Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In His Presence

I experienced one of those days.  The kind which feels like Heaven!  The last day of my Christmas break I spent carefree, joyously, in the presence of my most favorite man and filled with smiles.  It actually began the night before. . .
. . .I became excited before laying my head down to sleep, knowing the next day would be a whole day spent on a date with my husband.  I awoke with a smile, went about my morning ritual and helped the kids get ready.  My husband drove our son to school and came back to pick me and our daughter up.  We dropped her off at my mother-in-laws for the day.  Then, our date officially began.  We had a few goals in mind, but nothing set in stone for our time together.  I felt like we turned back time to high school when many of dates were spent traveling to a nearby city to shop, eat and maybe catch a movie. 

We shopped, held hands, laughed, enjoyed some Starbuck's, shopped some more and ate lunch at a place we often visited in our younger years.  At each store, we helped one another pick out clothes.  We stayed by each other's side and rarely separated.  The day was all about US!  I mentioned that I wished this day could last forever. 

But, Satan never misses a beat.  He tried to steal my joy, but I refused and clung to God's Word and presence.  Satan threw lies my way each time I stepped in a dressing room, when I entered Starbuck's, the moment I sat down to pick out lunch and then again at supper.  He also tried to bring anxiety to me as we ate lunch later than my usual time.  I firmly said, "Satan, get behind me and quit trying to be a stumbling block to my joy.  Leave this day for God, Brian and me to enjoy."  The enemy even had the audacity to try and end my night with anxiety.  Snow and ice fell to create a disaster for traffic.  The bridge that led us home shut down.  We traveled our 25 miles home in 2 and 1/2 hours. 

In the past, knowing my night did not occur as planned and that we would need to eat supper out after already eating lunch out, would have sent me in a tailspin.  Then, not sticking to a schedule for my meals and allowing for specific obsessions and compulsive behaviors I must complete; plus trying on clothes all day and seeing myself in the mirrors continuously, would have sent me over the top.  Boy, God has brought me a long way.  I clung to Him and I enjoyed every minute of my day with my husband.  The travel home allowed Brian and I to bond even closer as we reminisced of the 'old days'.  Thank You God for a glimpse of Heaven!  Thank You for allowing me to see how far I have come through Your strength!

"Teach me your way, LORD;
   lead me in a straight path
   because of my oppressors.
Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
   for false witnesses rise up against me,
   spouting malicious accusations.
 I remain confident of this:
   I will see the goodness of the LORD
   in the land of the living." (Psalm 27:11-13)

 "Give me a sign of your goodness,
   that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
   for you, LORD, have helped me and comforted me." (Psalm 86:17)  

Our days are filled with goodness from God.  He continually confirms His presence among the living.  He will open your eyes to the progress made on the journey planned for you.  Praise Him for the blessings, healing, comfort, love, joy and peace.  His power will defeat any lies from our enemy.  Stay close to God and Satan will gain nothing on your life. 

God will throw His arms around you and protect from any schemes or lies coming at you.  He loves you unconditionally, never quits helping, comforts in every trial, provides strength to persevere and (did I mention?) never quits helping.  Rest assured, He always comes through for you.  Reach to Him to receive inner peace which passes all understanding.  He can and He WILL do immeasurably more for your life than you can ever ask or imagine.  Praise be to God always!

God, thank You for another day.  Thank You for being present in my every moment.  I enjoyed my day so much with You and my husband.  Thank You for such a loving, fun, faithful teammate here on Earth.  Continue to strengthen our relationship as we keep You at the center.  Thank You for bringing me to where I am today and defeating the enemy.  Lead me down the straight path always.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig  


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