Friday, January 2, 2015

True Promises

I venture to the store to pick up a few items for a sick husband.  My daughter came along and we really weren’t in a hurry, so moseyed around the store aimlessly.  We took in all the pretty items for sale working diligently to resist filling the cart with “wants”.  Our focus remained on “needs” (well, mine anyway, it is difficult for a six year old to focus on needs when so many wants lay before her eyes).

We finally made it back to the pharmacy department where I began gathering supplies.  I scanned the isles for a vitamin to begin a regimen to complement a healthy lifestyle.  While looking I encountered numerous products promising excellent results.  The kind that states take this pill and all will be well!  Of course I want all to be well, who doesn’t?  Being the start of a new year, countless products advertised weight loss, energy boosting, metabolism starter, mood stabilizers, sleep enhancer, etc.  An individual could get lost in all these promises of a better life and end up with a cart full of bottles.  Upon taking them, one may see/feel aggravating side effects, temporary improvements which end them worse than where they started or simply no improved result whatsoever.  What comes from all this?  Disappointment, shame, guilt, frustration and even anger. . .

The promises did not stop in the pharmacy department.  Standing in the checkout line, my eye caught endless headlines.  Guess what common theme plastered across the pages?  Diet pills, recipes to burn off calories, beauty regimens to reduce age spots, money making strategies, etc. . .
Each one hitting the goals many create at the start of a new year.  Of course I would love to remain in shape, look younger, be financially stable, learn healthy recipes, etc.; but, at what cost?  I pay for all these products and receive results far from the promised.  I actually suffer more due to bondage created in these areas.  Obsessions develop and results leave me reaching for better, bigger and more beautiful.

Oh, the tactics of society hit right on with the first temptation known to man (or woman).  Eve received similar schemes from the enemy.  He slithered his way into her perfectly content life to convince her of faults and the fact that she could have more. . .HE LIED!  Eve experienced the first false advertisement.  Her eyes saw a ‘product’ promising excellent results.  Thinking one bite could create a better life, she began to imagine how things would differ if only she gave into the enemy.  Of course she would love to be like God and know good and evil.  The fruit looked delicious, how could it be harmful?  How could it cause death?  Seems a little dramatic, right?
 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.   “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.” Genesis 2:4-6

Well, my dear friends, she gave into the pressures of the enemy.  What came from all this?  Disappointment, shame, guilt, frustration and even anger. . .Her eyes opened and she saw flaws, causing the desire to cover her body.  Guilt reigned the moment the bite hit the tongue due the disobedient act.  Frustration and anger dwelled as she quickly pushed blame toward the enemy.  Eve suffered due to the bondage now placed on her life.
‘To the woman he said,’ “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.  Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” Genesis 2:16

Temptations began with the first humans and we reap the consequences year after year.  These false promises are not to be taken lightly.  Addictions, disordered eating patterns, debt and other struggles are real and create bondage in one’s life.  Society feeds bondage with false promises.  Many of ads send sufferers further into a daunting lifestyle.

Creating goals for the New Year can be a great plan.  Taking that plan to the One Source for healing is the only way to attain the goals.  Avoid taking your plan to the store, magazines or internet.  Seek professional help if needed.  Find an accountability partner who will continually point you to Truth.  And most importantly, seek His Word to overpower the schemes of the enemy.  Stand firm on His Promises (which by the way never fail).  Day by day strength arises with goals reached!  Begin with a prayer today, list those goals placed on your heart, seek an accountability partner and visit His Word daily.  Remember, the battle is already won.  Remember Who won that battle!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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