Friday, May 31, 2013

Avoid the Trash Talk

I popped in an older CD of mine in the car the other day.  Garth Brooks began singing to me (love him!).  I listened intently to the words of each song.  One in particular touched me deeper than the others.  The title of the song is “Unanswered Prayers”.  Remember that one?

I thought deeply as the song played and I belted out right along with it (yeah, wasn’t pretty).  Basically, a married man returns home and attends an old high school football game.  As he and his wife navigate through the crowds, they run into a woman.  Not just any woman; the woman that his heart desired back in the day.  Remember that “one”?  The “one” you wanted to marry, who stole your heart and held ever so tightly to it (I was fortunate to marry mine).  Well, he introduced his now wife with this old flame (why?  I have no idea – I would have politely said hi and kept walking).  As he did, memories flooded his mind, consuming every thought.  I picture Satan having a field day on this man, filling him with lies such as, ‘remember your attraction to this woman’, ‘think about what could have been’, ‘don’t you wish you could go back and change some things’, ‘the grass looks greener on that side’, etc. 

Satan works hard to fill us with regrets of choices made in our past.  Triggers fly at us daily to flood our thoughts with lies and deceit.  We begin to hate what our past looks like or the decisions made prior to now.  The ball continues to roll, leading to unforgiveness towards ourselves and infestation of unworthy feelings.  Satan wins the battle of our minds when we bury ourselves in these thoughts and remain. . .

Well, the story ends positively.  The man realizes that the past occurred for a reason.  The paths once taken led him to the wonderful wife he now walks through life with hand in hand.  God knew exactly what He was doing in NOT answering this man’s prayer.

And He knows just what He is doing in our lives as well.  The past may break us, but God takes all those pieces and builds us the way He desires.  Then, He uses every story for the good of His Kingdom.  Without those unanswered prayers, our ministries would not exist.  Think of the many prayers spoken throughout your life. . .

God does not answer each one according to YOUR plan; He answers according to HIS WILL.  He holds the plans for your life in the palm of His Hand and is guiding you through, one step at a time.  Lies from the enemy create barriers which detour you from His mighty plan. 

In the flesh, we may not comprehend reasoning of His work.  Our faith must remain strong and believe His promises.  Anytime the enemy comes in with his trash talk, run to Truth.  God’s promises clearly say He already won the battle.  He holds fabulous plans in the future for us.  He will not harm.  Demand the enemy to get behind and let God do His work within.

So, lift up prayer and petition to God and trust that He will answer them accordingly.  Wait, should the answer not come immediately.  Go, should the answer appear at that moment.  Trust, should the answer never come.  Reasons exist beyond our imagination as to why the paths turn, split, travel uphill or speed downhill.  Believe in Him as your guide. 

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Every Part Matters


when it comes to electronics, devices, vehicles or appliances failing to function according to its purpose.  The lack of performance only hinders MY schedule and work I need to accomplish.  Time does not exist for defective ‘things’ in my day.  I dare not complete chores or work the long way, right? 

Daily, I send out a helpdesk ticket to my mechanic, IT technician, plumber, repairman and AAA personnel (AKA – my husband).  The frantic calls only interrupt the important work required at his job.  Does he really need to hear my complaints and troubles on top of his own?  Probably not, but I send them anyway.  The poor man puts up with me and calmly tries to walk me through the issue at hand via phone or email.  God knew what He was doing sending me such a partner as this.  No one else could put up with this impatient girl!

So, the latest is our printer.  It produces the word, images and tasks asked of it, BUT not in proper color.  My baseball fields appear in that ugly green color found to be brand new in a crayon box because no kid ever uses it.  The Wal-Mart logo appears pale pink.  Some silly message pops up each time I print a page with a little red warning symbol on it.  I close out without reading each time. . .

Oh, that could be the problem (see, again NO PATIENCE to even take time to read this message).  I decided to read it one day and come to find out our yellow ink is running low.  I pull up the graph displaying the level of each color and sure enough, yellow appears low.  Cyan, Magenta and Black levels remain in sufficient amounts to print documents fed to the printer.  But, yellow must play a very important role in producing each color efficiently.  Why do you need yellow for a Wal-Mart logo?  Just darken the Cyan a bit, right?  What does yellow have to do with green?  Okay, so obviously not an art major here.  But, apparently yellow is needed to mix with the other three colors in some precise formula to produce a picture that this perfectionist, impatient girl will be satisfied with.

Without this component, the printer cannot function.  It does not seem like a huge factor when looking at the overall picture (no pun intended) of how a printer works.  Most think about the mechanics of the device when keeping up with maintenance of it.  But, without proper ink levels, jobs remain incomplete.

Just so, in life without all the hands working together for God’s Kingdom, jobs remain incomplete.  Whatever God calls us to do, will contribute to completion of His plan.  No matter the size, ranking, prestige, income, etc.; your service matters.  Continue to give at even the smallest level.  Continue to speak His Word to even just one person a day.  Continue to walk with His light shining through you.  Continue on the path laid for you.  Your contribution matters to Him.  Give, work and love from the heart.  Without you – the Body of Christ cannot function to full capability.  Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.  We as Christians need you to complete the work of our God.  We as Christians need you to bring others, who do not know our God, to know Him and experience the joy and peace offered because of the sacrifice of His only Son.

The other ink in my printer works harder to produce a decent picture since yellow cannot complete its duties.  Just so, we as Christians must help one another when ‘out of commission’.  Pick each other up when one is down.  Work as a team with our Coach guiding every play.  Rejoice together, giving praise to the One Who provides the reason for the joy experienced.

Go today and complete the plans He laid before you!  Ignore the rankings and importance society may place on your work.  Be confident in knowing, God needs you to keep His Kingdom functioning properly.  We each have talents and gifts to share.  Share yours boldly for Him.

“For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body. . .” (1 Corinthians 12:13)
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27)   

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Friday, May 24, 2013

All From One Source

Back in the day, we learned about the human five senses.  Well, surprise. . .seven senses actually exist within the human.  Taste – our tongue, mouth and taste buds allow this sense to function properly.  Smell – our nose takes in various scents throughout the day.  Sight – our eyes work diligently to focus and take in daily scenery.  Touch – the whole body works toward this sense.  Hearing – mechanisms of the ear allow for sound to correctly enter and be heard (some choose to use this one selectively – mostly children and men J).  Then the two not heard of often. . .equilibrium – balance required to sense correct movements; and intuition (proprioception) – the body realizes and feels where each part is located and attached.

Amazingly all work together to accomplish multiple goals – protection, pleasure, knowledge, comfort, stability, etc.  God allowed all of these to keep our bodies in function.  At their best, these senses are truly magnificent.  The brain remains content as each sense fulfills its role daily.  Through processing information entering the body, the brain knows just how to react.  Tangible items appear here on Earth for each of us to fulfill “cravings”, “thrills” or “calmness” to our day.  We reach for worldly input to accomplish these needs and desires of the flesh. 

My stomach growls – I think about what my tongue yearns to taste.  I reach for whatever I crave.
In shopping for an air freshener – I choose a scent which brings tranquility.
Had a tough day, need to regroup – I go for a drive and check out scenes that my eyes desire.
In need of excitement – I crank up the sounds of upbeat music.
A season of storms buries me – I reach for a hug from that special someone.

The other two senses come through internal input.  Unfortunately, seeking to fulfill our senses daily can bring much trouble and set up a huge playground for Satan.  He loves when the tongue continuously craves (or despises) food.  His lies flourish in an unhealthy environment.  Searching for tranquil smells may lead to addictions which destroy the physical body.  Tolerance develops and more is required to reach a calm state.  Various scenes in life provide weapons for the enemy to use and tear apart lives, marriages, careers and health.  The enemy will make the worst of scenes appealing to the eye and our sense will crave those when a tough day comes our way.  Words/language heard depict how we treat others.  Satan loves to build our vocabulary with hurtful, foul language to then flow out of our mouths.  Touch may come from dangerous sources to achieve comfort.  Some can even be physically harmful just to achieve relief from emotional upset.

What does the above have in common?  Temporary fulfillment.  The enemy works in temporary.  But our God works in Eternity.  One Source can complete any thrill, calm and craving your body would ever desire.  He will overflow your senses with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and forbearance.  Read Galatians 5:13-26.  Avoid the enemy’s temptations to feed the flesh.  Live by the Spirit and be fulfilled beyond your imagination.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Set Up a Session Today

Throughout my current college career, pages upon pages of knowledge pack into my brain.  Carpel tunnel stands at bay due to writing countless note cards.  Back pain appears due to the weight of thousand page books carried to class daily.  Exhaustion seeps in due to late nights/early mornings filled with homework and studying.  In looking back at the last two semesters, I question how I survived. . .

It is those moments when a patient thanks you for the care provided for the day and when I catch myself understanding a concept or pouring forth information learned which makes the above issues worth it.  Among all the concepts, words and skills learned, one word sticks out. . .DEBRIEF.  It never showed up on a test, never made it into any assignment, no patient ever asked about it and probably not found in the textbooks.  But, the word holds powerful meaning to me. 

With all the confidentiality forms signed, one cannot take any information or experiences and share with others outside the medical unit.  What nurse’s see, hear, perform and encounter daily remains unpredictable.  One never knows what will come as they enter the room of a patient or client.  Many times nothing traumatic occurs and the procedures, examinations, assessments and care run quite smoothly.  Then, you have those days when events stir up much emotion inside.  How can one process all this alone?  How can one cope with traumatic situations without running to a confidant?  The emotions need to be dealt with constructively.  In comes my favorite word. . .DEBRIEF.  Nurses are able to step away from the situation, grab a fellow nurse or manager and pour out all those emotions.  Together, they work through all that just happened in a safe place which still provides confidentiality.  In knowing a source exists to bring relief from all the emotions accumulated throughout a shift brings peace. 

Did you know that a Source exists to help you through all the emotions accumulated throughout each day of life?  This Source offers empathy, listening ears, comforting arms, Truth on which to stand and love to heal.  He never sleeps.  He never grows weary.  He remains always, ready to hear from you.  You do not have to face trials alone.

Who do you turn when you need to DEBRIEF?  A confidant, family member, stranger, counselor. . .  God does provide help, guidance and comfort through these relationships, but He needs to be first and foremost Source for help.  The events we encounter daily remain unpredictable.  As we leave the front door, we have no clue what will come with each step.  Days may fill with traumatic events which stir up much emotion inside.  Days may fill with joys beyond belief.  Days may be mundane without much to talk about.  But, each day we need a debrief session.  Processing through the range of emotions helps in numerous ways.

God cares so much about our days.  Give Him the honor of sharing your most intimate emotions concerning the day you just experienced.  He provides a safe place and provides the highest level of confidentiality.  He loves to hear from you. . .will you share your day with Him?

Tonight, before going to bed, step away from the situations of your day and set up a debrief session with God.  He will open your eyes to healing, celebrate your joys right along with you, dry any tears that may fall and help you see what to do next time should the event occur again.  He is our ultimate Healer, Counselor and Guide for our lives.  Trust Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig