Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Perfect Meal Plan

With the holidays just around the corner, invitations appear in the mail to parties, gatherings, dinners and festivities.  All, I am sure, will be filled with food, candy and drinks.  It seems our stomach becomes an empty reservoir when seeing all these tasty items.  Suddenly, starvation hits and our eyes believe two plates just do not satisfy. 

My eyes performed this trick on me the other night.  I approached the buffet and every dish beckoned my name.  I filled my plate and then grabbed a bowl of chili as well.  Upon finishing the food in front of me, I felt full.  But, I nibbled off my children's plate and grabbed a few more chips from the buffet.  Luckily, our stomachs can stretch as we shove them full of food. 

Even though the food sits in front of us, does not mean all of it will nourish our bodies or our bodies need it currently.  Discipline helps determine what foods best fit your daily intake.  Some people acquire allergies and must be careful not to eat the wrong thing.  Others may suffer from diabetes and monitor the intake of sugars.  And others still, just need to eat for nourishment and enjoy the taste but not display gluttony.  Discerning just the right answer may be difficult.  Give your meal plan to God!!!

"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority." (Colossians 2:9-10)

"So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." (Matthew 6:31-32)

God knows what we need before asking.  Look around!  He created all things, living and nonliving, to satisfy our needs.  He not only fills us spiritually with Truth, but takes care of our physical hunger as well.  In Him, our lives fill completely.

Turn to Him for answers in every area.  There will be many attractive "buffets" in life.  The display of various fillers for your soul may be enticing; but do not fall victim to gobbling up everything presented to you.  You may be consuming unhealthy, useless things of this world.  We must visit the throne, not the buffets of this world.

God will reveal exactly the right choices to fill our plates.  It may require a change, greater attention to an area in life or staying just as you are for a while.  Just as our diets change due to allergies, need for weight loss or gain, specific diseases or sickness strikes; our spiritual nourishment may require some tweaking from time to time.  Do not neglect your spirit.  Spend time in the Truth DAILY!  Without the Holy Spirit active in your life, discernment and health fade away. 

Seek Him every day and you will be completely full!  Let Him have your plate!

God, thank you for another day to serve you.  Thank You for feeding me spiritually and physically.  I give my meal plan completely to You.  Bring Your Holy Spirit in me to help discern between right and wrong nourishment.  I cling to Truth for guidance and seek Your answers.  Thank You for providing complete fullness of life and loving me along the way always.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig   

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