Another year passes and I process all this information stated above. I know that each flaw, blemish and minimized energy made me the woman I am today. Every flaw and blemish holds an important story. Every lethargic moment has a legitimate reason behind it. I would not take back one minute of my past. God brought me out of tragic situations and taught me much needed lessons. I matured and grew in faith with each step. I agree with Joyce Meyer when she says, "I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be; I am okay and I am on my way." I have not reached the level of spiritual maturity God intends for Sheree Craig, but I am growing in strength and faith with each year that passes. God sees my heart and knows I strive to be His follower each day. I fall short of His glory continuously, but His mercies are new every morning and His mercies are never spent.
The stretch marks on my legs remind me of the bondage once present in my life: Anorexia. I lost so much weight and my skin formed to that size. Then, as I became healthy, the skin stretched quickly, leaving these wonderfully curvy, crack appearances on the sides of my legs. They remind me of the beauty God brought from my ashes. Praise God for stretch marks.
I see my gray hair as wisdom. Each one reminds me of my Memaw's hair and my heredity. She is full of wisdom as she retains all experiences in her memory and shares the lessons learned to the family. I notice gray in my mother's hair and learn from her wisdom as well. I pray that I can be even half the woman that each of these ladies are and that I can pass the wisdom learned down to the next generation. Praise God for gray hair.
The widening of my hips represents motherhood. After pregnancy, my pants fit a bit differently. My hips required growth to hold a baby inside and give birth. God provided the biggest blessing I will ever receive the day He made me a mother. I am reminded every time I must wiggle into my jeans or turn sideways to fit through a tight spot, that I have two little angels present in my life. Each day my angels teach me a lesson, provide love, comfort me after a long day out in the world and keep me laughing. This leads to laugh lines on my face. Each line symbolizes joy! Praise God for wide hips and laugh lines.
As I grow older, my energy decreases, muscles ache quicker and my body stretching ability decreased. I know that these are signs of an active lifestyle. Over the years I have worked hard and enjoyed helping others to my best ability. God blessed me with opportunities to love others with a helping hand. Praise God for tired bodies.
We all get to this point. We can either begin hating what image we see in the mirror, become depressed about the number attached to our name and pay for artificial enhancements. OR, we can love the body God continues to use as a vessel to shine through and enjoy the signs of aging. The number representing your life does not matter; it is the days that make up those years which pack powerful meaning. The outward appearance which accompanies aging means nothing; it is the inward growth and renewal which matters the most. Focus on the memories behind each aging year, not the physical limitations or outward changes. Praise God for renewal of our soul with each day that passes. Praise God for offering an Eternal home in Heaven. Remember this is our temporary home and God loves every part of you, aging body and all!
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." (2 Corinthians 4:16-17)
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for another year spent here in my temporary home. I am here to serve only You. Continue to use whatever energy I have left to further Your Kingdom. Keep my focus on the memories that each aging appearance represents. Thank You for bringing me where I am today and blessing me throughout my years. Thank You for grace and forgiveness when I strayed and when I now fall short of Your glory daily. Fill me with Truth so I keep following You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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