Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Let Go and Let God

My family and I leave for church camp on Wednesday.  The environment we face takes us out of our comfort zone.  My husband, who likes to plan, struggles to go somewhere without an itinerary.  My daughter, who likes routine, cringes to think she will be without her usual breakfast and cartoons.  Myself, who likes some alone time, frets at the fact of constant activities.  Also, electronic devices cannot be used on campus.  What?!  How will we survive?

The common question around the Craig household right now is. . . What do you think they will. . .?  Our concerns pertain to the food served, the sleeping arrangements, the shower facility or how we will wake up on time.  Don't get me wrong, we are excited to attend and watch our son learn more about God as well as enjoy time with his friends. 

Oh, yeah, my son.  He is the only one in the house who could care less about the itinerary, change in routine, or any down time.  He says he will eat whatever food they serve, sleep wherever and could care less if he took a shower or not.  His only struggle is getting through Monday and Tuesday, waiting for Wednesday to come so we can leave. 

Here we are worried about our own insecurities that we miss the true meaning of attending church camp.  This event feeds my son's spirit.  This event provides a safe, fun and loving environment for my son to discover himself.  This event brings the focus on God, where it should be daily. 

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?" (Matthew 6:25)

"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.  For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." (Galatians 5:16-17)

The roles reversed in the Craig house this week.  My son set the example, not the parents.  God moved to the back while we focused and worried about our comfort.  Church camp will provide the perfect opportunity to get away from places and things which steal our time with God.  We must have faith like our son to just approach camp and take anything which comes with it.  Enjoy every moment and let God lead the way. 

My son has it right.  Let us leave our comfort zone and see the reason for our existence.  Let us walk by the Spirit and let our flesh be uncomfortable.  We do not need electronics, cartoons, 'usual' foods, itineraries or even alone time.  We need Him.  We need to focus on each other, spend time together and give each moment to Him.  Allow Him to keep the itinerary and guide our every step.  After all, He made us and knows what is best for us. 

God, thank you for this day.  May I keep focused on You.  May I take this opportunity to be still and hear You.  All distractions will be gone and no excuses appear to avoid Your Words.  Keep my eyes open always to You and my ears ready to listen.  Thank You for using my son to teach a lesson.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

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