Sunday, September 4, 2011

Keep that Skip in Your Step

Okay so I am going to turn the subject a little from my ordinary writings. . .

Remember back when, in high school, as you approached the weekend and big plans awaited the bell ringing at 2:45?  From the morning bell and beyond, your step was a little lighter than usual.  Your thoughts zoned in on the evening to come.  Your boyfriend, or a boy your eye has been upon for a while, asked you to a movie and dinner or to attend the football game with him.  And, your parents even agreed to the event.  You keep your focus on the excitement dwelling up as the time draws near. 

I think in moments like these, someone could say the meanest comment to me or I receive a harsh criticism, but my smile would not fade.  I knew that someone wanted to spend time with me and that someone was near and dear to my heart.  I did not care what anyone else had to say about me.  I knew I was loved by someone.

Like a lily among thorns
   is my darling among the young women. (Song of Solomon 2:2)

Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest
   is my beloved among the young men. (Song of Solomon 2:3)

Song of Solomon is a love story written in the Bible.  The woman feels as though her man is a knight in shining armor and the man feels as though his woman is the cream of the crop!  No matter what the world threw at them, they focused on their love for one another.  You may say, "Oh, they must be newlyweds!"

Walking down the aisle and placing a ring on another's finger does not mean the skip in your step should stop.  The vows make no mention of losing passion for one another.  And the words, "I do", have no fine print attached explaining a loss of joy.  God intends for the two to become ONE!  He created a love story to present an example of the passion between the man and woman.  God cares for your marriage and yearns to be a part of it.  Keep Him at the center and joy will overflow.

When my mom comes to town she typically watches my children for a while at night so my husband and I can go on a date.  Yesterday was one of those times.  All day I felt giddy in my heart and counted the minutes until I could go spend some time with my knight in shining armor.  I felt like a high school kid again.  I chose an outfit I felt confident in, put a little makeup on and waited for the time to leave.  We had fun as we always do. 

Couples need date night.  It is precious time away from your troubles, the bills, the kids, the housework and everyday stress.  This time is important to keep the flame burning.  I pray that when we are old and gray, we still take the time to put on our best and spend it with one another.  Date night could save marriages!  Can't find a sitter?  Put the kids to bed early, rent a movie, cuddle up together, have some popcorn and enjoy the closeness of your spouse.

God, thank you for this day.  Thank You for sending my knight in shining armor to love, care and comfort me through every day.  Also, thanks for all the fun we have together.  As we continue to place You in the center of our marriage, it keeps getting better and better.  Keep us healthy and focused on You so we may enjoy many years to come together.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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