The circus, of course!
The show presents a collaborative effort to bring forth an unforgettable evening. The team of members become a family as they travel from place to place spreading cheer. Each one serves a specific purpose. For one, it is laughter; another, it may be amazement; and yet another, it is music to your ear. Together, the family completes the task at hand; creating a show full of entertainment. Each member displays a cheerful attitude while greeting spectators and gathering volunteers to help with an act. As a spectator, you feel welcome, encouraged and loved by complete strangers. The smiles are contagious and the laughter addictive.
When the show begins, all its members come out to greet and show a bit of their talent. The ringmaster, the one who leads and guides the whole evening, announces each act. His words display passion and support for his members as they enter the stage. He believes in their performance and hold confidence in their abilities. He sets himself apart from any other member by his attire. His clothes sparkle, his topcoat has a long tail and a rather large top hat sits on his head.
With each performance, teamwork MUST be present. I watch the tightrope act and realize that one false move on a member part and the whole team could fall. I see the clowns come together to bring a hilarious scene; but, without the input from one, the joke would be incomplete. I view the gymnastics portion and perceive the importance of timing. One second too late in the act and a crash will occur between two performers. Upon completing the act, each member cheers for the other. They are proud of what each accomplished. They encourage one another along the way and celebrate in the end.
Behind the scenes, they work every day in practice for the big show. Hours of hard work fill their days. Each member realizes the importance of daily preparation, exercise and strategies to plan for possible error. Each day builds their strength, endurance and belief that they can contribute to the Greatest Show on Earth.
What if we ran God's family in such a manner? Each member performs the talent given by our Creator, presents a cheerful attitude throughout the day and works together for His Kingdom.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
"But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body." (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)
Just as the ringmaster places each member in a specific place throughout the show to achieve completeness; God places each of His members in specific places throughout life to achieve completeness. He created our innermost being and did so with a purpose. To each, He gives a talent and plan. He will call upon each by name when the time comes for the talent to be used. Each season in life presents the opportunity to use what He provided as a gift to you. He believes in you, which is why you encounter specific seasons throughout life. He holds complete confidence in your abilities. He will lead and guide your every step if you just listen and obey. He will support you in everything if you believe and have faith in Him. Give Him the top hat and let Him be your Master.
Being a member also requires one to encourage. Help pull out the talents and gifts to be used for His work. Don't berate of tear down any one of His members. Lift up and celebrate with each accomplishment. Don't wish for another's talent, but work together to complement each other. Teamwork must be present. God did not create one person to perform all of His plans. No, He created many parts/members of His body to complete the plan and further His Kingdom. Become compliant and praise Him for the given talent and plan. Stick with it and practice daily to enhance what is given. Prepare yourself by feeding your soul with His Truth, placing on the spiritual armor provided and preventing footholds for Satan. Be aware that error will occur. We all fall short of His glory daily. But, pick yourself up, allow Him to dust you off and continue on with a lesson learned.
Take your part and perform it well. Spread smiles along the way. Rub laughter off on others. Build strength through Him daily. Endure anything this world throws your way. Welcome new members into the family. Most importantly, contribute the gift and talent given to you to complete the Greatest Work on Earth - bringing others to know our Creator!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for providing a plan and purpose for my life. Thank You for placing such talent in my being to perform the tasks given to me daily. Keep my focus on the gifts I can contribute and not what skills I lack. I know that each of us has a role in Your plan and I want to only complete the one given to me. I would not want to take another's role, leaving them depleted of the joy and honor of serving you. Lead and guide my actions today. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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