Friday, January 23, 2015

Resentment Box

Supermom here decided to clean during school hours.  As the bus pulled away, it was on!  I pulled out the cleaning supplies and began to tackle the upstairs.

I sprayed down the shower and moved all bottles blocking the way.  When picking up my daughter’s body wash, it felt empty.  With thoughts stuck on cleaning – I threw away the bottle.  A replacement bottle of different scent quickly took the empty one’s place.  What a nice mom, right?

I continued throughout the rooms moving furniture to vacuum, adjusting décor to dust and pitching useless items.  Cleaning consumed all morning hours, bringing me to lunchtime!

After lunch, I decided to venture out and tackle the grocery list.  I picked up requested items and those needed to create the nightly menu.  In and out within one hour (funny how quickly shopping occurs without four little hands reaching for nonessentials). 

This supermom deserved a cup of coffee and some quiet time before the kids arrive.  Patting myself on the back, I sat down in my clean house with a cup of coffee and a good book.  #feeling accomplished

As my two little angels arrived home, they ate snacks from the filled cabinet, enjoyed lemonade made while they were away and told about their day.  As my daughter often does, she decided to take a bath immediately after completing homework.  She loves to get relaxed and in her pajamas shortly after arriving home (I have no idea where she gets that ;-)  ;-)

She went on upstairs, grabbed a towel and began running bath water. . .
Then, it happened.  Supermom received a dagger of kryptonite right in the back.  Tears poured down my daughter’s face and anger developed as she realized a different bottle of body wash sat on the shelf.  Fury raged.  I tried to explain the situation; she immediately informed me that the bottle was in fact NOT empty. 

We moved on with empty promises of finding the same scent body wash at the store soon (it was a seasonal scent).  She finished and came downstairs.  Tear stained cheeks revealed the little girl remained hurt, angry and sad.  With a face full of remorse, I looked toward her.  She threw another dagger of kryptonite – she said, “You are mean.”  Wow, supermom quickly turned into an epic failure.  #feeling destroyed 

My response – I said, “No, I am a mother who made a mistake and am very sorry.  I hope you can forgive me.”  Forgive me?  Do I realize what I am asking of a ticked off little six year old?  Her world crumbled the moment she lost a valuable item.  A loved one just threw it away, without even asking permission.  How could she forgive that?  She cannot even think about all the positive things done for her that day (lunch made, clothes laid out, help with homework, cabinets filled with favorites and a supper she loves in the oven). 

Ever feel like my daughter?  A loved one in your life takes a valuable item without permission and just throws it away; be it love, innocence, comfortable life, self-esteem, position or status, monetary item, etc.  How can you forgive that?  After a situation such as this, life crumbles all around.  Wounds develop on every side of your heart.  Tears fall, fury rages and anger develops.  Resentment builds up and you store it away in a little box, ready to release it with any wrong move made by the other.  Failure to see or remember the positive attributes in the other keep a bondage to resentment. 

Forgiveness - stop feeling anger toward; stop blaming; stop requiring payment of (   “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Today is the day!  Let go of the anger, fury and resentment.  Open the box and release it to God.  See the other person through God’s eyes.  The only one hurting from the bondage of resentment is you.  Quit with empty promises to yourself to “get over the hurt” and fill yourself with the true Promises found in His Word.   “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37)

I am far from supermom; I am simply a mom that makes mistakes and requires forgiveness.  Thankfully, my daughter offers that forgiveness and releases any resentment held due to unfair circumstances.  Let us learn from my six year old – forgive, release the hurt and let God take care of it.  It is then; you will also receive the forgiveness needed for your sins. 

Seek God to release unforgiveness and then follow the prompting of restoration.  He may ask for simple confession and releasing the emotion to Him.  He may ask for action to go and make the situation right between you and the other.  Follow His directions in order that you may live free from the bondage of resentment. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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