Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forgotten

September 11, 2001 brought heartache to our country.  The individuals driving to work in NY never imagined their day would turn out as it did.  No one will forget the moment the news broadcasted the attack.  As our tears fell that day, so did God's.  Every prayer lifted that day, He heard.

Anger, questions, sadness, uncertainty, fear and hopeless feelings swarmed the United States.  Some may have lost faith that day, while others clung to their faith.  Some instantly readied themselves for retaliation, while others just stood numb to any action.  Some cried uncontrollable, while others refused to believe this was happening.

No matter the emotion, no matter the reaction, this is real.  Our country received attacks without reason.  Innocent people died 10 years ago.  Children lost their parents 10 years ago.  Husbands lost their wives; wives lost their husbands 10 years ago.       

"Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them.  For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (Deuteronomy 20:3-4)

Unfortunately we cannot change the past.  BUT, we can choose to follow God and ask Him into our present and future lives.  This battle continues still today.  We need to pray for our country and its leaders.  We need to clothe our service men and women in prayer.  God will fight with them.  God will stay by their side. 

The loved ones staying behind need prayer.  We often take our freedom for granted; these loved ones do not.  They think every morning about their family member or friend who fights day in and day out so we may walk out our door without fear of attack.  We have freedom because our fellow Americans choose to fight for us.  We also have the freedom to live an abundant life because Jesus died on the cross to wash away our sins.  He died and then sent the Holy Spirit to live within us to fight our spiritual battles daily.
Let us take this day and pray for all who fight for us.  Let us thank God for sending His only Son to die on the cross for our sins.  Let us thank God for sending these service men and women to fight the battles in this world for us and who are willing to die for our freedom in this world. 

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for the freedom we have through Your Son, Jesus.  Thank You for sending Your children here to fight for our freedom while living on Earth.  God, we know that this life here is temporary and our true home is in Heaven with You; but the pain is real when loved ones are lost or lives are taken.  I pray for peace in the hearts of the ones left behind.  I pray for the individuals in other countries continuing the fight, 10 years later.  Be with them, guide their every move and protect them.  Clothe the ones waiting for their return in love, peace and faith.  May they reach to You for comfort.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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