Saturday, July 23, 2011


To hoard is to keep 'stuff' hidden or private.  It is an accumulation of hidden funds or supplies stored for future use.  Hoarders may believe the items to be valuable or just cannot let go of the memories the items may trigger. 

Eventually, hiding 'stuff' becomes an issue.  A home only contains so many corners, closets and drawers.  The 'stuff' comes into the living space and overtakes the home.  Some individuals have a hard time maneuver without stepping over a box or pile of 'stuff'. 

You may think this life sounds absurd or unbelievable.  We all fall victim to a life full of hoarding.  We hold on to the past, the hurts, the sorrow and the sins committed.  How does this affect us?

"In his pride the wicked man does not seek him;
   in all his thoughts there is no room for God." (Psalm 10:4)

Well, the thoughts hold us captive and Satan loves to come in and give us reason to hold on to each of them.  Our thoughts overtake our mind and we have a hard time walking the path God laid for us.  We try and step over the box filled with past mistakes.  We maneuver around hoping to not see the scrapbook of our sins.  We run and leap over the hurdles of pain and sorrow.  Guess what?  These obstacles do not just vanish. 

We must choose to give each one to Him.  Let Truth consume our thoughts and rid ourselves of the 'stuff' which holds us in bondage.  Don't hoard!  Give every anxious thought, every debilitating memory and all shame to Him.  He will take care of each so to clear your path to follow Him.  There comes a time when holding on has no benefit to your growth. 

"How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
   and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
   How long will my enemy triumph over me?" (Psalm 13:2) 

It has been long enough for this woman!  I do not want any more 'stuff' blocking my wholehearted devotion to serving my Creator.  Take them all God and use each one when the time is right to comfort or lead one of Your Children to You.  The enemy will not triumph anymore!

God, thank you for today.  Clean out my closets, drawers and cabinets so no more sin can live from my past inside my heart.  I released the big stuff blocking my path, but I still need You to take the 'stuff' hiding in the corners.  No more hoarding for this Child of Yours.  I am here to serve You with a clean, neat and orderly conscience.  Be with me to release the 'stuff'.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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