“It’s just another manic Monday. Wish it were Sunday. ‘Cause that’s my fun day. My I don’t have to run day. It’s just another manic Monday!”
The loud beeping breaks my sleep cycle and begins my
Monday. I feel as though I only took a nap. The world awaits,
numerous tasks lay ahead and no button exists to rewind to Sunday. I must
suck it up, put my feet on the floor and move forward. Monday marks the
beginning of a week filled with anxiety provoking events, work itinerary stretching
beyond time allotted and a calendar filled with scheduled appointments.
Oh, I wish it were Sunday.
I realize time extends forward and will not stand still just
for me. I didn’t rest enough, finish enough chores and failed to prepare
for this week. Can someone pass me the ‘easy’ button please? Oh, I
wish it were Sunday.
It’s time to get the backpacks filled, agendas signed and
lunches made. It’s time to gas up the mom taxi, iron clothes and polish
up the shoes. Monday marks the day of adjusting back to routine; back to
dragging kids out of bed, begging for cooperation in order to arrive at school
on time and then arguing the after school routine as well. Oh, I wish it
were Sunday. THAT’S MY FUN DAY!
The artist above hit the nail on the head. I don’t
think the artist’s meaning in the above lyrics coincides with my thoughts. .
.but, here they are.
I am certain 99% of Americans can relate to the above description
of Monday morning. The situations faced, schedule requirements and
hindrances may differ somewhat; but, the underlying thoughts harmonize.
Avoiding a manic Monday appears top priority at the sound of the alarm.
We could roll back over and tuck our head under the covers; that sounds like
the perfect solution, right? How about calling in sick to the world
The weight of the world can rest heavily on our
shoulders. Oh, if every day could be Sunday! No running here and
there, no chores, no preparing for the day. . .just a nice, peaceful day filled
with family and relaxation. Nope, that is not the main reason why I wish
every day were Sunday. IT’S MY FUN DAY!
Why? I wake up, bring my family together and head to a
warm, welcoming place of worship. My church family comes together to
recognize the reason life exists. The focus shifts away from work,
errands, stress, deadlines, pressures of fulfilling specific roles and it moves
to God. He becomes the center of our thoughts and an overwhelming peace
fills our hearts. All that happened the week prior doesn’t matter.
All that lay ahead for the week to come doesn’t matter. Our one True King
and His plan for our lives is all that matters.
Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers not only brings
joy and comfort but also accountability. It keeps our focus on God and
building our faith, trust and hope on His Word. Filling ourselves with
Truth while focusing on the example set forth by Jesus, Son of God, provides
strength and perseverance to face any kind of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Oh, if every day could be Sunday!
Well, it can AND it should! Just because the calendar
says it is Monday doesn’t mean our minds have to follow. God is not just
a Sunday helper. His protection does not stop 11:59pm Sunday.
No fine print exists in the Bible stating – not valid Monday through Saturday!
Take Him with you at all times, use Truth to combat any negative thoughts that
steal your day. He will show the path for the day and oh, the joy and
peace which He planned for you is indescribable. Keep God close with each
step, making each and every moment faced easier. No ‘easy’ button needed.
. .only faith, trust and hope in the Word of God. Take each step today
knowing full well that He walks right beside you.
Roll over, turn off the alarm and jump out of bed. . .it is
a brand new day and His mercies begin anew. He already went ahead of you,
protected every hour of this Monday and waits in excitement to walk with you
through this day. Let Him in. Don’t keep Him in a Sunday box.
Let it be Sunday every day! Today is our fun day!
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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