Monday, November 21, 2016

It all Starts with a Little Trust

A child suffers anxiety when separation occurs due to caregiver going to work, school, running errands, etc.  The child convinces self that the individual will not return EVER!  

As a child grows, they ask questions – LOTS of questions.  Often, after receiving an answer, the child will follow with another one. . .why?  The child desires more concrete reason for the way something works.  After thousands of ‘why’ responses, the caregiver simply states, “Because I said,” or “That is just the way it works.”  

Still growing, a child begins to know it all!  School appears pointless, caregivers lack intelligence and the child walks in pure confidence of self.  Unstoppable, Invincible, no doubts in their capabilities.  

Tainted by the world, a child begins to lose the previously described attributes.  Each day trials arise and the child’s feet hit a fork in the road.  One way leads to peace, joy, comfort and endless pathway; while the other leads to instant gratification, worldly acceptance, loss of self, pain and a dead end.  The storm surrounding hinders eyesight, preventing the child to see clearly the roads ahead.  What step should be taken?

Trust. . .Faith. . .Understanding. . .Confidence. . .

As Christians, we must help others in need of these important characteristics to remain on His path in life.  Growing up, I lost trust in this world.  I asked ‘why’ and ‘what if’ constantly.  I allowed the world to taint every aspect of my being and lost me along the way.  Coming into a relationship with my Lord and Savior, I found out the world stole ability to complete surrender of it all.  I believed, understood and washed clean in the waters of Baptism; but, all the past, all the junk, all the blinding storms made it difficult for my hands to remain open for God to take and guide.  

Years later, trust and faith dwell inside stronger than the storms of this life.  I realize God’s character surpasses any living person on Earth.  His promises ring true for all time.  He will never leave nor forsake.  People – broken, scarred and hurting – will disappoint, break trust, leave, hurt and fail to satisfy your needs.  God is the only Savior.  God answers the why questions in life (in His perfect timing).  God provides a clear picture of the plan for your life.  You were made in His image, not the image of this world.  Quit looking to the world to find out purpose in life.  

Trust in the one True God.  As a pray is spoken, give it fully to Him and know He will work all things out for good.  His ears remain open.  He may not provide an instant answer or reveal a miracle at the time.  But, He will walk through whatever life brings right alongside and provide any tools needed for survival.  You truly will come out stronger as you place trust in His power.

Faith in God keeps vision 20/20.  Look to Heaven and this world will make sense.  Look to this world and all will crumble right before your very eyes.

Understand His character and promises by reading Scripture.  Seek other believers to navigate through some harder to read Scriptures.  Listen closely after reading the Bible and God will reveal the meaning to apply directly to the situation at hand.  He brings understanding to each moment.

Confidence in you comes in surrender to the Creator of ALL.  He prepared you in the womb, fiber by fiber.  He desired the exact image reflected in the mirror.  He loves every fiber of you - just as it appears.  Walk confidently in Him who created you!  You are beautiful and wonderful and here for a purpose.  You matter to the Who matters most! 

Rid of childlike fears – God will never leave or separate from you.  He provides all and any answers you may desire.  Remember the One Who created all is omniscient. . .walk with God-confidence, not self-confidence.  Live in the world, not OF the world.  Remain in Him and purify your heart daily.          
Keep praying harder than the devil can work!
Sheree Craig  


It all Starts with a Little Trust

A child suffers anxiety when separation occurs due to caregiver going to work, school, running errands, etc.  The child convinces self that the individual will not return EVER!  

As a child grows, they ask questions – LOTS of questions.  Often, after receiving an answer, the child will follow with another one. . .why?  The child desires more concrete reason for the way something works.  After thousands of ‘why’ responses, the caregiver simply states, “Because I said,” or “That is just the way it works.”  

Still growing, a child begins to know it all!  School appears pointless, caregivers lack intelligence and the child walks in pure confidence of self.  Unstoppable, Invincible, no doubts in their capabilities.  

Tainted by the world, a child begins to lose the previously described attributes.  Each day trials arise and the child’s feet hit a fork in the road.  One way leads to peace, joy, comfort and endless pathway; while the other leads to instant gratification, worldly acceptance, loss of self, pain and a dead end.  The storm surrounding hinders eyesight, preventing the child to see clearly the roads ahead.  What step should be taken?

Trust. . .Faith. . .Understanding. . .Confidence. . .

As Christians, we must help others in need of these important characteristics to remain on His path in life.  Growing up, I lost trust in this world.  I asked ‘why’ and ‘what if’ constantly.  I allowed the world to taint every aspect of my being and lost me along the way.  Coming into a relationship with my Lord and Savior, I found out the world stole ability to complete surrender of it all.  I believed, understood and washed clean in the waters of Baptism; but, all the past, all the junk, all the blinding storms made it difficult for my hands to remain open for God to take and guide.  

Years later, trust and faith dwell inside stronger than the storms of this life.  I realize God’s character surpasses any living person on Earth.  His promises ring true for all time.  He will never leave nor forsake.  People – broken, scarred and hurting – will disappoint, break trust, leave, hurt and fail to satisfy your needs.  God is the only Savior.  God answers the why questions in life (in His perfect timing).  God provides a clear picture of the plan for your life.  You were made in His image, not the image of this world.  Quit looking to the world to find out purpose in life.  

Trust in the one True God.  As a pray is spoken, give it fully to Him and know He will work all things out for good.  His ears remain open.  He may not provide an instant answer or reveal a miracle at the time.  But, He will walk through whatever life brings right alongside and provide any tools needed for survival.  You truly will come out stronger as you place trust in His power.

Faith in God keeps vision 20/20.  Look to Heaven and this world will make sense.  Look to this world and all will crumble right before your very eyes.

Understand His character and promises by reading Scripture.  Seek other believers to navigate through some harder to read Scriptures.  Listen closely after reading the Bible and God will reveal the meaning to apply directly to the situation at hand.  He brings understanding to each moment.

Confidence in you comes in surrender to the Creator of ALL.  He prepared you in the womb, fiber by fiber.  He desired the exact image reflected in the mirror.  He loves every fiber of you - just as it appears.  Walk confidently in Him who created you!  You are beautiful and wonderful and here for a purpose.  You matter to the Who matters most! 

Rid of childlike fears – God will never leave or separate from you.  He provides all and any answers you may desire.  Remember the One Who created all is omniscient. . .walk with God-confidence, not self-confidence.  Live in the world, not OF the world.  Remain in Him and purify your heart daily.          
Keep praying harder than the devil can work!
Sheree Craig  


Sunday, November 6, 2016

It takes Perseverance

Poor Charlie Brown. . .
His Halloween bag receives rock after rock.  Void of candy, he still approaches each house in hopes this one will be different.  The poor child’s struggles never end.  It begins with Lucy tricking him, yet again, with opportunity to kick the football “Clear to the moon.”  He lands flat on his back after she deceivingly pulls the football away last second.  Struggles continue as an invitation arrives in the mail pertaining to a big Halloween bash.  Again, Lucy tears down Charlie by claiming the invitation a mistake and his name should have appeared on the NOT TO INVITE list. 

The trials do not stop.  As if it were not bad enough, Charlie fails at creating a costume, watches his sister choose a mythical idea over gathering candy and he becomes the laughing stock of the party while others transform his bald head to a jack-o-lantern.  All odds against Charlie, he did not give up.  Charlie continued, one foot in front of the other.  His reaction speaks volumes.  His friendship never-ending.  Others end up running to Charlie, including him in events, leaning on him through difficult times and trusting him with intimate details.  Pushover?  “Yes” man?  Unhappy?  Not sure; but, Charlie does not let life halt his walk or bury him in trials.

Simple character created by the famous Charles Schulz.  At time of creation, Charles could not have realized the impact, fame and money behind such a simple character.  Charles Schulz provides not only entertainment, but a life lesson through the best characters ever created (in my opinion).

Charlie Brown exemplifies perseverance – this trait increases the admiration and support I feel for Charlie.  After watching an episode, you just want to take Charlie and give him a big hug, tell him he is worth more than the trials faced and walk alongside him through it all. 

After watching a day come to an end, God wants to take us and give a huge hug, speak Truth into our soul, describing our worth and walk alongside holding our hand through every moment.  God loves us!  Just as Charles Schulz (Charlie’s creator) always ends the show on a positive note and exemplifies the friendships Charlie holds with the other characters; God will always provide blessings, positive and good in life.  We must keep our eyes open to such. 

What if Charlie Brown ran home, closed the bedroom door and gave up with each trial?  The cartoon would become quite boring and much of life missed by ‘ole Chuck’.  Avoid running when life gets tough.  Keep your head held high so blessings can be seen in all circumstances.  We cannot fathom the outcome of the current situation.  Trust God to reveal it in due time.  He knows the beginning and the end – the in between builds faith, perseverance, character and hope.  Trials in this world are inevitable – we live in brokenness – God provides wholeness within to withstand this life.

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”  Romans 5:1-5      

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig