Wednesday, January 7, 2015

God Uses Rookies

Picture taken from Facebook Dave Ramsey.

I scanned through a closet filled with board games (you know those that require more than movement of the thumbs, conversation with another and no charging required)!  I found one tucked away, an old classic (Connect Four), and asked my daughter to sit and play.  She never played before; therefore, instructions on how to play came first.  Being a smart little girl, the instruction process went rather quickly. 

We began playing and after four rounds she had yet to move her score tab.  I felt bad defeating the poor rookie four rounds in a row.  Surprisingly, she won the next five rounds (wink, wink).  Sometimes parents just have to sacrifice to build up these little ones (LOL).  Winning numerous rounds provided the confidence required to begin strategically placing her discs to create four in a row.  She began winning with no help from me. 

I caught myself focusing so closely on gaining a win, only seeing my color that I failed to see the easy win for her.  I could have prevented her gain, but failed in looking at the whole picture.  Pride built tunnel vision which focused my eyes on desire to win so badly that I failed to play the game.  The goal of the game consists of blocking the component to avoid four in a row all while looking ahead a few plays to see where a possible four in a row works for your color.  Epic Fail!  She arrived at 10 wins before me and declared winner. 

‘So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.  So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.’ Genesis 6:13-14

Noah never thought of building ark.  He had no history in woodwork.  Though a rookie, God believed in him and viewed Noah as righteous, blameless and faithful.  Being a smart man and a follower of God, the instruction process went rather quickly.  Noah was ready to begin.  “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” Genesis 6:22

Can you imagine all the doubts, looks and comments received by those inhabiting the world at this time?  I believe many days Noah felt worn down, possibly even defeated.  But, he kept his eyes on God.  He did not focus on gaining a win against all mankind; yet, his focus remained on the whole picture, the end result.  He trusted God and carried out each command as given.  Pride did not overtake, leaving peripheral vision wide open. 

Have you come to a time in life where tunnel vision binds your goals/dreams?  Does your focus lay solely on “winning”?  Are you at competition against others?  Is pride pulling you into open doors only to lead you far from your heart’s desire?

Listen, my dear friends, God places desires on our hearts to drive us down the path laid for our lives.  We enter the game of life as rookies.  A rookie needs a guide to help navigate the unknowns.  Let God be your Guide.  He is no rookie.  He knows every step along the path to lead to victory. 

That desire/dream burning in your heart may take a while to surface and bring success.  Follow the example of Noah and faithfully take one step at a time.  Noah did not build the ark overnight.  It took years of daily following the instructions God gave to complete the masterpiece.  Once completed, Noah continued with the plan and made use of the ark.  Use this day to start fulfilling your plan in life.  Avoid all the distractions from others (doubts, looks and comments) and focus on the long-term goal of winning the Prize God placed before you.

Deny fleshly pride in order to keep peripheral vision open.  Tunnel vision will hinder and you will be caught focusing on “winning” at that moment.  You then fail to play the game of life as shown by your Guide.  Remember, all things are possible through God who gives you strength.  Be patient!  All in His timing.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig     

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