Sunday, December 23, 2012

Worthy of Forgiveness

Should have. . .Could have. . .Would have.  Have you ever had one of THOSE moments?  Recalling each decision, word and action only brings regret to your thoughts.  If only time could turn back and a second chance existed. 

I have and continue experiencing too many of THOSE moments.  Guilt, shame and regret consume my thoughts.  I set up a perfect playground for Satan to come and have a field day!  Lies speak loudly to convince me that I am a sinner not worth forgiveness, weak and deserving of punishment.  

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)

Well, I am a sinner, weak and deserving of punishment.  BUT, I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  Standing firm on His Truth, I combat the lies, learn for THOSE moments and strain for what lies ahead.  My eyes remain focused on the prize. 

God forgives those who come to Him and believe in Him.  He knows our weakness and uses it in mighty ways to bring others to Him.  And, though we deserve punishment, He gave His only Son to take it all for us. 

Praise God for this free GIFT given and available to all.  With the power of the Holy Spirit working within us, we can be strengthened through THOSE moments and mature in spirit.  When facing the same situation again; decisions, words and actions will change in accordance to His Truth which set us free in the past.  Turn to our Father for guidance, discipline and healing.  He will bring us out stronger.  Avoid the lies of Satan which only create a pit for us to reside. 

As THOSE moments come, and they will come, seek God and know you are worth forgiveness.  As I tell my kids. . .take those lies from Satan and throw them out the window!

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, December 21, 2012


Wrapping presents, parties filled with food, travel, decorating every nook and cranny of our homes, shopping amongst the crowds to find that one special gift, eating plates filled with food, baking, cruising the town to view the lights, unwrapping presents, sending out greeting cards, food and goodies everywhere you turn, singing carols with friends, and did I mention food all around you! . . .

These are just a few “things” of this world which consume our thoughts from Thanksgiving through the first of the year.  Then after all is said and done, we create a list of desired goals.  Some include weight loss (after succumbing to all the surrounding of food for the past couple months), cleaning up our language (after colorful language spewed off our lips while shopping and driving in holiday traffic), seeking forgiveness (after facing that family member at the get together), spending more time with family (after avoiding all events over the past two months due to work or some other bondage), or seeking to help the community more (after draining our account to buy gifts for self, spouse and other family who have more than needed, just to keep the tradition of gift exchange alive). 

What are we doing to ourselves America?  Are we allowing traditions, society, bondages, and this world to steal our reason for the season?  Why put off being a Christian for a couple months and then all the sudden, when the ball drops, decide to change our ways?

I can recall one year that my birthday went to the wayside in my family’s mind.  I am not sure what season of life each may have been facing; but, this I do know, my birthday remained far from their minds.  I experienced hurt, sadness and feelings of insignificance.  How would you feel if your birthday mattered nothing to others?  The day came and went without one “Happy Birthday” song, no cake to blow out the candle or gifts to unwrap?  I envision Jesus experiencing hurt, sadness and feelings of insignificance as He watches us run around trying to fulfill the ways of tradition during this season.  He wonders what happened for us to lose sight of what December 25 represents.  God desires our hearts to celebrate the greatest GIFT He gave us. . .a baby born in a manger – our Savior. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 1:2)

Somehow traditions and the ways of the world have come to supersede the meaning of Christmas.  I drive past businesses with the words, Happy Xmas posted on their sign.  I see the parking lots of stores filled to capacity.  I attend parties filled with food, presents and fun; but, lacking any conversation about Jesus. 

Let us be the ones that stand up for our Savior and celebrate this glorious day approaching.  Ask God to break all the bondages over your life so Satan can no longer play in your thoughts, stealing your attention from Jesus’ birthday.  Put aside the gifts, the food, the parties and reach out to those in need, clean out your closet to give to others who may be underdressed for the season due to lack of funds and be His hands and feet in honor of our Lord and Savior.  What would Jesus do during this season?

God, I ask that you watch over all during this season.  Consume our thoughts and keep our eyes on You.  Release the bondage I experience with food in this holiday season and keep my focus on Your Son.  Thank You for His birth and the opportunity to celebrate such a time.  Be in every event I attend and enjoy the true reason for the season.  I love you.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fill’er Up!

The brilliancy of my van warns me as the red little needle nears the letter E.  I recognize the warning but really don’t have time or energy to fill up my tank on the way home tonight.  So, as I park in my driveway I assure the front end is on flat ground.  Therefore, tomorrow morning as I turn my key there will be just enough gasoline to ignite the engine and make it to the gas station down the road.  Had I parked on our mountaintop driveway as I normally do; the tank would tilt in such a way to inhibit gasoline from reaching the proper place to start my van. 

Morning comes and I head straight to the gas station.  I have no choice but to make this my very first stop.  I arrive at the pump and prepare my van to receive fuel. . .diesel, unleaded,  premium, super. . .which shall I choose?  Well, of course I will reach for the cheapest.  In today’s economy and world, who could afford anything else?  My tank tops off at $48.00.  Really?  Now I see why I delay the inevitable.  Without a full tank I would not be able to drive forward or make it to desired destinations.  My tank must be full to accomplish daily tasks and functions.

How many of us, myself included, allow our spiritual tanks to run empty?  The options to fill up exist, but we don’t have time for that today.  We could get up earlier and dive into His Word first thing, but exhaustion overrides the idea.  We could join a Bible study, but the drive to and from would just take up too much of our time.  Plus, sitting with a group of individuals we don’t know is scary.  So, we walk around with our needle nearing E and warning signs going off; yet, continue to push as far as we can.  We attend church on Sunday; isn’t that enough?

Well, I have learned, without daily filling of Truth, we become stagnant.  Our desired destinations, planned by our Father, never quite get reached.  We feel ourselves dragging along, going through the motions and losing passion in our lives.  God waits with open arms to fill us up, overflowing with blessings and His Truth to guide our every days.  Luckily, only one choice exists when seeking to fill up. . .His Word.  He created one Book to turn to for spiritual growth and strength.  Pick one up today and fill yourselves with spiritual fuel.  No more excuses.  Let’s strengthen our Christian walk so we may lead others to Him.  Just as you see vehicles roadside, stranded in need of gasoline to continue on their path; so you will see hurting, lost people stranded in need of His Truth to set them free along your path.  He will open your eyes and provide you with the tools needed to help His Children. 
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
My friends, we cannot afford to choose anything else.  Turn to Our Father and seek His Kingdom so Eternity may be spent alongside Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. Sheree Craig

Monday, December 17, 2012

Heed the Warning

We sat comfortably on a bed watching television and talking about the exciting night which lay ahead.  Suddenly, we heard a loud alarm sounding in the hallway of the hotel.  As each of us turned to look at the other, we quickly made it to the door and progressed toward the stairway.  One child became scared, advancing to an episode of panic.  Seeing this reaction, the other child ran to my arms with shaking voice and determination to go home and escape this situation.  My husband and I eased the children to the outside of the building while explaining the false fire alarm.  All my children could think of was the sound ringing in their ears and trying to find a way out. 

Surprisingly, many residents did not heed the warning and move out of the building.  We spent a few minutes outside before returning to affirm the false alarm.  My youngest took about an hour to calm down and realize we were safe.  I tried to assure her that I would not let anything bad happen to her.  I would protect her through the situations that come our way.

What if the alarm were not false?  Why did the other residents choose to ignore the warning?  Fire spreads rapidly, engulfing anything and everything in its path.  Fire does not choose favorites.  Fire does not care, it simply destroys. . .

How many people live with fire blazing around them, alarms ringing loudly and our Protector holding His hand out to save them; yet, continue on living each day battling the fire on their own?  How many people continue running from the fires in life, escaping through drugs, violence, crime, retaliation and other sins to mask the pain and trial temporarily?  How do we miss the sweet sounding voice of our Father comforting us through the situations we face?

“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (Hebrews 2:1)

I missed the alarm ringing for too long.  Satan grabs a hold of those who ignore and further deafens their ears from the alarm.  This fallen world presents consuming fires every which way we turn. . .how can we survive?  By the grace of God!  He sent His only son to dwell among us and save us by the cross.  Our minds cannot even imagine the fires Jesus faced while here on earth.  He was abused, beaten, spit on, falsely accused, and so much more.  All for what?  So we may have life and be freed from our sins.  So we may heed the warning alarms and not veer from the path laid for our lives. 

 “So, as the Holy Spirit says:“Today, if you hear his voice,do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness,” (Hebrews 3:7-8)

Embrace this GIFT given freely to us and don’t face the fires alone.  Heed warnings and turn to God for rescue, not this world.  He will not let you fall and will protect you through the situations faced here on earth.  Accept Jesus as your Savior, be baptized in the Holy Spirit and renew your life today.  The fires of this world will not go away and sin will still be present. . .but you will have the Key to avoid destruction.  Choose God, not sin to escape.

Sin does not choose favorites.  Sin does not care, it simply destroys.  Choose this day to heed the warnings and avoid sin; choosing to follow the One who saved your life.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Please Only Him

Failure, defeat, lack of success. . .words we never want heard in the same sentence as our name.  Growing up, I fought for approval from two very important people in my life – my parents.  Approval equated love.  Whatever sport, grade, chore or decision pleased my parents, I did it.  The pressures increased each day to hear an “atta girl” from them.  If not received, failure entered my world.  Guilt, shame and inadequacy followed those thoughts of failure.  A bondage?  Maybe so.  Does a way out exist?  Definitly yes!

A need for approval followed me throughout the years and overflowed to the relationships I encountered.  I desired to be loved and feared rejection.  Ever criticism, disapproving remark or lack of success weighed heavily on my heart.  Each event turned inward.  It progressed to the point where I just gave up.  The bondage squeezed so tightly I could not breathe.  I avoided any situation or relationship that posed a risk of failure or rejection.  I hid behind all the lies, my eating disorder and anything to numb out from the pain of rejection and disapproval.  A bondage?  For sure.  Does a way out exist?  Absolutely!

It took until my mid 20’s to face all this mess created by none other than Satan.  Years I wasted suffocating in lies, depriving God of my service.  I began to peel back the layers of lies and events which consumed my mind and covered my heart.  Trust came back into my life.  I discovered the Way out!  My worth found itself through God, not man.  I realized God created my innermost being and breathed life into me for a reason.  He thought so highly of each of us to provide us with a body and create a plan, pave a path and use us as vessels each and every day. 

Satan never stops his evil ways.  We must keep our eyes on God and activate the Holy Spirit each day and use His guidance for our decisions.  As I began my journey in college, Satan slithered his way into my thoughts and worked very hard to consume it with lies.  I fell into traps of desiring approval from others, feeling the pressure of success and placing my worth in one little letter received or hearing an “atta girl” from my instructor.  Without the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, I would have fallen deep into the pit again.  Praise God for His willingness to hold tight to my hand and not let go.  His love transcended all the lies. 

A situation appeared late in the semester where the line between right and wrong blurred.  Cheating became a topic to gain the approving grade to equate success.  Well, God sent an angel to clarify that line for me.  Oh, how blessed we are to be surrounded with other Christians to guide us when we cannot see clearly.  The event involved creating a study guide for the final in not the most honest way.  As I stood firm on my decision not to partake, I recalled the bondage I once experienced.  I would probably have not made the right decision years ago.  I would have done what I needed to have the tools to study and gain that grade that would please all around me.  As I mature in my Christianity, I realize how important it is to activate the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  We must have open ears and eyes to follow His Truths in every decision.  Place your worth in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you. 

So, I studied as much as possible, took God with me in the testing room as I had with all the other tests and answered each question to my best ability.  Guess what?  God helped with each question, provided endurance to continue through the 100 question final and I passed by the grace He provided.  I feel so blessed and know that all the work this semester was done honestly.  God will continue to guide, guard and protect each of us as we make each decisions based on the Truth He provides.  I am so thankful for His Word.  Without these Truths, we would be lost and continue making wrong decisions.  Activate the Holy Spirit in your lives today and praise Him for all the blessings which flow into your day.

Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.  For we live by faith, not by sight.  We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.  So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.  (2 Corinthians 5:6-10)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Follow Our Father at All Times

My daughter glances at a decoration which I keep out year round in my kitchen (it displays Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus with Luke 2:11 engraved to the left of the scene).  Intrigued, she stops to enjoy the scene.  She confidently tells me, “Mommy, that is baby Jesus.”  Of course, I agreed and assured her she was correct.  She proceeds to say, “I want that baby.”  “I want Him.”  My response?  Oh, my dear sweet girl, you have Him always with you.

See, I believe there are many individuals like my daughter who want Jesus in their lives but just can’t seem to grab a hold of Him.  They see Him all around them, but just don’t know what they can do to have Him in their everyday lives.  What barrier prevents those from knowing Jesus is always with them?

One barrier could be shame and guilt of past experiences.  Some believe their past is full of ugliness that will never be accepted in church or forgiven by Jesus.  Okay, so this is a huge lie that Satan has been using for generations.  The Bible teaches about numerous instances that Jesus befriended sinners of all kinds.  No sin is too great for our God not to forgive.  Jesus, born in a manager, dwelt among us and took ALL our sins to the cross.  His blood washed away ALL sin.  If this were not true, I would not be where I am today.  My past would have kept me from even seeing His hand at all.  Guess what!  I am forgiven.  While reading my history, one may think it to be very ugly.  God sees it as my ministry.  Every experience, He works out for His good.  Reach for Jesus, accept His forgiveness and walk boldly down the path laid for your life.  ALL are welcome.

Another barrier might be fear.  We all like to be in control; I know I sure do.  I want to know exactly what is to come, how it will play out and assure that I agree to all the terms before moving forward.  Well, God works a little different than that.  He holds the plans for our lives in His hands; we simply follow.  Yes, that is scary to step into the unknown and not be given any clues as to what may take place.  My fears consumed my life.  Guess what!  God’s promises rang true and the path He laid for my life has been full of blessings.  He will not take us anywhere that His grace cannot cover us.  He lights the way and protects the path before us.  Trust is His Word which must consume our hearts and minds.  Trust in our God to lead us and guide us.  He has plans for each of us.  The awesome thing about these plans. . .they are not for harm, but for good and prosperity.  Have hope in our God. 

One other barrier may be conformation to this world.  My husband shared a statistic with me the other day; in society today, 18.4% of Americans attend church. . .should the trend continue, by 2050 the percentage will drop to 10%.  Sad, if we think about it.  But, again a barrier to reach for Jesus exists in the fact of ‘keeping with the Jones’.  Well, my neighbor does not attend church, my friend does not attend church and neither do my parents and they seem to be just fine; so, I am just going to sleep in on Sunday.  Or, sports events, hunting, parties and life circumstances veer us from attending church on Sunday.  Now, don’t get me wrong. . .church is not the ONLY way to have Jesus in our lives.  But, it is a huge piece in the puzzle to grow us spiritually.  Church allows us worship our God, be strengthened in faith and filled up with Truth to challenge us to become more Christ-like.  It is like a sponge being soaked up with water to then dispense it out for good.  Become a sponge, thirsty for Truth, to then dispense Truth to others in need of this message.  Let us stop the trend NOW!  Not only can we prevent the percentage from falling; we can RAISE the percentage by 2050.  Don’t conform to the patterns of this world.  Stand firm in His Truth and serve our God regardless of the influences surrounding us.

Then, my daughter goes on to sympathize with Jesus.  She said, “Jesus is cold”.  I explained to her that there was no room for Him in the inn and no real blankets for Him to keep warm.  She said in a concerning voice, “You mean, He did not have a blankey?” 

Let us recall the whole experience of Jesus and not forget what He did for us.  Yes, He was cold as a baby in that manger, He was treated wrongly, He was abused, beaten, spit on and ridiculed.  He stood firm in faith, knowing His worth in God.  He did not give up, but continued to follow God’s plan for His life.  He knew His purpose. . .to follow His Father at all times.  He kept His eyes on the prize.  Keep your eyes on the prize and praise Him always.  Treat others as God would treat them every day.  Do you think you would have given Jesus a blankey in that manger on the evening of His birth?  Do you think you would have stood firm in faith, against the others spitting and beating Jesus in the moments as He carried our sins on His back?

Fill up with Truth at every opportunity to guard yourselves against the lies of Satan.  Don’t allow Satan power to build barriers between you and God.  Your past is pardoned, your present is protected and your future is formed.  Take that step into the unknown with confidence that God is guiding you and He is with you. 

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Some of Life's Lessons

As I begin this new journey of returning to school, I am learning more than I ever imagined.  I would like to share a couple lessons learned since August. . .

*Perfection is overrated!  This one hit hard within the first week of school.  Funny how one letter of the alphabet ranks high in defining my worth.  As I received the quiz back, the score screamed poor preparation, lack of knowledge and failure.  My thoughts honed in on these lies, leading to doubt and lack of confidence in the decision made to return to school.  I pulled from all the Scriptures in my mind and began fighting these lies.  I worked so hard at this the remainder of class (3 hours).  I left school that day with tears streaming down my face.  I felt defeated.  I reached my arms to God and asked why I feel this need to be so perfect.  If perfection were not my enemy, I could move on, pick myself up and try harder on the next quiz.  As I arrived home to a husband who already received the warning of my terrible experience via text message, he provided just what I needed – a hug.  He comforted and loved me through this moment.  Was this a loving, caring and awesome husband – YES; but, even more, this was a man saying yes to God and serving Him by loving and comforting his wife.  God knew what I needed and provided.  My children did the same.  Come to find out, that failing grade did not rank me any less of a mother or wife.  My three angels still loved me and thought nothing less of me.  More importantly, God did not think any less of me.  He simply said, give this experience to me and I will work all things out for your good.  I hate to admit this one, but that lovely letter in the alphabet appeared again.  I knew exactly what to do this time around.  See, God brings us through all trials and makes us stronger with each one.  He thinks nothing less of us when we do not measure up to society’s ideas of a “good, successful person”.  Striving for perfection steals so much joy and we lose sight of our Leader.  We work ourselves toward destruction, try to accomplish our goals with society’s standards in mind and end up less than perfect anyway.  So, I have learned to reach up, let go and surrender.  It is much easier to be a child of God and know who I am rather than beat myself up trying to be who I am not.  Satan will continue his lies, attempting to dominate my thoughts by showing up in every situation attempting to defeat Truth.  Guess what!  That liar cannot win against Truth.  Fill yourselves daily with Truth and be ready, arming yourselves fully with spiritual armor provided by our God.  What Satan means for harm; God will turn to good!

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

*My daily schedule must be given to God.  Early in the semester, I made out my itinerary, planned all my study time, set up babysitters to help and worked hard at keeping to the schedule.  Didn’t work so well for me.  Come to find out there are only 24 hours in one day and my schedule consisted of about 36 hours of “things” to accomplish.  I am no math wizard, but I don’t think that equation works.  I went to bed later and woke up even earlier to try and fit in more study time, tending to the house, completing needed errands, etc.  There was never enough time.  I came to the realization that one piece of the puzzle remained vacant!  I quit spending my time with God in the morning.  Yes, I said my prayers, looked at my Scriptures throughout the day and worshipped in song while in the car; but, I was not studying His Word, listening for direction or giving my time to Him.  I was pleading for success, ignoring Him when I failed and presenting MY itinerary to Him.  This led to an irritable, frustrated and ugly woman filled with stress.  I decided to escape the crazy cycle and surrender my days to Him.  I slept more, gave my first moments of the day to Him and received HIS itinerary for the day.  What a release.  I found time to play with my children, spend time with my husband and study as well.  My eyes focused back on the reason God gave me life.  I am not here to get straight A’s in college, be superwoman or be free of any troubles. . .I am here to serve God.  My days run much smoother now that I work from His itinerary not mine. 

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)

God is our ultimate provider and we are His children here to serve Him each living moment given to us.  Perfection is unobtainable.  We cannot live up to the world’s standards and survive spiritually.  God’s grace, love, comfort and glory shine through our flaws and failures.  Be His servant and find worth in Him.  OUR itinerary and plans will fall short.  Seek His plan and follow the path laid for your life.  The road is much smoother.  

Oh, yeah. . .I learned a few things about nursing and some skills needed to care for a patient.  J

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, July 1, 2012

All For His Purpose

God can do all that he will, but he won’t do all that he can—because his power is conformed to his purpose and clothed in his love.  ~Bible Gateway Devotion

Trials will come in life.  We are not protected from the ways of this world.  We cannot live in a bubble and avoid all pain, emotion, circumstances or tough situations.  Being a Christian does not exempt us from suffering.  Deciding to follow God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior will not guarantee care free living.  It brings so much more. . .

Each step taken down the path laid for your life brings peace, joy, purpose and blessings.  When storms arise, cling to God and He will provide a safety net.  He will not allow you to fall, but will allow you to grow.  Becoming a mature Christian requires growth and growth requires lessons and lessons come from trials and trials may bring suffering.  In times such as these, God holds the power to eliminate the pain and remove the situation; but, the growth, strength and increased faith which results from your endurance is the very thing God needs to use you in times ahead.  You have no idea what lay ahead on the path He created.  He cannot give details to His plan.  The whole picture would overwhelm our minds and may scare us from continuing forward.  He allows little bits at time; just enough that we can handle to bring us where we need to be to fulfill His work. 

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)

His power is conformed to His purpose and clothed in love.  His love exceeds any word in our vocabulary.  For example, there are times we must watch our children suffer; be it in a relationship, wrecking a bike while learning, falling at the first attempts to walk or failing a test taken unprepared.  We could take over any time and remove the pain and take them out of the situation; do not allow them to date or build relationships, hold onto the back of the bike, hold their hand as they step or do their schoolwork for them.  What would be learned?  Would we really be helping our child?  I think you know the answers and can see where I am going with this.  God does not want us to suffer and could eliminate it completely, but He doesn't because suffering produces perseverance.  Perseverance produces character and character produces hope.  Hope brings purpose to our lives.  We must continue to hope in our God and turn our eyes to Him in all times.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:33-34)

Eliminate worrying about tomorrow; for tomorrow has enough worries of its own.  Stand firm on His Word and know He will take care of any situation which arises.  Whether the situation brings suffering, joy, grief or sorrow; every emotion and situation is part of a bigger plan.  God is so much bigger than anything you may face.  And the cool part is that all of this is temporary.  God is just preparing us to live with Him eternally.  With each step in faith, we become mature in Christ.  Walk confidently knowing God will provide exactly what you need to complete this day lying ahead of you.  Be a vessel at all times for Him to shine through.  Prove your faith to others as you cling to God closer every day.  Others will follow your example and reach to Him for protection, love, hope, strength and endurance.  Be the light!

God, thank you for another day to shine Your light to the world.  Use me in every way to spread the Good News to all I encounter.  Lead me down the path and bring peace to my mind.  Give me strength to endure hard times, painful situations and overwhelming seasons.  I keep my eyes on You and the promises in Your Word.  I know these are Truth and my hope is in You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Free Falling

A person waits 3500 feet above ground to jump aimlessly out of an aircraft.  The parachute deploys automatically during the first few jumps.  After completing those, the person qualifies for a free fall jump.  The aircraft reaches heights of 4000 feet or more for this jump.  The person falls and is responsible for pulling the ripcord.  Falling aimlessly can bring anxiety as a sense of control is lost.  Gravity, wind and weather are in control.  As the out of control feeling overtakes the person; they quickly remember the knowledge taught in classes leading up to this point.  Also, they remember at which point the parachute deployed when the static line released the ripcord for them.  Quickly, the jumper reaches for the ripcord and pulls to deploy the parachute.  Anxiety leaves because they now have protection surrounding them and assistance in landing.

A trembling person stands upon a structure standing hundreds of feet tall.  1...2...3...JUMP!  The initial fall seems thrilling and exciting for passersby.  But, the person jumping may be thinking, "What did I get myself into now?"  Anxiety increases as the fall brings a sense of powerlessness and weakness.  The fall continues and the person has no control over when it ends.  The jumper reaches for something to grab a hold of, something to clinch for reassurance that all is okay.  They remember the process before jumping required hookup of many harnesses and cords.  Some anxiety leaves, knowing the safety gear is connected to them and should not let them go.  Should not?  Oh yeah, the risk remains of the harness and/or cord breaking.  At about that time, the cord pulls tightly and the person bounces back up.  Then, the process continues until stopping and just hanging there.  Ahhhh. . . safely done.  The cord did not let the person down (no pun intended). 

I have experienced some crazy rides and simulators to present the feel of skydiving or bungee jumping, but never the real deal.  I cannot imagine doing the real thing.  Or can I?

Well, in life, I often feel like a skydiver or bungee jumper.  My world is spinning fast, storms in life throw me this way or that way and no control seems to be had by me.  My steps seem aimless.  I hear myself screaming, "What in the world have you got yourself into?!"  The lack of control scares me, the unknown results lying ahead of me scares me and anxiety rises up in me.

Recently, I experienced this very thing.  Taking on new endeavors in life brought much anxiety.  I tried to grasp the whole picture and figure out how each detail would play out.  I could not get the pieces to line up as I thought they should.  Confidence in my future vanished and defeat entered my thoughts.  I, one person, could not do this all by myself.  I do not have the tools, knowledge, reassurance or understanding of how this will work.  I needed the help of others, but my hard head and need for control struggles with asking for help.  The famous what if? questions enter my thoughts.  These give all kinds of room for Satan to begin playing with my emotions. 

Amongst all this, I finally remembered the lessons taught leading up to this point.  I remember these ugly, sneaky schemes the enemy played on my before.  So, I quickly reach for my Protector, Leader and Healer.  I grab a hold of His Word and immediately feel assurance that all will work out for His good.  I know our God will not let me fall.  He will catch me and walk me through each step.  I cannot look at the big picture; it is too much to handle.  God holds all of it in His hands because He knows exactly how to handle any and every situation.  I am right in saying I cannot do any of what lay ahead of me.  I cannot line the pieces up so to build a perfect picture.  I do not have understanding, knowledge or answers for all the what ifs?.  But, I do have the tools to take me one step at a time.  His Word will guide my moves, take my anxiety away and allow me to focus on the task at hand.  He will provide enough time for everything to get done and send help at all times.  Thank You God!

So, when life becomes chaotic, you begin to fall aimlessly, feel out of control and anxiety rises up inside; reach for your Protector and Guide.  Grab a hold of His Word and feel the hedge of protection surround you.  He will slow down the thoughts of defeat and anxiety and you can enjoy the ride.  He will pull you close and never break the grip He holds on you.  Reach for Him.  He promises to work all things out for the good of those who love Him.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for leading me and bringing peace to my anxious thoughts.  I give my future to You and feel confident You will take care of it all.  I have faith in the path You laid for me.  Thank You for loving me so much to plan these great adventures for me and surround me with loving, helping individuals.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, June 24, 2012

God is Speaking, Listen Closely

As I returned from my Memaw's 90th birthday (YAY!), I recall what I learned over just two days.  It seems God always takes advantage of every opportunity to teach me and speak to my heart.  God cares so much for each of us and speaks daily to guide us in our journey here.  We must take the time to listen. . .

It began with a road trip, about four hours, with my children and my sister's children.  I felt blessed to spend time with all of them and catch up on what's going in their lives.  My children also loved having a new group of faces in the vehicle.  I was reminded of the importance these children hold in my life.  I discovered the power of influence; the way children absorb everything and mimic the example leading them.  As adults, we must set a loving, caring, patient example while having all kinds of fun.  We must pay attention to the influences our children encounter.  Some we cannot control, others we can; but, we can always take opportunity to teach them right from wrong through the situations they encounter daily.  How do we accomplish that?  We engage in their lives, talk with them constantly and open arms of love to them.  They may do something wrong or say a foul word; don't get mad, they may not realize the action or word is bad.  These precious children are trying to navigate through this world.  Let's help them.

I learned that children know how to have fun, laugh and enjoy the moment.  Being stuck in a car for four hours sounds pretty boring.  But, these children did not let boredom strike.  I learned all kinds of new car games, heard jokes, listened to future dreams each held and the four hours felt like ten minutes.  As adults, we can learn from them and enjoy the moment.  Make the best of the situation given to you and shine the light of Jesus to all.  See the cup half full!

Upon arrival, more lessons poured in.  I heard God telling me to let go of control and the itinerary I created.  I have recently felt overwhelmed and completely out of control.  So, to counteract these feelings, I try to take charge over my life and those around me.  I create schedules, keep my house "perfectly clean" and obsess over every detail of my days.  And when all that does not work (which it never does), my anxiety rises and I feel defeated.  God was telling me to chill; He has my back and will work all things out for the good of those who love Him.  He told me that enough is enough.  So, I gave Him my itinerary and it looked nothing like mine.  But, guess what?  It was perfect and I had so much fun.

After sleeping a good night's rest, I got to wake up with my beautiful mother (we stay at her house).  Oh, how I miss her.  That is a blessing in and of itself just to spend some time with her.  Thank You God for providing this wonderful woman in my life and creating a bond between us that shall never be broken.  My mom experiences that joy I spoke of before.  She has a blast everywhere she goes because she cares for people, enjoys conversation and takes time to listen to them.  I see, through her example, the important things in life do not include: a clean house, perfect clothes, stylish hair or status.  The important things include: relationships, setting an example of a Christian and loving people.  Don't get me wrong, my mother's house is spotless, perfectly decorated, her hair is beautiful and she dresses with style.  But, that is not the focus of her every day.

Reflecting on my Memaw's 90 years of living, I see so much to strive for!  She shined Jesus' light with every step.  She appreciates people.  She loves unconditional.  She relaxes and enjoys the life given to her.  Our God never stops using her to further His Kingdom.  Thank You God for providing this woman in my life to influence and lead my mother and I.  May she have many more years here with us.

God sends all kinds of people in our lives; those who lead us and those who we lead.  Pay attention and learn from every person you meet.  Be a vessel for God and shine light into the day.  Take the example you received and pass it on down to others needing direction.  Point them to Who will bring them where they need to be!

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." (Titus 2:7-8)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Resemble your Father

Disciple  Attend  Develop

Remember the day you first laid eyes on a squirming, crying, red, slimy little baby?  Yes, that day brought in a rush of multiple emotions.  At times, you may not have known whether to smile or cry!  Your life completely changed in a matter of minutes (in some cases hours). 

Questions fill the minds of fathers all around the world:  Will I be able to provide for this family?, How can I teach them the lessons in life?, What will they think of me?, How do I change a diaper, feed and hold this tiny baby correctly?!  The questions never end.  They may change overtime, but we never feel satisfied and confident in decisions because our kids are unpredictable.  They defy our teachings, give attitude and do not like our authority. 

Hang in there; you are not what your kids think of you.  They are learning so much throughout childhood and all of this may become overwhelming.  They begin navigating through the world on their own and may fall from time to time.  Be there to pick them up, forgive and teach them the way to go.  Nothing they do should destroy or decrease your love in any way.  Nothing they do should increase your love in any way.  Love them unconditionally.  They are blessings given from your Father above, entrusted to you for the life span here on Earth and they need you each and every day (whether they act like it or not).  Your children rely on you for comfort, survival, wisdom, safety and love.  Your Father presents this courageous job with confidence in you.  He commands that you reflect Him in actions and words.  Seek Him for counsel.  His Word will direct and rescue in every situation.  He covers all of it in His Book.

Three aspects I would like to focus on: discipleship, attention and development.  Children need the example of a disciple leading them each day.  Seek God and become a disciple by following His Word.  Many factors attribute to this way of living.  First and foremost; accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Become part of a church family and be surrounded by fellow believers.  Engage and plug into the chosen church.  Attend Bible studies, help in the children's program and go to retreats or events which feed you His Truths.  Spend daily time with the Lord.  Pray with your family, be real about the problems you encounter daily and listen to those your family encounter.  Place God in the center of your home. 

 ". . .But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Children need attention.  In the beginning it seems pretty simple: change diaper, hold for a little while, make silly faces to get a laugh (really, they just passed gas which brings the smile to their face), lay them down at night and place a kiss on their forehead.  As time moves on, the challenges of giving attention arises.  Life gets busier with work, extracurricular activities, school functions and homework.  But, they still need that one on one attention.  Sit with them while they do their homework, push them on the swing before supper, be front row at a sporting event, really examine the recent artwork created and then hang it on the fridge.  Congratulate them on a job well done in every challenge they tackle.  Turn off the cell phones, computers and TV; then, enjoy an evening of conversation to catch up on the latest.  Be your child's biggest fan!

Here comes the most difficult aspect of being a father; development!  Bringing a child from birth to adulthood seems impossible.  But, with God all things are possible.  Relying on God is a must in all areas of parenting, especially development.  Just as God disciplines, so should you.  Stand firm even through the crocodile tears.  Learning is not easy.  This is where the defiance comes in to play.  You become enemy #1 when discipline occurs.  That is okay, you are teaching them right from wrong.  There is a time and season for every activity under the heavens.  Sometimes we must be their enemy to help develop good morals, respect and safety.  You are loving them through discipline.  Then a time comes when parenting shifts to friendship.  They still come to you for advice, but now have all the lessons you taught them to help make decisions. 

Only one perfect Father exists.  Turn to Him!  Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight! (Proverbs 3:4-6)  He is there to lead your every step in parenting.  Get up each morning and give 100% to parenting and where you lack, He will provide. 

Parenting is the toughest job here.  Approach it with courage.  Feel honored that your Father trusts you with the task.  Love wholeheartedly, laugh loudly and live each day in effort to resemble your Father!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank you for providing Earthly fathers to help grow us up.  We know that we turn to You, our true Father at all times.  But, You have built up vessels here to be a father with skin on.  Thank You for providing a father for my children whom follows You each day and works to serve You in his parenting.  Thank You for providing a leader of my home to set the example for us to follow.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Goodbye Apathy, Hello Zeal

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:10-12)

The alarm blares.  Its 5:00 AM and time to rise.  Two feet hit the floor, three snoozes later.  The rush begins to get cleaned up, start the coffee, wake up the kids, dress them (hopefully matching), run a brush through their hair (and yours), grab the quickest item possible for breakfast and head for the door.  Put shoes on, lock the door (make sure keys are in hand) and leave the driveway.  The rush continues as you venture to drop kids off at babysitter, drive to the office/workplace and finally clock in (five minutes late).  

The day keeps on as the clock ticks away the seconds encompassing the day.  You work hard and complete all tasks presented.  Then, the clock strikes 5:00; quickly, you veer to the door.  Traffic turns a 30 minute drive into 50 minutes, kids wait anxiously by the door for pickup and a menu for supper does not exist yet.  Once you hit the door, the kids 'let their hair down' and turn to meltdown mode.  It seems that supper will be late AGAIN tonight due to all the distractions.  Oh, and did I mention, baseball practice is at 7:00 and dance at 6:30.  Rush, rush, rush.

Okay, take a breath. . . everyone returns home about 9:00 to get baths, make lunches for the next day, fold at least one load of laundry and maybe get to the dishes.  Your head hits the pillow around 11:00 PM only to get up and start over in six hours.  

We tend to fall in the same, mundane patterns of everyday living.  The lifestyle brings apathy.  Apathy, by definition, means absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.  Completing the same sequence of events daily and encountering all the stress that comes with it can definitely steal one's excitement and passion.  We begin to form a rut and continue going through the motions; lifeless!

Yes, the everyday activities keep us busy, work piles up and needs attention and life just keeps happening; but, avoid the excuses which steal your joy.  If only. . . I could have a vacation, switch jobs, the kids were older, etc.  These thoughts keep us from living the life God intended and shift our focus on the life we think would be best for us.  All the while, our joy diminishes and apathy sets in.  Well, guess what my friend?  God has you exactly where He wants you and asks for you to give it all 100%.  Scripture tells us what attitudes must be and the results of our following His plan for our lives.  Seek His Word and you will find reason for your life - to be His servant everywhere He leads.  Listen to Him, get your head out of the rut your feet created and bring zeal into your heart and soul!

Zeal, by definition, means fervor for a person, object, or cause; eager desire of endeavor; enthusiastic diligence.  Each day may consist of the same schedule, but never are any two the same.  You woke up this morning, breathing in fresh air and able to stand on two feet.  You are able to read the words on this computer.  These two factors, in and of themselves, should be enough to bring zeal into your day!  God has blessed you with another day to serve Him here on Earth.  We must open our eyes to love the people presented in our path, the world happening around us and the attention our family and loved ones need.  Those encountered daily will learn from our example, see God through our words and actions and seek Him because we displayed His love to them.

The Scripture above warns us to never lack in zeal.  Seek His Word daily, pray faithfully, hope in Him and be patient.  He will guide, protect and use every one of His children to further His Kingdom.  Whatever you do, wherever you go; He can use you.  So, as the day continues in a whirlwind, remember to reach up to Him.  Avoid tunnel vision and being determined to complete YOUR plan for the day.  Seek Him and submit the day to Him.  He may have something totally different in mind for your day.  Guess what?  His plan will bring joy and fill your soul with zeal.  

So much opportunity exists throughout your day to pray and seek His Word.  I can guess what you may be thinking; yeah right, I barely have time to breath.  Well, listen closely.  While driving to the babysitter - turn off the radio and pray with the kids, engage in their lives and enjoy their little stories.  While driving to and from work - pray, listen to a sermon on CD or even play the Bible on CD.  At work - be in constant conversation with God, take a struggling coworker to lunch and present a smile to everyone you meet.  At home - bring the kids into the kitchen to help cook supper, read a devotion with the family before going to bed and pray together.  You will see and feel His presence at a greater, deeper level as you seek to know Him more.  Ask Him into your day today and the mundane will vanish.  Apathy will be no more!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for making each day exciting and with purpose.  I submit this day to You and will follow the plan You created for this day in my life.  Thank You for caring so much to plan out my every day and every moment.  I am here to serve and honor You.  Bring others into my path that need to know You.  Give me the words and actions which are pleasing to You.  Here I am, use me to shine Your light to all.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  
Sheree Craig 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Servant, Not Pleaser

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

"when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.  Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." (1 Peter 3:2-4) 

God recently opened my eyes to the Scriptures above with a greater understanding.  Too often I get caught up in trying to look a certain way or act in a way which others will approve and accept me.  I fall into the trap of focusing on the clothes I wear, the way in which my hair falls or the lack of makeup I apply.  Slowly, I shrink back and lose all confidence.  My demeanor shifts to reserved and jealousy arises.  Satan acts quickly and feeds lies into my thoughts.  He informs me that performance and appearance determine my importance in this life.  The clothes I wear, the hairstyle I choose and the makeup applied will bring fulfillment.  My performance brings others into my life and I will be accepted.  I must be perfect and conform to the patterns OF this world in order to 'fit in'.  

Really?  Satan, these may have worked in the past and allowed you to create bondage in my life; but, no more will I believe these lies or succumb to your schemes.  I have found the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He will save me from the battle within my mind.  He already won over Satan.  My outward appearance means nothing.  God created me perfectly in His image.  He placed every hair on my head just right and the way they fall is beautiful.  God blesses me with a wardrobe that goes perfectly with my character and allows me to be comfortable.  He takes care of each detail for me.  Relying on Him and walking the path laid for my life has brought fulfillment to my days.  Don't get me wrong; Satan still tries to throw daggers my way and trip me up from time to time.  But, I know Who to turn to for help.  God's Truths bring me back to where I need to be.  I realize I do not want to 'fit in' here; for this life is temporary.

Guess what, my friend?  This ALL applies to you as well.  You are beautiful/handsome and created perfectly in His image.  No matter what clothes or hairstyle you wear; God created beauty in you.  He created a plan and purpose specific to you.  How amazing!  He loves and cares so much for our lives that He planned out every second of our days with an important purpose.  God desires a relationship with us and for us to live as servants.  Our performance must not be directed toward pleasing man.  We are here to be servants of our Creator, our Father in Heaven.  Look to Him for guidance and seek not the approval of man.  Doing so brings unspeakable joy into each day.  Failing to focus on Him and seeking the desires of man keeps the void inside our hearts.  Others will always find fault in you somewhere, at some point in the relationship.  God will not.  He does not judge on your appearance because He knows His creation is beautiful and perfect.  He does not reject you due to mistakes; yet, covers it with His grace.  

Seek His Truth.  He placed it all in one nice, neat Book.  Pick one up today and begin renewing your thoughts.  Kick Satan out and stand firm on His Word.  You are His child.  God protects His children and leads them in the way they should go.  He will not leave you to be destroyed by the ways of this world.  Remember this life is only temporary.  Keep focused on your Eternal Home!  He has big plans for you here; do not let the focus of appearance and performance get in the way.  Take a stand today and become a servant to God, not a pleaser of man!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for filling me with Truth and kicking Satan out of my thoughts.  He continues to try and defeat me with traps found in this world.  Keep my eyes open so I may recognize them and quickly turn to You.  Lift me over and past his evil traps and schemes.  May I not conform to the patterns of this world but continue to be renewed daily with the Truths You provide.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

On Parenting

And so my lessons continue in parenting.  Wait a minute; aren't I supposed to be the one teaching, not learning?  Well, I must have it wrong because each day I learn from my children.  I see my little blessings as angels whom God speaks through.  God uses them as vessels to teach me patience, perseverance, love and laughter.  As a mother, my heart softens and selfish ways leave my thoughts.

When being called to become a mother, I had no clue as to what it all meant.  I envisioned lots of playing, changing a few diapers, laughing hysterically at television shows, cooking wholesome meals, sitting at the dinner table every night and tucking them quietly into bed with a kiss and hug.  Yes, all this occurs, BUT many pressures, stress, discipline and decisions come along too.

How can one handle the latter?  Only through God can one find strength to take on the role of a parent.  God will guide every move and help with decisions, actions and words.  He trusts us with our children and believes in us to fulfill the role He intends for parents.  He never dishes out more than one can handle.  Trust Him to bring you through any situation arising in your house.

Whether it be illness, attitude, joy, sorrow, pain, heartache, etc.; God builds parents up to become a vessel for Him and help our children.  We must stand strong in our faith and set by example in every situation.  Our actions and words must show our children Who to seek for help.  He will carry us through illnesses, change attitudes to become pleasing to Him, share in joys, catch tears and bring glory from pain and heartaches.  Turn to Him every day and our children will follow.  They will feel the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside as God carries them through difficulties and teaches them the way to go.

As my children age, the difficulties and hardships change.  Before; a bottle would fix the crying, a changed diaper brought comfort and a little rocking eased my baby's mind.  At the time, I thought those years were difficult and exhausting; now, I see they were the easiest.  My children now try and discover who they are, what interests them and begin to develop skills for survival.  Now finding ways to heal, comfort and guide seems difficult and requires patience.  I must be patient as my child begins development of character and learns right from wrong.  I cannot fix everything for my child and must let them learn some things through experience.  I held their hand as a baby and helped them walk; directing their path to avoid danger; but, now must let them walk on their own.  Guess what?  God can hold their hand and help them along their path.  So, I lift them in prayer and ask God to be with them always, guiding their every step.  He promises to watch over our children. 

My children teach me perseverance.  Some days, I feel like a failure and see no way out of the current season of attitude, heartaches, trials and constant discipline.  I become exhausted and often doubt my role as a mother.  I reach up and ask God for help.  He answers with one word - perseverance.  Persevere through the tough seasons, stand strong in faith and know that this too shall pass.  The things they experience, the required discipline and the attitudes all develop their character.  It is a season they must go through.

A deeper love develops when parenting is concerned.  It is an unconditional love.  One that does not dwell on wrongdoings, try to control the other or give up easily.  Our children will do things we do not like, say hateful words and veer in directions we did not approve.  Let them be who God created them to be and love them through it all.  They are offspring of us, but do not have to act like us, pursue the same career as us or share the same passions as us.  Encourage them to listen for God's guidance and become the person He planned.

Laughter remains constant in parenting.  At some point throughout each day, I laugh.  It may stem from something they do or say.  It may just come because they are laughing.  My children bring joys to my life which far outweighs any difficulty we may encounter.  They know how to have fun and enjoy the simplicity in life.  Become childlike and enjoy the blessings God provides each day.  Look on the bright side of life just as our children do. 

I thank God for my two little rays of sunshine.  I am blessed to be called a mother and I pray that I can fulfill that role.  I need perseverance, patience, love and laughter.  I know that all things are possible as I reach to Him for strength.  I can face the trials of parenting only with His hand guiding me.  Thank You God for my children.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

On Marriage

As I shared, God is teaching some powerful lessons to me currently.  The most powerful one appears in my marriage.  When the words "I do" came from my lips, I did not realize the years of growing and learning to follow.  Two become one, but not overnight!  It takes communication, constant attention and selfless acts of love. 

I returned from our honeymoon and since have gained the power to read my husband's mind.  I know his every motive.  I visualize his reaction before even telling him about something.  I hear his responses before he even speaks.  OR SO I THINK!  Well, I am learning that Satan loves to build up a situation in our minds.  He loves to put lies into our minds about our spouse.  Satan loves to destroy marriages.  So, when opportunity arises, he will make every effort to do so.  I approach a situation and immediately begin thinking for my husband.  A decision comes our way and I know just how he will respond.  WRONG!  But, by the time he comes home or I see him, I am already worked up with how I think the outcome will look.  This is not fair to my husband.  He did nothing wrong.  It is all in my mind and Satan continues to feed it.  In comes the wedge he is so good at creating.  Due to all the wrongful thinking, the silent treatment appears and anger arises for what I think my husband is imagining.  No truth is in any of it. 

Once lines of communication open, the lies escape.  I understand my husband's point of view, why he makes decisions and the pressures he experiences.  Without seeing from his side, I fall into the 'what about me?' rut.  The rut leads to destruction.  Avoid the rut.  Seek to understand your spouse by talking.  Do not assume you know what the other is thinking.  Do not play out the situation in your mind before it even occurs.  Give each decision, situation and moment to God.  He will take care of it and allow for the time to be a growth and bonding experience.  Stick with Him and your marriage will not grow apart. 

Constant attention must exist because trials and troubles come every day.  Our eyes must remain open and keep Satan out.  He will slip his dirty little foot in when we least expect it.  Never place your marriage on the back burner.  Upon waking up, think about how to make your spouse's day better.  When going to bed, kiss your spouse good night and thank them for being a part of your life.  Do not give Satan a foothold by distancing yourself from your spouse.  Keep close, kiss often, hug daily, engage in one another's lives and make marriage a top priority.  And that forgiveness of 70x7 thing goes for marriage as well.  Yep, I said it.  Forgive with your heart and forget the wrongdoings.  Do not keep a record and build resentment.  Keep the slate clean. 

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:26-27)

In order to become one with your spouse, selfish thoughts need to vanish and selfless love comes in.  Life is no longer about self, but now all about marriage.  Place God at the center and follow His commands on the role you are to take within the marriage.  It is so tough because our flesh desires and seeks pleasure.  Our flesh is selfish and does not care about other's feelings.  Marriage comes from the heart and soul.  Reach for strength from God to make decisions and speak words from your heart and soul.  Edit before speaking.  Think before acting.  Allow God to control each moment.  See your spouse through God's eyes and care for them as God does.  Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. 

None of this is easy.  Remember, with God all things are possible.  Don't let Satan play a role in your marriage.  He tries to come into mine and pushes the truth about my husband to the side.  I will not let him.  Get behind me Satan.  God help me to always remember how wonderful a man You blessed me with.  He always loves, protects, shows kindness, forgives, trusts and turns to You for guidance.  Thank You for my husband and the perseverance we each display in our marriage.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Listen to the Teacher

With each breath given, we learn more skills and ways to function here on Earth.  A baby begins taking a bottle and quickly progresses to table food.  An infant begins crawling and advances to walking.  A toddler learns to talk, so we enroll them in preschool to further the language and speaking skills.  A child just begins placing the shoes on the correct feet and using Velcro; we rush buy ones with shoestrings.  Parents understand the need to learn these survival mechanisms and the opportunities that open due to the progress in development.

Not only do we learn skills for survival and education, we push our little ones to gain recreational skills.  A preschooler finally learns how to sit atop a bicycle seat and push the pedals with training wheels attached.  We cannot wait to get those wheels off and see them riding with ease and control.  Our little one begins to move off the ladder in a pool; we wish for them to begin swimming and lose all fear.  We present various sports to them in hopes to gain strength and become part of a team.  We yearn for them to grow and excel.  Parents see the benefit of knowing these skills and the joy that comes from them.

So, does learning stop once a specific number appears on your birthday cake?  NO!

Every day brings new adventures, skills, people and circumstances.  We must grow with each breath and enjoy the life given to us.  Although, the things we learn for survival and recreation lessen a bit over the years; our spiritual learning increases.  Our Father knows the need for spiritual maturity and continues to teach and prepare us for Eternal life with Him. 

Children experience those defiant days and refuse to learn or even try a new skill.  As parents, we do not give up on them and continue to show and teach.  Our Father never gives up on us though we become defiant or even refuse to listen.  He will continue to show us and teach us through His Word the growth needed in our spirits.  Learning is never easy, requires endurance, patience, humility and trust.  I often approach a situation when I know God is teaching me and think to myself, "I did not ask for this lesson."  Well, I do not have a say in the lessons required to grow my spirit.  My Father wrote the Textbook and laid out the seasons of my life.  He sees when I begin to slip away from Truth and quickly shows me the steps required to get back on His path.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

We must fix our eyes on our Father and trust His ways.  He will bring us to a spiritual maturity and use us to further His Kingdom.  Without His lessons, we fall deep into the pit which our enemy digs for us.  No joy, peace or purpose exists in that pit.  Avoid the enemy and keep focused on your Father.  He will guide you to Eternity in Heaven.  Listen to the Teacher.

Don't ever think you are done learning.  He renews our spirits daily by removing the ugliness of sin in our lives and replacing with His Truth.  I am currently being taught some heavy stuff.  I am a slow learner, so not really progressing at the speed I hoped.  He never gives up on me and continues to teach me . . .
~I will not always get what I want in marriage - it requires compromise, humility, selfless thought, communication and love!
~Parenting continues to present difficulties as the children age - pressures increase and strength can only be found through God!
~When God calls me to take a step, it always requires complete trust and I have no control!
~I must fall into my Father's arms and let Him guide my steps - He is in the driver's seat!
~Take one moment at a time and realize that God is working in ways I cannot even imagine - trust Him and know all things work out for His good!

Pay attention to the lessons He presents in your life.  Continue to seek His teachings and grow spiritually.  It will not be easy and your flesh will fight it; but, the reward far outweighs the difficulty.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for teaching this hard headed woman the lessons required for maturity in spirit.  Continue to guide me and give me strength to do what is right and pleasing to You.  Give me the words and actions required to be the wife and mother You intend.  I want to serve only You and remain on the path laid for my life.  Thank You for caring so much for me and creating a purpose for my life.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Revealing Characteristic

Tall, Decaf, Light Mocha Frappuccino with Soy milk . . .
Tall, Decaf, Skinny Caramel Macchiato with Soy milk . . .

I heard once that your Starbucks order could reveal a part of your character.  While I am not so sure about this, it is fun to think about it.  So, my order above would say what about me?

Well, I have come to the conclusion that my long winded order reveals my emphasis on detail.  I am specific in descriptions and I like things a certain way.  I will order my drinks in the same manner each time I visit Starbucks (which is not often enough).  I am one who loves routine, knowing what to expect and being prepared.  I like to know the exact ingredients in my beverage and foods, which gives me a sense of control over something.  In ordering foods at restaurants, the same manners exist.  Most things I order on the side or I go for dishes with few ingredients.  Call me plain, boring or predictable; but that is just me!  :)

My husband would probably say my Starbucks order reveals my complicated nature; I am a woman of many words and too detailed.  When my husband, or anyone, tells me a story, I often ask many questions to hear ALL the details.  I just like to know about the people involved in the story and set the scene up in my mind.  I get on his nerves because the point of the story is lost among all the other details.  If I am learning a new skill, I fill with questions of greater depth than needed to complete the presented task.  I need to know ALL about it and be prepared should something different happen.  I like to know the rules so I may follow them. 

Though these traits make up Sheree Craig and may be great at times; all of these bring trouble in the greatest relationship in my life.  When coming to God with long winded, specific instructions or requests on a situation in my life, He simply says, "My Will, not yours my sweet Sheree."  I come to Him with a plan with exact, step by step ways of doing it and find out none of it exists in His plan.  I try and work with Him and say, "But, I know this is the way it will work and this is best for me."  He quickly stops me at the first word in my sentence and reminds me that He works all things out for His good.  He is the beginning and the end.  His Will, not mine be done.  In come my struggles.  The unknown brings fear and gives risk for the devil to gain a foothold.  How can I prepare for the unknown?  What about. . .?  What if. . .?  But. . .

It does not matter as I place it in His hands.  I must trust my Father to carefully take every situation in my life and form it to fit His plan and further my walk with Him.  He knows exactly what He is doing and I need not stand in the way.  Details will come as I need them.  Routine must vanish.  God plan may interrupt mine, pushing my ideas aside to help a friend in need, listen to my child, play with my children, pray for or with someone, etc.  I do not need to know what ever hour will bring, for God will provide all I need.  His Will never leads where His Grace cannot keep me. 

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I will get to talking and He reminds me to be still and listen.  My mouth gets moving and my ears shut off.  I find myself often sitting in silence to soak in the Truths He wishes me to hear.  He created my every fiber and knows these weaknesses of mine.  So, He works with me, continues to teach me when to use these characteristics and brings peace each day.  My need to plan, control and have routine brings much anxiety in my days.  But, now I know where to take those thoughts.  He removes anxiety, brings balance and loves me through it all!  When I begin to act as I did in the past; consumed with need for control, routine and speaking too much, He feeds His Truths quickly into my situation.  He holds His hand out and says, "Come with me my dear child, let us walk together and have peace today."  By trusting Him with each day, I need not worry about details.  He has it all under control.  Read Matthew 6:25-34.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for creating me and providing a great plan for my life.  I am here to follow Your Will each day.  Though I try and put my itinerary in play daily, I know that it may change so I can be a servant for You.  Help me to shift from MY plan without anxiety and know that every situation You work out for Your good.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig