Friday, January 9, 2015

Be Selective of Treasures

Back in the day J my family visited Florida each year on Spring Break.  We played softball beach side, explored the ocean, ate good food, sunbathed by the pool and built sandcastles.  I looked forward to each year’s trip.  We also did your basic tourist events; shopping for souvenirs we did not need, site seeing and collecting seashells.

The latter three moments were never highlights to my trip.  Yeah, they were fine, but as a child interests differ.  Each year etched special memories in my thoughts.  Joy comes when recalling those with the family.

Years passed and now visiting a beach involves different activities.  I now enjoy sitting beach side watching my children play in the sand.  Fear of the ocean developed over the years; therefore, I keep a certain distance from the beautiful water.  I am totally content just to watch the waves crash over one another (not over me).  My family ventures out there to enjoy the water (I watch from afar biting my nails!).

I would like to share my favorite event to do when visiting a beach.  The event means much more to me now than as a child.  I love to walk the shoreline searching for the perfect seashell.  I gather each one that catches my eye and treasure them.  The ultimate find are unbroken sand dollars or shells with a tiny hole that you could make into a necklace.  Each shell collected looks different; some with ugly features, while others shine and sparkle beautifully.  The peace experienced while walking the shore surpasses the joy in finding that perfect shell.  I enjoy the sound of the waves crashing, birds talking, the feel of sand under my feet and the sightseeing of various beach side homes. 

I would like to share another path I love to follow each day.  This path means much more now as a Christian.  I do not walk alone; yet, I walk holding the Hand of my Guide.  There are moments He stops, lets go and watches as His child experiences special times at one point in the path.  There are other times I let go and venture out into the sea of this world.  I believe He watches from afar biting His nails just waiting until I make the decision to come back toward Him.  He then takes my hands, dries me off and continues the walk. 

Walking hand in hand, faithfully moving the direction He commands, my eye catches things to the right and left of the path.  The closer I look, these things look very familiar.  They are clips showing moments in the past.  I go to gather them up and I feel a tug.  My Guide warns me to be selective in collecting these as treasures. 

See, as I pick one up, it appears broken.  The flashback stemming from that moment causes indescribable pain leading to regret.  I throw it down quickly and grab hold of His hand; peace comes over me.  I venture on and see another one.  As I pick it up, it appears full of ugliness.  The flashback causes pain yet again leading to shame.  Thankfully, I throw that one down as well.  Venturing further, I see one sparkle and shine as His light shines upon it.  The flashback brings hurt; but, this time I clearly see the reason for the moment in the past and instantly praise Him for healing and growth.  He used that one for His good.  The others will produce good as well, but He is still working. . .

Do you feel as though the closer you walk with God, the more clips of past moments appear along your path?  The enemy desires for you to let go of God’s hand and gather these moments one by one.  Then, he wishes for you to treasure them, relive them and believe yourself to be unworthy of walking hand in hand with God.  As this occurs, your feet venture out into the sea of this world and before realizing it, you feel like you are fighting waves for your life. 

I can relate my friend.  As I write more about my past hoping to reach others in the name of Christ and pursue a career I feel so strongly led to do, the enemy works to bring my focus on those clips of the past which label me unworthy in the eyes of this world.  Thankfully, His Word speaks Truth and defeats the enemy’s efforts.  Don’t get me wrong, I have spent my time in the crashing waves; but, God turns each of those times around for His good as I take His hand and begin moving forward.  Wherever you are today (shoreline, gathering things or in the waves) His hand is open for you.  Reach for Him and walk the straight path!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

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