If your story ends as a lamb, may I throw out some suggestions on what to do with the return. Our eager spirits would love to go out and 'blow' the whole check on 'things' we feel we deserve. Some calculate or estimate their return before filing and place a name to every dollar. This approach may increase debt to more 'things'. Get rid of the debt before buying more. We must carefully, prayerfully and logically consider all options for our return. Some options include, but not limited to: pay off a loan or credit card bill; build an emergency fund of at least $1000.00; share with those in need; open a savings for your children; etc. Vacation can wait. New 'things' can come in a later season in life. Take this opportunity to bring yourself to a better financial standing.
Go forward with a budget in mind. If you paid off a loan or credit card; first cut up the credit card, then take the payment amount and add it to the next loan or credit card (Dave Ramsey's debt snowball idea). Build the emergency fund and then determine what constitutes an emergency (no, purchasing high-heels for an event or attending an NFL game are not emergencies). This keeps a cushion to protect monthly income when an appliance breaks, the car quits or health concerns prevent work. If your debt is minimal and excess is left from your return, share with others. Find an organization to donate or a family in need. Pray about where this money, which God provided, must be placed. God remained by your side throughout the entire year. He kept you healthy, the position available at work, items working properly and even helped keep that 'junker' running for another year. Thank God for your finances and the blessings He freely pours out each day!
On the other hand, if your story ends as a lion; pay the government and then begin budgeting and saving. Some helpful hints to save include, but not limited to: STOP dining out; cut out coupons; create a weekly menu and buy only items needed; turn down thermostat in winter (cuddle more!) and up in the summer; say NO to wants; carpool; etc. Find ways to save ever penny to pay down debt!
Some budgeting ideas include, but not limited to: get it on paper; sit down and prayerfully consider giving up some luxuries; give every dollar a name; trade services for payments; pick up a part-time job; etc. Find ways to stay within the money you bring in each month!
Either lamb or lion, use this opportunity to better your life. Money can be an evil thing if we allow it to rule our decision making. Seek God for decisions in finances. After all, it is truly His money. We are simply borrowing from Him. He trusts us with every dollar received. Use it wisely and in a way pleasing to Him. He will take care of you always and in all ways! Give your finances to Him and enjoy the blessings He pours out. Be obedient and disciplined. No matter where you come from, how buried you feel in debt or how comfortable you may feel; God will meet you and bring you where He intends. Buried in debt; He will teach you ways to rise out of the mess. Find strength through Him. Comfortable in finances; He will use you in ways beyond your imagination to help others in need. Seek counsel through Him. Give back to Him!
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." (Malachi 3:10)
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for blessing my family daily and protecting our finances. Show us where to place every dollar received and keep our eyes open to ways of cutting back. Help us to fight off desire for wants and only care for our needs. We know You will provide as we obey and discipline this area of our living. Thank You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
For more information, visit Dave Ramsey's website of listen every day! http://www.daveramsey.com/home/
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