Friday, January 30, 2015

Avoid the Trash Talk

I popped in an older CD of mine in the car the other day.  Garth Brooks began singing to me (love him!).  I listened intently to the words of each song.  One in particular touched me deeper than the others.  The title of the song is “Unanswered Prayers”.  Remember that one?

I thought deeply as the song played and I belted out right along with it (yeah, wasn’t pretty).  Basically, a married man returns home and attends an old high school football game.  As he and his wife navigate through the crowds, they run into a woman.  Not just any woman; the woman that his heart desired back in the day.  Remember that “one”?  The “one” you wanted to marry, who stole your heart and held ever so tightly to it (I was fortunate to marry mine).  Well, he introduced his now wife with this old flame (why?  I have no idea – I would have politely said hi and kept walking).  As he did, memories flooded his mind, consuming every thought.  I picture Satan having a field day on this man, filling him with lies such as, ‘remember your attraction to this woman’, ‘think about what could have been’, ‘don’t you wish you could go back and change some things’, ‘the grass looks greener on that side’, etc. 

Satan works hard to fill us with regrets of choices made in our past.  Triggers fly at us daily to flood our thoughts with lies and deceit.  We begin to hate what our past looks like or the decisions made prior to now.  The ball continues to roll, leading to unforgiveness towards ourselves and infestation of unworthy feelings.  Satan wins the battle of our minds when we bury ourselves in these thoughts and remain. . .

Well, the story ends positively.  The man realizes that the past occurred for a reason.  The paths once taken led him to the wonderful wife he now walks through life with hand in hand.  God knew exactly what He was doing in NOT answering this man’s prayer.

And He knows just what He is doing in our lives as well.  The past may break us, but God takes all those pieces and builds us the way He desires.  Then, He uses every story for the good of His Kingdom.  Without those unanswered prayers, our ministries would not exist.  Think of the many prayers spoken throughout your life. . .

God does not answer each one according to YOUR plan; He answers according to HIS WILL.  He holds the plans for your life in the palm of His Hand and is guiding you through, one step at a time.  Lies from the enemy create barriers which detour you from His mighty plan. 

In the flesh, we may not comprehend reasoning of His work.  Our faith must remain strong and believe His promises.  Anytime the enemy comes in with his trash talk, run to Truth.  God’s promises clearly say He already won the battle.  He holds fabulous plans in the future for us.  He will not harm.  Demand the enemy to get behind and let God do His work within.

So, lift up prayer and petition to God and trust that He will answer them accordingly.  Wait, should the answer not come immediately.  Go, should the answer appear at that moment.  Trust, should the answer never come.  Reasons exist beyond our imagination as to why the paths turn, split, travel uphill or speed downhill.  Believe in Him as your guide. 

“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”  


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig  

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