Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Too Close

We entered the gym, found a perfect spot in mid court (in order to remain neutral) and nestled into our residence for the next three hours.  The event held consisted of about eight teams travelling from far distance to play basketball.  We came only to support the best looking individual on the court and one of the most important individuals in a basketball game. . .you know the one wearing stripes and solid black pants! 

My husband officiates often and we go to watch for pure enjoyment of the game and in support.  Travelling alongside him we see various schools all with unique gymnasiums.  We see various coaches increasing their blood pressure well beyond healthy for extended periods of time. 

During this particular tournament, we experienced both.  Follow me with this one. . .looking over the gym, my daughter noticed the majority of the seats painted green with a random amount painted white.  My son tried to explain to her that the pattern of white spelled the initials of the school.  My daughter struggles to take an explanation/direction and image it in her mind.  She gets it honest, I struggle as well.  I simply told her that we are too close to the seats to see the initials.  One would need to be across court or up on a ladder to see the purpose of the random white seats.  Moving further along, we watched as a particular coach paced the floor, clinched fists, complained with each whistle and yelled numerous times.  I interpret this as an individual too close to the game, placed in a position creating bondage to winning and ready to push blame anywhere else when the score shows different. 

These observations later held purpose as I began reminiscing the past year and thinking of goals for the next year.  Travelling back in memory I saw various moments all with unique outcomes.  I remembered those times stirring up stress well beyond healthy for extended periods of times even leading to a depression. 

Seeing all the above flash before my very eyes alerted the enemy have a seat and join in on this fun!  The enemy desires for me to gather all these memories and build regret, shame and anger.  Luckily Someone else showed up to this venture down memory lane. . .

God revealed Himself in each and every memory.  Remember my struggle shared above involving difficulty imagining in my mind explanations or directions without walking through or seeing with my eyes.  God understands this about me; therefore, in order to grasp His Power, Truth and Love, He walks through the storms with me.  Often, He reminds that I am too close to the situation to see the end results.  I simply must trust Him with the results, believe what He promises and develop faith.  My daughter needed to trust me with the information given about the bleachers, believe what was said and have faith in her mother’s knowledge.  Is there a decision or situation requiring this trust, belief and faith you may be facing currently?     
‘He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

God revealed the pointless anxiety built up leading to depression and causing unnecessary health problems in the past year.  Yet, He gently said, “I will not waste a one of them.”  See, as we struggle and make it through each storm, we develop strength when relying on our Savior as the guide.  He will take all the mess and turn it into ministry using you as a vessel.  I immediately wanted to develop bondage to my past and push blame onto others for the way it turned out.  He reassured me I was too involved in the game to see the whole picture, too focused on success/approval to realize His work in it and too eager to blame others.  Is there a moment in your past or present that feels like failure?  Is there a moment in your past or present building anxiety/depression?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28      

We are too close to the situation. . .trust in the One Who knows from beginning to end.  He will lead you through and use every moment for good.  Have faith in the works taking place in your life.  Avoid saving a seat for the enemy in recalling the past.  The enemy will build regret, shame and anger.  Hold God’s hand while walking down memory lane and let Him speak into each moment.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  
Sheree Craig  

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Working Toward a 90/10 Kind of Day

Upon graduating nursing school one should be eager to get out there and begin a career in the hospital, long-term care or other healthcare facilities, right?  Well, my eagerness veers in a slightly different direction than the average graduate.  My passion directs my path straight toward nutrition.  I love to learn how the body reacts to foods, incorporating exercise into each day (guess what, you don’t have to sweat profusely to get into shape), eating God grown foods not man created foods and substituting unhealthy for healthy in the most favorite recipes ending with comparable results to satisfy cravings/taste buds.

I feel it is never too late in the game to start on a healthy path.  Damage occurs daily as we feed our bodies processed foods, lead sedentary lives, drink excessively, choose pop over water, etc.  On the other end of the spectrum, our bodies cry out for help when depriving it of proper nutrients to function, exercising excessively, refusing to fuel our organs with water or food, etc.  We need a happy medium!  Today can be the day to begin anew.  The transition must be gradual to allow adjustments to be made.  The transition must be your choice to allow for compliance to occur.  The transition must be done with accountability to allow for encouragement, love and support through the toughest of days.  It can be done and you can do it!

My passion drives me to work diligently gathering information to be that accountability partner for you.  I will not count calories with you, provide such a strict regimen you want to quit or hound you daily.  I will meet you where you are and hold your hand along the path to where you need to be for healthy living.  This may mean from time to time you won’t want to hear what information I have to provide; but, truth will get to the bottom of how you got to the lifestyle you hope to change.

I realized recently that I will no longer be the chosen lunch/dinner guest for anyone.  Knowing my passion and career path, others feel guilty sitting next to me at a meal.  Excuses for food choices flow off the tongue as they sit down to eat.  I am not a judge, just an educator.  I only plant seeds, not water them.  And, by no means am I perfect (far from it actually).  But, each day is a new day and the worries of yesterday will only deplete you of the joys planned for today.  A wise friend once told me there will be days when eating patterns will be 90% healthy choices and 10% useless calories and some days may be a 70/30 day; but, rest assured that each day is new and don’t beat yourself up over the day before.  Placing such a high, strict standard for you will only lead to exhaustion and quitting!  We cannot be perfect in any aspect of life, only strive to do our best.

That being said, as Christians the same scenario fits.  My passion for God directs my path straight toward His Word.  I love learning more about my Creator, incorporating teachings into each day, feeding on Truth not the enemy’s lies and substituting this new life for the old one seeing much better results with God leading the way rather than myself.  It is not too late in the game to start on the straight path.  Damage from past decisions, unhealthy lifestyles and lies embedded in our minds can be repaired as you come to Him in surrender.  On the other end of the spectrum, our spirits cry out for help as Christians when we deprive ourselves of daily Truth, run excessively toward the world’s standards and refuse to feed our spirit properly.

Transitions must be gradual, facing one sin at a time allowing adjustments to be concrete.  Transitions must be your choice and decision allowing for the Holy Spirit to begin working.  Transitions best occur with accountability to allow for encouragement, love and support through the toughest of days.  It can be done and you will not regret the decision.  The results are indescribable.

Along the path you may hear or read Truth which may seem offensive.  That is good.  Walking the straight path takes diligence, placing sinful habits behind and striving to be like Christ daily.  Often it is difficult to let go and let God; but, trust me, it will be the best move made!  There will be days when you don’t get it right; thankfully our God provides grace to cover those moments.  We cannot be perfect here on Earth, only strive to do our best daily until we meet our Maker.  It is then He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”  Avoid placing such a high, strict standard for your life that only leads to disappointment, exhaustion and quitting!  God will meet you where you are and hold your hand each step of the way if you ask Him into each day.  He is the only judge; yet, will provide educators here on Earth to help you.  He provides the living water; yet, will build others up here on Earth to plant the seeds.  Go to Him today, learn from His followers and then go plant seeds of your own into the lives encountered daily.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig          

Monday, December 29, 2014

Blurred Vision

The time arrived to replace my prescription contacts.  The ones I chose function for two weeks, yet I extend the usage for about a month.  As I changed out the old for the new, my left contact did not feel in proper position.  I continued to move it around, took it out to clean, confirmed it to be free of rips or a possible eyelash adhered to the plastic.  Nothing seemed out of place or defected in this new contact.

Vision remained unclear in that eye.  I pushed it off on my sickness.  The flu lingered in my body for over a week and I just assumed the headaches began to affect my vision.  I tried moving on throughout the day and even drove various places.  Once returning home, I could not take the blurry one sided vision any longer.  I removed the new contacts and placed on eyeglasses.  The blurriness remained.  I threw in the towel on this situation and lay down for a long nap.  Eyes closed kept me from recognizing the defective left eye.

The defect did not vanish with rest.  Finally lying down for the night, I thought it all to be over by morning.  I was wrong.  I decided to take the new contacts both out yet again and examine, clean and reapply both.  Upon doing so, I discovered the problem. . .let me preface this next sentence with a reminder of the condition my body remained in for a week now – sick with flu!  Apparently when I changed out the contacts the prior day, I performed the task correctly with my right eye; unfortunately, I did not with the left eye.  I failed to remove my old contact prior to placing the new one in position.  Therefore, I walked around with double vision due to two contacts covering my left eye.  No wonder I could not see clearly, a headache remained and frustrations arose.

We cannot expect to experience the life promised – joy, peace, love, comfort, guidance and did I mention joy – when failing to take off the old self and replace with new once becoming a Christian.  “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

Coming to the cross, laying all down and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is when our old sinful life washes away.  Failing to replace lies with Truth while renewing your mind will keep us stagnate, not in proper position to go and make disciples of others.  We are called as Christians to build His Kingdom and we cannot work to full potential with blurred vision.  “. . .and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 Without clear vision, clean spirits and conscious minds we cannot recognize sin creeping into our lives; therefore, lack ability to teach others and lead by example.

Excuses often prolong the decision to come to the cross and leave old self in the dust.  “The time does not feel right”, “I will wait until the New Year”, “Once I get this promotion at work”, “If I ever start feeling better”, etc.  The time is NOW!  Come to the cross, take off old self and allow God to provide a clean, clear and conscious mind.  He will bring clarity to any situation.  He will provide guidance through the toughest of storms.  He will renew your mind daily with Truth.  All while using use as a vessel to lead others to His Kingdom.

Along the path, times arise when coming to the cross must occur again.  We somehow picked up old habits, fell into a rut or the enemy worked diligently to feed us lies which drowned Truth in our minds.  No worries!  God waits with open arms.  Do you have something in life that feels out of place, defective, unclean, distorted or confusing?  Come to the cross, lay it all down and put off the old.  Create a new attitude today through the renewal of your minds.  It is amazing the clarity brought to a situation once we ask God to lead the way.

“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig        

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Vital Organ

What organ maintains life?  Its size compares to a fist.  Weakness of such an organ presents with difficulty in breathing, less endurance, pain, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, swelling and struggle to continue in daily activities.  In order to keep in shape, the doctor may suggest some lifestyle changes: low sodium diet, decrease cholesterol intake, increase activity, throw away the cigarettes, take medications as prescribed and maintain hydration daily.  All these habits may be difficult to begin if already set in your ways.  But, change must come to protect this vital organ and sustain life.

Know the organ yet?  THE HEART!  Without a functioning heart, no blood can travel through the body to keep other organs oxygenated and working as they should.  Any weakness of the heart affects the rest of the body systems.  You must protect it!  Substances ingested or inhaled play a major role in health of your heart.  Be aware of such knowledge and stay in tune with your body’s needs.  A healthy heart provides a healthy life. . .

My son, pay attention to what I say;
    turn your ear to my words.
 Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.  (Proverbs 4:20-23)

Just so, we must protect our hearts from spiritual disease or infection.  Weakness presents with difficulty in coping, less joy, pain, destruction, unclear thoughts, swelling of pride and profuse stress.  Continuing in daily activities seems nearly impossible at times.  In order to keep in shape our Physician must be visited daily.  He provides Truth, guidance, love, support, joy and peace.  His plan on our lives requires a few lifestyle adjustments: replace negative thoughts with Truth, alter habits to coincide with Truth, remove destructive situations/environments, increase the study of His Word, throw away pride, begin weekly regimen of attendance to Bible believing church and maintain a life filled with discipleship.  All these may feel awkward or difficult to begin due to the habits/lifestyle we currently lead.  But, I am witness that changes made to protect your heart provide indescribable joy, peace and love.  All the elements your heart requires to sustain life!

Will you take at least one of the steps toward a healthy heart today?  Pick up His Word, begin reading it and listening to the teaching He desires for you during this season of life.  Don’t let His Truth escape your thoughts, place them in your heart and begin revival of your heart.  Any weakness of spirit affects everyone around you and places risk for the enemy to bring you down.  Stand firm on His Word today, guard your heart from this world and the enemy.  Stay in tune with the plan and purpose God holds for you!  Make an appointment with your Physician today. . .He always has an open slot in His schedule.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 27, 2014


After viewing a movie revolved around a high school reunion, I fell asleep to the memories of my high school experience.  In doing so, I felt like the girl in the movie.  She arrived at her reunion in hopes to reconnect with an old flame in order to start her life over from graduation and do it the “right” way.  See, her life did not turn out as expected or desired by others; therefore, she viewed herself as a failure. 

Throughout the evening she kept reliving old times with her best friend (which was male).  All the good times involved him, not her old flame.  Long story short, she realized that life DID turn out as it should.  Her old flame had not changed a bit: arrogant, cheater, childish and a liar.  Her true love was right under her nose the whole time.  She let him slip out of her fingers in high school and almost again at the reunion.  He loved HER, not who she was supposed to be!

Here is the correlation.  As I lay in bed reminiscing, I worked diligently to recall good memories.  My experience included one “normal” year filled with friends and good times.  Then, something changed. . .looking back, I see the change occurred in me not the environment.  I began longing for approval, love and for each day to go as I planned.  Well, none of that can occur if I were to be myself, right?  So, transforming into the patterns of this world kept me pretty busy.  The looks, actions and words said depended on the group surrounding me.  Being like those around would keep me “in”, right?

As I struggle with the concept of the years wasted doing the above, I kept coming back to my best friend (which was male).  He accepted me just as I came.  We spent hours on the phone nightly and for some reason being on the other end of a phone broke down any walls hiding my true heart.  Our interests collided: sports, clean fun and showing kindness to all regardless of status.  Plus, his parents were awesome.  I spent more time at his home simply because the environment felt comfortable.  His family knew how to love others just as you are, not for who you were supposed to be!

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

With each recalled memory, I smiled.  Then, I hit a wall on memories.  Distance split my best friend and me after we finally were able to realize we were to be more than best friends.  Years went by, but the place in my heart remained occupied by his smile, love and memory.  He was there through thick and thin.  When Anorexia reared its ugly head and occupied my life, he still saw a gorgeous girl and loved me anyway.  When family matters created a sad, angry and distraught child, he took the blows of frustrations and loved me anyway.  When distance separated and changed me once again, he kept reaching and loved me anyway. 

See, he did not love the person I kept trying to be (prettier, better, successful, in control, etc.); he loved me!  It took years of failed relationships, bondage to an eating disorder and endless transformations to try to fit “in” before realizing my true love was right under my nose the whole time.  The opinions of others, distractions of this world and decisions of loved ones did a great job stealing me from me!  Only when I realized who God created me to marry and love is when I saw the true love my Father in Heaven holds for me.  He loved me so much to make all things work out for good even though I kept diligently working to screw it up!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

I now hold the privilege of waking up next to the one God planned for my life.  He loving took me back in his arms and continues to love me for me!  I still struggle with approval, searching for love and control. . .but now, I know Who to turn to when these feelings hit.  The world cannot bring renewal to my thoughts or clarity to any situation.  God’s Truth leads me back to the path planned for my life.  That path includes the man built up to be my partner.  Thanks God for not giving up on me and placing me back in the arms of my true love. 

Turn to the One knowing the path laid for your life.  Leave the world’s opinions behind and begin renewing your mind.  Life may not have turned out as you expected or thought; but, He will take whatever past you hold and turn it out for good as you renew your mind daily with Truth.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig     

Friday, December 26, 2014

Now What?

The day after and what shall we do?  Seems like a perfect time to gather all unwanted gifts, pile them in the vehicle and head to the store to return.  In exchange for a well thought out, personal gift, you can receive money, gift card or another item.  Lines will extend out the door of most department stores, frustrations rise while waiting and the employees receive to worst of attitudes from shoppers.

Another option for passing time this day could involve creating that resolution list that will last only a short time before old habits return.  I know, let’s plan a huge celebration to ring in the New Year.  That is the next big reason to celebrate and P-A-R-T-Y!

No, let’s just take the day off and do nothing.  Leave the Christmas dĂ©cor up for another day, let the recycles overflow a little longer and find a good movie to watch.  We deserve it!  We have worked hard in our careers for months now and just need to take a break.  We diligently planned, prepared and attended all holiday parties.  We survived the family tensions, buffets of food and financial strain of the holidays.  We deserve a day of just being all about us, right?  Christmas is over, right?  It is just another day in history, right?

“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.  But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 2:17-20

Actually, today is just the beginning.  The day after should not be spent complacently.  We received a Gift on Christmas that changed everything.  God thought so highly of His children to send His only Son Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloth to save you and to save me.  He did not decide the day after to return His Gift.  No price can be placed on this Gift.  He took time to think through the plan, decided moment by moment the perfect steps that would lead to our salvation and then (even though it meant sacrificing His only Son) still blessed the world with His love.  His love came in the form of a small baby from a woman just like us.

The day after and what shall we do?  There is not a thing wrong with visiting department stores today and purchasing, exchanging or returning items.  But, let us do so while clinging to the Gift received from our Father above.  Shine this Gift everywhere you travel.  Follow the shepherds’ footsteps by telling all you meet.  Some individuals believe Christmas is only about the material gifts and parties planned here on Earth.  Sad to say they have no clue about the Eternal Gift waiting for them to accept and the continuous party waiting in Heaven as we leave this temporary home.

Follow Mary’s example and take this day to relax in His Word.  Ponder all the promises declared in each page and be thankful that this is our temporary home.  This world will present trials and tribulations, but take heart; our God overcame this world through His Son Jesus and set the pathway for us to Heaven.  Eternal life spent with Him awaits all who take Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Treasure all these Truths and ponder them in your heart.  Be amazed at the joy, peace and love felt as each Truth impresses on your heart.

Okay, what about resolutions?  The day after is great to create a list of things to change as the night before may have been one filled with eating, drinking, animosity amongst family, depression due to varying factors, anxiety, etc.  Time to change: eat better, less drinking, make amends with family, avoid family hardships, work each day to find happiness, heal from past hurts, put aside addictions, etc.  The list sounds great and even makes sense on paper; but, living it out is a different story.  Solution?  Take this day to delve into His Word and only one resolution will remain on your list: follow Jesus each day.  As you follow Him, accept this FREE Gift given to wash away ALL sin and go make disciples of others all the changes desired in your heart will come to play and be much easier than trying them on your own.

God provided the Gift that keeps giving each day.  Don’t let Jesus’ birth be pushed aside as just another day!  Take this time to continue reading the Christmas story in Luke and learn what happened the day after. . .and the day after that. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig  

Thursday, December 25, 2014

There is Power in His Name!

The day begins with one of the most annoying sounds created.  The tempting option to hit snooze tempts exists as I lean over to stop the noise.  Events, appointments, work and life outnumber the hours of this day.  Then, I realize without hitting feet to the floor, nothing will get done.  I lose precious time while debating to rise.  Can I just call in sick for the day?


Okay, up and at it, the coffee pot quits working, the kids refuse to move the morning along and the van sits on E!  Time becomes my enemy, refusing to cooperate during such a time as this.  Chores need be completed before this family steps foot out the door:  dishes in the dishwasher, laundry folded, beds made and lunches packed.  Yet, one child remains in pajamas snuggled tightly in a blanket and the other sits nose in gaming system.  Somehow in the middle of the night both children lost the ability to hear because my voice directs without any action following.  Can I just gain some control here?


Somehow kids arrived at their destination on time.  All is well, for a moment.  News comes via a phone call that illness struck a loved one.  Another call informs of tragedy affecting a loved one.  As I drive along, I notice a homeless, struggling mother.  The radio announces another shooting, drug bust and robbery of an innocent family.  In all this, I recall the suffering of a dear friend.  Each event weighs heavily on my heart.  Can I just take all the pain away?


The day continues in continuous prayer.  My momentary troubles pale in comparison to the sufferings unveiled this morning.  While driving home, I recall the day’s events and count each blessing one by one.  Then, I enter my home and clock in for the evening shift.  Homework awaits, dinner hasn’t even began, showers need taken, laundry accumulated AGAIN, dishes reappeared by the sink and the coffee pot still in need of repair.  Bedtime cannot come quick enough.  Can I retire yet?


Head hits the pillow a few hours later than desired.  Thoughts race and relaxation feels so distant.  My mouth opens, but no words come.  I cannot find the words to pray.  Be it exhaustion or escalating emotions; the heaviness of my heart cannot be expressed.  The minor struggles of the day matter nothing; yet, while in the moment, I allowed them to overtake and cause anxiety.  If only my eyes could remain open all day long to see every single blessing – they would outnumber any trial faced. . .

Continuous prayer keeps eyes open.  The weight of this world can be heavy; thankfully, we have a Savior that carried it ALL to His grave.  He rose from the dead and made a trip here to share the goodness awaiting us in Heaven.  Through our lives, He desires to complete a good work within you to further His Kingdom.  Then, once all is complete, trust remained throughout, faith strengthened each day and a relationship matured to desired level. . .He brings you Home.  Call to Him Who protects, saves, loves, guides and heals.  Just one Name is strong enough. . .


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Who’s Invited?

As my son’s birthday approaches, we ask the mighty question, “What would you like to do for your party?”  He thinks for a little while and develops a plan.  My husband calls the company to gather the details, rules and open dates for the facility our son chose to host the party.  After hanging up, he reports that our son can take 16 of his closest friends, host the party in a room decorated for the occasion, bring in any food desired and spend hours playing with equipment any child would love to possess. 

So, now he must decide the guest list.  Coming up with 16 friends can be tough.  We do not own a vehicle with the capacity to hold 19 passengers.  Therefore, some friends will need to drive with their parents separately and meet us there.  Invitations are a must to inform others of address, time, date and details of activities.  Let us think hypothetically: let us imagine a birthday party for my son, but when the invitations were sent, he did not receive one.  A day dedicated to celebrate his birthday, to remember the joys of his birth and the blessing brought forth when seeing his face; yet, he is not allowed to join in the day’s events. 

We arrive at the facility and partake in all events with extreme joy forgetting all about the true reason we were there.  Oh yeah, the reason was to have fun, keep the gift purchased for ourselves and let the day pass just like any other, right?  Also avoid any family/friends we don’t care to be around and keep the tension high just as the year before. 

Hmmmmm, sounds pretty harsh to my son, doesn’t it?  Then why would we think that to be okay to do on Christmas Day?  As the day approaches, the mighty question arises, “Where will the party be hosted?”  We go back and forth to figure out which house best fits the family.  More questions follow, “What food will be brought?”  And, “What gifts will be purchased?”  A plan develops as each question receives an answer. 

The hostess prepares diligently by cleaning, decorating and creating space to house all the guests.  The guests work to prepare food, presents and outfits.  Among all this hustle and bustle the true meaning for the day somehow gets lost. Purchased gifts take the forefront while the one FREE gift lay to the side.  Family strife steals the joy behind the event in need of celebration.  The day passes before our eyes just as any other. 

The worst part of it all. . .we sent out invitations yet failed to invite the most important Guest.  Our Lord Jesus came to this world as a baby in a manger.  God provided this Gift to us Free in order to have a relationship with us lasting for Eternity.  Jesus creates a guest list to His party that is endless.  Invitations include the Way, Truth and Life; yet, leave out the time and date.  We must believe in Him daily, accept the invitation and let God carry out the details in His timing.

Let us not forget to invite Jesus into our everyday lives, especially His own birthday.  Christmas is the day to celebrate Him, to remember the joys of His birth and the blessing brought forth when His face shone upon this Earth.  Remember the faith required by two individuals, the strength of one lovely lady and the plan carried out by our God.  Share this story at your celebration and acknowledge the gift that never ceases to provide. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Arriving at THAT Point

I can vouch that migraines rank number one in worst physical experiences ever.  They sneak in slowly via tension pain in the temple area.  Then, the pain moves behind the eyes causing vision impairment.  Oh, the migraine does not stop there, though I wish it would.  It begins to destroy mobility, steal balance and kill cognition.  Once destroying the head, the effects move to the stomach causing nausea.  The beast called a migraine has taken over and destroyed any plans for the day leaving you bound in pain/suffering without an escape.

Over the years, I found one solution and one solution only: catch the pain when it first strikes.  As I feel the tension rise, Tylenol must be found quickly to rescue me from suffering.  Not much play room exists between the point when Tylenol will help and the point of no return.  Once at THAT point the sufferer must find a dark room with low decibel.  If wearing contacts, they must come out as well.  Twelve+ hours sleep will help the migraine vanish.  The next morning the body feels beat up, but cognition, vision, balance and mobility return.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Often times throughout our Christian journey the enemy sneaks into our lives only to destroy mobility, steal balance and kill cognition.  The enemy’s attack ranks number one in worst emotional experiences ever.  He moves in slowly blurring vision by appealing to the flesh.  Oh, he does not stop there!  He will create a fork in the path and begin shuffling your feet in the direction he deems best for your life.  As you move, balance diminishes with each step and falling into his arms appears the only way to survive.  Once in his hold, lie by lie replaces the Truth hacking into cognition leading to further travel down the crooked path.  The beast called Satan takes over your life then spreads out to others you meet.  Any plans created for your life move to the back burner as he bounds you in pain/suffering without an escape. . .or so it seems.

Over the years, I found One solution and One solution only: remain in His word daily.  When feeling the strain of life, His Word must be used quickly to rescue from the enemies tactics.  Not much play room exists between the point of avoiding the enemy’s foothold and the point of shifting to the crooked path.  Living in The Word daily keeps the crooked path at a distance keeping mobility functioning at its best, vision clear, balance intact and cognition alive and well.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 

No need to give up if you venture down the crooked path.  God remains present, waiting with arms wide open.  Once at THAT point the sufferer must find a private place with lowest decibel.  Remove the blurry goggles, open up The Bible and begin meditating on Truth.  Slowly, Truth by Truth will replace the lies and renew your mind.  Symptoms vanish with each step taken in faith, relying on God to bring healing and clarity.  God will remove you from bondage and repair any damage done to others due to previous decisions.  Rely on Him and He will restore the plans originally created for your life.  He will rebuild.  He will protect.  He will revive.  

Trust Him!

AND. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Coincidence. . .I Think NOT!

Coincidence. . . a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected; the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.

Believe in coincidence?  I don’t!  This life, moment in time, season faced and decisions for this day hold enormous meaning.  Think about it. . .

I could sit here and provide example after example to disprove coincidence.  The events appearing in our lives may feel way out of character or impossible, so we claim it coincidence.  Guess what my friends; these moments in time are bigger than us. . .

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”  Luke 18:27

God can take any situation and work it out for the good of those who love Him.  I hold various roles in life.  Many days, my ‘to do’ list informs that no hour will be left for rest.  Come to find out, all of it gets done, peace overwhelms the day and I even have time to play a game or two with the kids.  You see, putting God as your guide each day reveals what our fleshly minds deem as impossible.  Man chalks the days up to coincidence, God says, “Nope, had that day planned all along for you.”

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  Jeremiah 29:11-12

How great it is to know our Coach strategically planned the game of life for each of His children.  No day exist without purpose.  Every moment in time packs meaning and when looked at closely, offers strength and growth.  We may not prosper by the world’s definition, but trusting in His plans will bring greater riches in life.  He will provide joy, peace and safety in storms.  Man chalks it up as fate, God says, “Nope, I analyzed and protected the path laid for your life before guiding each step.”

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21

Too often the world receives glory for things only God could provide.  He exceeds our prayers, leaves us standing in awe and not a day goes by that He does not hear our hearts desires.  Man cannot come close to providing what God provides.  The works of man remain temporary, unpredictable, disappointing and leaves us just short of happy.  The works of God provide stability, endurance each day, satisfy any need and leave us overflowing with blessing.  Man chalks any joy up to being in the right place at the right time, God says, “Nope, I decided that one a long time ago and take joy in seeing my child smile.”

Now, I know times get tough and these Scriptures may seem so far away from thought.  But, my dear friends; He remains at your side waiting to hold your hand and guide you through any storm in life.  He cannot stop the evil in this world.  The Bible warns of trials and tribulations faced while in the flesh.  BUT, He promises to bring us through, increasing our strength!  Healing is possible with Him.  Plans in the future hold huge meaning for His Kingdom and prosperity cannot happen without Him.  He holds power to go beyond what our fleshly minds can concoct.  His plan prevails. . .nothing is coincidence.  To Him be the glory for this day and the adventure which lay ahead.  His Hands are all over this day.  Should a storm hit, He will bring or carry us through.  Should blessing overflow, He desires to accompany and enjoy each one with you.  Take Him with you today and stand in confidence that He planned this day, connected each event and is not surprised by the outcome.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Independence Creates Distance

My daughter reached the age when sharing a stall with mom in public restrooms no longer felt necessary to her.  Little miss independent decided to occupy her own while mom chose the one directly to the right or left.  While completing the mission, we carry a conversation to confirm the presence of one another.  At times, she even placed a hand underneath and waved to ease this momma’s worried mind.

All went well each time, but as years passed she became quicker and I became slower.  She inevitably finished before me every time.  Therefore, I came up with a system that worked so she could keep independent and I would not worry about someone taking her.  When finished, she would stand directly in front of my stall in order for me to see her shoes.  The presence of feet eased my mind knowing she was okay.

Growing older, we still run through the same scenario.  Depending on the location, I will allow her to go wash hands without me and meet up after I am done.  All I say is “Let me see your feet,” and she comes to me to make her presence known.  I love this little girl and would never want anything to happen or anyone to take her from me.  While children fight for independence, parents hold on tightly to the ropes.  In order to create peaceful environments, confident children and sane parents; we must let go a bit and let our children do for themselves.  Compromise is vital and works out 99% of the time.  Children feel the independence and learn how the world works while we still hold a close eye on the situations.

As Christians, pride may creep into the situation at hand and tell us that sharing this moment with God need not be necessary.  We got this one!  But thanks anyway for the offer God.  Little independent Christian here will offer God a seat to the right or left in order to watch but not participate in the steps leading to a huge decision, a move down the path or completion of a project/goal.  We often lack conversation with God as the time passes leaving strength depleted and endurance minimized.

While one decision fails after another, we inevitably work in our timing while God remains waiting.  The situation never turns out as desired due to a thief creeping in to steal, kill and destroy.  Pride keeps us from realizing the wrong moves made each day.  We may reach out to God and say, “Let me see your feet, make Your presence known,” yet continue to move without His guiding.  We move further away from Him placing us in risky territory and prime spot for the enemy to make a move.  The enemy’s foothold widens as we fight for fleshly independence.

My friends let us realize the need for God’s active presence in our lives.  He remains omnipresent, but the Holy Spirit within cannot by activated in a rebellious environment.  We must continue to carry a conversation to confirm the relationship and active presence of God daily.  There will be many times when our hands must reach out and hold on tightly while He carries us through a situation.  Let Him see your feet so that He may guide them swiftly down the path in His timing.  As maturity occurs in our Christian lives, God takes us mighty places knowing we can be trusted.  Walk by faith and He will take you places you never imagined possible, providing some independence all while keeping a close eye and an open hand.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stop the Madness!

Okay, time to sit and make THE LIST.  You know, the one filled with loved ones to receive a gift which expresses the joy you feel due to their presence in your life.  Christmas provides prime opportunity to express such joy through gift giving.  The names fill up the lines on your paper and the money needed to complete the shopping widens your eyes.  How in the world can one afford all of this ‘stuff’?

You look to edit the names, but cannot find it in your heart to flip the pencil around and erase.  Life would not be the same without each and every one listed.  So, there you sit frustrated, torn and broke!  Sounds like a wonderful spirit for the holidays, right?  You haven’t even faced the traffic, lines, people and disappointments in the shopping experience yet.  Oh, and the traveling here and there, baking, hosting, gift wrapping, facing ‘those’ relatives and forcing a happy face the whole time.  Stress accumulates each day during a season that holds such special, dire meaning.  Why does each year have to be like this?  How does all this stress begin?

Oh, my dear friends, it all begins with one fleshly body struggling for approval. . . “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”  Galatians 1:10

We believe material gift giving equates love.  Faking friendships amongst family keeps the problems at a distance.  Becoming a part of the hustle and bustle society concocted over the years keeps us up to par with the Jones’!  All for what? . . .Exhaustion, Frustration, Hatred and just Wishing the holidays would end.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Well, I want to share a small message to relieve all of these emotions, replacing them with joy, peace and the True Meaning of the holiday.  It is quite simple really. . .get a permanent marker (really, go get one!), gather THE LIST created and write this across all the names – ACTS 2:38-41!  You see, all these material items mean nothing if the one true Gift is not received.  Bring the focus back on the True Meaning by leading all those on your list toward Jesus.  Providing an example, walking in the way of love, just as God so loved us and gave His only Son to die so we may live will be the best gift you could give anyone.  Shining His light to all you meet, keeping the conversations about Him, appreciating each Manger scene displayed, sharing the good news of His birth and welcoming others into your home with loving arms will keep the meaning of Christmas alive.

Society works diligently year after year to steal the attention from Jesus.  Take a stand and do not allow the world to forget the reason for the season.  Without the birth of Jesus, we would have no example to follow and the mighty gift He gave to each of us would not exist.  God so loved us that He gave His only Son on Christmas morning to live an extraordinary life here among men and then die for us while we were still sinners.  Sit for a minute and let that statement penetrate your soul.

Travel here and there this season to spread the Gospel as Jesus did.  Bake with praise to the One who provides as Jesus did.  Host wholeheartedly, offering invitation to all no matter their lifestyle just as Jesus did.  Seek and offer forgiveness to those who broke your heart just as Jesus forgave/forgives you.  Wrap and give the Gift worth giving just as Jesus did.  Push aside society’s way of celebrating and embrace the shopping experience with a different attitude. . .it is not the material items that express love to others; it is the one true Gift that never quits giving that matters (best part – IT IS FREE).  Each day opens new opportunities, blessings and joy!  Will you join me in sharing the Good News this season?  Guess what, my friend; if you have not received such a Gift yourself. . .the offer stands for you as well.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Little Angel's Example!

My daughter absolutely loves her teachers and all adults involved in her every day care at school.  Vacation days, snow days and weekends do not go well with this child as she yearns to be with her teachers again.  She speaks highly of each one, makes coloring sheets to add to their collection and smiles from ear to ear in their presence. 

One day, the children received warning that a substitute taking the place of their regular teacher for part of the next day.  As my child relayed the message, worry stirred inside her little mind.  Quite a few tears shed that evening in thoughts of facing the next morning without her teacher.  She braved it and continued the next day at school (as if she had a choice!).  At pickup, the stories shared described a pretty good time with the substitute; although, the day just wasn’t the same without her regular teacher.  Come to find out, my daughter had to go through the same situation the next day, but this one seemed to go a smoother emotionally.  She survived and came through even stronger and met another great person within the school system.

Well, here comes the point to the story. . .a couple days later, my daughter and I were in the van together after dropping my son at drums.  She proceeds to describe the whole substitute experience.  “Mommy, when the substitute came in the other day I had tears in my eyes and some even came down my face because I wanted you and my teacher.  I sat there for a little bit and then remembered that God is on my side.  The tears stopped and I did not cry.”  I asked her if the second experience with the substitute was easier because she knew of God’s presence. . . “Yep, because I knew God was on my side and you and dad are on my side.”

Talk about melting my heart!  This girl never ceases to amaze me. . .God sent this child to be an angel to so many people, starting with me!

What childlike faith that we silly adults tend to lose over the years.  Let us gain that back. . .God IS on our side!  His character proves Him to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. 

Omnipotent - able to do anything, having unlimited power.  Whatever our day may bring, God can bring you through and strengthen your faith.  “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  (Ephesians 3:20-21) 

Omniscient - knowing everything!  He holds the plans for our lives and will not lead us where His grace cannot cover us!  He goes before us, paves the way, protects the path and provides the tools needed to accomplish what lay ahead.  “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”  (Psalm 33:11)  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)  We may not always understand what has occurred in the past, what surrounds us currently, or what appears to be ahead; but, relying on the One who knows how all the pieces fit will bring assurance, strength and peace even though times have, can and will be tough.  Rest assured, by friend, He will not leave you helpless, hopeless or hurting.

Omnipresent - everywhere at ALL times.  He will never leave nor forsake you.  He cares for each of His children and extends His arms every day for you to run.  His presence appears through various means.  Recognizing Him is key in strengthening faith and confidence in the plans laid before you.  Extend thanks at each time His presence appears.  He remains for the smallest of events to the largest of events.  Everything to do with your life ranks high in importance to Him.  He loves being invited into every moment of the day!  “God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?”  (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Though my daughter cannot read nor memorize Scripture at this point in time. . .I believe wholeheartedly that God whispered these words from Hebrews 13 to her that day.  She walked boldly, assured that God will see her through and she is loved by Him.  She is His princess and He will not let her fall. . .my friend, the same stands true for you!  Soak in His promises today and walk boldly whatever may come your way.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig              

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Time Wasted

After getting ready to attend my husband’s company Christmas party, I began preparing the children to go to Nana’s for the evening.  Along the way, my son made a very logical, down to Earth statement concerning the attire chosen for the party.  He said, “I don’t understand why you dress so nice to go to the party to play games.”  He continued, “Girls waste too much of their lives in front of the mirror dressing up.”  That is a thought stopper. . .

See, the company holds the party at a restaurant with attached arcade.  My husband and I burn up the basketball game every time.  Knowing this, my son poses a great point; why dress up to play basketball?  I respond generically to the statement, “Dressing up for company parties is how it works, it is nice to get dolled up for an evening out with your dad.”  I went on to say, “Get used to it, you will have many dates consisting of you waiting patiently while she finishes preparing herself for the evening.”  He asked what to do while waiting. . .my response, “Sit on the couch and hold a conversation with her dad!”

The night moved on, I strapped up my heels and ventured out to accompany my handsome husband to the party.  We played numerous rounds of basketball until no more credit remained on the play card.  We greeted all the employees and spouses, held various conversations and enjoyed the meal.  Returning home only to crash into bed, I gave no thought to the comment my son made earlier in the evening.

Morning came too soon.  As I rolled out of bed to place my feet on the ground, it happened.  Pain shot from my foot to hip.  Why this pain?  I must have slept wrong or something because I did not fall (as is normally the case).  Nope, it was the numerous basketball rounds played in heels.  All for what?  The attire chosen intended to impress my husband’s co-workers.  I could not show up in tennis shoes, jeans and a shirt, right?  They need to know he has a beautiful, well dressed, lovely wife at home.  Pain is beauty, right?  This process is just part of being a woman, right?

Oh, and then God spoke directly to my heart with an ole familiar Scripture. . .
“My dear Sheree”: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”  Galatians 1:10

We spend half our lives choosing outfits, drying hair, styling hair, applying makeup, changing the outfit previously put on, matching shoes to outfits, etc.  Oh, the things we could accomplish with all that time.  What benefit is received by all this time performing the above?  The pain of comparison once arrived at destination, shame of true beauty inside, guilt of investing so much time in self or defeat when the enemy’s lies take over our thoughts.  This does not sound fun or beneficial to me.

The longer we spend in front of the mirror, the more lies the enemy can conjure up and convince of their reality.  Then the Truth fades and we leave the house weak.  My dear friends remember the Truth is what sets you free.  True beauty, the kind which attracts other to you, lay in your heart.  True beauty does not come from a store.  It cannot be applied generously with a small foam sponge.  It does not come from jewelry, shoes or purses.  And it will not be displayed as a result of heat source to your hair.  Beauty shines from the inside and moves outward.  As lies creep in stealing our joy, that shine fades.
Let’s take a stand against society’s definition of beauty.  Cover your mirror with notes filled up by Scriptures. . .

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”  Ecclesiastes 3:11

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”  1 Peter 3:3-4

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  Psalm 139:14

And many more. . .These will put the enemy in his place!
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Let Go. . .Let God!

When observing a brand new baby you will notice clinched fists.  The reflex remains for a couple months and the baby never reaches or grasps objects purposely.  Slowly, the baby begins to open and close intentionally and examine this mighty tool available to them.  Realizing the meaning and purpose of hands, they begin to grasp soft objects and even move to get something.  Having open hands allows for all kinds of fun and senses to be stimulated.  This discovery amazes the infant and seems to consume most of the day.  Later in infancy, these wonderful hands begin to grasp food and bottles bringing much pleasure to the child.  Table foods and various drinks eventually follow the soft foods and formula/milk.  The child finds hands aide in use of utensils to move to better tasting foods, holding hands of loved ones to walk step by step, hugging tightly onto comfort items and expand the options of toys.  At the moment an infant opens the clinched hands. . .life proves meaningful and joyful.

Parents may stimulate the grasping reflex and encourage an infant to open clinched fists, explore the world by reaching, touching and holding various items.  Colorful objects in a short distance may entice the infant to reach out and experience joy from holding on to the item.  Frustration may occur if the object sits too far away, so careful not to place out of complete reach for the infant.  Objects they can hold easily help in strengthening the grasp and developing skills needed to advance.  The infant transitions into a toddler while reaching skills proving maturity.  As a parent, joy and pride arise with each milestone.

And so, life continues, we mature in many ways, advancing each day to accomplish new skills.  But, do we really mature in every way needed to survive, function and enjoy the life provided.  In the same way a child cannot use clinched hands, God cannot use our clinched hands.  As we hold tightly to ‘things’ of this world, we lose pleasure, purpose and positions along our spiritual journey.  Never reaching beyond comfortable to serve our God or grasping the knob of the door intended for our next move leaves us stagnant in spiritual development.

Beginning the journey as a Christian, claiming Jesus as your Lord and Savior may find many still clinching hands.  I know that after coming to know Jesus, accepting Him into my life, I still held tight to numerous ‘things’ of this world.  My flesh desired comfort; emotions yearned for a quick fix and clinched hands held tight to the past.  Slowly, one finger at a time, I let go.  God, my Father, encouraged me to let go, explore who I was in Him, touch lives by sharing my story and hold His Hand along the journey specifically laid for Sheree.  Once I handed over the ‘things’, I found God provided numerous tools for use to further His Kingdom.  In His Word, we find meaning, joy and move from ‘milk to solid foods’; training to distinguish good from evil.

God, our Father will never place these tools out of reach, never lead where His grace does not cover and never leave your side.  Open your clinched fist today; let go of the past, addictions, fleshly desires and anything else preventing progression in spiritual maturity.  Trust our Father; He will celebrate with each milestone.  Let go and Let God!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Monday, December 15, 2014

Washed Clean

My daughter ventured out in new, bright pink, beautiful pants one day.  She walked in confidence and pride while sporting these new pants.  The moment she stepped out the door the fabric experienced the typical beating received from any five year old.  The use of markers alters the design from plain bright pink to random stripes of various colors.  Hitting the ground numerous times during recess weakens the threading; at times, leaving dinged marking.  During lunch, the pants transform into a napkin and potential stains appear down the sides of each leg.  To top off the day, after school play leads to grass and mud colored knees.  At first encounter, I think someone stole her pants and replaced them with used, dingy, stained yet still comfy ones.  First thought of this incompetent mother. . . “How in the world will I ever clean this up?”

With the first step in the door, I ask that she change pants and hand me the damaged ones.  I reach for any pretreatment product found, drench the pants and leave it to work miracles.  Leaving to soak for hours, I think to myself, “no way is this one coming clean”.  Well, at least we now have a pair of ‘play’ pants, right?  I throw in the pants with corresponding colors, add detergent and with the push of the start button hope for the best. . .

The mixture of pretreatment, detergent and water begin to work vigorously to clean the blue marker, green grass, brown mud and ketchup streaks down the sides.  These pants are at their worst but I cling to hope that the products will do as promised in the description. . .one wash = cleaner, brighter clothes!

Pulling out of the dryer confirmed the promise.  No signs of stain whatsoever.  I could not tell you what she had for lunch, where she played after school or what projects she completed during art class.  The pants washed cleaned, folded nicely and ready to go the next day she wears them.  The assurance given from a washer, detergent and pretreatment brings peace to this mother as I approach my child covered in dirty clothes.

Another assurance I possess each day creating overwhelming peace is that my God promises cleansing of my dirty, stained and tainted soul.  We begin life as a child, innocent, new, beautiful inside and out and filled with peace in the care of parents meeting all needs.  In growing, confidence appears along with self-satisfaction.  Nothing alters our thoughts, cleanliness remains.

Then, the five year mark comes around and we venture outside of the protection known thus far.  The moment entering into society without constant supervision, love, encouragement and care finds us within society’s beating.  Words spoken, opinions given or glaring looks place indelible marks on our hearts.  The shine inside lessens. . .dingy appearance begins.  During the years, we may become a stomping ground in relationships.  With each encounter our soul feels the blow, receiving potential stains.  Job loss, addiction, depression, death of loved one and more knock us to the ground.  Spirits weaken diminishing any motivation to continue.  To top all this off, we then come home to a place without peace, joy, love or comfort.  Years pass, each feeling worse than the prior one. . .eventually finding us lower than ever before.  My friends, at our lowest, Satan moves in to attack.  He has us exactly where he desires. . .backed against a wall without a way out.  Or is there?

After 40 days of fasting, Jesus experienced weakness and hunger. . .guess who came in to attack?  The attack did not occur only once. . .three times Satan attacked.  My friends open your Bibles to Matthew 4:1-11 to read for yourselves how Jesus answered.  Weak, tired and probably more than over this fasting period; Jesus responded, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”  You want to know what happened next. . . ‘Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.’

We have a God bigger than anything in this world.  Our faith may be shaken daily, but it CANNOT be taken.  We may feel like dingy, stained, damaged and useless due to the past and the opinions placed upon us by society.  Guess what, my friend, Hope exists.  The promise remains throughout each generation. . .one death = clean, brighter, everlasting life!  Serving only God will protect from the damage of Satan’s attacks.  Though trials and tribulations surround our lives, joy can remain inside our soul.  No matter the past, His promise holds true for every one of His children.  That includes YOU!  The past is washed away. . .God cannot see the mistakes, wrong turns, failures or years of damage.  He washes you clean and paves the way for each day to follow.  Will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, be washed clean and walk confidently with Him?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Not a Decibel Problem

Confession: I have a hearing problem.  Not one relating to decibel level, but one of comprehension.  I often hear the words one said, but construe them to a completely different word.  Typically, this process destroys the meaning of the sentence, ruins a good joke or just leaves me looking at the other with a dumbfounded expression.  The problem grows worse as each year passes.  I learned to simply ask in a kind way for a repeat of the sentence to understand the flow of conversation.

The hard times come when my daughter or son says something and I misconstrue or ask for a rewind of what they said.  Both get frustrated with me or sometimes think they used incorrect grammar or feel they need to shout at me.  It is not a decibel problem, but a comprehension problem. 

One day, I was in the shower (I know, too much info; sorry, it helps me in this situation to include this detail) and my daughter decides to come hold a conversation in the bathroom.  The shower running along with the fan did not coincide well with my hearing problem.  She spoke what seemed to be an important sentence which I did not understand.  I asked for a repeat. . .still not understanding, asked for another repeat. . .“Okay,” I said, “One more time, honey, I did not catch what you said.”  With that, frustration arose.  “Mom, will just listen to what I am saying.”  Of course, explaining my problem to a six year old is quite difficult; but, I tried anyhow.  In the end, she explained the sentence to me, forgave for the misunderstanding and moved on with the day.

This exact problem carries over to my spiritual life as well.  More of you may relate to this aspect of my problem than the above mentioned.  No matter the decibel God uses when speaking to me, I still stand at risk of not comprehended the message clearly.  The Truth lay right in front of my eyes; yet, somewhere between eyes and mind, the message construes.  This process destroys the meaning behind the message which then leads to a snowball effect of wrong choices.  This repeated itself often in the beginning of my Christian journey.  Luckily, this hearing problem grows weaker as each year passes.  The weaker it becomes, the stronger my bond with God. 

Thankfully, God never showed frustration or felt the need to send a different message due to my misunderstanding.  He stood faithful in His Promises and simply waited for clarity to come to the situation.  His arms never closed, His grace never ran empty. 

Many “things” creep into daily living which aggravates our spiritual hearing problem.  You know those days when the enemy keeps knocking at the door with lie after lie to drown the voice of God.  The moments when the day goes nothing like we planned.  Pain and suffering spin out of control leaving us dizzy in its dust unable to think clearly.  Or, we simply don’t want to hear the answer He provides due to the difficulty in taking that step, the faith needed to follow His Truth or the world tells us it can’t happen.  Guess what my friends, it can happen.  Faith will see you through and strength will abound.  The steps may be difficult, but be patient; He will provide everything you need with each step taken in His direction. 

Listen closely, for He will not raise His decibel to extreme measures to gain attention.  He speaks softly and repeatedly until we finally grasp His Truth.  He forgives all who come in repentance no matter the span of time taken to finally comprehend His Word.  As we take Him as Lord and Savior over our lives and continue to lay it all at the cross daily, He provides grace, love and guidance to move on with the day.  Seek Him first and patiently wait in His Presence until completely understanding the next step in your journey. 

“let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance— for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Proverbs 1:5-7

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig     

Friday, December 12, 2014

Never a Busy Signal!

For sixteen weeks I assisted two other nursing students in completing a community project.  Lots of details filled each week’s endeavors.  Assignments piled up, paperwork consumed and planning took over my thoughts.  The project impacted individuals in various ways; one being awareness to violence occurring in the community.  Often times we walk around with tunnel vision, unable to imagine anything ‘bad’ happening near our home.  Those are events heard on the news, taking place elsewhere, right?

Well, not so much.  While working diligently on the project, we saw need to get the word out of existing resources waiting to help.  Why hide these from our community?  A business card evolved containing emergency numbers to call for help.  We dispersed those to various community members whom may encounter individuals in need of this information.  This condensed, organized and handy card takes away the search for help when hurt enters one’s life.  It empowers one to step forward and begin the road to healing.  It also provides a way for others to help those hurting by offering a hand of hope.  These sources exist and many hurting people do not even realize it!

Do you know another Source exists at our fingertips for hurting people?  Many walk around daily without awareness to the evil surrounding each moment.  Evil finds us wandering through life trying to heal, find joy and feel loved.  Why hide the One Source from others?  Christians play a significant role in dispersing such information, offering a hand of Hope to hurting people.  God placed all we need in an organized and handy Book.  His Word empowers us to step forward in faith and begin healing from any hurt.

Do you have emergency numbers in line to call upon?  Remove the tunnel vision and realize that in this world there will be trial and tribulation.  We cannot run from it.  BUT, we can prepare and call to the One Who knows exactly what we need to survive.  Take some time to create a condensed, organized and handy list of emergency numbers to call upon in need. . .

God created each of His children, touching every fiber of our being.  During our creation, specific talents, skills and characteristics were placed in order to fulfill the job assigned for this life here.  Embracing what He provided us, accepting others for whom they were created to be and working with them to accomplish the one purpose for our lives (building His Kingdom) will result in an indescribable prize.  When struggling to get along with others, call upon Romans 12!

Seasons in life may bring violent storms.  Satan loves to catch us in a storm, weak and depressed.  After receiving numerous blows daily, we may feel like giving up.  Sorrow overtakes every thought, creating darkened lives.  Guess what my friend; I have a number to call at just this time. . .John 14!

People disappoint, discourage and damage our spirit.  They are human and imperfect.  God sent His only Son, perfect and holy to die so that we may live filled with His Spirit.  Keeping our eyes on the Perfect One will grow our spirit and protect it from this imperfect world.  When others fail you, call upon Psalm 27!

Letting go of worldly hurts and working toward healing requires forgiveness.  Once given, an overwhelming peace enters and hurt seems so distant.  Recall the One Who continually forgives and even died for us while we were still sinners.  Follow Jesus’ example and release the pain by forgiving one another.  Call on Him for the steps needed to do such a thing. . .Colossians 3!

These numbers provide only a few existing in our Master Phonebook.  Guess what, my friend, when dialing any number in the Book; you will NEVER hear a busy tone.  The line waits to hear from you and ALWAYS provides the needed help.  Will you make the call today?  Create a list of emergency numbers unique to your situation.  Utilize it daily and update the list as time passes.  Use your list to help others as well.  Why hide such a great Resource?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig      

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Enemy Carries Ammunition

“Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.  But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:29-33

Imagine being in Mary’s shoes at this moment.  The enemy rounded up his ammunition and went to work in her thoughts as he does ours daily.  Worry tried to seep in – concerning what others might think being a virgin, concerning the ability to fulfill the role of birthing our Lord and Savior and how will she explain this to
Joseph?  Doubt worked into the situation – thinking He chose the wrong woman for this.  Shame wiggled into play – a virgin cannot bear a child, right?  Even fear entered the scene when first the angel appeared.

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.”
Luke 1:38

Guess what, my friends, the powerful ammunition of our enemy could not withstand the faith Mary held within her spirit.  The enemy lost that day as Mary said not mine, but Your Will be done my Lord.  Faith so strong and so mighty pulled Mary closer to God as she accepted this amazing role as our Savior’s mother.  She faced daunting situations from the beginning of pregnancy and throughout.  Her step by step faith brought forth the birth of our Savior.  God’s Will prevailed through one woman’s faithful journey. . .

And God’s Will prevails daily as we faithfully walk the journey He intended for our lives.  His Spirit working diligently within seeks to guide our decisions, showing us the Truth needed at that moment to extinguish the ammunition our enemy rounds up to bring us down.  Worry tries to seep in daily – what if I lose a loved one, I lose my job, I cannot make it through this illness, my children reject me, etc.  Doubt works into the situation – I cannot fulfill this task, my past proves I am a failure, why try again only to fail as before, etc.  Shame wiggles into play – I am not worthy of love, have you heard what I did, have you seen how others view me, etc.  And fear enters the scene to dominate decision making – What about ______, how is this going to end?

The only way to extinguish the powerful ammunition of our enemy is through Truth found in His Book.  His Promises ring true in every situation given, every account written and He will not stop fulfilling promises now.  You are no exception.  He loves you the same way He loved Mary who bear His Son.  He loves you the same way He loves our Savior.  He desires a relationship so together you and He can grow His Kingdom.

What does it take?  Faith my friend.  Faith in the unseen.  Faith in our Lord and Savior.  Trust in Him.  He knows how it will all turn out and it is for your good.  Let us follow Mary’s example and proclaim to our Lord today that we are His servant, may His word be fulfilled upon our day today.  And then tomorrow, let us wake up and proclaim it again.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Clean Out the Trap

As I remove laundry from the dryer daily, I clean the lint trap out to prevent build up and potential fire.  When buying new clothes, towels or socks we often wash before wearing.  The dryer loves new items as it eats away at the material.  The lint trap always contains a handful after drying these items.  As these same items get worn and washed again, the lint decreases with each cycle.

Had the trap not performed assigned duties within the cleaning cycle, lint would shed off throughout the day onto our skin, the clothes of others or most items touched.  Causing a mess leads to wasted time cleaning up the tiny little particles everywhere they lay.  The daunting task eventually would stir up frustration causing bitter/angry attitudes.

The solution is to maintain clothing via wash cycle followed by drying and ending with removing lint from the trap.  The last step holds great importance because if the lint accumulates beyond what the trap can hold, risk for fire increases and the trap no longer can perform assigned duties.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:10-12

Coming to the cross, laying it all down, and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior begins a new life.  Taking the first step as a Christian begins the “drying” process.  Jesus washed away all sin as He accepted God’s Will for Him to die on the cross.  Now, we must continue in faith and allow God to remove any “lint” which clings to our hearts.  It seems in the beginning handfuls of sin shed from our hearts clearing our vision to better follow His Will.  We then delve more into Truth, increase prayer life, join study groups and work diligently to learn more about our Savior.

As the days pass our faith grows and the grip on this world loosens.  We see that sin decreases while walking further down the straight path.  We lean on Truth to keep clean, striving to be like Jesus.  The Spirit within shines brighter providing strength greater than this world offers.

We must keep the cycle going of daily reading Truth, filling our thoughts with His Word to remain clean and pure.  Should we allow “things” of this world to override this cycle, we move further away from God our Savior.  Sin slowly creeps back into each day clinging to our heart, damaging the lives of those encountered and destroying our lives.  Causing a mess in our lives, sin leads to relying on worldly “things” to temporary relieve pain/suffering which only wastes our time here on Earth.  God planned for hope and prosperity for each of His Children.  As we follow the path laid for us, we keep pure and clean hearts which can be used in mighty ways to build the Kingdom.

Don’t fret. . .He will use each and every moment in life for His Good.  So, come to Him today, whether clean or covered in sin; He will take all you lay at the cross and fit it into His plan for your life!  Trust Him.  Maintain the wash cycle followed by removing sin daily and ending with His sweet Words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig