Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He Keeps the Light Shining Bright

In the playroom for the children, there is a window that faces our carport/garage.  My husband installed a light inside to help see at all times.  While playing one day, the blinds were knocked down (sad to say, I am the culprit of this accident).  Without the light on, the place remains extremely dark, even during the daytime.  The playroom had some sunlight coming in from the window facing our front yard.  My daughter peered in the carport/garage and had a difficult time seeing any objects.  The light from our room caused only a reflection of her to appear on the window.  Without light, we could not see clearly what sat on the shelves, the mower taking up space in the middle or the apparatus holding the tools up against the wall.  If someone were on the other side of the window, they could clearly see us, for our room had the greater light. 

Without light, it is difficult to see clearly; yet easier to hide.

"Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,
   and he saved them from their distress.
He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness,
   and broke away their chains." (Psalm 107:13-14

"He reveals the deep things of darkness
   and brings utter darkness into the light." (Job 12:22)

Without shining His light inside us, we remain in darkness.  We hide in ourselves and place a mask on to appear 'all together'.  We turn off the light inside to allow no one to look into what sits on our heart, the thoughts taking up space in our mind or the bondage our enemy holds on us.  Misery takes hold of us as we reside in this darkness.  We must reach for the Him who is light!

Come out from the darkness by letting the masks down and reaching up to Him to reveal what causes you to stay in the dark.  As your heart softens and you allow others a peak inside, they too will let go of some darkness they experience.  By shining His light, revealing our weakness, we can help others.  Our darkness will become light for all to see.  Give Him that dark place in your heart.  Allow Him to come in and bring light to your "carport/garage".   Praise Him who hears your cries and answers with shining light, breaking away the darkness.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for shining light on yet another day here to serve You.  Continue to clear up any darkness in my life.  Keep me safe in the light so I may not run back to my dark corner and turn the light off to hide.  The life of hiding is gone.  I am no longer running to those corners of darkness, but running to Your arms full of light.  Thank You for holding me and comforting me always.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig


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