If this question were presented to me 4 years ago, I would have multiple answers. Deep in my eating disorder, unable to cope with life as I knew it and feeling like a failure; the grass seemed so much greener on the other side. Other women appeared to have it all together. They carried themselves confidently, beautifully and freely. It seemed nothing in the world would bring them down. I caught them a time or two eating donuts, drinking a milkshake, buying a value meal at a fast food restaurant or choosing to go home instead of the gym that evening. I envied the clothing worn. It fit perfectly and looked nice. Their hair lay just right and looked great no matter the style chosen for the day. I was certain their husbands adored them and expressed how much love they felt each day. I wanted that life; even for just one day.
I wanted to escape all the junk in my life to go and live in another's. I felt exhausted in my own skin and needed a break. My heart, mind and soul weakened more each day. A fresh start in another life would be the best gift ever!
"Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." (1 Peter 3:4)
I heard once, that if all of us went in to one big room and laid out all our troubles, sadness, grief, worries and trials in the middle of the room; each would walk away with their own. After examining the hearts of others, the mental battles given daily and the sadness within; our eyes see the greener grass now appears on our side. Each of us experience trial and tribulation. God will provide the strength, skills and tools needed to work through all of it. Don't refuse these free gifts from Him.
I experienced a transformation in my life that is unexplainable. He took what I saw as dead grass, fertilized it with Truth and shined His light upon it. I did not need a fresh start through the life of SOMEONE else. I needed a fresh start through Him.
Outward appearance does not equate happiness. All the money in the world cannot buy contentment. I found out that God did not transform my life from outside - in. He began with the most important part, my spirit. He transformed my mind to believe Truth and my heart to be humble and surrender to Him. He then adjusted my vision to see clearly the glorious life I have been given. He did not give me better outward features, more money in the bank, a new wardrobe, etc.
Turn your focus away from others and turn to His Truth. He will explain all the glorious ways He created you and the wonder and beauty He placed inside. Shine from the inside - out. Stop right now, look around and thank God for each blessing that surrounds you. Your life holds a specific plan, drawn out in detail by your Father. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior, then carry out His plan. Thank God for the body, mind and soul given to you. He sees beauty in His Creation. Don't wish for another's life, not even for one day! God has so much in store for your every hour; you don't want to miss it.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for transforming my life from inside - out. I see clearly now that I am here for a plan and a purpose. My plan and purpose differs from the others around me. I desire to carry out Your plan for my life, not the plan of someone else. Thank You for taking the time to plan my life in detail. I give it all to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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