Thursday, May 31, 2012

On Marriage

As I shared, God is teaching some powerful lessons to me currently.  The most powerful one appears in my marriage.  When the words "I do" came from my lips, I did not realize the years of growing and learning to follow.  Two become one, but not overnight!  It takes communication, constant attention and selfless acts of love. 

I returned from our honeymoon and since have gained the power to read my husband's mind.  I know his every motive.  I visualize his reaction before even telling him about something.  I hear his responses before he even speaks.  OR SO I THINK!  Well, I am learning that Satan loves to build up a situation in our minds.  He loves to put lies into our minds about our spouse.  Satan loves to destroy marriages.  So, when opportunity arises, he will make every effort to do so.  I approach a situation and immediately begin thinking for my husband.  A decision comes our way and I know just how he will respond.  WRONG!  But, by the time he comes home or I see him, I am already worked up with how I think the outcome will look.  This is not fair to my husband.  He did nothing wrong.  It is all in my mind and Satan continues to feed it.  In comes the wedge he is so good at creating.  Due to all the wrongful thinking, the silent treatment appears and anger arises for what I think my husband is imagining.  No truth is in any of it. 

Once lines of communication open, the lies escape.  I understand my husband's point of view, why he makes decisions and the pressures he experiences.  Without seeing from his side, I fall into the 'what about me?' rut.  The rut leads to destruction.  Avoid the rut.  Seek to understand your spouse by talking.  Do not assume you know what the other is thinking.  Do not play out the situation in your mind before it even occurs.  Give each decision, situation and moment to God.  He will take care of it and allow for the time to be a growth and bonding experience.  Stick with Him and your marriage will not grow apart. 

Constant attention must exist because trials and troubles come every day.  Our eyes must remain open and keep Satan out.  He will slip his dirty little foot in when we least expect it.  Never place your marriage on the back burner.  Upon waking up, think about how to make your spouse's day better.  When going to bed, kiss your spouse good night and thank them for being a part of your life.  Do not give Satan a foothold by distancing yourself from your spouse.  Keep close, kiss often, hug daily, engage in one another's lives and make marriage a top priority.  And that forgiveness of 70x7 thing goes for marriage as well.  Yep, I said it.  Forgive with your heart and forget the wrongdoings.  Do not keep a record and build resentment.  Keep the slate clean. 

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:26-27)

In order to become one with your spouse, selfish thoughts need to vanish and selfless love comes in.  Life is no longer about self, but now all about marriage.  Place God at the center and follow His commands on the role you are to take within the marriage.  It is so tough because our flesh desires and seeks pleasure.  Our flesh is selfish and does not care about other's feelings.  Marriage comes from the heart and soul.  Reach for strength from God to make decisions and speak words from your heart and soul.  Edit before speaking.  Think before acting.  Allow God to control each moment.  See your spouse through God's eyes and care for them as God does.  Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. 

None of this is easy.  Remember, with God all things are possible.  Don't let Satan play a role in your marriage.  He tries to come into mine and pushes the truth about my husband to the side.  I will not let him.  Get behind me Satan.  God help me to always remember how wonderful a man You blessed me with.  He always loves, protects, shows kindness, forgives, trusts and turns to You for guidance.  Thank You for my husband and the perseverance we each display in our marriage.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Listen to the Teacher

With each breath given, we learn more skills and ways to function here on Earth.  A baby begins taking a bottle and quickly progresses to table food.  An infant begins crawling and advances to walking.  A toddler learns to talk, so we enroll them in preschool to further the language and speaking skills.  A child just begins placing the shoes on the correct feet and using Velcro; we rush buy ones with shoestrings.  Parents understand the need to learn these survival mechanisms and the opportunities that open due to the progress in development.

Not only do we learn skills for survival and education, we push our little ones to gain recreational skills.  A preschooler finally learns how to sit atop a bicycle seat and push the pedals with training wheels attached.  We cannot wait to get those wheels off and see them riding with ease and control.  Our little one begins to move off the ladder in a pool; we wish for them to begin swimming and lose all fear.  We present various sports to them in hopes to gain strength and become part of a team.  We yearn for them to grow and excel.  Parents see the benefit of knowing these skills and the joy that comes from them.

So, does learning stop once a specific number appears on your birthday cake?  NO!

Every day brings new adventures, skills, people and circumstances.  We must grow with each breath and enjoy the life given to us.  Although, the things we learn for survival and recreation lessen a bit over the years; our spiritual learning increases.  Our Father knows the need for spiritual maturity and continues to teach and prepare us for Eternal life with Him. 

Children experience those defiant days and refuse to learn or even try a new skill.  As parents, we do not give up on them and continue to show and teach.  Our Father never gives up on us though we become defiant or even refuse to listen.  He will continue to show us and teach us through His Word the growth needed in our spirits.  Learning is never easy, requires endurance, patience, humility and trust.  I often approach a situation when I know God is teaching me and think to myself, "I did not ask for this lesson."  Well, I do not have a say in the lessons required to grow my spirit.  My Father wrote the Textbook and laid out the seasons of my life.  He sees when I begin to slip away from Truth and quickly shows me the steps required to get back on His path.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

We must fix our eyes on our Father and trust His ways.  He will bring us to a spiritual maturity and use us to further His Kingdom.  Without His lessons, we fall deep into the pit which our enemy digs for us.  No joy, peace or purpose exists in that pit.  Avoid the enemy and keep focused on your Father.  He will guide you to Eternity in Heaven.  Listen to the Teacher.

Don't ever think you are done learning.  He renews our spirits daily by removing the ugliness of sin in our lives and replacing with His Truth.  I am currently being taught some heavy stuff.  I am a slow learner, so not really progressing at the speed I hoped.  He never gives up on me and continues to teach me . . .
~I will not always get what I want in marriage - it requires compromise, humility, selfless thought, communication and love!
~Parenting continues to present difficulties as the children age - pressures increase and strength can only be found through God!
~When God calls me to take a step, it always requires complete trust and I have no control!
~I must fall into my Father's arms and let Him guide my steps - He is in the driver's seat!
~Take one moment at a time and realize that God is working in ways I cannot even imagine - trust Him and know all things work out for His good!

Pay attention to the lessons He presents in your life.  Continue to seek His teachings and grow spiritually.  It will not be easy and your flesh will fight it; but, the reward far outweighs the difficulty.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for teaching this hard headed woman the lessons required for maturity in spirit.  Continue to guide me and give me strength to do what is right and pleasing to You.  Give me the words and actions required to be the wife and mother You intend.  I want to serve only You and remain on the path laid for my life.  Thank You for caring so much for me and creating a purpose for my life.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Revealing Characteristic

Tall, Decaf, Light Mocha Frappuccino with Soy milk . . .
Tall, Decaf, Skinny Caramel Macchiato with Soy milk . . .

I heard once that your Starbucks order could reveal a part of your character.  While I am not so sure about this, it is fun to think about it.  So, my order above would say what about me?

Well, I have come to the conclusion that my long winded order reveals my emphasis on detail.  I am specific in descriptions and I like things a certain way.  I will order my drinks in the same manner each time I visit Starbucks (which is not often enough).  I am one who loves routine, knowing what to expect and being prepared.  I like to know the exact ingredients in my beverage and foods, which gives me a sense of control over something.  In ordering foods at restaurants, the same manners exist.  Most things I order on the side or I go for dishes with few ingredients.  Call me plain, boring or predictable; but that is just me!  :)

My husband would probably say my Starbucks order reveals my complicated nature; I am a woman of many words and too detailed.  When my husband, or anyone, tells me a story, I often ask many questions to hear ALL the details.  I just like to know about the people involved in the story and set the scene up in my mind.  I get on his nerves because the point of the story is lost among all the other details.  If I am learning a new skill, I fill with questions of greater depth than needed to complete the presented task.  I need to know ALL about it and be prepared should something different happen.  I like to know the rules so I may follow them. 

Though these traits make up Sheree Craig and may be great at times; all of these bring trouble in the greatest relationship in my life.  When coming to God with long winded, specific instructions or requests on a situation in my life, He simply says, "My Will, not yours my sweet Sheree."  I come to Him with a plan with exact, step by step ways of doing it and find out none of it exists in His plan.  I try and work with Him and say, "But, I know this is the way it will work and this is best for me."  He quickly stops me at the first word in my sentence and reminds me that He works all things out for His good.  He is the beginning and the end.  His Will, not mine be done.  In come my struggles.  The unknown brings fear and gives risk for the devil to gain a foothold.  How can I prepare for the unknown?  What about. . .?  What if. . .?  But. . .

It does not matter as I place it in His hands.  I must trust my Father to carefully take every situation in my life and form it to fit His plan and further my walk with Him.  He knows exactly what He is doing and I need not stand in the way.  Details will come as I need them.  Routine must vanish.  God plan may interrupt mine, pushing my ideas aside to help a friend in need, listen to my child, play with my children, pray for or with someone, etc.  I do not need to know what ever hour will bring, for God will provide all I need.  His Will never leads where His Grace cannot keep me. 

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I will get to talking and He reminds me to be still and listen.  My mouth gets moving and my ears shut off.  I find myself often sitting in silence to soak in the Truths He wishes me to hear.  He created my every fiber and knows these weaknesses of mine.  So, He works with me, continues to teach me when to use these characteristics and brings peace each day.  My need to plan, control and have routine brings much anxiety in my days.  But, now I know where to take those thoughts.  He removes anxiety, brings balance and loves me through it all!  When I begin to act as I did in the past; consumed with need for control, routine and speaking too much, He feeds His Truths quickly into my situation.  He holds His hand out and says, "Come with me my dear child, let us walk together and have peace today."  By trusting Him with each day, I need not worry about details.  He has it all under control.  Read Matthew 6:25-34.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for creating me and providing a great plan for my life.  I am here to follow Your Will each day.  Though I try and put my itinerary in play daily, I know that it may change so I can be a servant for You.  Help me to shift from MY plan without anxiety and know that every situation You work out for Your good.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Die to Self

Girl meets boy.  Girl begins to fall in love and then steals the heart of the boy.  With each meeting, love grows and the two begin visualizing themselves becoming old together.  They each see solid careers, joyous times, children, grandchildren, retirement, etc.  In these times they each still live independent of one another, move about as each pleases and see no flaw in the other.  Satan will throw a few daggers in there to try and keep a wedge big enough to prevent the carrying out of their visions.  He tries to overpower the cleaving of two souls.

Well, as the bride enters the church, the groom waits excitedly at the end of the isle; Satan lost the battle and the wedge becomes minuscule.  God's plan continues for boy and girl to leave home, announce the commitment of vows in front of Him and many witnesses and then exit the church as ONE.  The night continues with dancing, celebration, food, fun and most importantly - wedding cake!  The celebration may last longer with the couple taking a honeymoon somewhere far from home.  While there, they remain away from "real" life and free from everyday trials.  Their love radiates and God stands strong between the newlyweds. 

Upon returning, life continues with work, daily responsibilities, adjusting to a new life and keeping up with friends.  Satan begins working overtime, knowing the first few years of marriage are the most difficult.  Why?  The newness wears off, the visions had before do not play out as expected and selfish ways remain.  No one really explains the difficulties newlyweds face when taking that commitment and striving to keep Christ as the center of the relationship.  Christ does not just show up in the center or do all the work.  You each must first place Christ in the center of your own lives and then come together and each day follow His Truths to keep Him in the center.  Satan sits and waits for the perfect moments to step in and create conflict, increase the wedge and prevent the two from fulfilling the will of God. 

God brings two together to form a complete, whole person and help further His Kingdom.  When separated, the two are good servants; but, together they become GREAT servants.  Each complements the other and encourage along the way.  Should one fall, the other comes alongside and picks them up, feeding them with Truth to help them find strength through God.  Coming together and seeking the same purpose (serving God) will bring a strong foundation built upon Christ that can withstand the worst of trials.  Trials will come and if selfish ways, angry hearts or prideful spirits exist; Satan will gain a foothold.  Upon leaving the church after saying "I Do", the two become one.  Each dies to self and lives for the other. 

I urge newlyweds to be in pray daily, seek His Truths to begin building a solid foundation between the two and find a way to proclaim your love each day.  Satan works so hard to destroy marriages because he knows the power behind a Christ centered relationship.  The two will boldly step each day for God and bring so many others to know Him.  They will grow a family which then will extend His family even more.  It does not work in sync with His plan without Him involved.  Trust me on this one; we tried to manage our marriage alone and the wedge grew. 

Place Him at the center, see your spouse as God sees them and know that each day the other is fighting a battle in the mind just as you.  So, come together on His Word and let God fight those battles for you.  Pray for one another and focus on the actions He asks you to take to encourage one another.  Show your love daily through actions and words.  Don't let the sun fade on a day with anger still stirring.  Satan loves to come in and take advantage of sleeping, angry spirits.  Resentment will build and give him a tool to use against you later.  Communicate in love.  Above all - seek to understand the other before being understood. 

We each fall short of the glory of God daily.  We are not to condemn another for this.  Instead, pray for the other in their weaknesses and struggles.  Come alongside your spouse and feed them with Truth.  Love as He loves.  Remember this every day of your marriage and persevere always.  You cannot change your spouse to be as YOU want them to be, but you can pray them to become who GOD desires them to be.  God will work all things out for His good and we have no say in the plans made.  Simply, accept His plans with willing hearts and allow God to work in your spouse in His timing, not yours.  Be patient. . . God has it all under control as you give it to Him.  He knows what He is doing.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for reminding me through trials that we each are a working progress.  We each strive to be like Christ and serve You each day.  Together, my husband and I will serve and do great things.  I pray for my husband as he seeks You and follows Your commands.  Give him strength to persevere and build his faith.  I thank You for providing a wonderful man for me to love and serve alongside.  Give me the actions and words needed to encourage, love, support and respect him daily.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Proud Parent

I watch my four year old tie her shoes with ease.  My eyes gleam as she folds laundry perfectly.  Although it may be on our furniture, she can correctly write her name.  No longer does this little girl splash in a bathtub with cheaply made toys; she now takes showers and asked for all bath toys to be tossed in the garbage.  She forms sentences as only an adult could.  In tee ball, she hits the ball solid, in great form and runs quickly to her base.  Fielding comes with ease and she grabs the ball to throw to first for an "out".  I am a proud parent.

My daughter cares for others every day.  She will sporadically say, "Mommy, I love you."  She will rub my back often, open doors for me, push the cart around the store to help out, bring her dishes to the sink after eating and use manners when asking for a service or item.  She willingly shares with her brother, for the most part.  When receiving a treat, she always thinks to take one for her bubby as well.  She smiles always, hugs often, gives out the best kisses and brings joy wherever her feet travel.  I am a proud parent.

I watch my eight year old tie his shoes with ease.  I smile from ear to ear as I read the latest accomplishment made at school.  His report card displays only an A or B.  He works hard at school and home on work given by the teacher.  His little mind never quits working, soaks up all information and enjoys learning new material.  He officially has a signature now and writes other words in cursive as well.  He chooses his own outfit for the day (and actually matches) and needs no assistance in grooming.  His conversations go deep and serious at times.  He shows creativity in all he does.  His hands can create the greatest of masterpieces.  In baseball, he hits the ball past the infielders and hustles to each base.  He sits behind home plate with all the gear and very few balls get past this handsome catcher.  I am a proud parent.

My son thinks about others every day.  He comes up with thoughtful ways to show he cares.  He will create a card for his daddy or me.  He will wrap up a gift to give a family member.  He cleans up after himself, helps carry heavy loads to and from the house, creates a delicious menu for the week and uses manners when asking for an item or service.  He brings laughter always, hugs often, displays the best smile and loves others wherever his feet travel.  I am a proud parent.

Yes, it could be sad to see my children grow up, become more independent and mature.  But, the joy of seeing their characters, love and wisdom shine outweighs the sadness.  Sure, I loved holding and rocking a baby to sleep.  I enjoyed clapping wildly as the first step was taken.  I miss the "easy" days where no attitude existed (because they could not talk), their only influence was I and my husband and they turned to me for all needs.  But, I stand with a proud heart as I see them carry out actions we taught.  Their morals reflect and answer my prayers.  I see God taking such good care of them and I know He has great plans for each of their lives.

In the same way, God watches proudly as we (His children) daily make the right choice.  He gleams as we accept Him into our lives, display faith each moment and serve Him boldly.  He created in us skills and talents intended for the use of furthering His Kingdom.  Used correctly, we will succeed in fulfilling the will He planned.  Seek Him to figure out where He wants you to go with the body, mind and spirit He created in you.  He is our Father and we must look to Him for guidance, wisdom and all our needs.  He will carry us in the weak times and through the toughest of trials; only to bring us out on the other side with greater maturity.  We learn daily what is expected and carry out His commands.

So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it. (Philippians 3:15-16 The Message)

So bring a smile to your Father's face by taking care of the body given.  Feed yourself daily with nourishing foods, His Word and exercise properly.  Speak clearly any concerns and request through prayer.  Be upfront and mature in speech.  Show caution in speaking to others, restrict anger, display forgiveness and encourage those He brings in your path.  Go to Him before each decision.  Love others, help always, display a smile to everyone, hug often and shine His light wherever your feet travel.  Live according to His Word.  Then, He will say as a proud Father, "Well done good and faithful servant."

"because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." (James 1:3-5)

God, thank you for another day.  May my actions and words be pleasing to You today.  I thank You for the blessings poured on my life.  I pray for guidance on how to treat each blessing and enjoy each breath given.  Thank You for bringing my two children up so well.  I am so proud of them and love them with all my heart.  Continue to work through me each moment to teach, love and guide them.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Power of Light

For Mother's Day I always receive flowers.  I, whose thumb is BLACK, struggles with the idea of keeping this beautiful flower, well, beautiful.  I recall all the flowers of the past years and see dried, drooping, dead and destroyed bulbs.  I see these beautiful gifts as an added task on my already long to do list.  I must water, feed and care for them correctly to keep them alive.  Really? 

Maybe this year will be different. . .

About four or five days after receiving one, I think it could probably use some water (yeah, 3 days ago).  I already began on a bad note.  The one received from my son came home in a perfectly decorated white lunch size bag in a cup of soil with an attached poem. . .
Your love is like a flower:
It grows and grows and grows.
That is why I love you--
From your head down to your toes.
Okay, so the pressure is on.  The poem compares my love to this flower in the bag.  I must keep it alive and help it grow to live up to the comparison to my love.  I pull it out from the bag (five days later) and the yellow bulb hangs over, the soil is screaming for water and I am not sure this one will survive.  Maybe we can compare my love to the beautiful flowers in his Nana's yard.  She does a fabulous job at caring for her flowers.   

I will try to keep this one alive and not lose hope.  I pulled it out, got some water on the soil and will plant it in our mulch bed.  We shall see if planting brings it back to life.  I must remember to continually keep watch on it, nourish it daily and enjoy the beauty it offers.  I can do this, right?

Ever feel like your spiritual life lacks proper nourishment?  Ever feel like no one cares enough to help or everyone walks by seeing a dead, drooping, destroyed soul without even stopping to help?  Sometimes our lives become so consumed with trials, hurts, sadness, anger or lies that we begin to suffocate.  We gasp for something, someone to keep us alive.  We feel so covered in darkness and feel giving up to be our only option. 

I urge you to reach for the light.  My little flower remained in darkness for days, without any hope of light.  Once I brought it out in the light, the darkness could no longer damage the growing process.  I fed it water and now it can begin to gain strength.  I will put it amongst other flowers and blooms so to share and contribute to the beauty around my home. 

Reach up for Him to bring light to any darkness you encounter.  He will provide His Word to nourish your soul.  He will take you in His hand to comfort, heal and guide you to the path laid for your life.  You are beautiful and God has a plan for your life.  He may plant you amongst others to contribute to His already growing, spiritually strong people.  Those people will help you and shine His light upon your situation.  Or, He may plant you in an area where your situation will bring others to you who need His light.  He asks you to be a vessel and use whatever mess you face as your ministry.

"You, Lord, are my lamp;
    the Lord turns my darkness into light." (2 Samuel 22:29)

"but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14)

"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." (John 7:38)

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." (John 15:1-2)

God is the true gardener.  Let Him grow your spirit each and every day.  Darkness cannot overcome His light.  His living water never ends.  He prunes perfectly so you can be the one He intended at your Creation.  Seek His Word to nourish your spirit and remain alive in Him.  The best part; God never gives up or counts you too far gone to be restored.  He will bring life even the deepest, darkest situations.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for being the Gardener of my life.  I need Your Word daily, living water, light and pruning.  Though trials come my way, I know You will keep my alive and protect me from darkness.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Monday, May 14, 2012

God Revealed His Answers

One day a year, women do not cook, clean or play referee.  They receive praise for a job well done and lots of hugs.  Flowers magically appear at the door, at work or on the kitchen counter to show appreciation.  Lines of men/children, carefully choosing a card, form in most stores (usually the night before or day of).  And we all know chocolate is a woman's best friend.

Whatever the gift, the purpose is to show appreciation to a lovely woman in their lives.  Their love is expressed perfectly in the eyes of the receiver.  Whether planned last minute or well thought out; the love and appreciation shines through the gift given.

While I love chocolate, flowers (when I can keep them alive) and jewelry; I yearn for a gift which will not break the bank.  Mine cannot be purchased at a store.  And guess what?  I received exactly what I desired on my day.

Of course, I am speaking of Mother's Day.  The weeks leading up to this day brought pure exhaustion both physically and mentally.  I could not see past my negative attitude and I wanted to throw in the towel.  I clung to Truth and sought out strength from Him to endure.  Though I felt defeated, I did not give up.  I learned so much in His Word and applied it to my life.  Patience (which I lack) was required.  My prayers lifted daily without a sign of answer.  Well, God WAS working wonders my eyes could not see due to hurt and anger. 

Then, it happened.  God answered my prayers on Mother's Day.  My eyes opened to see clearly His work, His blessings poured on me daily and His arms comforted all my hurt.  His grace covered all the nasty anger I held deep.  He answered so many prayers on that day.

I received two beautiful homemade cards.  I attended church with my three most favorite people.  I spent the whole afternoon in the presence of them as well.  We did nothing special; but, just having them around meant the world to me.  I caught up on conversation with my sister and ended the evening enjoying a dinner and laughs with those I most love.  What a beautiful day!

God not only answered my prayer through the Mother's Day I desired; but, I see the work and progress He brings in both my children.  Days exist as a mother when you feel failure.  Some days you feel rejection, criticism and that those precious little ones are learning nothing from you.  Well, God assured me that He hears my cry.  He holds their future in His hands.  I cannot change the plans by trying to control their thoughts and actions.  I am here to set an example, love, comfort and lead them to Him for guidance.  He will bring them where He planned.  So, I pray that I can merely be a vessel God uses to raise my two children.

God also made it clear how to communicate with my dear husband.  He brought peace, clarity and direction to my thoughts and I was slow to speak.  I prayed before speaking.  I sought His Truth and asked for the words needed to bring forth my feelings, while avoiding argument.  He brought compromise through our conversation.  I felt the walls break down which stood strong around my heart.  Pride left me.  Anger dissolved from my thoughts and understanding came.  Days exist as a wife when you feel failure.  Some days you feel rejection, criticism and that that lovely spouse of yours does not listen to any of your thoughts.  Well, God assured me that He will take care of my spouse.  It is not up to me to determine what path my husband chooses.  The steps taken are between him and God.  I am to pray for him, love him for who he is,  encourage, lead by example and let God take control of all situations.  So, I strive to be the wife God intended and pray for strength to speak in love, to comfort and seek to understand. 

Read Titus 2:7-8.  Read Philippians 4:8-9.

One day a year our efforts are recognized and appreciated.  Let us take the other 364 and strive to do an even greater job than the past 364.  Bring God into every decision, pray for discernment, words and actions needed to run your home as He intended.  Mistakes will be made, days will be frustrating, defeat will be felt and words received will hurt; but, His grace covers every last bit of it.  Turn to Him and seek His advice.  He knows your heart and will bless your perseverance. 

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for making me a wife and mother.  I am so proud of the family given to me and I pray I can lead by example.  Provide the words and actions needed to be the wife and mother You intend for Sheree.  I love my family, but do not always show it in the best manner.  Ease my daily anxieties which cause frustration to fill my thoughts and then come out in my actions.  Protect my family and bless my mothering for then next 364 days.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig     

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Emergency Plan

When an emergency occurs, we call 9-1-1.  I have been taught this important lesson since childhood.  I now pass this on to my children.  I showed them the numbers to dial should mommy fall or get hurt.  Of course, they both know my husband is on speed dial on my cell phone.  Modern technology allows for one number to be pressed to dial someone.  So, if anything should happen requiring assistance, my children know exactly who to dial.

Upon calling 9-1-1, the callee acts quickly.  Once all details are stated and the location verified, an alarm sounds for all emergency personnel to act.  All individuals have been trained and studied just how to react in emergency situations.  Often times, the presented situation has been seen by them before.  The response time is quick and the one in need can be rescued, treated and recover.  The callee remains on the line until someone arrives on scene.

I mentioned my children know how to call my husband as well.  Sometimes, an intercessor must be contacted because the individual is unaware of the 9-1-1 option or the phone line is busy.  So, my husband would take over the duty of calling for help.  He would know just what to say and where to send emergency personnel.

Any physical injury or accident can be treated in such a manner as mentioned above.  What about a spiritual emergency?  Yes, I am serious.  Spiritual emergencies happen daily and need proper attention.  Who do you call?  Where do you turn?  What is proper treatment?

Well, my dear friends, one line remains open continuously, ready to hear any troubles and trials - JER-33-3.  Call to God and He will answer.  One call brings any and all answers to reach healing. 

As He hears our cry out, He acts.  Once the details are stated, He places your concerns on the hearts of His servants.  He leads those servants to you with open arms.  Meanwhile, His Truth practically jumps off the page as you seek the Bible for strength to hold on.  The servants who come have been built up by God and know His Word.  They are mere vessels who speak God's Words and become His hands and feet.  Usually, the ones sent have experienced the same situation you face and can share their story to help encourage you and lift you up.  This is how God uses others messy situations as their ministry.  They respond in perfect timing to rescue, treat and help recover.  The best part is God never hangs up; He remains on the line always.  He checks in on you continuously to assure healing is happening.  If need be, He sends even more servants and feeds more Truth into your life. 

Sometimes situations bring us so deep in hurt that we remain unresponsive.  Those around us see our pain and know something must be done to save you from a pit.  In come our intercessors, other known as prayer warriors.  We fall into situations where we are just too weak to call out or too deep to reach out.  Our thoughts become drowned by lies and we see no way out.  Our prayer warriors will speak for us.  God hears their cry.  They know just what to say to God and He acts quickly.

Just as a doctor prescribes specific methods or medicines to help healing once leaving the hospital; God gives the same.  The same prescription works for every and any situation: bury yourself in His Truths, pray continuously and apply it to your situation.  Use His Words to replace the lies, hurt and sadness.  He will bring healing, comfort and love if only you seek Him. 

So, get your emergency plan together.  Have prayer warriors on speed dial.  Pass this plan onto your children, so they may know exactly where to go when facing an emergency.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for responding quickly as I reach out for help.  Thank You for sending servants in the form of beautiful friends to feed me Truth and set my feet back right.  Their response was in Your perfect timing.  I cannot express enough thanks to my prayer warriors and quick responders.  I am here should the favor ever need returned.  Place it on my heart the needs of those who help me so I may become their prayer warrior each day.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, May 11, 2012

Spruce Up the Place!

I love to Spring clean.  Call it a sickness if you will, but it feels so good to spruce up my home.  I love to load up bag after bag of items to give away to others.  Cleaning always brings a sense of accomplishment.  The results visibly reveal a job well done.  Part of the joy stems from me having the know how to clean and organize.  I can complete the task easily and have fun the whole time.  Sometimes, the process helps me avoid the chaos and mess in other areas of life.  I lack the know how on the steps to take in order to "clean up" my messy situation.  I see no fun in tackling the out of control life surrounding me; so, why try? 

When cleaning up my home, I must be careful.  My timing must be perfect, for I have four little hands that want to hang on to everything.  These little hands hold tightly to items that have not been used in years.  As I tackle their closet and pull out clothing that has not been worn in years and place it in the give away pile, they quickly decide it is their favorite shirt.  I try and sneak a toy into the pile and all of a sudden it is the very toy they have been looking for the past few months.  They have a hard time letting go. 

So, I go on to explain that some kids do not have even one toy and would love to play with this item.  I let them know that as we receive new clothes, we must give some of the others away to those in need.  Sometimes this works; other times they disagree and do not want to see that item leave the house.  What they do not understand is the item takes up space where something better could be placed.  If their old toys and clothes remain in our home, we have no room for new.  I find myself repeating this same scenario too often with my children.  I just want them to let the old stuff go and make room for new.

Oh, how God says the very same thing to me.  Spring cleaning is a must within my journey.  I love to clean my home, but when it comes to cleaning up my life; I feel much different.  God wants me to get rid of the old self and embrace the new life found in Him.  I understand completely, until He wants to begin cleaning up that really old stuff buried deep in my soul.  He reaches for that one person which I have not completely forgiven and tells me to clean it up!  He grabs hold of a situation I thought I snuck by Him and says, "Oh no my dear, this one must go as well." 

I find my two little hands grasping tightly to these things.  Sure, I will let go of the easy ones, like smoking, drinking to escape, cussing, foul media, inappropriate clothing, etc.  But, the anger, bitterness, pain, control and pride; Whoa! that is just too hard.  I quickly avoid His command for me to let that go.  Nope, too hard, not gonna do it.  Why should I God?  Don't I deserve to hang on to all of that?  God, you just don't understand how hurt I was and how hard it is to be humble, kind, gentle and loving.

God simply refuses to listen to my excuses.  He reminds me instantly of Jesus hanging on the cross in humility, showing kindness amidst all the pain and loving those who hurt him.  He continues to explain that all I hang onto hinders my progress in the plan laid out for my life.   If I refuse to let go, I cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit.  I am filling my life with old feelings, bad attitude, sadness and pride.  Therefore, no room exists for the blessings God waits to provide in my life. 

Seek God today for some spring cleaning.  Listen closely as He goes deep into your soul and reveals what must be removed.  You may come against something which seems impossible to let go and heal.  I urge you to remember that God can do more than you can even imagine.  He provides strength to overcome hurt, buried sadness and pain.  Let it go today.  Spruce up your soul and feel refreshed.  In Him, a new creation comes and the old self must vanish.

Our home can be cleaned within hours or days; but, cleaning our soul may take months or years.  Be patient, you did not become this way overnight.  Take each step in faith that God will do what He promises.  Seek Him for wisdom, guidance and strength.  Persevere in the most difficult times.  Open your hand and heart to release all the yuck inside.  He, then, can fill you to the fullest with the healing and blessings He holds.  Make room for Him.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for cleaning my soul.  I don't know what lay ahead for me, but I clearly see I must make room for it.  Continue to guide me in how to let go of all this built up yuck.  Loosen my grip on the old, so I can grab hold of the new.  Humble my spirit and open my heart to release the ugliness I hold inside.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All Together Beautiful

The season for that dreaded piece of clothing lying in the back of the drawer/closet draws near.  You know, that thing showing the world what we try to hide as best we can or alter in a way which pleases the eyes of others.  No way exists around bringing it out from the depths of our closet/drawer and wearing it.  Well, I guess you could stay in all summer long and sit in the air condition.  No!; that would be boring.  Good times would be missed: laying poolside catching up on the latest gossip with a good friend, swimming/playing in the pool with the kiddos or becoming a kid again and riding the big water slide at the park!  So much fun lay ahead in the season of summer. . .

BUT our thoughts consume us and bring dread when thinking about placing that clothing on and actually going in public.  The mirror spews lies as we stand in front to make sure the thing still fits.  Each year, the mirror brings on a new lie to stack upon all the others already established.  We come to the point that we would rather be drenched in sweat than put that thing on to cool off in the pool.

Our summer shorts may bring the same dreadful feelings.  They display more of the areas which women struggle with accepting.  Satan loves to drag us down in this moment of weakness as we face the wardrobe created for summer. 

Well, ladies it is time to take a stand against our enemy.  Tell Satan to get behind you because God has so much joy waiting for you this summer and you intend to experience it fully.  God created you exactly how He imagined.  Each piece, curve, mole, freckle, wrinkle, etc. was placed just perfectly according to His plan.  He thought so much of us to create variety.  Variety is necessary in life or the joy and excitement would vanish.  He offered various taste buds to enjoy the foods of this land.  He offered various colors to keep our eyes entertained.  He created a variety of animals for companionship and food.  He created a variety of land to allow for options in habitation.  He created a variety of seasons to help the land grow crops and keep stable the Earth which He began.  Why then, would He do any differently when creating us?

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) -(Emphasis mine)

We each hold various skills, characteristics, features and talents which play a dire part in serving Him.  If you were to change even one inch of your being, you would not be who God intended in the beginning.  You were created in His image by Him.  Love the body He provided, maintain the health He blesses you with daily and be confident in the life chosen for you.  He smiles back at you when looking in the mirror.  He sees beauty.  He loves every part of you.

So, when going to choose clothing for the summer season; seek God for guidance on what to wear.  He will help you find the clothing which fits just right, flatters the body He created and brings comfort to your thoughts so to enjoy this time of year.  Take His Word with you everywhere you travel and replace those lies Satan spews out.  Refuse to listen to the enemy and remember who you are in Christ. 

Avoid the comparison game when going out in public: "Well, I wish I looked like her" or "Doesn't she just have the most perfect body".  Guess what my sister; we ALL have the most perfect body.  We were all created in His image.  We have a perfect Creator who does not make junk or mistakes.  Embrace the life given to you, not the girl's that just walked by.  Do not compare the outward appearance of another to the inward thoughts you have of yourself.  This only leads to destruction.  Praise God for variety.  When going to an event that requires that thing to be worn, pray for help in focusing on the event, not the clothing or thoughts of self. 

It is not a dreaded piece of clothing.  It is a bathing suit which displays the beauty God created.  Embrace this season with the wardrobe that bests suits YOU.  Wear it with confidence, knowing you are a temple of God.  Honor your Creator by wearing the clothes He provides.  Seek Him for advice, love and Truth.  See yourself through His eyes and see beauty in His creation.

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
    there is no flaw in you."  (Song of Solomon 4:7)

You are beautiful my friend.  Do not let Satan tell you differently!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for variety in this world.  I pray for all reading this to find peace within their thoughts, comfort in the body given and see the blessings You provide.  I pray this season is one of joy, memories and peace.  Please guide me to the clothing that bests fit the body You have provided.  Thank You for restored health and Truth spoken to me.  Come into my summer and join me in the good times You have waiting ahead.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Am I Proof?

A song by Sidewalk Prophets, "Live Like That", speaks volumes to me.  I would like to share some of the words and the encouragement stemming from them.

Sometimes I think, What will people say of me
When I'm only just a memory
When I'm home where my soul belongs

These thoughts may cross our minds daily or at least from time to time.  We may think about the memories or the legacies we will leave.  Did we make a difference in even one life?  In whose life did we make a difference?  Who did we live for?

Was I love, When no one else would show up
Was I Jesus to the least of those
Was my worship more than just a song

Did we step up when everyone else turned their heads and ran?  Did we reach for strength from the only Source who can offer it?  Sometimes the biggest thing holding us back from stepping boldly is fear.  We fear what others would say if we thought differently, acted kindly to those deemed undeserving or just shined the light of Jesus everywhere traveled.  Rejection from others hurts; but, guess what, people of this world do not bring you Eternal life in Heaven.  We have One Judge and One which we serve.  Are we serving with our whole being?  Do our actions reflect our words?  Empty words leave us empty.  God wants our actions as well as our words.  Worship God through song, speech among others and actions shown to all.  Be His hands and feet with every turn made.  He is love; spread the love received to those we meet.

Am I proof, That You are who you say You are
That grace can really change a heart
Do I live like Your love is true

People pass, And even if they don't know my name
Is there evidence that I've been changed
When they see me, do they see You

Wow!  Could our every move, thought and word really be evidence of His grace?  YES!  Lead through example.  God consumed my life, taught me the way to live, healed my hurts, pulled me from the pit, broke the chains of bondage and set me upright; for what? - to show His great power to all I meet.  My messy, ugly past can be used as a ministry to those I meet and be proof of the joy waiting for those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  God stands with open arms to freely offer grace and change our life.  He will take the yuck, pain and sadness and give love, comfort and healing!  I want to be proof of this because He shifted my feet from a path of destruction to one leading to my Eternal Home. 

I want to live like that
I want to live like that

So that everything I say and do, Points to You!

I am filled with encouragement every time I hear those words.  I am reminded I am alive because He died for me.  He died for me and you!  Meditate on those very words. . .

He died so you and I may live an abundant life here on Earth and spread the Good News.  The very least we can do is serve our Father wholeheartedly.  Praise Him in all we do and say.  Prove the greatness of our Father to others by sharing His Word.  He offers the words needed with each step taken for Him.  Don't let fear hold you back because we can do all things through Him who give us strength.  If we live for Him and activate the Holy Spirit dwelling within, He will be our guide. 

Have you done so in your life; accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior?  He is waiting for you with open arms. 

I want to live like that.  Will you join me?

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for the encouragement received through wonderful Christian singers.  Help me to live as Your servant.  I am here to be a vessel.  Give me the seeds needed to plant in the hearts of those I encounter daily.  Though I may not see them grow, I know that I am serving You as I plant.  I know You will water in Your timing.  I pray for all who read this to think of You before taking each step, speaking each word and making each move.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

No Crash is too Big

Riding a bike appears quite difficult to one who never touch a pedal in their life.  Sitting on the seat may seem a little awkward in the beginning.  Pushing with one foot at a time to move the tires requires some coordination and thought.  Your eyes must focus on the path traveled to know when to turn the handle bars and avoid rough terrain or grassy areas.  The training wheels allow stability so all other aspects of riding may be learned. 

Okay, so now you sit upon the seat with comfort, pedal gracefully and keep your eyes focused; but the training wheels still remain.  Your confidence builds in the skills already learned and soon you do not even think about going through all the motions.  You are a natural.

Now the training wheels must come off.  Whoa!  You did not sign up for such a difficult task.  Suddenly, all the confidence vanishes and the thought of losing stability from the two little wheels on each side frightens you to no end.  Someone holds onto the seat as you begin to pedal and hold tightly to the handle bars.  At some point, they will let you go on your own.  As you focus on the difficulty and fear of being without support, you forget all that you learned.  They let go and you crash.  See, you knew this would happen.  You already set your mind to the idea that no chance existed for you survive without support from training wheels.  Do you give up?  Do you get back up and try again?

Well, throughout your bicycle riding history, you will wreck many times.  The first crash seems the worst.  Giving up is not the answer.  Every time feet touch pedal, risk for a crash exists.  With each experience riding, you gain knowledge on how to handle the tough terrain and how to remain upright on the path laid before you.  Without taking the chance, you deprive yourself of wisdom, maturity and joy.  A bike will get you to the intended destination with ease should you keep focused, ride with confidence, have faith in your abilities and remember all learned through past experiences.

Wrecks do not only happen while learning to ride a bike; they happen down the road to the most experienced riders.  Anyone can lose balance and fall.  I did so just a few years ago while riding with my husband.  I lost balance, hit the curb and fell to one side (don't laugh!).  I looked to see if anyone saw me.  My husband did.  He made sure I was okay, helped me get back up and waited for me to continue on the path.  I learned not to travel too close to the curb for the rest of the journey. 

No matter the level of maturity or experience lived as a Christian; with each step taken a risk for a crash exists.  Some days the risk skyrockets and you must be careful with each step taken.  Then, other days have minimal risk with a smooth path.  Either way, if a wreck occurs, God is there to pick you up, dust you off, heal the hurt and wait for you to continue on.

When first becoming a Christian, God carried me through every moment.  Each morning, I could not even step once without His hands guiding my every move and holding me upright.  The shift in lifestyles felt awkward, the coordination needed to step boldly for God did not exist yet, my eyes remained a bit foggy not sure of the next step and my thoughts knew not where to turn.  Slowly, I gained the tools and skills needed to walk a God-confident life.  I saw what path He intended me to travel.  He then began traveling beside me, hand in hand.  Life continued pretty smoothly.

Now, the path gets a bit smaller and difficult situations arise.  Whoa!  I did not sign up for these trials and troubles.  My faith begins to shake and confidence pushes aside.  I forget in an instant all the tool and skills learned because I focus on the difficult position I face and fear consumes my thoughts.  I already had my mind set on the idea that no chance of survival existed.  I press on and sure enough lose balance and crash.  Should I turn around, give up and keep this a secret? 

NO.  Don't allow the enemy to tell you that you failed and giving up is the only option.  Get back up, reach up to your Father for balance and continue down the path.  Learn from each crash and next time another difficulty arises; you will know exactly what to do to avoid a crash.  No crash is too big for your Father to handle.  He already won the battle.  Turn to Him.  Any injury can be healed.  Even if you traveled so far off the path that you cannot see it anymore; He will bring you back.  Don't give up when things seem to difficult.  Reach for the One who will provide the strength to persevere.  Without taking that bold step for Him; we deprive ourselves of the joy, wisdom and maturity He planned for us.

No matter how beat up you feel due to a crash in life; He will take you in His arms and heal.  He will bring you upright and build confidence back into your life with His Truths.  Don't keep your crash secret; the enemy loves things kept in secret.  It gives him the power to consume your thoughts with lies.  Trust in God and He will straighten your path.  Lean on Him for guidance and seek out Godly individuals to feed you with Truth.

Read Isaiah 54:4-5.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for picking me back up through the crashes I encounter.  Dust me off and set my feet back on the path laid for my life.  Help me take each crash experienced and use it to minister to others.  Teach me so I may teach others.  Shine Your light to others through me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

Friday, May 4, 2012

His Mercy Remains

My eight year old son entered a time in life where mom is not cool.  Through his eyes, he sees a weirdo woman trying to steal the fun out of everything.  He cannot yet see the importance in discipline and rules and sees no connection with love and kindness.  To him, discipline feels miserable and rules hold him captive.  If it were up to him, mom would lighten up, speak less and be blind to anything going on in the house. 

So, in comes rebellion.  My son comes to the point of throwing out attitude, spewing words of disrespect and stirring up anger inside.  I, being on the receiving end, feel deeply saddened.  The rejection from him breaks my heart.  Most days, I feel as though someone took my heart and stomped it into a million pieces.  All I want to do is hug, love and comfort my child.  He refuses.  He only remembers the times when things did not go according to HIS plan.  He only recalls the times when MOM stepped in and changed the plan to one which was better for him.  Therefore, he builds walls around his heart and does not let me in.  Being the disciplinarian is not fun.  I think I will put in my two weeks notice. . .

. . .then comes one evening.  After months of this treatment, I was exhausted.  I felt I could not win and did not know how to get my son to realize that I love him with all my heart.  Well, that evening, he asked me to sit by him on the couch to watch a show.  He even demanded that his sister move over and make room for me.  So, in the middle I plopped to watch our show.  He put his arm in mine.  He laid his head on my shoulder and did not leave my side through the whole show.  Wow, my heart became whole again; then, it melted.  This is all I wanted from him.  I just wanted him to see I loved him and quit rejecting me as a mom.  I wanted him to let me love him.  I think a few walls broke down in that moment.  Not to say they will not come back up one day, but I see now that deep inside, he knows I love him. 

I realized in my life, I was doing the same with God.  I fell in a rut and did not agree with the life I encountered.  The trials and troubles seemed too much.  I began to put up walls and lose trust that God would make this all turn out for His good.  I would hear Him speak to me daily and pray continuously, but the weight from this world was too much.  I remained too focused on negative, forgetting the positive.  The discipline felt miserable and I did not recall asking God for a lesson.  Being a servant and following His Way did not jive with MY plan.  I felt enduring this tough spot in my journey was so unfair.  What about MY plan?  What about MY feelings?  DOES ANYONE CARE!?!

Anger stirred inside, disrespect towards my Father continued and ugly words spat out of my mouth.  Satan took advantage of this time and fed me with more negativity.  The constant battle each day became old, quick.  I needed help.  I did not know where to turn or what else to do.  I felt stuck, no way out. 

In comes a wonderful friend of mine.  God used her to speak Truth into my heart.  Her words opened my eyes to see God's hand is in this.  He will fight the battle, provide strength to endure and grow my faith through all of life's troubles.  She helped me see the walls MUST come down and running to God's arms was my next step.  Somehow, I ventured from the path and began to fall.

Well, God caught me.  I asked Him to sit next to me.  I demanded for Satan to step aside and get behind me, for he is a stumbling block and I am here to follow God's plan.  I had enough of his schemes and lies.  As I cried to my Father, every tear was caught.  As I lay my head on His shoulder, every negative word left my thoughts.  As I sought after Him, everything seemed just fine.  He did not hesitate to take me in His arms.  My walls broke and I realized this is all God wanted from me.  He wanted me to quit rejecting Him and to realize He loved me.  He has my best interest in mind along this journey.  He knows what He is doing and I must let Him lead. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

This might happen again.  The cool thing about our Father is His mercies are new every morning.  His grace covers all and He waits with open arms.  We can never venture too far off the path to come back to Him.  He will catch us as we fall, lead us back to the path laid for our lives and comfort every hurt inside.  It may not be easy getting back to where He wants us, but it will be worth it.  There are some things God is asking me to do now that are difficult.  But, I know I must pray and seek Him for strength and discernment.  To rid myself of anger, selfishness and pride; I must follow His instructions.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!

"As for God, his way is perfect:
    The Lord’s word is flawless;
    he shields all who take refuge in him.
For who is God besides the Lord?
    And who is the Rock except our God?" (Psalm 18:30-31)

God, thank you for another day.  I am sorry for venturing away, rejecting Your plan and believing the lies of my enemy.  I thank You for leading me to my dear friend so she could speak Truth into my life and kill those lies.  Bring to me strength, humility, peace, endurance and an attitude of a servant.  May I seek You in all I do and say.  Thank You for never leaving my side and welcoming me back with open arms.  I love You!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Be a Passenger

I began my journey one day on a highway traveled many times before.  My destination was a familiar place.  I knew which turns to take, which landmarks indicated I grew near and the exit on which to veer off.  Yet, as I sat comfortably in the driver's seat, I reached to Garmin.  I plugged in my destination and hit view map.  I felt comforted knowing 'someone' came alongside me for the ride.  At each turn I heard the familiar voice confirming my move.  The map allowed me to see just far enough ahead to know what curves, side roads and places exist. 

At one point in my travel, I began to veer right.  At just the perfect moment, Garmin shouted differently, "Keep left on highway."  I was able to stay in the existing lane and not cause any harm to traffic or myself.  Thank you Garmin!  My thoughts slipped and I forgot that I was to remain on the current highway.  Garmin continued to help me and I listened intently until reaching my destination. 

At any point, should my ears disregard Garmin's advice, my hands turn the wheel incorrectly or my thoughts veer me in the wrong direction; I would become lost.  I would end up at the wrong destination and my comfort of 'someone' leading me will not exist.  Garmin would continue to shout, "Recalculating" at me.  Garmin could always get me where I need to be from wherever I may venture, but I must listen and follow instructions.  Garmin holds maps of all kinds in memory and knows just the perfect path leading to my destination.  Without Garmin, I could never reach the places I need to be or my home.

Do you ever get into a mundane, repetitive lifestyle?  Each day, we wake up, continue on the same highway of life, see the same things daily and get to our required destination.  We go through the motions of our day without much thought.  Every day - the same thing. . .

. . .no matter how familiar each day may be or the path traveled; I caution you to remember to take Someone alongside.  Take a seat comfortably in the passenger side and allow Him to guide each move.  He will punch in your destination and allow you to view the map to a certain extent.  He holds the whole picture in His hands, but does not allow for you to see it all at once.  Our minds cannot contain that much information at one time.  With every turn, His familiar voice will confirm or protest.  Listen closely, for He knows the way to go!

"he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake." (Psalm 23:3)

Should your ears disregard His advice, your hands reach for control of the wheel or your thoughts be consumed with lies; you will become lost.  Venturing off the straight path leads to destruction.  Surroundings will be foreign, comfort nonexistent, meaningless tasks will appear, bondage moves in on you and nothing good can result in the steps taken.  God will continue to shout your name and reach for your hand.  He will never leave your side.  He can get you back on the straight path leading to the places He planned and eventually to your Home.  You must listen carefully and follow His instructions found in a perfect Book.  A step by step guide remains for all to own.  Pick one up today and begin to reach for His hand.  His Word will carefully bring you out of the mundane, repetitive lifestyle.  He will increase your joy, rid you of thoughtless actions, teach you the way to go and use you to further His Kingdom.  He will renew your thoughts daily with beautiful Truth spoken to your heart (see Romans 12:2).

Give Him the wheel, seek His instruction and move carefully in His direction.  Be alert, living each day for God.  Shine His light for all to see.  Be a beacon for others to come join the path He laid, leading to our Eternal Home!

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16)

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for placing my feet on the path laid for my life.  Keep my ears tuned, eyes open and actions made for You.  Give me the words I need to shine Your light to the world.  Use me as a beacon to You.  Thank You for never leaving me and reaching for me when I was so lost.  Now I am found.  I see You, hear You and feel You every moment of my day.  Thank You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig