It does not seem necessary to put that much effort into products mentioned above. Now, you may study to greater extent the maker of a vehicle or the builder of a home. These purchases hold greater importance in everyday functions and living. A house built by inexperienced individuals may not withstand storms, shifting ground or the boisterous play of little hands and feet. A vehicle created by amateurs may lack safety during a wreck, fade in color quickly as the sun hits or the engine may have a short lifespan.
To find out more about a product, whether big or little, we often seek opinions of others who have used or seen the item. The Internet offers insight about all kinds of products and services. We use Google to look up the maker and creator before deciding. There is even the possibility of trying an item before committing. Try this for 90 days and if you are not satisfied, you can return it at no charge.
How important must a product be in your life for you to take the time and research where it came from? Do you go off other's experiences or wisdom? What resources do you use to learn more?
Another question: Do you consider your own life important?
Remember, we are a product of God. He took time, placed much thought and created each of us with LOVE. His mark is placed on our souls and He lives within us. Stop now and look in a mirror. . .
. . .you just saw the most important product in existence. Do you know the Maker? Have you researched the Builder? The meaning and thought placed behind this beautiful, wonderful product cannot be fathomed by our small minds. His wisdom surpasses. He loves unconditional. The Truth offered withstands throughout all generations. One Source lay behind every creation in this world.
"He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever." (Psalm 146:6)
Our Maker stands proudly beside His products. He offers a guarantee to last for Eternity. In your mother's womb, His hands placed every detail just perfectly to carry out the plan laid just for you. Each part must complete the intended role to work properly. As a builder places each brick, board and nail in place to stand strong, God knows just how to build us to withstand the greatest of trials, changes of this world and the chaos surrounding our days. He offers safe arms to protect, light to enhance our being not tarnish and a source of power to last eternally.
Get to know your Maker. You need not search all around trying to gather information from others or trying this or that to see if it works. One manual holds all the Truth. Pick up a Bible today and begin reading to find out His promises, power and presence in your life. Accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life. When a day goes wrong, a sickness threatens your health or decisions leave you struggling; seek your Maker for help. When a day goes perfect, health returns and stays strong or decisions continue to bring blessings; praise your Maker for creating you. Seek Him always, learn about Him daily and grow closer with each step taken. Ask Him to place others in your life to help you along the way. He will use them to shine His Glory and offer His Truth.
It is never too late to learn about our Builder, Creator and Maker!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for my restored health, the blessings provided daily and for the thought put forth during my creation. I am here to walk the path laid for my life. Continue to guide my every step and use my life to teach others about You. I am ready and willing to use the Truth You provide to help others see the goodness offered and the Eternal life they can experience. Show me where I must serve You. Shine through me. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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