Saturday, March 26, 2011

Clean the Slate

New Year's Resolutions almost always set us up for disappointment.  I believe the devil devours many thoughts when January 1st comes around.  The devil knows this is prime time for stealing all kinds of joy from those creating goals to better serve God, to love themselves and take care of the body God provided.  As we make goals, the devil gets to working.  Within the next couple weeks his lies and our stumbles crush the spirit for a goal appears unattainable and overwhelming.

Guess what.  God can lift your crushed spirit.  God knows we all fall short of His Glory (see Romans 3:23).  We are not perfect, nor are we expected to display perfection in all we do.  Allow God to come in your hearts and reveal to you where He wants you to travel, what goals He wants you to attain and where to clean out the 'gunk' in your life.  Approaching New Year's Resolutions, or daily resolutions, with God as our guide allows for a much better turnout.  Clothe every day in prayer so the devil may not come and destroy His Plan for you.

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.  (Lamentations 3:22-23) 

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
   to the one who seeks him;  (Lamentations 3:25)

As my chains fell and the bondage to Anorexia loosened, I believed the devil's lies often.  I took heart in knowing God's Mercies are new every morning.  If I fell on Tuesday and my meals were not as God would like, I acknowledged this fall, asked Him to help me do better the next day and knew when I woke up on Wednesday that He had cleaned the slate.

I am not saying we can walk around and sin all we want and then God cleans the slate every night.  No, we must continue to walk in faith, hope in the Lord and not be consumed with our sin.  God blesses each step we take in faith and breaks the chains of bondage.  Do not allow the devil to use your one step back to erase the fact that you took two steps forward.  We also learn and become stronger when we step back.  We learn another trigger situation which may lead to falling and next time place on thicker armor, bringing more scripture along to combat the lies.

God thank you for today.  Thank you for all the steps I take in faith and forgive me for the bumps which I may trip over.  Catch me when I fall and lift me up to see Your Love and Forgiveness so I may continue on and not stay flat on my face.  Keep my heart clean, my words uplifting and my hands reaching.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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