Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Loving Tongue

It is said that a women uses almost three times the words a man uses in one day.  Women speak 20,000 words - speaking on average about 10 minutes each hour; while men speak 7,000 words - speaking on average about 3.5 minutes each hour.  Really?  Women must just posses more wisdom to share.  Sounds good to me!

On a serious note, one study I found through Google search engine monitored men and women over several days and both spoke about the same amount of words.  The amount of words spoken, I believe, depends on your environment.  An office position requires less speech than a customer service position.  A single person requires less speech than a married person.  Some titles come with increased speech - mother, teacher, a boss, a preacher, a politician, etc.  

Women also 'chat' more than men.  A woman could sit and talk with her sister, best friend or mom for hours on the phone.  We just enjoy solving the world's problems all in one conversation.  Men say only the words needed and that is that.

Our words play a huge role in our life.  The words used need careful consideration before coming out of our mouth.  Communication is vital to relationships, silence is deadly.  BUT, the words being communicated may cause more harm than good.  

"as long as I have life within me,
   the breath of God in my nostrils,
my lips will not say anything wicked,
   and my tongue will not utter lies." (Job 27:3-4)

 "The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint,
   and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.
 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,
   and discerning if they hold their tongues." (Proverbs 17:27-28)

Our words must lift others and teach God's Word.  Do not engage in the gossip at work.  Avoid complaining sessions in the lunch room.  Pray before a confrontation with your husband or significant other.  Count to ten before approaching a child in need of discipline.  Keep your tongue pure, free from lying.  Lies only hurt others and yourself, which damage relationships.

Seek to understand another before being understood.  This process might change the words you planned to spat back in defense.  Ask God to consume your heart and mouth so to please Him and display godly character.  Be kind to all, building one another up, not speaking like a fool and gain knowledge by reading His Truth. 

God, thank you for today.  Thank You for my every breath.  May my 20,000 words today be pleasing to You.  Use me as a vessel to spread Your Truth.  I can spread lots of love with 20,000 words.  Thank You for the ability to use my tongue and speak.  Consume my every conversation today.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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