Saturday, May 31, 2014

Protection Needed

As children grow, parents slowly let go to increase independence.  Trust determines how loose the grip; while maturity determines which situations our children can handle alone.  Letting go too fast leads to destructive decisions and possibly physical harm.  Letting go too late diminishes the child’s critical thinking skills and ability to build their own character.  How can we parents discern between letting go too fast or too slow?

Well, I experienced a situation when my hands let go too fast and my daughter entered situations unprepared.  She carries a great head on her shoulders and displays responsibility daily.  But, one evening pressures from peers got the best of her.  At my son’s baseball game, I let her go to the playground with another little girl we knew well.  The playground sits in eyesight of the bleachers.  All was well. . .the girls played and I kept eyes on the playground often.  Occasionally, she came to check in, get a drink and grab some money for concessions.  As the game progressed, I realized she had not been over in a while.  I looked around and did not see her on the playground.  I did not panic immediately, but began to worry a bit.  She then appeared with three new friends attached.  I knew one of the three, but not sure on the other two.  They had explored the wooded area next to the playground.  I calmly (okay, not really calm) explained why I did not agree with her playing in that area and told her to stay on the playground.  How can I help her if she is not in eyesight?

Then, once recovered from the devastating news of limitations on her play, she ventured off with these kids to the playground.  I heard some words thrown out from peers that I do not want my six year old daughter saying.  Okay, strike two right?  How can I protect her from such an environment if she goes places without me?

I decided I would discuss the matters in a private setting later.  I kept my eye on her the remainder of the game.  The game concluded and I began saying goodbye to others and proceeded to the playground to get my daughter.  I find her trying out a kid’s bike (too big a size for her body frame) without training wheels (she is just now learning to ride without), all while holding a sucker in her mouth.  Visions flash through my mind of a fall, a sucker lunging to the back of her throat and our night quickly taking a turn for the worst.  I yell for her to come quickly to me.  Strike three for the evening!  She listens and I explain reasons why the decision was not the best. . .then I frantically let her know that she will not play on the playground without me again.  Dramatic?  Maybe, but I have a difficult time thinking of my daughter being placed in situations and faced with decisions when she is not ready.  How can I trust her with mighty things when I see she needs some more guidance on the little things first?

Ever feel like God may be asking the above questions concerning your situation.  How can He help us if we don’t keep our eyes on Him?  How can He protect us in our environment if we choose to travel without Him?  How can He trust us with mighty things if we show we cannot handle everyday little things first?

God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die in place of us.  Sin washed away with a mighty act.  The Holy Spirit can now live within.  The future is now fixed and our hope can remain in the promises He stated.  So, why do we let go too quickly and feel we got this on our own?  The situation will always lead to destruction and possibly physical harm.  We relive this scenario over and over.  I have been there and done that too many times.  I venture off down a path in tunnel vision of MY itinerary and using MY thoughts as a guide.  Once arriving in the place which seemed perfect at the time, my vision blurs and danger surrounds.  I see that immaturity brought me to this place.  So, what do I do?  I pray some mighty prayers.  I reach up for help.  Slowly, He leads me back to safe territory.  Then, together we evaluate the scenario and see where I went wrong.

For starters, I believed in MY itinerary and MY thoughts encouraged each step.  Then, I began listening to the worldly pressures rather than my Father.  The path leading away from Him placed me in great danger.  I was unprepared for the situation because of immature thinking.  We may carry a good head on our shoulders, but when we begin venturing farther down a path not planned by Him, danger surrounds. 

Let’s live His way. . .keep in constant sight of Him so help remains by your side, only go where He paves a way and live like Christ daily to show maturity in even the smallest things.  His Holy Spirit resides to bring clarity, guidance and strength.  Invite Him daily into your situation.  You will be amazed at the places He takes you and the situations He trusts you to handle.  Be patient, He does not want to loosen His grip too fast.  He knows what is best for you and His timing is always perfect!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

An Adventure

“SIX more mornings and my children begin summer break!” – said with a smile on my face!  Why am I excited?  Doesn’t that mean more fighting at home, scrounging for babysitters daily and higher groceries bills?  Well, maybe, but I choose that over the past few mornings.  Take late nights due to baseball and a tired little girl; add it with early mornings and a few outside factors and you have destructive mornings.  Let me explain a little further. . .

The night before, clothes are chosen, shoes by the door, lunches packed, backpacks ready, showers taken and everything set up for a smooth departure in the morning.  Something magical happens overnight to change all of that.  Once the alarm rings, I begin the process.  One child rises just fine, gets dressed and continues with the routine (that we have been doing for years).  Then, my other precious little one (not mentioning any names) chooses to avoid the alarm and remain like a rock in HER bed.  After speaking her name loudly about ten times, she rolls over growling at me, “I am getting up.”  Which I retort, “It does not appear that you are moving at all.”  Once feet hit the floor, she moves to the couch and sits like a rock; this time I move the process along with a few threats.  Then IT happens.  Excuses fly out from nowhere.  A portion of her outfit doesn’t work out (so we change like three times), nothing in the FULL cabinet sounds good for breakfast and for some reason she does not want to go to school.  Tears flow, persistent foot stomping occurs and frustration boils in me. 

One morning the reason for not going to school was that her regular teacher would not be present.  I tried to empathized but failed miserably.  I had to be the logical one laying out every reason why she must get ready NOW and get out the door.  She cried uncontrollably the entire route to school.  I had to get her out of the van, pry her hands off the entrance doors and hand her off to a teacher.  As I sank back in the driver’s seat, I cried.  Why can’t I just take her in my arms, return back home, eat popcorn and watch movies all day with her?  I want to save her from the sadness, the troubles and stress of going to school.  But, I must be the disciplinary and teach her of responsibilities, working through daily trials and coming out stronger than before.  I am not so sure I read the fine print on parenting before signing up.  I gave this one to God and asked for her protection and that she knows I love her despite the actions of the last hour. 

Parenting is tough!  Oh, but aren’t we just like my child described above?  Once the alarm rings, the process begins.  We really don’t feel like getting up, so we hit snooze and lay like a rock in bed.  Finally, after the tenth nudge from our spirit, we arise.  Once feet hit the floor, we slowly walk through the house dreading the day which lay ahead.  We flood ourselves with excuses.  Our outfit does not fit right or looks hideous once we see our reflection.  Nothing sounds good, or we don’t have time for breakfast; so, we leave starving.  The list of reasons why we would like to stay home is endless.  God watches this take place and would love to intervene. . .but we don’t ask Him.  He would love to empathize with our circumstances and clear our vision for the adventure He planned for our day. . .but we don’t trust Him.  Without the presence of our ultimate Teacher, we cannot function successfully through the day.  Tears flow, stubborn actions persist, stress arises and spiritual destruction results. 

God would love to save us from sadness, troubles, stress, exhaustion and frustration.  Guess what my friend, He can!  All we must do is ASK, TRUST and receive His WISDOM.  Every morning begins anew.  The slate clears and our adventure begin.  We cannot fathom the glorious tasks God laid out for the day.  But, it all begins with us doing our part (which He will not do for us) – waking up, giving nourishment to our bodies, appreciating the body given to us and looking to Him for clear vision.  He will take us and protect each step, love through trials and shine brightly to others through our actions.  Instead of counting down our days, let us live one at a time and enjoy the adventure.  No matter the circumstance, He provides.  Ask Him into your day and trust Him with the plan.  He will provide wisdom to know what to do in any and every situation.  His promise remains. . .He will not take you anywhere that His grace cannot cover.

The next morning went much smoother in the Craig household as I reached up to Him for help with my daughter.  Lessons were learned in a loving environment and she walked into school without tears.  All went well when my attitude changed and I the task given by my Father to love this child I have been blessed with and fulfill the mother role given to me.  Thank you God for trusting me with this adventure - parenting. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig       

Friday, May 23, 2014

Attention Required

I received the opportunity and privilege to attend a field trip with my daughter.  This momma felt excited to make up lost time with her daughter!  Upon arriving at school, the kids put bags away, gave lunches to the teacher and sat at their desks to color a picture while waiting to leave.  The time came to hit the restroom and go to the bus.  Children lined up according to gender and walked quietly out of the classroom.  Something magical must exist in the hallways which create talking, giggling and sharing of personal space.  So, the teachers created an antidote for that. . .“hip and lip”.  Children place one finger on their lip and the opposite hand on their hip.  This brings attention to the rules being broken and results in quiet hallways. 

We made it to the bathroom hip and lip; once finished, the children lined the wall to wait for others.  Again, the hallway took over and magically created talking, giggling and sharing of personal space.  In order to create quiet and organization, the teachers threw out another antidote.  This time, one teacher raised her hand and one by one the children mimicked and became quiet.  Amazing how one simple gesture closes the mouths of 22 excited children.  I cannot even get two children to calm down and be quiet at home.       

Once arriving at our destination, two classrooms combined to go on a hike and the other two classes to a playground.  My daughter’s class went on the hike.  The children did quite well while walking up and down a few hills, listening to their stomach growl and holding their bladder for that length of time.  Then came the end of the trail and excited voices began stirring.  At this point, there were about 44 mouths talking about all they saw on the trail and their desires to eat lunch.  A few adults asked for quiet to no avail.  Then, the guide did an amazing thing. . .he said “if you can hear me, clap once” and he proceeded to clap.  The children directly in front of him clapped once.  He repeated 5 times and then moved on to say “if you can hear me, clap twice” and proceeded to clap twice.  A few more children chimed in and clapped twice.  He continued this up to clapping four times at which point ALL children had joined in the game.  Again, magic occurred, for these children closed their mouths in order to keep up with the game of clapping.  He then had the attention of 44 minds and could continue with instructions of where to go next.     

It never ceases to amaze me how childlike we remain as adults.  I believe God uses some of the same tactics listed above to gain our attention.  Bear with me here. . .

Often times a silent gesture may be used to prevent harm, guide our feet, quiet our soul or build patience.  Ever feel like God raises a hand in order to gain attention?  It may be a simple Scripture placed in front of you at just the perfect time.  A sermon may speak directly to the heart.  The plan of the day may change slightly only to bring better outcomes.  God asks for acknowledgement and affirmation.  He desires to be a part of each decision and walk next to you along the way.  If we allow the world to talk into our spirit and crowd our personal space, we lose sight of our Creator.  When our mouths move and hands grab onto worldly things something magical happens to our ears. . .they quit listening.  Pay attention to those silent gestures from God to get back on track and give attention to the One who has your best interest at heart.

Sometimes it takes a little stronger gesture, one that requires an immediate action.  I don’t believe He asks for “hip and lip” action; but, I do believe there are times when our lips need quieted and our hands need to hug a loved one.  Other times, a person in need enters our path and God asks for us to help.  This requires listening because what He asks may not be what we think is an obvious need of the person.  We must remove our spirits from this world and become like Christ in action.

Oh, then there are the times when a much louder, forceful gesture comes to get our attention.  The world may surround us with such force that deafness, paralysis and muteness overtake mind, body and spirit.  It may take days, months or years before we fall and finally hear a still small voice, saying “If you can hear me, look up.”  He sends those who know Him to surround you.  Your eyes notice their actions and suddenly you hear that still small voice again.  You look up and hear, “If you can hear me, reach up.”  You fall to your knees, extend your hands and begin feeling the Holy Spirit working mightily inside.  Then, your vision clears, ears perk up and your mouth speaks specific prayers of surrender and need.  He says, “If you can hear me, TRUST!”

Listen, my friend for God to speak.  Quiet your soul today and see at what gesture is required to get your attention.  He waits patiently until He feels complete attention is given to Him.  Then, He can safely guide you to the next portion of your journey.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Becoming GRACE-full

Kids make messes. . .simple as that!  Sometimes a mess would be putting the situation lightly; using the term disaster seems more appropriate.  In addition, their coordination fails them often and spills or falls occur daily.  The poor kids seem to spend the majority of the day picking themselves back up, checking for injury, cleaning up messes and receiving discipline as to how to avoid the same situation the next time.  Why couldn’t they just do it slower the first time, clean up messes as they go along and take safety measures to avoid any injuries? . . .because they are kids!

Now, I have little room to talk due to the fact that I spill or drop almost everything touched.  I spend a good part of my day looking for misplaced items, cleaning up spills and recovering from minor injury due my clumsy nature.  The other day, after spilling and breaking a glass full of water, I thought to myself, “I could accomplish much more in the the time spent cleaning up messes, looking around aimlessly for items and healing my pride from careless injury.”  You may think I am joking, but I have three witnesses that will concur.  Let me throw a few examples to help you visualize, or laugh, either way you will understand: busted my chin on a desk while cleaning hurriedly – required stitches; spilled water all over my pants on my way to an event – found a gas station and used blow dryer best I could; hot tea purchased at Starbuck’s spilled everywhere (luckily did not get on anyone else) – spent time to clean it up and thankfully got a second chance with a fresh new cup.  These are just a few of many examples.  So, I have no room to give harsh discipline to my kids when a clumsy event occurs.  I myself need to slow down, think things through and do it correctly the first time.

Oh, but wait my friend, there is more. . .I spend mounds of time cleaning up another kind of mess in my life.  The daily mistakes that causing others to be hurt, lies wreaking havoc in my thoughts or venturing down the wrong path.  These lead to a mess beyond my cleaning abilities.  Like kids, I would have to say that the term disaster would better describe results.  The root of all this. . .failing to slow down, listen to my Guide and step in faith down the path laid for my life.  Rather, I find myself moving hurriedly to where I think I should be in life, using worldly items to combat lies swarming my thoughts and using my words to fix conflict or get things done.  As I strive for control, errors pile upon one another and leave a mess of a trail. I know one thing for sure; if I did it right the first time, I could save everyone lots of trouble and accomplish much greater things. 

Christians make messes. . .it is simple as that!  Often we are like kids, spending the majority of the day picking ourselves back up, checking for the injury and working to heal from the situation.  How nice it could be if we got it right the first time, held our tongue when needed and spent our days walking swiftly down His path laid for our lives.

How can we do this?  Well, it is time to become GRACE-full and clean up the messes.  Listening intently to our Father will clear our vision, clean out our vocabulary and create a life filled of opportunity to love others.  His Truth drowns all lies which try daily to veer us from peace.  His guidance steadies our feet to keep from injury.  His love heals hurt.  His Grace abounds and washes clean any mess which lay before you.  No matter the past mess, current chaos or future dilemma we face; He will take care of it if we have faith in Him.  Let us mature in Him.   

Let us begin today anew, taking time to see His plan.  Let us avoid careless mistakes or unfiltered words that cause harm to others.  Let us sit in silence with Him and His Truth before beginning each day. . .


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Grace, Grace and More Grace


I could stop at that statement right there and complete my devotion for the day.  But, I am a woman of many words, so I will continue.  My last semester in nursing school can go down in the books as the hardest one yet.  The material was challenging, kids seemed to be sick weekly and work picked up.  Satan loved how fast my mind spun daily.  He could enter easily and fire darts continuously; destroying my focus and stealing my sight.  Each visit to school, each test taken, each chapter study and each day lived picked away at my spirit slowly.  Eventually, I had nothing left. . .or so I thought!

In comes our Heavenly Father, sending an angel to work mightily to clear my vision.  I did not mention we began the process of selling our home and seeking out others to potentially purchase.  Well, our realtor agent became my angel.  She offered support, Truth and clarity.  She offered me a CD of a sermon which spoke about God’s Grace.  Yeah, I get God offers grace over our sins, to forgive and redeem, right?  Well, my friend, I learned about another kind of grace given FREELY by our God.  That is, enabling grace!

Let us break this down: enable means to give authority or means to do something; grace of God is free and unmerited favor.  So, God FREELY provides authority, strength and ability to complete the tasks set before us when we believe and hold faith in Him.  Did you catch the last part?  God cannot do His part if we do not do ours.  Faith and belief in Him opens up the door for enabling grace to enter.  Lifting your hands in surrender allows His Spirit to fill your heart, mind and soul.  How do I know this?  I experienced it. . .

Once I learned about such enabling grace, my eyes opened to the pit I dug and the bottom with which I hit hard!  Enough is enough!  I knew I could not remain where I sat and expect different results.  I fell in surrender, lifted my arms upward and ask for some mighty work to be done.  I began by spending time with God every morning, first thing (like I used to) and listening.  God asked me to allow Him to work, quit this worry stuff and demand that Satan get behind.  And so I did.  I spoke Truth loud enough to send Satan back where he came from.  God asked another thing of me that seemed different than any other request before.  He asked that I fervently pray over the college and ask specific prayers for my classmates.  Before, I would send up a prayer over all the class in general and for the day overall.  But, what He asked was much more.  Each morning I drove to class, I prayed.  I entered the parking garage and drove each level and prayed.  I pulled out specific names, asking blessing over whatever situation may come to that individual.  I prayed!  I prayed!  I prayed!

Come to find out, I was not alone!  My vision slowly cleared and with each prayer lifted I realized that 27 other individuals experienced the same heartache, difficulty and challenges I did.  My situation was no different.  Each of us held the same root problem: we allowed our spirits to be so damaged that Satan was having a field day on our hearts.  The damage manifested itself in various forms.  In my case, I cried violent tears, sought an escape, wanted to give up and wasn’t the most pleasant person to live with at the time.  I was simply a hot mess!  As I began to pray, peace entered.  I even brought my husband on board and we prayed diligently every night.  This brought us even closer and again, I knew I was not alone. 

I would end this with saying that His most powerful, enabling grace came the last day of class.  I was in constant prayer, the morning did not start well and I cried three times before entering my final.  My mind could not focus on the test, only the possibility of failing.  I did not feel confident in the material on the test and my hands shook 90% of the time while taking my final.  I left feeling like a failure.  I ran straight to God. . .and guess what He said. . .                   
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”  James 1:2-8

When you ask, you must believe and have NO doubts in our mighty God.  At that point, I surrendered.  I gave the results to God and knew that whatever the end, He would work all things out for my good as long as I had faith.  And, WOW, did He do more than I even asked for or imagined.  The test result was the best one I completed over the semester and passed me in the class.  I was able to join my classmates, the ones lifted specifically by name that morning, in our pinning ceremony the following evening.

I cannot begin to show appreciation to God for bringing us through.  He covered each of us with enabling grace to see this journey to the end.  We now can begin the next chapter in life, better prepared and stronger because of the trials we just survived.  We each will be mighty fine nurses.  I am so proud of each of my classmates and thankful for the ways each touched my life the past two years.  They will be missed, but I know the path they take will lead them in great adventures and they will touch many other lives just as they did mine.

God thank you for all You brought the Class of 2014 through.  I share this experience so others might realize the power of prayer.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work!

Sheree Craig