Saturday, January 31, 2015

Will you Allow It?

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  (Hebrews 4:12)

His Word remains alive and active. . .Truth holds power to breakdown walls built around hearts.  Truth holds power to demolish lies consuming the mind.  Truth holds power to find a lost soul and redirect.

His Word remains powerful.  Once believed, followed and read daily; His Word will forever change a person.  The path once taken will be left behind for one of greater purpose.  The world will no longer be a guide for living. . .only His Word! 

Unfortunately, there is another word which holds major power – IF WE ALLOW IT!  This word can breakdown the protection God provides – IF WE ALLOW IT!  This word can demolish Truth which guides our thoughts – IF WE ALLOW IT!  This word can take a soul far away to be lost and all alone – IF WE ALLOW IT!

Allowing this word to hold power in our lives leads to hidden hearts; for each word believed places a brick to begin building a wall of shame surrounding our hearts.  Once surrounding our hearts, these words travel to the mind; each word sits comfortably in our mind to remain and control.  After destroying our thoughts, these words take over each movement made, sending our souls into the land of lost.

All we can do to survive is run away from these words.  The problem is that these words are so tightly connected to us that wherever we should run, they show up there too.  As we dwell on these words now defining our worth, we see no way out!

So why not sit at home, Bibles open and only fill our thoughts with Truth in order to avoid these other words?  We must live in this world.  In doing so, these words surround daily life.  They can come through a co-worker, loved one, employer, stranger, etc.  And they hurt.  We allow these words to define our worth.  If the other one sees such a description from their point of view, it must be correct.  Their opinion really makes sense when measured against society’s view of living. 

The weight of the world’s opinions, descriptions of character and direction heavily sits on our backs.  We travel down the path directed by society in hopes to lighten that load and avoid more words.  We please others to minimize comments. 

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

My dear friend, the time is NOW to take a stand.  The statements, comments, opinions or descriptions of others do not define worth.  The world did not create us, weave us together in the womb or bring life in order to fulfill a specific plan.  The world has no idea the strength, wisdom and power we possess when taking Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  The world does not even know who they are; how can they define us? 

The world loves to pick the splinter out of our eye while holding up the plank in their eye.  We have a God Who is bigger than all of this.  He knows our inner most being, can account for every hair on our head and provides Truth about our character.  He never leaves, never forsakes.  He is all knowing and always present.  We cannot say any of that for this world. 

So, what word shall we believe this day – His or theirs?  Take a stand against the lies that breakdown, demolish and leave our soul lost.  Rebuild your life with Truth.  Form a life consistent with Truth.  Come back to the cross.  Find hope and love in His Truth.  Remain in the Word and the Word will remain in you! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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