On this particular day, my mind wanted to see a number. The holiday season brought much food and sweets into our home. Someone had to eat them, right? Well, I just wanted to check and see what number I had become. I began to complete my workout and planned to step on the scale. Then it happened. . .
God sent an angel to me. The angel came in the form of a lovely young man. This boy faced trials beyond anyone's imagination in the past years. He experienced and injury that flipped his life upside down. His mind and body suffered, but his faith did not. His love for God's children exceeds anyone I know. He works at this facility and was simply reporting for duty. I am sure he never knew that this day he would touch another's life so much.
He came and sat down in the chair by the desk, which blocked me from using the scale. He began a conversation with me that I will never forget. . .
" He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you." (1 Thessalonians 5:10-11)
My angel spoke words of kindness to me. This boy shone brightly for God. He said I was beautiful, young and pointed me to God's Truth. Although he did not realize the work that God called upon him, he completed it perfectly. He placed a block between me and Satan's tool to lie to me, the scale. So, instead of a number defining me, God spoke through my angel to tell me Truth. Thank You God for this angel.
I enjoyed the conversation and left with a smile. Now, I want to pass this on so we can learn from my angel to build another up with Truth. Do not hesitate. We may not see the results or growth that our words provide. As we continue to be God's hands and feet, He will bless us and others to defeat the lies all around us planted by Satan.
Will you be an angel today? Seek God to see where He leads and who He places in your path.
God, thank you for sending me Truth yesterday. I know I am not a number, but I am Your child. You made me beautiful and to love all created. Thank You so much. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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