Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Limitations

As I listened to the radio, a father came on to speak about his young daughter.  A couple years earlier, his daughter received a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.  This debilitating disorder placed her in a wheel chair.  Cerebral palsy limits movement and posture.  Often these limits are accompanied by disturbances of sensations.  The disorder disrupts one's life. 

The father spoke about a report received from the teacher.  The teacher sent progress or event reports home to keep the family informed and up to date.  Well, the class took a field trip that he and his daughter will never forget.  The class went bowling.  His daughter bowled and her score was included in this report.  He began to cry as he spoke about this feat despite her limitations.  He was so proud. 

Meditate on this story for a minute. . .

Tears welled up as I thought about this man, his daughter and the experience they just enjoyed.  I imagined the little girls face each time she rolled the ball down the lane and the pins began to fall.  I pictured the teacher smiling, hugging the girl for her achievement and filling her heart with love.  It amazes me the love others display and the kindness shown with simple actions. 

The teacher not only created a memory for the little girl, but she provided hope for the parents.  She brought some 'normal' to the life of this family.  I don't know why disorders, handicap, disease or sickness come into our lives.  But, I do know, and this little girl's story is proof, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  We can choose to take a situation and feel defeated and remain in darkness.  OR, we can choose Christ and allow Him to provide light.  Then, hope, comfort and perseverance will follow. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

This little girl filled with hope that day.  Why?  Because someone cared enough to give love, encourage and bring joy.  Life is not all about pleasing ourselves.  Life is about spreading God's love, Truth and comfort.  He placed us here to care for one another.  You may feel incompetent, unable to provide any help.  Guess what?  God will provide all you need if you just GO!

I commend those individuals who care for the handicap, sick, poor, dying or impaired.  A simple smile, hug, encouraging word or presence is all they need.  Many fear and avoid these situations.  Please don't.  Take God with you wherever you may go and He will provide strength beyond your imagination.  You will come to find as you spread joy, you receive 10x the amount.  Individuals in need teach the best of lessons.  Their spirits reciprocate the joy given.  We find that we were in need as well. 

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
~ Unknown

Help others see what they CAN accomplish.  Every person lives for a reason and plan.  God knows that plan, but so many cannot see His light.  Show them His light, teach them Truth.  Use His Word to drown out society's opinions and limitations. 

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
~ Richard Bach
You may get news today that seems like the end of your world.  But, our Master sees beauty in all situations and works all things out for the good of those who love Him.  The little girl may have felt scared, that life had no purpose if she could not play like the others and did not see reason to all this pain and suffering.  Well, I am not sure of her plan or purpose either; but, I do know that He will provide so much for her life and she will touch many people with her beauty.  I can confirm that she already changed one heart!
God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for my health.  Show me how to use my health and skills to bless others.  Thank You for the story of a young girl and her accomplishments.  I know that through You all things are possible.  Thank You for the daily strength to face whatever news, situation or pain I experience.  Please bless this little girl and her parents as they continue to live with cerebral palsy.  I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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