Friday, June 28, 2013


So, the other day my kids taught me the greatest lesson every person should. . .hold on, my phone just beeped.  My husband text me ‘good morning’; he is the sweetest guy I know.  Anyways, back to what my kids taught me; we headed out to the grocery store to pick up a few items. . .hold on, I just got a pop-up from Facebook.  My friend just posted the cutest picture of her on vacation with her husband.  I just love looking at photos of fun times on Facebook.  Okay, so we finally made it to the grocery store after construction traffic and hitting every stop light known to man.  My patience began wearing thin. . .wait a second, my IPad just alerted me to an email.  Some company wants me to buy the latest product.  I have no idea how all these places get my email address.  Back to my story, we battled the normal fights of who gets out of which side of the van, who locks the van and who pushes the cart.  Finally, we could begin our mission and check off our list of groceries.  Then, the lesson came. . .oh, what now?  My phone is ringing.  It was work needing help today.   Where was I with this posting?  Oh, I forget.

Beeps, pop-ups, alerts and rings consume our days.  Is all this technology a good thing?  We can reach thousands of people with just a click, text a quick message to a friend, plan a vacation in seconds with a great search engine, buy anything desired while sitting in our pajamas at home and email a special note rather than snail mail.  Yes, benefits come with technology and knowledge.  BUT, so does stress, stolen joy, missed opportunities, lessons lost and busy minds.  Take my opening for example. . .the greatest lesson I learned could not be shared because of distractions from technology.  Had those not be there, I could remember and share it with others. 

I people watch.  What I see. . .heads down, fingers going to town on smartphones, people mesmerized by IPad screens, blue tooth devices helping people talk and walk, etc.  What happened to sitting on the front porch in a rocker and having a conversation in person?  All while watching the sunset turn various colors.  What about sitting around a campfire talking about anything that comes to mind?  What about sitting together as a family to eat your evening meal?  I am just as guilty as the next person.  Admittedly, I have text while driving, sat poolside scanning through Facebook while my kids kept begging me to watch them or talked on the phone while I should be engaging in conversation with my husband.  I only hurt myself and miss out on relationships, joy, growth and love.  God intended for us to have true, real relationships with one another and the world bombards us with distractions.  What can we do about this?

Well, join me in shoving away the phones, IPads and laptops and drive over to a friend’s house, go play with the kids, have a date with a loved one or just sit in quiet with God.  DO THIS DAILY!  I feel the most loved, the most fulfilled when I just sit and talk with someone.  I love to talk with people and share stories in person.  I love to sit with God and take in His Creation (sunsets, animals in the wild, country land, etc.).  Let us get back to what truly matters in life.  Let us not do as the world does.  Let us love one another without distraction.

Now, I must go spend the day with my family. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don't Loosen Your Grip

3:00 AM (yes AM), awake and getting ready to catch a flight to a place unlike any other I have traveled.  4:00 AM, the rushing begins. . .hurry to get tickets, make it through security, grab breakfast (Starbuck’s of course) and board the plane.  While waiting to taxi, I begin praying and thinking.  I ask for safety of course, but then I get to talking with God and realize the journey which lay ahead is not just a vacation.  It is an experience in my life that I will go through that will cause a change.  I will not be the same person upon returning.  Each experience, good or bad, each decision made in the course of your day changes you.  It amazes me to think about how God uses every situation to bring growth and teach.  I stand in awe of His Mighty Works!

I want to share some lessons I learned while visiting the ‘Big Apple’. . .

The truth behind a New York minute – my feet can vouch for this one as I walked faster and took in more in an instant than I could ever do in a minute at home!

What if feels like to fear for my husband’s life – he ventured out at 1:30 in the morning to get medicine because of my allergic reaction to something (awwww. . .what a fantastic man!).  I prayed the whole time for his safe return.  1:30 holds way more danger and risk in NY than any parts of our city. 

The only person that exists in NYC is SELF – it does not matter whose feet get stepped on, who does not get on the subway, what car is waiting to drive through an intersection or how many times you tell the person handing out a brochure NOT INTERESTED; everyone is out for themselves.  They are on a mission and you better not get in their way.

How blessed I truly am – many have no roof over their head to return to each evening, a companion to share this life, many do not know when the next meal will come and/or they lack a relationship with Jesus.  I am blessed beyond words to have a place to call home here, to share this life with my best friend, continually receive nourishment beyond necessary and know Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I spent most of my days in NYC praying for those who do not know Jesus and look to this world for comfort, peace, joy and life.

Emotions flooded my thoughts and heart daily.  Lessons bombarded the time spent in NYC.  I returned home a little stronger, further in my journey and closer to Him.  Amongst all the teachings and eye opening experiences. . .one stands above all.  The fact of how quickly we conform to the patterns of the surrounding environment.  Day one – I meekly walked through the streets of NYC, said “excuse me” quite a few times, experienced shock at the site of dirty streets, felt sad for those without a home, scared when boarding a subway, clung close to my husband for protection and by the end of the day wanted to go home and hold my children while sitting quietly on my couch.  Day two – a new day, walked a bit faster, began to ignore the bright orange hand telling me not to cross the street (that is just what you do in NYC) and did not cling so tightly to my husband.  By day three – my feet walked quickly, chest out, no saying “excuse me”, ignored the cars honking at me, nothing seen brought shock and I fit right in with the locals (or so I thought).  Was I happy?  Was I myself?  Was it worth it?

Well, conforming helped me survive; but inside, I screamed for quiet, polite words, clean environment, a vehicle and enough money to bring peace to all the homeless seen.  I became a New Yorker. . .not Sheree Craig.  I did not like it, but I had to survive, right?

Doesn’t life challenge us in the same way?  As Christians, we leave our home filled with Scripture and holding our Father’s Hand tightly.  As the day continues, temptation appears for us to change in order to ‘fit in’ to whichever social setting surrounds us.  The grip with our Father’s Hand loosens.  We fail to speak politely.  We ignore the red flags of our Father warning us of danger.  Our eyes and hearts desensitize to the despair each day presents and so we do nothing.  Our feet walk so quickly and miss the curve or turn which our Father intended on our path.  Satan controls our fast pace and continues filling us with lies.  We feel the need to fit in supercedes the desire in our heart to follow our Father.  Are we happy?  Are we the creation our Father intended us to be?  Is it worth it?

My opinion, NO!  Conforming to the patterns of this world steals our joy, peace and purpose.  I want to be the odd man out if it means my Father and I walk hand in hand, taking each turn and curve as intended on the path laid before me.  I want to maintain my relationship with my Father, appreciate who He created me to be, speak and act in love and recognize the lies which Satan tries to feed me.  I want to be so close to my Father that He continues to renew and refresh me with His Word each moment of each day. 

Thanks NYC for the lessons. . .I think I will go back to being Sheree Craig now.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Pages of Our Scrapbook

I plop down beside my daughter one day as she thumbs through pages of pictures.  She loves to reminisce and inquires about past characteristics of each family member.  As she gathers all the info, she then relays that to her babies and acts out different scenes of our past.  Good or bad scenarios. . .she does not care.  The memories enhance her imagination as she cares for her babies daily. 

This particular day, she desired to learn about her life as a baby.  So, I sent her to our scrapbook shelf to pick up the one containing pictures of my pregnancy and up until her first birthday.  After that, I retired from scrap booking and allowed Wal-Mart to take over.  As she flipped each page, I began to think about the various roles I played throughout my thirty years.  It seems with each season, God placed me in a role which suited perfectly.  He provided strength, endurance and ability to complete whichever task or role appeared.  My daughter asked numerous questions with each picture.  She viewed them with many emotions.  Anger arose when a picture appeared with her brother participating in a fun activity without her (I was pregnant); excitement came when a picture showed her nine (well eight) month residence; laughter sounded when a picture showed a family member being silly; and peace when a picture showed us caring for her in some way.  She would ask why we did those fun things without her, what characteristics she had while in my belly, where those silly pictures were taken and how did we take care of her.  The years flashed like a movie through my mind.  It seems so long ago that all these events occurred; yet, she is only five.  Oh, how our family matured over the years.

It seems we never quite understand the why of situations while in them.  But, reflecting back on all the times, just within the past five years, brought answers.  For example. . .why infertility for so long – the disappointments, sadness, frustrations, anger, physical pain and hopeless nights.  The experience led us to grow a little closer to Him.  We relied on faith to see us through the disappointing appointments and all the emotions following.  When we turned it over to Him, pregnancy happened.  He was preparing our angel, sending her at just the right time.  Other whys include – why stay home during my pregnancy (He knew I needed to be in a relaxing atmosphere and that the end would require days in the hospital); why difficulty during my pregnancy (again, drew us closer to Him); or why returning back to work after her.  The list goes on and on.  Moral of the story. . .He always provides as we rely on Him.

Think back!  Do you see His mighty work?  Disappointments arose when the plan did not go YOUR way, sadness when someone else received what should have been YOURS, frustration and anger followed when the whys were not apparent.  But, dig deeper into it.  He remained present through it all; whether He was asked or not, He still arrived at each scene.  Often times, we don’t understand the situation in front of us; but, have faith, trust in Him and it will all make sense one day.  Every moment lived packs meaning if lived for Him.  You may never realize the impact made on another’s life because you display faith through a trial.  Fulfilling a role you rather not, may lead to the greatest ministry you ever experience.  Waiting patiently (what’s that!?!) for answers to said prayers may bring the greatest maturing in you as a Christian.

Let us together, wake up each day with open hearts, pushing aside all the whys and living boldly for Him.  Trust Him with our daily itinerary.  He will work all out for His good and blessings will overflow as we follow His plan.  Look at how far He has brought you, the situations He has saved you from, the growth through the trials and know that each and every piece of your past grew you to the child He intended.  Our Father loves each of His children and smiles each time a step in faith and growth appear.  Plop down and thumb through the many pictures of your past. . .reminisce with your Father. 

God, thank you for growing me through each season.  Thanks for the endless listening, counseling, rescues and blessings you provide even when this stubborn child rebels.  I love you and pray that each day I can express this through my actions and words.  Thank you for creating me and allowing me to work for you here. . .until that work is completed and I can meet you face to face, I pray for strength to remain obedient.  Fill me with Your Word each day.  Thank you, my Father. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Role Confusion

An all day car ride led to interesting times.  It began quite nicely with my 9 year old on his Kindle and my 5 year old playing with her baby doll.  Then, it happened. . .the trauma that starts all the drama.  My daughter’s drink falls to the floor.  She stares at it, waiting for someone to pick it up for her (she so can reach it).  Since no one jumps to her rescue, she begins demanding help and yelling at her brother.  He simply states, “It is not mine to pick up.”  So, we have selfish vs. selfish.  Meanwhile, the drink continues to leak out of her cup (luckily just water).  Mean mother becomes involved and demands the older pick it up for the younger and I think I threw out a few threats or something (we won’t go there).  He did and proceeded to torment her with the straw by waving it in front of her face until she would grab it.  Of course a few drops remained inside the straw; so, water flings into her eye.  Immediately, tears of anger, hurt and sadness fall. 

We got over this one and continued to the first stop.  The fights continue over who will unlock the van, who gets out on which side of the van, which stop will be next, etc.  Amongst all the drama and fighting, quite a few glimpses of kind acts from each child.  My daughter holds the door open 99% of the time.  My son paid for an afternoon treat.  My son rocks the baby doll to sleep a time or two (don’t tell his friends, it would ruin his rep).  My daughter cooperates throughout each store and resists the urge to throw a fit when her brother purchased a toy (with his own money) and she received nothing but a smile from her mother (which I think is better than a toy, but whatever!).  Neither recalls these kind acts as they still fight the same fights and resent one another. 

As my daughter takes a nap on the way home and my son sits quietly taking in the view, I reflect back on our trip and correlate the relationship between my children to marriage.  In marriage, selfish vs. selfish appears too often, almost daily.  Bringing two characteristics under one roof appears quite difficult.  Since the first sin in the garden, conflict existed.  The comfort between man and woman ceased.  “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” (Genesis 3:7)  Shame arose and the need to impress one another struck male and female.  Honesty flew out the window as each looked out for self.  Blame was the game. . .The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”  Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”  The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”  (Genesis 3:12-13)  Fault placed on anyone but self.  Sounds like my children. . .sounds like marriages. 
I find myself too often waiting for my husband to take care of a task, fix something for me or reduce my “to do” list.  When he makes no inclination to begin, I demand, sometimes in a louder decibel than I should, that he help.  A battle begins and ugly words fly out of my mouth.  I show little concern toward the day he experienced or the workload placed in front of him for the day.  Nope, it is all about me and making my life easier, right? 
With tears of anger, hurt and sadness the chores are completed.  Lies fill our heads.  “If she even realized all the pressures I have going on right now. . .I get no respect around here.”  “If he would think of someone besides himself, I could get a lot more done around here and be able to relax. . .doesn’t he care about me at all?”  These are just two examples. . .the list continues.  Who wins?  The enemy.  He found his way as a wedge between two people who madly love each other and were placed together as a team to work for God.  So, while the enemy fills our minds with lies, we lose sight on our mission for that day.  We may even lose a week’s worth of missions due to the failure to let go of anger!
So, what do we do about it?  We demand that Satan get behind us and remember Who already won this battle for us.  God placed two people together to become ONE.  We are to build each other up; may his strengths cover my weaknesses and my strengths cover his weaknesses.  Let us go to the Word and see what God intended before humankind messed it all up. . .“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18)  A marriage struggles when the woman demands a leadership role instead of helpmate which God designed.  “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25)  A marriage struggles when the man thinks only of self instead of giving up self for his helpmate. 
Role confusion + lack of respect + lack of love = a huge playground for Satan.  Let us push aside all resentment, pressures to succeed, need to ALWAYS be right and selfish ways. . .let us set our priorities right beginning today!  Start from scratch, get a pen and paper and write out your “to do” list. . .#1 Love my spouse as God intended.  #2 Respect my spouse as God intended.  #3 Dive into His Word and learn the role He intends for me to play in marriage.
Let’s see what happens as we continue the same list each and every day.  Nothing else matters! 
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Friday, June 7, 2013

Never Extinguish

Young love. . .remember it?  The thrill of pursuit consumes the heart and excitement supercedes all other emotions.  No matter what tasks the day presents, the one in love cannot stop thinking about such feelings.  The newness of a relationship motivates people to continue diligently expressing love in romantic ways.  The main goal in life is to bring joy to the other person. . .

And then, one day the newness wears off a bit.  The pursuit no longer required.  Excitement only comes when special events roll around or big achievements occur.  Daily tasks begin to take precedence over feeling and experiencing the love.  Romantic expressions tend to fall to the wayside due to assumptions that the other knows how you feel.  The main goal in life shifts to fleshly success or status quo. . .

I have a sickness – I love to watch young high school age kids ‘in love’.  I find it entertaining to watch them flirt, laugh and enjoy the presence of one another.  I picture them married with children and pray the spark never extinguishes.  I live vicariously through them and take a trip back in time. . .the spring of my 8th grade year when a handsome boy caught my eye at a basketball game.  The time came for my team to play and all I could think about was ‘looking good’ for him.  I wanted my name to be announced the most during the game and my ‘mad skills’ to mesmerize him.  How did that work for me?  Not so well.  It took lots of late night conversations, flirtatious looks and patience for him to realize he loved me as much as I loved him.  But then, one day he realized what he been missing J.  He asked me out.  In came the newness of a relationship.  You know. . .taking the long route to class in hopes to see him in the hallway, passing notes (remember paper and pen) expressing the love in your heart, meeting up after school to fill each other in on the day, attending the other’s events (even if it is tennis) and being their biggest fan or making a special dinner for two by candlelight in a decorated dining room.  Life changed.  I began a shift from complete tomboy to dressing a bit more feminine.  I looked forward to the weekend and the dates planned for me!  I loved being listened to for hours on the phone or on the drive to our destinations.  Cell phones, Ipads and all other distractions did not exist.  He was all about me (selfish, I know, but I LOVED it).  The love overflowed and each of us expressed it daily.  Never did we question the love in each other’s heart.  Does this have to stop simply because of a ring on the finger?  NO!

Keep the flame burning – date nights, staying up late just talking, putting the devices away each time you return home, surprise each other with thoughtful words or small gifts, work as a team to manage the home, etc.  The list continues.  The bottom line is work hard at it each day with the same passion you had in the beginning.  Remember the reason you fell in love and keep those feelings on the forefront of your mind.

In the same way. . .I urge you friends to not let the relationship with Christ extinguish or fade in the least bit.  The newness of being a Christian motivates most to diligently work and serve the God who saved.  No matter the tasks on the agenda, He remains first in your thoughts.  Life changed.  The main goal in your life was obedience and pursuit of a deeper relationship.  Remember taking time to look for Him throughout your day, journaling, meeting up with Him through prayer to share sorrows and joys of your day, becoming a follower – not a fan.  The clothes you wore, music listened to and words you said changed to be pleasing to God.  You looked forward to Sundays (scheduled weekly date) to go and worship Him in church.  Does this have to diminish due to the ‘rescue’ already occurring?  NO!

Keep the relationship growing – pray, appreciate Him, keep your eyes on Him, place Him at the center of each moment, attend church regularly (not only on special events), place distractions aside, fill up with Truth, serve others, share your testimony, remember the love He expressed by giving up His only Son to wash away all sins of your past – present – and future.  The list continues.  The bottom line is work hard at the relationship each day with the same passion you had the moment you came out of the water!  Keep Him on your heart always and consume your thoughts with His Truth.  He loves you beyond words. . .convey the same.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Run YOUR Race

My children and I were waiting on my husband to meet us for supper, so we past time by playing at a local playground.  The kids ran this way and that, climbed up, slid down, swung high and traveled across the monkey bars.  I participated as much as this old body would allow.  After a short period, I stood back and just observed. 

It did not take long for the competition to begin.  I need to check the birth certificates, but I believe competition is both of my children’s middle names.  Even getting out of the car and to the front door becomes a race on too many occasions.  Well, this time the race involved monkey bars and a step ladder (the kind that looks like monkey bars, but for your feet, leading to the upper part of the equipment).  I, of course, was judge.  What mother wants to be judge?  One child inevitably will be disappointed because of losing.  So, being judge, I determine the start time by simply shouting “Go”.  Both children took position (my son on the monkey bars and daughter on steps).  The obstacles of each do not compare in difficulty.  My daughter uses her feet sturdily to climb about six rungs to the platform; while my son uses upper body strength to swing across about ten rungs to the platform.  But anyways, the race was not my decision and I did not agree with such competitive attitudes.

“GO”!  Each began strong and fast.  Then, my son diverted his attention to my daughter and began listing the rules being broken (as if there were any to begin with), the unfairness of the race and demanding a do over.  As he took all energy to focus on her, he lost momentum and just hung stagnant.  He lost ability to move forward and finish the race.  He gave up, saying that round did not count and off to the start lines they went for another attempt.  Each go around consisted of excuses coming from each of them as to why they were not winners.  Never could one of them focus on their own obstacle and persevere through what lie ahead.  Some phrases used include:  “I wasn’t ready”, “She started before you said go”, “He is bigger, stronger and faster”, “This is not fair”, etc.  I explained that when they lose focus on the task at hand, defeat occurs.  If they spend time comparing their journey to the one of another, progress will halt.  I ended this charade and moved us to the swings where we all could do something together again.  It seems as though when I am in the mix and playing right along with them, the competitions and arguments cease.

Oh, my friends aren’t we just like my children.  The world presents competition daily.  Our aggressive flesh desires highest position at work, best looking appearance, fastest car, biggest house, most behaved children. . .and the list goes on. . .

We take all opportunity to come out on top.  As we partake in such fleshly actions, our path veers to right.  God did not plan for, nor agree with such competition.  He watches from afar, waiting for the charade to cease and our eyes to focus back on His plan.  Our attention diverts to the people we encounter on a daily basis and judgment begins.  The flesh feeds off each observation, placing itself at a higher standing, feeling like the winner (or at least having an excuse if not the winner).  All our energy depletes when working so hard to be better, bigger and beautiful.  We become stagnant, losing all momentum to move forward on the path laid for our lives.  The race cannot be completed when our eyes focus on worldly competition rather than the work God laid for each our lives.  Each journey consists of situations matching our abilities and talents.  When we strive to possess the abilities and talents of others (at greater levels) we lose our purpose.  Defeat occurs. 

Place God at the center of your day.  Be confident in the person He created and the skills (at whatever level they may be) given to you.  We all must work together to accomplish and complete the race.  Push the comparisons aside, turn your eyes toward God and persevere through the race marked out for YOUR life.  When God is in the mix and guiding each step, no room exists for competition, judgment and argument.

 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)     

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Activate Today!

“Whoever of you loves life
and desires to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from telling lies.” (Psalm 34:12-13)

*Do not allow the ways of this world to taint your heart. Boldly be different and use Truth to speak. Edit your words today, only speaking those which please our Father. Use the tongue to build others up, teach about Jesus, comfort, support and love. The Holy Spirit lay within each of us. . .we must choose to activate Him within our lives each day. Trouble finding words to say? Look it up in His Book. Plenty Truths exist for you to pass on to others. May His Truth be your vocabulary!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

*How awesome that our God protects, guides and rescues His children from the ways of this world. Cry out to Him and He will give peace. The peace lay within each of us. . .we must choose to activate that peace and allow Him to work within us. Don’t be afraid; He has your back!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. . .” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

*OUCH! You mean I have to be patient, kind, selfless, not easily angered, not tally up the score of wrong being done to me, protect, trust at all times, have hope in disheveled relationships and persevere even in the hardest of times. Surely this one is selective depending on circumstances, right? Well, sorry my friends, it is not. Through every step, relationship, situation and in every place traveled – love must prevail. Love today by his Truth. His love exists in each of us. . .we must choose to show and activate the love He has for us onto others. Begin with even just one display of love listed in 1 Corinthians 13 today. . .and then onto another tomorrow. . .and so on!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

*My most favorite verse which God placed on my heart years ago and continues to remind me daily. . .whatever you faced yesterday, face today or will face tomorrow; He will work it out for your good as long as you keep loving and trusting Him. What Satan means for harm, God will turn to good. Trust in Him. His plan is already laid out for your life. . .we must choose to follow it and activate the plan by saying “Yes” to Him and trusting with each step. Will you say “Yes” today despite of circumstances?

Activate Him today in your lives by saying “Yes”, following His Truths laid out in black and white. Trust His Ways, not those OF this world. He has overcome evil with good. Believe Him when He promises that He will come back for us. In the meantime, continue to do His mighty work, bringing others to know Him and building His Kingdom. Go, be disciples. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Day You Don't Want to Miss!

Promotion Sunday – sounds fun, exciting, a day you don’t want to miss, right?  These words should flow off the tongue of every child.  Each child advances to the next grade and classroom at church.  Some simply get a change of scenery as they move classrooms.  Others get a chance to now attend worship service just for kids.  While others advance to a deeper, longer worship service for kids and still some move across the church out of the ‘childish side’.  Excitement fills the children as this new journey begins.  Fun exists as new teachers bring about a fresh, age appropriate teaching style.  Change can be great, eliminating the trap of mundane!

My son experienced mixed emotions as we wound around each curve climbing the road to church.  He was excited for a new class led by an amazing guy.  My son liked the idea of moving from childish scenery and into a diner themed room on the other side of church.  He felt some disappointment that my husband and I would no longer be teaching his class (who wouldn’t, right?).  Overall, he was ready.

My daughter’s feelings included scared, frustrated and sad.  One tiny bit of excitement existed in that she would see my husband and me during worship service because the Kindergarten class attends the same as the bigger kids we teach.  Oh yeah, we also were keeping her blanket in the car in hopes to wean her off.  Overall, she was ready – TO GO BACK HOME!

As we received our tags to identify our children, my son did not have one printed for him.  The older kids apparently do not require one.  Huge bonus in his eyes, so that bit of disappointment felt before completely vanished.  He couldn’t wait to get in his new room.  My daughter, on the other hand, grasped my pants tighter with each step toward her new room.  We made it down the hall, entered the room and found a seat for her to sit away from all the kids and just watch (what she typically does).  The tears began falling and the grasp tightened to the point that I could not get away.  Nothing calmed her in this new experience.  So, my heart caved and I went to get her blanket.  When I returned, she was sitting without tears coloring with the teacher.  I snuck in, gave her the blanket and snuck back out.  Leaving, tears began to well up in my eyes as well.  Why do I have to leave my daughter in distress, a place she rather not be and create that anxiety inside her?  Why can’t she stay by my side for the rest of our lives?

Well, she could never grow, experience life, mature spiritually and probably would get tired of me!  Though it is sad to see her so upset, I know she must become independent and face these experiences.  She must process in her own way through these emotions without fleshly comforts (the blanket).  I cannot do this for her.  I must let her go. . .

Just as a mother experiences the same emotions along with her child; God displays empathy towards each of His Children.  He sees the tears, frustration, smiles, laughter, fear, etc. as we face a new season or a trial in life.  He stands beside us, walking step by step, hand in hand.  We must utilize His Spirit and feel the comfort of our Father.  Through the trials and seasons we must go.  Each one brings growth, spiritual maturity and strengthening of faith. 

I would never intentionally put my children in a position or place they cannot handle.  Nor will God ever lead us to a place we cannot handle.  The key is using Him in all we face.  We need Him to guide, comfort, love and provide peace.  He cannot make us choose Him.  He provided free will.  We must choose Him and take those guided steps confidently and faithfully. 

Release the grip of fleshly comforts and replace them with Truth.  Filling up with Truth brings power in any situation faced today and the future.  He will never leave your side.  Experience life with Him, keeping your eyes on the excitement and fun the day will offer.  Trust me, today is a day you would not want to miss.  It is a day given to you from our Father, filled with great plans to further His Kingdom and promote you spiritually.  Fight through the negative feelings and the fearful thoughts and know that the places you will go today are led by an amazing Guy! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig