He finally came to his senses and we began our journey together a year later. We travelled some rough roads and parted ways for a while. But God had the whole plan mapped out for us. He knew both parties needed to experience life apart from each other. This allowed more appreciation for one another upon reuniting.
When the time seemed perfect, we both sent letters to one another. The letters must have crossed paths because we received them about the same time. Both single at the time, it allowed us to go on a date. I became leery at first, not sure I was ready to take the leap. He was swept off his feet right away and thought, "Wow, I have been missing out". ;)
The song by Rascal Flatts so describes our situation, "Bless the Broken Road".
"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife,
and they become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)
It took me until recent to really 'get' this scripture. One flesh? How do you become one flesh with another?
We faced hardships and often I felt we were the total opposite of one flesh. How could I find that feeling? What was I doing wrong? I simply had my priorities out of line. Once God became my center focus, the bond became strong and the relationship real. I had brought much baggage to the marriage. I also still possessed the 'what about me' mentality. Much work was needed, but I was on my way. My husband stayed by me and waited patiently. I thank God for this all the time.
My hubby and I accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and our hearts and eyes opened. The walls we had built out of fear due to our painful pasts began to crumble out of faith. We have become one flesh, a team and each other's rock. Without my hubby, I would be incomplete. I know we will face many more trials in the future. BUT, we now have God in proper place in our marriage and He will see us through any trial. All the while He will strengthen our bond.
Note to married people: Give one another to God in prayer (nagging will not produce change in the other person) - Spend time together (yes, married or not, you can still go on dates) - And always go to God together with all trials (satan loves to break up marriages).
God thank you for today. Thank You for each day I have with my husband, my best friend. May every step we take together be one of faith and the words we say pleasing to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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