to love as long as both shall live.  Examples of times when faith will be at its strongest include rich and poor, sickness and health, better and worse or joy and sorrow.  Let me elaborate a bit on some of these and give my spin on a deeper meaning to the vows.

Constant friends do not leave the other at home waiting up, wondering of the location of the other and if the other will return this evening.  A faithful partner avoids "happy hour" with co-workers, drinking at a local bar to watch the big game without the other, shopping all day maxing out credit cards without confirming with the other, leaving your wedding ring at home while heading to the office or out with friends, looking twice at another of opposite sex, etc.  Rich includes getting a better position which may require a bit more of time; poor includes eating Ramen Noodles for the fifth time that week and thanking your spouse for the well-cooked meal.  Sickness, from headache to cancer and health, taking the time to maintain and encourage one another in good nutrition.  Better, when all things go smoothly (RARE OCCASION) and worse, when all you can do is cry. 

Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year you now dedicate to your spouse.  Place God at the center to understand how to be the constant friend and faithful partner agreed upon that day.  He will guide you and bring a bond unexplainable.  Be patient with one another, bear each burden together and grow closer in trials, not apart.  Avoid the wedge that the devil loves to place between married couples.  Love one another as God loves you.  Yes, even the forgive and forget part.  God so loved us that He sent His only Son to die for our sins.  He washed away all sin and forgives us.  Can't you forgive your spouse for leaving the toilet seat up, burning supper, forgetting an anniversary or adding character to the vehicle by brushing against that pole in the parking garage?

Love your spouse today.  Avoid tempting situations.  Keep your focus on the ring worn on your left hand.  A ring is circular, never-ending and filled with a promise.  Let go of past mistakes, enjoy your present and remain strong in the future.  We are not perfect and will disappoint one another numerous times, but remember God is present and will see you through everything.  Cling to Him and follow His Truth.  He brought the two of you together for a reason, to be a team for Him while loving one another.  Live up to your words through your actions!  How?  Refer to 1 Corinthians 13:3-20.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for my husband.  I cannot express in words the appreciation I have for the man placed in my life to be my teammate.  He is amazing and I know that You bless us and guide us each day to bond closer.  Thank You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Avoid Co-Addiction!

An addict expresses a physiological dependence on something or someone.  An addict may often be consumed with the presence of the habit or person that nothing else matters in this world.  Addicts reveal themselves pretty quickly.  Addicts cannot see beyond the substance or person.

Although addiction may be pinpointed by an outsider or doctor rather quick; what about co-addicts?  Did you ever think you could easily become a co-addict?  A co-addict does not necessarily supply the addict with the substance or "drug" of choice, but they do not take a stand to eliminate the addiction.  A co-addict may fear "rocking the boat" because it may send the sufferer further into addiction.  They may not want to add any more stress or problems by standing firm on the right choices in life.  Co-addicts allow the behavior to continue without reprimand, teaching or forcing the addict to own up to the problem.

Let me provide an example to explain my thinking.  My mother, which I love with all my heart and is my best friend (don't tell my husband or kids), was a co-addict.  My mom sat and watched me continue destructive, addictive behaviors for years because she knew not how to approach me.  She knew of the difficult life around us and did not want to create more by confronting my eating disorder.  I recall one instance when I first realized my mother was my co-addict.  She came to visit me in rehab once and I reached a level which allowed me to go out of the facility.  We went to grab some lunch (the first time I had eaten outside of the facility) and mom knew this would be stressful and difficult for me to choose a meal.  We suggested a few places and with each one she spouted off a "healthy" item on the menu.  She would say, "They have salads to choose from."  She did not want any stress in my life and knew I would feel comfortable eating a salad versus a full meal.  This is co-addiction in my eyes.  I needed to be challenged to fight my eating disorder and replace the lies of only allowing myself to eat salads with the truth that my body needed all types of food (YES, even carbs!).

My mom did this out of love.  She did not want to see me stressed, hurting or struggling with the destructive thoughts of inadequacy, imperfection or feeling unacceptable.  I understand her intentions and by no means blame her for anything.  The point is that we can become co-addicts and not realize the damage we cause to others around us.  What my mom did not see was that I did suffer, struggled and hurt severely inside regardless if I ate a salad or a juicy burger.  I needed a firm word, a wake up call and Truth spoken to me.  I needed intervention!

People of this world need intervention.  Let us not turn our heads when we see evil.  Replace evil with good.  Let us not listen to another speak about their troubles and the sinful choices they continue to make with a nod and a hug.  Replace sin with Truth.  Let us not allow addictions to continue in others for fear of losing friendships.  Replace addiction with teaching of Scripture, standing firm on His Word.

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." (Hebrews 13:16)   

Losing a friend by speaking Truth is nothing compared to keeping quiet and allowing your friend to destroy their lives with addiction, sin, anger, bitterness or other destructive decisions.  We were brought here by our Creator to spread His Word, to teach others the Way to go and lead them to Him.  Doing so, displays love towards His Children.  The other may not see or feel the love, but the seed planted will be watered as you lift them in prayer continually.  I am not saying to go out and beat others with the Bible or hound them with Scripture.  What I am saying is avoid co-addiction.  Do not condone other's behavior or try and make their world as happy and comfortable for them.  This behavior will exhaust you and the other will remain in a pit.  Help them out of the pit by loving them with Truth, prayer and example.  We cannot become cowards in spreading His Word.  Stay strong and bold in every situation.  You may lose some friendships, experience uncomfortable conversations or feel awkward BUT, we are not here to increase our friends list on Facebook.  God sent us here to be His hands and feet and increase in number those entering His Kingdom. 

I want to end with an excerpt from Brian Jones' book, "Hell is Real (But I Hate to Admit It)".
"Christianity is a religion meant to solve a sin problem.  It is not a religion meant to solve all the problems of this world."

No, we cannot MAKE all the problems in other's lives or in this world go away.  But, we can assure that we stand firm on His Truths, spreading the Gospel everywhere He leads us and NOT become co-addicts to nonbelievers.  Lead them with love and example.    

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for providing Truth into our lives so we may spread to others who suffer.  Help me teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness.  Give me the words to intervene with love.  I want others to see Your goodness and the freedom found only through You.  I want others to know that addiction cannot be their way of life.  I have seen the victory I have in You and I thank You for freeing me from bondage.  I want others to experience the same.  Help me plant Truthful seeds in others, everywhere You lead me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, January 27, 2012

Honor Him with your Body

I am currently taking a study concerning the chaos in life and finding a grip on all of it.  The author approaches six areas in need of balance.  I am passionate about one in particular, our bodies and health.  I want to share the closing prayer of the section and elaborate a bit.

Father forgive me.  Forgive me for all the "garbage" I put in my "tank."  Forgive me for how I have complained about my health problems, lack of energy, and aches and pains, when often these things are a direct result of what I choose to put into my body.  Forgive me for not conditioning my body the way it ought to be conditioned.  My body is the temple of Your Spirit; I should treat it with dignity.  Forgive me for not having the right motivation.  Forgive me for not offering my body as a living sacrifice to You.

You say if I confess my sins, You are faithful to forgive and cleanse me.  Today is a new day.  May I experience a fresh start as I dedicate myself to glorify You with my body.  I belong to You, inside and out.  I matter to You, my spirit and my body.  Teach me to live in a way that gives glory to You.  Amen.
~Bill Hybels "Getting a Grip"

Meditate on this prayer for a bit. . .

Did you catch that?  We are His.  Our bodies were created in His image for His plan and purpose.  These cells, tissues and organs all came from our Father, our Creator.  We exist because He cared.  We exist because He desired to shine through us.  His Holy Spirit dwells within; but, if we refuse to activate the Holy Spirit, nourish our physical beings, feed our spirit with Truth and follow Him, we are denying our Maker.  We continue choosing destruction for our bodies and diminish our functioning.  Slowly, we fade away from the original intention for our being - to serve Him fully.

My son will build a huge creation from his Lego's and stand so proud next to it.  If I were to slowly pick at his creation, one piece at a time, it would eventually crumble.  With each section, each piece, I destroy, the stability weakens.  As it crumbles and appears as a pile of broken pieces and my son would be disheartened for he worked hard.  Well, the same goes for our bodies and decisions we make daily to remain healthy.  With each bad habit, decision or disrespectful comment we make, we destroy our stable bodies.  God looks at His creation in sadness as we destroy ourselves with gluttony, starvation, lack of exercise, over exercise, laziness, lack of sleep, etc. 

How else could we understand what balance looks like than to seek the Maker Himself?  Ask God what your meal plan, exercise plan and habits ought to be each day.  Yours will be different than the person next to you.  God does not like to bake, therefore did not use cookie cutters to create His children.  Our bodies reflect His creativity and must receive the proper amount of "fuel" to function.  Fear not, He does not expect perfection.  I want to stress this because our health could become an obsession, which is not healthy either.  Moderation is the key.  Some days will be a very healthy day and others will be so-so; but EVERY day should be given to God for direction.  He wants you to enjoy the "junky" food from time to time, but in moderation.  He wants you to relax from time to time, but in moderation. 

Take care of yourselves so He may use you completely.  I know when I starved my body and over exercised, I remained unstable.  As I fed myself with proper nutrients and followed His meal plan, I was able to serve Him with full potential.  You can do it!  Reach to Him for strength every day, with every decision.  Seek your Maker and honor Him with your bodies.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

See Luke 12:22-34.  You are precious to God and you matter to Him.  He will provide for your every need.  Crave Him and seek Him.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for healing me inside and out.  Continue to show me where I fall short and out of balance.  I give my meal plan to You daily.  Complete my itinerary for the ways I should go and food I should eat.  You know just how I am to function for You are my Maker.  Thank You for caring so much to provide life to me.  May I honor Your temple daily.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig


Thursday, January 26, 2012

The REAL Thing

Typically when I clean our home, I use the cheaper brand of products and supplies.  The outside of the bottle clearly states the comparable ingredients to the name brand (more expensive).  I never really put much thought into the purchase.  I only knew that the few extra dollars saved added up over time.  My house seemed clean and all was well.

Until. . .

My husband stocked the cleaning supply closet.  He purchased all name brand products and supplies.  It came time for me to clean the bathroom, dust the living room and help everyone see better in the mirror.  Well, the difference in products was incredible.  I did not need to use as much of the name brand, it lasted much longer, left no streaks and gave a better aroma. 

I never knew the difference because I refused to spend more money.  The fake stuff seemed to suffice and saved me financially.  If I thought it through, the fake stuff probably lost me money because I had to use more of it and clean more often.  The real thing lasted and performed better.  Had I took the time to study and research, I would have saved myself lots of time and effort cleaning.  I also would have revealed the phony product much quicker. 

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Okay, so the fake proclaimed to be the same product.  The outside seemed similar to the real thing, the liquid the same color, the consistency the same, even some of the ingredients appeared very much alike; but, the fake fell short in performance.  I wanted to believe it was good because my bank account wanted the cheaper grocery bill.  But was I really choosing correctly?  Was I allowing my need to save a few dollars supersede the right choice?  I must have been delirious from inhaling all those fake products.

Well, as Christians, we must be careful not to fall for fake prophesy.  The cover of the book may appear legit, the outside of the church looks great or the person preaches in confidence.  We must seek God for discernment between false doctrine and His Truth.  Some feed others only what sounds good from the Bible and leave out the Truth of need to change our sinful ways.  Yes, God is love, provides forgiveness and comforts at all times; BUT, to get to Heaven, we must read His Word and follow every piece.  We cannot skip over the parts that may feel uncomfortable or use the cliff note version of it to live according to His Word.  We must read every sentence, word and letter.  Then, do what IT says! 

Sure the church up the road saves you on gasoline, but is Truth being taught?  A friend may lend you a book to read; you do not want to offend her by refusing the offer; but, is Truth being fed by the words in the book?  A person confidently speaks about God to you, but is all Truth being told?

One way to know that your mind is fed the real deal - read the Bible yourself.  Study, meditate on and learn the Truth within the REAL thing.  Do not fall for anything less than His Truth.  Test what you hear with His Word and assure that the church you attend teaches sound doctrine (even if you must travel 25 minutes each week).  Don't believe everything you read, but test it with His Word.  Stand firm on Truth.

Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life.  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior and know His Father.  His Way lasts eternally, leaves no stain of sin, shines and clearly brings peace!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for feeding me Truth.  Help me discern between false prophesy, guide me to books of Your teaching and lead me in Your Way.  I struggle to distinguish between false and true teaching.  Help me see clearly.  Help me understand fully the Truth I read in Your Book.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Limitations

As I listened to the radio, a father came on to speak about his young daughter.  A couple years earlier, his daughter received a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.  This debilitating disorder placed her in a wheel chair.  Cerebral palsy limits movement and posture.  Often these limits are accompanied by disturbances of sensations.  The disorder disrupts one's life. 

The father spoke about a report received from the teacher.  The teacher sent progress or event reports home to keep the family informed and up to date.  Well, the class took a field trip that he and his daughter will never forget.  The class went bowling.  His daughter bowled and her score was included in this report.  He began to cry as he spoke about this feat despite her limitations.  He was so proud. 

Meditate on this story for a minute. . .

Tears welled up as I thought about this man, his daughter and the experience they just enjoyed.  I imagined the little girls face each time she rolled the ball down the lane and the pins began to fall.  I pictured the teacher smiling, hugging the girl for her achievement and filling her heart with love.  It amazes me the love others display and the kindness shown with simple actions. 

The teacher not only created a memory for the little girl, but she provided hope for the parents.  She brought some 'normal' to the life of this family.  I don't know why disorders, handicap, disease or sickness come into our lives.  But, I do know, and this little girl's story is proof, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  We can choose to take a situation and feel defeated and remain in darkness.  OR, we can choose Christ and allow Him to provide light.  Then, hope, comfort and perseverance will follow. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

This little girl filled with hope that day.  Why?  Because someone cared enough to give love, encourage and bring joy.  Life is not all about pleasing ourselves.  Life is about spreading God's love, Truth and comfort.  He placed us here to care for one another.  You may feel incompetent, unable to provide any help.  Guess what?  God will provide all you need if you just GO!

I commend those individuals who care for the handicap, sick, poor, dying or impaired.  A simple smile, hug, encouraging word or presence is all they need.  Many fear and avoid these situations.  Please don't.  Take God with you wherever you may go and He will provide strength beyond your imagination.  You will come to find as you spread joy, you receive 10x the amount.  Individuals in need teach the best of lessons.  Their spirits reciprocate the joy given.  We find that we were in need as well. 

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
~ Unknown

Help others see what they CAN accomplish.  Every person lives for a reason and plan.  God knows that plan, but so many cannot see His light.  Show them His light, teach them Truth.  Use His Word to drown out society's opinions and limitations. 

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
~ Richard Bach
You may get news today that seems like the end of your world.  But, our Master sees beauty in all situations and works all things out for the good of those who love Him.  The little girl may have felt scared, that life had no purpose if she could not play like the others and did not see reason to all this pain and suffering.  Well, I am not sure of her plan or purpose either; but, I do know that He will provide so much for her life and she will touch many people with her beauty.  I can confirm that she already changed one heart!
God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for my health.  Show me how to use my health and skills to bless others.  Thank You for the story of a young girl and her accomplishments.  I know that through You all things are possible.  Thank You for the daily strength to face whatever news, situation or pain I experience.  Please bless this little girl and her parents as they continue to live with cerebral palsy.  I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The final games of basketball and football are approaching fast.  The NFL now knows the teams in the Superbowl.  They prepared the place to host the game, sold all the tickets, planned for extra staff during the event and worked out every detail to provide all the fans and players need.  Spectators not attending the game planned for the event as well.  They planned a menu of appetizers, invited guest to watch the game together and create and environment of comfort for their guests.  All know the date of the game.  All prepare accordingly.

Tournament time approaches for college basketball.  Americans all around fill their bracket out and watch the games in hopes the team they chose to win.  Fans prepare to watch the game, either at work in the break room, on the computer, in a restaurant or at home.  Workplaces prepare fun events for customers to get pumped about the tournament and support their favorite teams.  The excitement is contagious and those who never watched a game during season tune in for the tournaments.  All enjoy the festivities.  All raise excitement knowing the time draws closer each day.

Upon realizing an event approaches, we put it in our calendar, prepare accordingly, look forward to the day and know we will enjoy it.  What if the NFL and college basketball did not reveal the actual date of the game or tournament?  They left out the detail of the locations, times and even what teams will be present.  Would you still prepare, knowing that the day will soon come?  Would you still rave about the event?  Would excitement raise or deplete when unaware of the time and place of this huge event?

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
(Matthew 24:36,42)

"Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near."
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:3,8)

No, you cannot mark this one on the calendar.  You will not see it on the news or hear of the event on the radio.  No one knows the hour or day when the Lord will come.  Are you prepared?  Are you excited?  Have you told others?

We spend precious time preparing for big events here on Earth - sports tournaments, parties, etc.  We tell others, send out invitations and look forward to the event.  These events come and go, lasting temporarily.  Our preparedness for the Lord coming determines our eternal life.  We must give attention to this spectacular event and assure ourselves that we are ready to go to Heaven with our Lord.  He promises that He will come back for us.  He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end. 

Prepare yourselves.  Seek counsel in His Truth of what this looks like.  He will guide you, transform your life and set you on the straight path.  Gain the tools necessary to reach others and guide them to Truth.  We love to have all our friends at our home for the big game.  We even meet new friends when at the restaurants watching and celebrating.  If we can boldly support our NFL or college basketball team by getting others excited, celebrating victory and inviting them into your homes; why do we struggle to boldly support our Creator by feeding others with Truth, celebrating the victory we have in Christ and inviting others to know Him?  Don't you want to see them in Heaven with you?

Get prepared, for we know not of the time.  Go to church to learn about and worship Him.  There is no word to describe the intensity or excitement of this event.  The time is now to spread the News of His coming.  Don't delay.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for promising to come back for us and take us to Heaven for Eternity.  Consume my heart and soul so I may become bolder about Your coming.  Give me the words, opportunities and guidance to spread Truth.  Use me as a vessel.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig   

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cling to Our Father With BOTH Hands

Do you ever feel that. . .

your mind stores a place for the negative past while the rest of it strives for forgiveness and healing

you grip tightly the hand of a child while they are reaching for freedom to grow

you hold onto a piece of your addiction with one hand and recovery with the other

you give financial freedom a try but cannot quit visiting your local fast food chain every day for lunch

your mind maintains a portion for terrible habits while the rest of it strives to start fresh?

Well, I can tell you from recent experience, that we must LET GO and fully grasp the better life.  We cannot hold onto past thoughts, addictions, habits or wrong choices and live for Christ.  Holding onto God's HAND must change to holding onto God's HANDS.  In this way, we have no way to grasp on to the old. 

Take a look at the second question above, 'Do you ever feel that you grip tightly the hand of a child while they are reaching for freedom to grow?'  If a child is ready to leave the home, gained all the knowledge needed from the parents, graduated from school; yet, the parent still holds onto the one hand tightly, how will the child ever mature and grow as intended.  The parent holds the child back.  The child will find it hard to walk the path given when being held tightly by another. 

If we hold tightly to 'things' of this world, we will find it difficult to continue the path given to us.  Addiction, money, habits, the past and wrong choices hold us back.  These assist the devil in his wicked schemes and enable him to pull us back to our old life at any time.  Don't give the devil this power.  Refuse to hold on, let go and let God.  Cling to our Father with BOTH hands.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
(Matthew 6:24)

"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds;"
(Ephesians 4:22-23)

Personalize the first Scripture by filling in the blank. . . You cannot serve both God and ____.  Mine varies, depending on the season of life.  Recently, I found myself filling in the blank with Anorexia.  The first two weeks of semester bombarded me and I felt defeated.  Life seemed chaotic.  I kept praying and never let go of His hand.  BUT, I did let go of His hands.  I held on with my right hand, while my left hand grabbed a hold of Anorexia.  I did not begin restricting, but began increasing my exercise.  I found that I could control that part amongst the chaos. 

One day, in the second week of living this way, God broke me down.  He revealed to me that I allowed my old self to creep into my life.  He commanded that I let it go, give this chaos to Him and peace will follow.  This is His plan for my life and I must trust Him with all my heart.  The old self only corrupts life and places a halt on my journey to maturity.  The old self loved Anorexia and refused God (which equates to hating Him).  I did not want to go back.  The devil was not going to step into my life any further.  It stopped right there.  Tears rolled down my face as I realized what I had done/was doing.  I am not sure if the tears were out of remorse or because I realized AGAIN I am not in control.  Regardless, I knew what must be done.

I urge you today to let go of 'things' of this world.  Hold tightly to BOTH of God's hands.  Unexplainable peace will follow.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for protecting me, guiding me and feeding me Truth.  I cling to You, hands in hands!  Thank You for saving me from the destructive path of my past.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

You Don't Want to Miss a Minute

You are given the opportunity to switch lives with ANYONE in this world for one day; who would you choose?  Twenty-four hours walking in the shoes of another may sound fun, exciting and be a desire of most.  Some might choose a movie star due to looks.  Others may opt for a business owner or doctor due to income.  Still, a few may decide on a best friend (they have it all- a nice car, loving spouse, stable job, etc.). 

If this question were presented to me 4 years ago, I would have multiple answers.  Deep in my eating disorder, unable to cope with life as I knew it and feeling like a failure; the grass seemed so much greener on the other side.  Other women appeared to have it all together.  They carried themselves confidently, beautifully and freely.  It seemed nothing in the world would bring them down.  I caught them a time or two eating donuts, drinking a milkshake, buying a value meal at a fast food restaurant or choosing to go home instead of the gym that evening.  I envied the clothing worn.  It fit perfectly and looked nice.  Their hair lay just right and looked great no matter the style chosen for the day.  I was certain their husbands adored them and expressed how much love they felt each day.  I wanted that life; even for just one day.

I wanted to escape all the junk in my life to go and live in another's.  I felt exhausted in my own skin and needed a break.  My heart, mind and soul weakened more each day.  A fresh start in another life would be the best gift ever!

"Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." (1 Peter 3:4) 

I heard once, that if all of us went in to one big room and laid out all our troubles, sadness, grief, worries and trials in the middle of the room; each would walk away with their own.  After examining the hearts of others, the mental battles given daily and the sadness within; our eyes see the greener grass now appears on our side.  Each of us experience trial and tribulation.  God will provide the strength, skills and tools needed to work through all of it.  Don't refuse these free gifts from Him.

I experienced a transformation in my life that is unexplainable.  He took what I saw as dead grass, fertilized it with Truth and shined His light upon it.  I did not need a fresh start through the life of SOMEONE else.  I needed a fresh start through Him. 

Outward appearance does not equate happiness.  All the money in the world cannot buy contentment.  I found out that God did not transform my life from outside - in.  He began with the most important part, my spirit.  He transformed my mind to believe Truth and my heart to be humble and surrender to Him.  He then adjusted my vision to see clearly the glorious life I have been given.  He did not give me better outward features, more money in the bank, a new wardrobe, etc. 

Turn your focus away from others and turn to His Truth.  He will explain all the glorious ways He created you and the wonder and beauty He placed inside.  Shine from the inside - out.  Stop right now, look around and thank God for each blessing that surrounds you.  Your life holds a specific plan, drawn out in detail by your Father.  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior, then carry out His plan.  Thank God for the body, mind and soul given to you.  He sees beauty in His Creation.  Don't wish for another's life, not even for one day!  God has so much in store for your every hour; you don't want to miss it.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for transforming my life from inside - out.  I see clearly now that I am here for a plan and a purpose.  My plan and purpose differs from the others around me.  I desire to carry out Your plan for my life, not the plan of someone else.  Thank You for taking the time to plan my life in detail.  I give it all to You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Little Thinker

We wrap up our evenings by reading to our children.  One particular evening, I read and began looking at a teaching pamphlet my son received at Wednesday night church.  The teacher hands out this pamphlet for the children to learn and memorize a Scripture.  A section, entitled 'Finish the Phrase', contained the quote, "Blessed are those who have _______ seen and yet believed."  I read this aloud and waited for my son to answer.  Quickly, he shouted, "NOT". 

I stopped there and elaborated on the phrase (see more in John 20:24-29).  I explained, though we do not physically see God in human form, we believe.  We CAN see His great works, feel His mighty hand and know He will do what His Word promises.  We believe, though we have not seen!

My son came up with the PERFECT analogy, all on his own.  He said, "Okay, so it is like wind.  We cannot see wind, but we know what it does, see the affects and feel its presence."  I grinned from ear to ear.  This analogy was awesome.  I loved the explanation and it makes total sense.  That little man of mine is a thinker.

So, let me elaborate even further and throw in a few more analogies. . .

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
   who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.
They rejoice in your name all day long;
   they celebrate your righteousness."  (Psalm 89:15-16)

We cannot see heat, but feel comfort from a warm house on a cold day!
We cannot see air, but must breathe it to remain alive!
We cannot see energy, but do see the affects of its power!

I think you get it by now.  So, let us put this all in perspective.  We do not see God in physical form, BUT He comforts us always, keeps us alive and we feel the affects of His might power every day.  Not a moment goes by that He is not present.  He opens the eyes of the blind to see His might hand in every situation. 

Books exist to explain heat, wind, air and energy.  We gain wisdom to realize when these things are present, the impact each has on our lives and know each are real.  Well, God provided the Bible for all to read and learn more about Him and recognize His presence.  Inside those pages, wonderful news, wisdom and insight can be found.  Pick one up today and see for yourself.  He will fill your heart with love, comfort and unexplainable peace.

Believe in the unseen, for He is Eternal life!  Believe in the unseen, for you will be blessed!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for using my son to teach me so much about You.  Continue to work in his heart and fill him with You.  Help me never cease in seeking Your Truth and recognizing Your presence.  Thank You for being the great God that You are in my life.  Thank You for being omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig      

Friday, January 20, 2012

My son and His Son

Eight years ago, today, a child was born in Dearborn County.  He came into this world with a purpose, unknown to him at the time.  An 8 pound 5 ounce child came that day at 5:54pm as a gift from our God.  He knew not of the plans ahead.  He knew not of the joy brought from the simple presence of his face.  He was something special.

Although I did not attend this miraculous event; this young baby changed everything in my life.  I knew of his birth, but not of his purpose.  I failed to clearly see the plans set for this child to impact my life. 

Eight months after his birth, I experienced unexplainable joy from the simple presence of his face.  I knew he was something special.  The place he would hold in my heart became obvious from the start.  He began to fulfill his purpose on that day.  He filled the heart of a lost and empty young woman with love beyond compare.  His plan intertwined with mine.  I thank God for crossing our paths.

This little boy is my son.  God creates families according to His plan and purpose.  Sometimes families come along and bind together in a different way than what man sees fit.  Man believes the baby born ought to live with the one giving birth and the other half of the equation.  Well, God views things differently sometimes and He turns all things to work for the good of those who love Him.  Eight years ago, minus eight months, God turned a situation to coincide with His plan. 

"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:11-12)

My son brings so much to my life.  He teaches me daily about love, laughter, patience, responsibility and motivation.  He displays artistic ability, observation, quick learning, a desire for God and a love for sports.  He may not see his purpose or plan, but I see clearly why God blessed me with him.  Without my son, I would be lost, empty and walking down the wrong path.  My son changed my life and I thank God everyday for this gift.

Our God not only gave me a son to enjoy and love here on Earth, He also gave His only Son to die for me as a gift.  The birth and death of His Son changed my life completely.  Without His only Son, given as a free gift, I would be lost, empty and walking down the wrong path. 

Although I did not attend the miraculous birth of Jesus, this young boy changed everything.  I knew of His birth, but did not see the clear purpose until a few years ago.  My eyes were blind to the impact of this birth.  Thank you God for this gift and opening my eyes to His purpose. 

Join me today in celebrating my son's life.  He has lived eight fabulous years.  Also, join me today, and every day following, in celebrating His Son's life.  Open your hearts and let the joy of Him fill you.  Let His face shine upon you and bring unexplainable joy.  Accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for sending me a son here to love, comfort, enjoy and raise to follow You.  Guide me each day to teach Truth and set the example for my son to follow.  Thank You for sending Your only Son to live, set an example and die for my sins.  My words cannot express the gratitude I have for these gifts given.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig   

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nagging gets us Nowhere

"We cannot change people by pressuring them or by nagging them.  Only prayer and God's love will work." ~Joyce Meyer

I am one that nags.  In the presence of stress, I seek others to take the load off or pull me out from between a rock and a hard place.  I bring burdens upon myself by saying yes to all kinds of 'stuff' in my life.  I like to be a part of 'things' in life.  I don't want to miss out on a gathering, a Bible study, EVERY activity my children take part in or taking care of my family's needs.  I place these standards for my life and everyone around me should comply to help me accomplish and fulfill them, right?  Life must play out a certain way so MY ideas come out perfectly, right?  If others get in the way, refuse to live as I think they ought or behave in a way which disagrees with my plan; then I should confront them or speak my opinion boldly, right?

WRONG on all accounts.  I am not to nag another to change in the way I believe.  I must avoid pressuring them with my worries and standards to live according to ME.  When life seems out of control and I want the help of others, the best answer is prayer.  As I pray, I see that my situation really ain't all that bad!  God reveals a way to handle my schedule, clean up the busyness in life and focus on Him.  As I focus on Him and pray, He takes care of all the other details.  I find that I really was not wedged between a rock and a hard place; but, I was between my Rock and a hard place.  There is no other place I'd rather be!  My Rock will see me through my hard place.

"They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them." (Matthew 23:4)

"Better to live in a desert
   than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife." (Proverbs 21:19)

Nagging brings rebellion.  As I nag for others to help and change their schedule to fit with mine, I only push them further away.  Why should they help a person who continually tries to control their every move?  Why listen to a person whose words continually preach and not love? 

As Christians, loving others as God loves them speaks louder than the critical approach.  We cannot change people, but we can pray for them.  God will consume the hearts of those names He hears and soften one step at a time.  He will place on their hearts the way they should go.  Pressuring another with Scriptures to try and change their wrongs, continually telling them how to change for good or trying to coax them into the plan and timing God placed on your life will push them further from God.  We all have an inner child that does not like to be told what, how, when and where to do things.  God is the only way to healing and changed hearts.

Believe me on this one.  I was, and still can be when pressures become high, a nagger.  It got me nowhere but misery.  I must remind myself to avoid nagging and begin praying!  I am here to live according to His will and follow His timing.  Only He knows the perfect time for each of us to take a certain step, change our path or surrender fully to Him.  He holds the plans for our lives.  I am not to control others to make my journey easier or pressure them to change according to my thoughts.  I must not push them or drag them to where I want for their lives.  God has this one! 

Go to Him with all your worries, thoughts, concerns and struggles.  You may find that you need to change, not others.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for loving me through hard times, busy schedules and my concerns.  Help me to avoid nagging and run to You in prayer.  Keep my mouth quiet and my heart open to Your ways.  I give my days to You.  Show me how to move, what to say and how to love others as You would love.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

He is Such a Good Friend

Do you ever feel like your world moves way too fast?  How can you keep up with everything, be everywhere and still remain sane?  How can you fulfill all the roles you play; parent, child, in-law, employee, boss, leader, coach, player, teacher, student, etc.? 

At the age of 14, I had it all.  I had a boyfriend, played basketball, friends, married parents, active lifestyle and good grades.  My world went smoothly, at just the perfect pace each day.  I did not struggle with any emotions, yet handled them well.  I felt confident in fulfilling the roles assigned. 

Slowly, life crept up on my and before I realized, I drowned.  By the age of 15, my life flipped upside down.  My mom and I lived in one place, while my dad moved for his career, four hours away.  I did not make the basketball team.  My group of friends diminished.  My spirit crushed a little more each day.  I did keep my grades up and remained with my boyfriend; but, inside I felt unsure of my fulfillment in those roles.  I never felt good enough.  Nothing stayed constant, everything changed out of my control.

I grabbed on to my eating disorder for the first time that year.  I loved it.  No one could force food in my mouth or take away my exercise.  I did this pretty well.  I felt confident again, fulfilling the role of Anorexic.  Okay, so mom and I moved with dad at age 16, I lost my boyfriend, began a new school and all of life changed again.  But, my Anorexia stayed.  Such a great friend, never changing, never leaving.  Throughout those years, I never knew what came next.  My parents divorced and life continued crazy.  Anorexia knew just how to help me cope and bring me comfort.

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)

Wow, did I have it all wrong.  This life will bring constant change, mostly out of our control.  We cannot control the decisions of others or the trials we will face here.  We CAN cling to God, though.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Fear nothing, for God is by your side.  If you believe in Him, trust His guidance and faithfully follow; nothing will be too great for you to bear.  He will provide strength, comfort and love.  He is such a great friend, never changing, never leaving.

My fear of the unknown brought me to the worst of places and into bondage I could not control.  Again, I lost control.  Praise God, Who saved me!  He broke the chains and removed the links, one at a time.  He held me in His arms and comforted me through each lie, feeding me with Truth.  I now see the One to cling at ALL times.  Things can change, God stays the same. 

I still find myself stressing when life gets complicated, busy or out of control.  Instead of grabbing my eating disorder and running for comfort; I grab His hand and instantly feel comforted.  I know He will work all things out for the good of those who love Him.  Thank You God for loving me and showing me freedom.  Thank You for lighting my way.

Cling to Him at all times and avoid the temporary fixes that the devil would love for us to grab a hold of!  These only lead to bondage, destruction and further away from Truth.  Seek Him!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for the health You restored in my life.  I will cling to You always and know You will comfort me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Obedience in Action

The Parable of the Two Sons
    “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’
   “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.
   “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.
   “Which of the two did what his father wanted?”
   “The first,” they answered.
   Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.  For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. (Matthew 21:28-32)

Did you catch that?  The first son denied his father initially, but changed his heart and obeyed.  The second son complied to his father's wishes initially, but did not obey or live up to his promise. 

We must be careful to not fall in the category with the second son.  We may tell our Father we will do what He asks or follow Him anywhere, only to find ourselves later doing the complete opposite.  God asks us to give our mind, body and souls to Him.  Doing so displays a wholehearted servant.  There are no if's or but's.  He wants our word, our faith and our belief to be solid.  He wants to see these through our actions.

Do you preach the Word, spreading Truth to others you meet, but do not live it when no one else is looking?  Let us live up to the words we speak at all times.  Let us serve our Father as the first son did his father in the parable above.  Yes, he denied his father first and said no, BUT he changed his heart and did what was right in the end.  Let us continue to check our actions and assure they line up with His Will.  It is then, through our actions, that we spread His Truth wholeheartedly!

Repent of old ways and see the light that God so desperately wants for you.  Humble yourselves before our God and follow His path for your life.  His path leads to Heaven.  Through Him all things are possible.  Seek His Word, believe and follow.  Obey the commands given and promise to serve Him daily. 

God, thank you for another day.  Thanks for the forgiveness of my sins through the blood of Your Son.  I am here to serve You through my actions and in my words.  May I be Your hands and feet at all times, for I know You are watching and guiding me.  Though I may stumble and lose strength, falling short of Your glory each day; I know You are there to lift me up, provide strength and forgive all my weaknesses.  I come to You with all my heart.  I believe in You and trust You.  Show me what I must do for You and where I must go for You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig


Monday, January 16, 2012

Bring Order to Chaos

God began with an empty, chaotic and darkened earth.  What needs done first?  Well, He needed light to see.  He separated the darkness from the light to create day and night on the first day.  The second day begins and He completes the next task, separating water above from water below, a sky. 

The third day comes and He decides to let dry ground be revealed by gathering the waters in specific areas, the sea.  The land needed vegetation, so He brought forth seed-bearing plants and trees to cover it.  Day three completed.  The fourth and fifth day consisted of filling the night sky with stars and a moon, the morning sky with sun, creatures filled the seas and birds flew in the air.  The days and nights will mark sacred times, days and years.  The earth looked good in God's eyes.  His image of creation arose.  But, wait; something was missing. 

He saved the best for last - mankind.  He created mankind in His image.  He planned mankind to rule over the earth.  He gave every green plant for food.  He provided for all our needs, leaving no detail out and then presented it to mankind.  

Wow, this is a lot of work to complete in six days.  Our God is dedicated, precise, a planner, patient and a God of order.  He put forth all creation from His image and it all came together perfectly.  Without a piece in its proper place, creation would not work effectively.  Without all performing as He planned, creation would lose its purpose.  God is perfect and assures all He does is good.  God is the Lord over all creation.  He oversees everything and works all things out for the good of those who love Him. 

So, I have one question for us to ponder; who manages your life?  

Unfortunately, on most days, I would say, "I do."  I planned out the itinerary for the day, made the appointments, prepared the items needed to accomplish my tasks, placed the tasks in order by time and began checking off the list the moment I woke up.  Well, I have it all wrong.  No wonder I am filled with anxiety due to all the running I do from here to there and the pressure I feel to have everything in its place.  Though I write out a "to do" list on pretty little paper and check off items as I go; I am out of control. 

Each day we begin with a blank paper, with 24 hours lying ahead.  How will we spend them?  Running around in utter chaos, needing a list to remember if we completed everything?  Packing so much in the 24 hours that we lose our true purpose here?  Speeding through the hours, only to find out that we forgot the most important thing we set out to do that day? 

How about we place our blank paper and every hour of the day in God's hands?  He is the best manager of time and knows exactly how to bring order to chaos (proof in Genesis 1:1-27).  He knows the plans for each of us.  We do not know of these plans; but, we do know they are for prosperity and good, not harm!  Wake up, look up, give it up and reach up!  He will provide all you need to fulfill HIS PLAN for the next 24 hours.  Trust Him, for He knows what He is doing.  Join me, from this point forward, to seek Him for answers on how to live out our lives here.  Place Him in the center of the day, and all the details will fall into place. 

God, thank you for another 24 hours to serve you.  I am at a loss today and know not what my plans consist of for this day.  I give my blank paper to You.  I give my every minute to You.  Guide me and move me down Your path for my life.  I am not here to clean a house, get a degree, receive a check, be a certain size or manage my life.  I am here only to serve You with all my heart, mind and soul.  I come to You today with open arms and I reach for Your hand.  Walk with me today and teach me the way to go!  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig           

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Choosing the Correct Base

At a church function we split into groups of eight and received an empty paper towel roll, a straw, newspaper, masking tape, one wire hanger one poster board and scissors.  The instructions required each group to construct a tower, standing without assistance and able to hold one index card flat on top.  The time limit restricted us to ten minutes.  Our group consisted of three or more engineers and creative women.  For each inch our tower stood, we received that many points.  The winner got a gift certificate to a local food chain.  We wanted to win, since we lost the other games that evening.  It was our time to shine.  Ready, set, go. . .

We began instantly, constructing a base from the poster board and rolling newspapers to stack on top.  One guy created a stand for the tower out of the wire hanger.  It was coming together nicely.  Time dwindled and we heard, "One minute left."  Our hands moved a bit quicker and then, "Thirty seconds left."  We put the final touches on and gazed at the other groups.  One used the chairs to anchor their extremely tall tower.  Another used skinny rolls of poster board and newspaper to lengthen the height.  One used the paper towel roll as their stand for support and another used a beam in the ceiling to tape up the top.  Very creative ideas filled this room.  Time was up!

Two fell immediately, one lost due to touching the tower after allotted time and the one with chairs for support was destroyed by a member of another group (yes, we are Christians, BUT, we also don't like to lose!).  So, ours was the last one standing, without any support, other than the floor, and could easily hold an index card.  Unfortunately, the one that was destroyed exceeded our height.  They won because of height and, honestly, it was not their fault it fell.  Of course, we put up an argument that ours remained and stood stronger.  Our pleas did not convince the judges.  We lost!

Every feel like you are given all the right equipment and skills in life, you organize all dreams and visions just so and build a fantastic tower of life; only to see it crumble or not withstand any difficult times and trials?

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." (Hebrews 3:4)

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” (Matthew 7:25-27)

God provides us with Truth, physical bodies, free will, skills, opportunities and forgiveness.  Our instructions of life include taking the Truth, using our physical bodies with the skills given to further His Kingdom and taking every opportunity given to build each other up with Truth.  We must choose to follow His way, not ours.  We know not of the time limit given to each of us here.  Our prize waits in Heaven, a room created by Jesus just for YOU!  It is time to shine His Glory!  Ready, set, go. . .

Take every season given, gather your equipment and begin building the plan to use this time for Him.  Stand firm on Truth and seek His advice before making each decision.  He will help you see clearly and teach the way to go.  As you continue on with life, your "tower" of decisions and actions increases in height.  Take a look at it, step away for a minute; will it still stand tall?  Will it withstand trials in this world?  Will it stand when the devil comes up with tricky schemes?

Remember, God is the builder of all things.  He knows the best way to construct the life He gave to each of His children.  It does not matter the height of the tower, only the base which it stands.  Stand your tower on His Truth and allow Him to build a life which serves Him best.  I guarantee you, it will not fall.  If we shy away and follow our ideas and desires, the tower will not stand.  But, don't become discouraged - this is where forgiveness comes in - He will pick up the pieces and put it back together, HIS WAY!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for loving me and providing the tools needed to serve You.  Thank You for Truth to stand on in life.  I have crumbled a few towers, but each one taught me how to better build.  I learned the only base with which to begin.  Thank You for those lessons.  Thank You for new mercies every morning.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig      

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Set the Example

The children in our church go to classrooms while the adults worship in the sanctuary.  I helped with the 4 year old group one week.  I learned so much from these tiny children who lived and experienced much less than I had.  Their spirits filled with joy, their stories told with smiles and they danced and sang for the Lord beautifully.  I took in all the happiness that surrounded.  I gazed around the room and read a poster, "Attitudes are contagious. . .Is yours worth catching?"  This simple question should be presented to each of us daily.  These little 4 year olds displayed attitudes worth catching.  I thought to myself that if I were with these little ones for just an hour a day, my attitude may develop into a positive one. 

Little children possess a carefree, loving, thankful attitude.  They rely on adults to take care of them, their hearts beam with joy and laughter, their words so innocent and they give the best hugs.  Also, the words, "Thank you," come out of their little mouths numerous times daily. 

So, what about us old adults?  Shouldn't we be wiser than a child and understand how to love, relax and give thanks?  We have lived more days.  We should have the good attitude thing down pat by now, right?

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 15:5-6)

"if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of little children, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—  you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal?" (Romans 2:19-21)

How do we move from positive, loving, laughing, kind, thankful children to bitter, negative, critical, serious, ungrateful adults?  Where do we learn such a bad attitude, a poisonous one?  Often, I examine my attitude and quickly see that no one would want to catch this one today.  We must take a stand and eliminate bad attitude.  It hinders our growth and sets terrible examples.  Let us focus on God and see the wonders that each day brings.  Let us strive to glorify God by becoming like Him in spirit. 

God brought us here to teach Truth, love others, raise our children and enjoy life to the fullest.  We cannot do any of these things with ugly, bad attitudes.  We teach our children to love others, bring laughter, give thanks, be kind and use 'nice' words.  Do we reflect what we ask?  If we fail to display the attitude we ask of our children, our words remain empty.  They, as well as others we meet, will learn from us and catch our attitude! 

Continue to focus on God and the life He holds for us in Heaven.  Keep your thoughts on Him and there will be no room for negative thinking, foul words or frowning faces.  Yes, there will be times when we are pushed to our limits or negativity begins to rise up within; but, we can quickly shift our thoughts back to Him.  Seek Him for strength in those moments to avoid advancing to a full-blown negative attitude.

Laugh today.  Love today.  Live today for Him and be like Him!

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.  ~Winston Churchill

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.  ~Author Unknown

Every thought is a seed.  If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious.  ~Bill Meyer

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.  ~Dennis S. Brown

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for filling me with love, taking care of my needs and bringing laughter to my life.  Rid me of my bad attitude.  I surrender my life to You and relax in Your arms.  I know You will take care of everything today, so I will just live it step by step with a huge smile.  Help me to remain this way each day.  Help me to spread good attitude and shine Your Glory to all.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, January 13, 2012

Got Questions? He Answers!

I am going to share a story in my life to give an example of how amazing our God works and how He speaks so clearly to each of us daily.

I work two days a week.  My son attends school and my daughter stays with me unless going to her Nana's on Monday and babysitter on Friday.  Well, I decided to go back to school, which puts me gone more than just the two days.  The prior semester only added one day to my absence in my daughter's life.  She adjusted well with the few hours of a different schedule.  We made it through just fine.

Well, come semester #2, I picked up more classes and now absence occurs every day.  My daughter shifts around from Nana to Mimi to a cousin and to a babysitter.  No more mornings, do her and I chill in our pajamas, read/play, clean up the house, eat lunch together and then go pick up my son.  Those days will be far and few between.  The first week passed of the change and adjustment has been difficult (for us BOTH).  I have not had to be somewhere 5 days a week in a long time and she has always been with me 3 out of the 5 day work week. 

Come Thursday, I dropped her off at Mimi's house.  She clung to my leg like a leech.  I stood firm and told her I had to go and would return quickly.  I said, the quicker I left, the quicker I would return.  I gave a million hugs and a million and a half kisses.  I explained all the fun planned for her.  Nothing worked.  I left her crying at the door.  My heart broke.  I began to cry as I pulled out of the driveway. 

I wanted to turn back, get her and go home.  I wanted to break out in full tears and avoid going to school at all.  I cried out to God.  Was I doing the right thing?  Does this line up with Your Will?  Are the decisions I make coming from a selfish mother?  Should I delay going to school?  What kind of mom am I?  Am I damaging my daughter's spirit?  Will she hate me?

Lots of questions. . .

 "Hear my voice when I call, LORD;
   be merciful to me and answer me." (Psalm 27:7)

I continued with prayer, no more questions, just prayer.  My heart continued to break.  I arrived at school and pulled myself together.  I went to read my current book for a bit before class began and low and behold, God spoke to me.  He always comes through; I should not have even questioned.  Separated apart from the other text, a Scripture shot out of the page and right to my heart.

Here was my answer. . .

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7) 

I melted in His arms.  I praised Him for taking care of everything for me.  I knew He had this one and He works all things out for the good of those who love Him.  But, for some reason that morning, I questioned.  Why?  Maybe my thoughts consumed with my busy schedule, making me more susceptible to lies.  Maybe deprivation of sleep or motherly concern overpowered Truth.  I don't know, but I do know God has my back.  Clearly, I am to give all these anxious thoughts, all these questions which create stumbling blocks on my journey and my daily breath to Him!

He will take care of all of it.  What a relief!  Thank You God for hearing my cry and feeding me with Truth.  Separating my daughter and me five days a week for specific intervals benefits both of our lives.  It prepares her for school and me for full-time work in the future.  I cannot see the whole picture, yet I was freaking out and concerned with that moment in time when all seemed wrong.  I cannot see what growth will come from all of this, only He can.  He knows exactly the steps needed to take us further on our journey and remain in alignment with His plan.  Thank You God for taking time to plan my life and guide me through every step, loving me always!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for listening, comforting and answering me.  It is in You that I find strength to complete the plans for my life.  I seek You for guidance.  May I be Your hands and feet daily.  Thank You for speaking so clearly to me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Move at His Pace, Not Yours

Do you ever have one of those days or weeks that run together?  The hours are a blur because you run here and run there.  The days all become one due to lack of sleep or compacted itineraries.  You arrive at Thursday and cannot recall what you did yesterday.  So much happened in one day that you cannot assign a theme to that day; yet, a whole week's worth of events captured the day. 

Well, let us slow down this morning and refocus our minds on Him and find strength to persevere through the rest of the week.  Let us not just 'get through', but enjoy the hours given to us.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
- Confucius

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
- Joseph Campbell

Our plans are the complicated ones.  Follow His plan and life sails smoothly.  With Him as our leader, all is well.  We must rid ourselves of ourselves to experience the new, free life He chose for us. 
(see Ephesians 4:21-24)

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
- Confucius

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
- Joseph Campbell

He created no junk!  Look in the mirror and see the beauty He provides for you and in you.  Place all your fear in His hands and step faithfully.  He intends to shine through you, revealing inner beauty to all you meet.  With each faithful move, He uses you and pours blessings on your life.  Seek His face to find treasure in life!

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Loving is the most unmitigated and courageous act I perform in a day.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Serving in love is our purpose.  Serve Him in all you do and love others everywhere He guides you.  Keep a check on all the busyness of life and assure that each action or event lines up with His Will.  See that all you do is pleasing to Him.  Seize each moment to serve, love, live for and seek Him.  It is then that pure joy is received (even during the busiest times/seasons). 
(see Joshua 22:5)

Take today, one step at a time.  Don't worry about what did not get done yesterday or what you will do tomorrow.  No amount of worry can change our past or our future.  God has it all in His hands already, so we might as well give it to Him in the first place.  Slow down.  Don't pass God on your path; yet, let Him go first into the plans of your day to assure safety and work all to His good.  You never know, maybe the idea you had in mind is the worst thing for you.  He knows the beginning, the middle and the end.  Let Him lead.  Just sit back and enjoy.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for my health, to fulfill Your plan.  May I continue to run at Your pace so to not drain myself before completing Your plan and purpose for my life.  Thank You for creating me with a purpose.  Help me to slow down and know that all I do is in Your hands.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Truth Cleans the Heart

Our bodies require cleaning daily.  Before eating, we wash our hands.  Every other day, if not every day, we wash our selves in a shower.  After eating, we brush our teeth.  We take the time to clean our clothes, dry them and then fold or hang them in our closets.  We wipe, or take off, our shoes before entering a house.  Cleanliness brings a refreshing feeling to our soul and healing to our bodies.

Living unclean brings sickness, bodies grow infections and even depression appears.  Failing to care for the physical needs of yourself could damage the body you have been given.  We do not do this to ourselves.  We take the time to care for our hygienic needs.

Though outwardly we appear clean and well put together, inwardly we fill with filth.  How?  Our hearts absorb lies, opinions, foul language, stereotypes, insults, frustrations, etc.  We clean every part of our body; yet, fail to even touch the most important piece, our spirit!

“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them.  “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?  But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
(Matthew 15:16-20)

"Blessed are the pure in heart,
   for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8) 

"Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." (2 Timothy 2:22)

As you clean the body with soap, clean the heart with Truth.  Seek God for clean, kind words to use; wholesome, pure thoughts to fill your mind.  Don't allow others to taint your spirit and don't spend your days tainting other's spirits.  Steer clear of the immature thoughts and selfish desires that destroy.  We are beautiful children of God, so let us act as so.   

Purify your heart and your words will always shine God's glory.  Be a person to spread Truth to others, filling their emptiness with God.  Focus on Him, not the opinions or filth of this world.  Avoid conforming to the patterns here, but remain righteous and free of evil thoughts.  Refuse to let others or Satan bring you down.  No matter the situation, stay focused on His light and you will remain pure in heart.  Praise the Lord, for He is good.  He stays by your side through it all!  Don't push Him away through ugly behavior and filthy words.  Push Satan away and pull God closer.  He will keep your heart clean!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for the Truth that fills my heart each day.  Rid me of any ugly behavior, foul words or critical thinking.  Help me when these things come my way.  Help me to focus on You and not the words and actions of this world.  Push Satan behind me, so to cling closer to You!  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Make the Call!

Stubborn attitudes may appear when we feel ill.  We continue to take over-the-counter medicine, try to get some rest and drink hot tea to help with sore throats.  When pain sets in, we pop some Tylenol and move on with the rest of the day.  Why don't we just make the call to our doctor?

We persist on doing this on our own.  The sickness, pain or disease will eventually go away, right?  A doctor cannot help; they just like to gain money from their patients.  We refuse to allow a professional (who knows way more than us about the subject at hand) to take over and help.  We make excuses to avoid a visit to the doctor; too busy, unnecessary, too expensive, etc.

Reality sets in after a few weeks of this roller coaster of popping pills and we pick up the phone.  Upon hanging up the phone, our spirit lifts, nerves relax and we feel somewhat better already.  We know help is on its way.  We placed this in someone else's hands; one who holds the answer, the cure.  We must heed their instructions and follow completely! 

"Answer me when I call to you,
   my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
   have mercy on me and hear my prayer."
"Know that the LORD has set apart his faithful servant for himself;
   the LORD hears when I call to him." (Psalm 4:1;3)

My friends do not walk around this Earth refusing to seek help in our every day.  We cannot do this alone.  We must cry out to God for help, strength, healing, wisdom, love and peace.  He is the answer!  Call to Him, seek His healing touch daily and then make an appointment to go and be fed with Truth on Sunday.  Keep medicating yourself each day with Truth.  For every trial, tribulation, decision, pain, sorrow or past mistakes; He is the answer.  He remains the same throughout, never changing.  He never fails us, always reliable and ready to take you in His arms.  He does all this FREELY!   

Make the call! (Jeremiah 33:3)  Don't allow devil a foothold by listening to his lies that you are too busy for church.  Refuse to listen when Satan claims all the church wants is money or you don't need to visit a building to receive spiritual feeding.  Satan may try and convince you that you need to sleep in at least one day out of the week.  Take a stand and tell Satan to get behind you.  Tell him to get out of your way so you can place all life's troubles in the hands of God. 

The moment the call is made, relief comes instantly.  Knowing God will take care of you and have Him there through it all brings such peace.  Finally, you begin to feel better.  Your eyes see a light.  Your spirit fills with comfort, love and peace.  Keeping faithful to the appointment on Sunday will allow you to remain filled with the medicine needed to cure anything life brings. 

If you fail to take the full prescription given from a doctor, the illness comes back with a vengeance.  You must take all of the prescribed medicine, even if you begin to feel better physically.  Well, we must take in our prescribed medicine continually or Satan will come at us with a vengeance.  He will see a weak soul and attack.  Just as sickness in our body would see weak cells and attack to bring our bodies down again.  Combat Satan's lies with His Truth daily.  Wake up and read His Word.  Seek a church family to receive spiritual feeding every Sunday and form connections with other believers.  Listen to God's instructions and follow accordingly.  He will heal and take any anxiety, pain or sorrow away.  He is the only cure!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for providing care every day.  I know You hear my cry for healing, comfort and peace.  You come so quickly to my rescue.  Thank You for taking my life in Your hands.  My eyes are open and my ears listening to see where I should go.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig