Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time to Change Your URL

Google search engine provides answers to all kinds of questions.  Where does Google get its information?  Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages to find help for what concerns you.  We rely on the information presented to us to get directions, find a recipe, understand functions of a product, receive instructions to assemble a product or just read the latest news.  Without this tool, the Web could be difficult to navigate. 

Google is quick, efficient and reliable.  We have faith in the information received.  We guide others we meet to search through Google and even let them know what key words to use so to receive the best results.

Where do you search answers when life presents a struggle?  Who do you turn to find your worth?  How do you figure out the steps to work through a problem?

"I call on the LORD in my distress,
   and he answers me." (Psalm 120:1)

 "Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless,
   for he will get nothing in return." (Job 15:31)

“Woe to the obstinate children,”
   declares the LORD,
“to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
   forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
   heaping sin upon sin; (Isaiah 30:1)

My search engine for life gathered information from all the wrong sources.  I ran to a bottle, my eating disorder or destructive thoughts to escape my struggles.  I found my worth in guys who were so lost themselves.  My instructions for any problem came from the nearest person.   Carrying out these plans and strategies resulted in destruction.  Not only destruction for my life, but for all around me as well.  I guided others in the wrong direction through the example set.  Navigation in life appeared difficult.

I typed the wrong URL in my search for significance and answers.  Sin consumed my life and smothered my faith.  I was lost among all the jumbled messages, chaotic life and Satan's lies.  Once I changed my URL from http://www.me.com/ to http://www.him.com/, I could see much clearer.

I called upon Him in distress.  I trusted His Word to guide my steps.  I cooperated with His plans for my life.  Searching in the Bible for answers, instructions and directions is the only way to find peace.  Joy comes when we thumb through the pages and read through each recollection of His life.  The future holds so much promise as we continue to place faith in Him, not this world or the people in it.  Live by the Spirit.

God, thank you for today.  Rid me of myself daily and remind me I belong to You.  You are my great Counselor and Healer.  Thank You for all the blessings.  Keep my every step in concordance to the plans for my life.  May I guide others to Your Truth so they my not get lost in Satan's conniving schemes.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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