Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Deficit of Attention

Confession:  When striving to complete one single task, a slight deficit in attention exists.  My mind wanders in all directions.  I like to think of it not in a negative perspective, but that I am a deep thinker!

I often group daily tasks together and finish several at one time.  Keeping focus on one job requires complete concentration, which I do not possess.  I perform best when the radio plays in the backdrop, someone joins me or attention can be spread out to more than one task.  The constant mind movement becomes exhausting most days.  A problem arises while driving. . .

Gorgeous weather lead to daydreaming, monotonous roads lead to multi-tasking while driving and quiet vehicles lead to thinking about anything but the road.  Here comes the big confession. . .more than driving occurs when behind the wheel:  filed nails – guilty, texted – guilty, looked in the mirror to fix hair – guilty, eaten – guilty, read a text – guilty, studied note cards – guilty, I better stop here or I might find myself with a citation!  I am fully aware of the issue at hand and work daily to quit doing such things (I know two sets of eyes watch my every move, one nearing driving age).  I constantly need to pull my focus back at the task at hand.  Oh, yeah and thankfully the handy dandy GPS came about because I have missed turns before due to daydreaming or some other attention grabbing task.  GPS loudly speaks to me, returning attention to prepare for a turn, twist or change in the road ahead.  The monotony of driving does not go well with the liveliness of my mind.  Now you can understand why my husband consistently drives and why I dislike driving so much.

Correlation:  Ever feel like a slight deficit of attention exists in your spiritual life?  Following our One True God, studying His Word daily and keeping Him in your mind at all times requires complete concentration.  Peaceful moments lead to forgetting why such blessings occur, monotonous days lead to a desire for fleshly excitement and quiet minds lead to the devil seeping lies inside our thoughts.  So, have you ever:  chose a rebellious act just to excite the flesh, took a turn when signs clearly said stay straight, left the Bible on the shelf until Sunday during a season of peace, fell asleep in service believing the message is not meant for you or said no because the task seemed lame?  In truth, we all have experienced such times.  Becoming aware of such a deficit in our spiritual attention allows us to continually pull focus back to the path laid for our lives.  As Christians, numerous eyes watch our every move; therefore, we must keep our focus on Him and follow the path laid for us.  One way to keep focus is through studying His Word daily so our minds fill with Truth.  His Word gives direction, clear-cut steps to live here on Earth.  He guides our feet, loudly speaking to our hearts and grabbing our attention to prepare for a turn, twist or change in the path before us.  He paved the way and knows exactly what lay before us.

Ignoring the deficit leads to destruction.  Should I continue to daydream, multi-task or think of everything else but driving I will someday find myself in a ditch or worse.  Should we continue to forget Him, please our flesh or listen to the devil’s lies we will find ourselves in a pit or worse.  Let’s turn up the worship (sing out praise at all times), join together (where two or more gather in His name, so He will be) and spread out to teach His Word to others (The Great Commission).  Volunteer at venues which spread His Word to others, daydream about winning the one true Prize and fill your heart with love for Him to keep the devil at a distance.  Learn the obstacles which increase the deficit in your spiritual attention.  Constantly pull focus back to Him and how you can serve Him, deficit and all.  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig              

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