Funny how a little orange creature appearing from the stump of a truffula tree provides words of wisdom. His name is the Lorax and his words pack powerful messages. He tries to teach a young boy to eliminate greed from his life. The boy fails to understand the message until it is too late. He destroys a forest to create a fashion product to please his customers and receive money. Meanwhile, with each tree that falls, the creatures of the forest lose their means of living. They need the trees to breath and eat. The boy focuses only on himself. Soon the trees are gone, the creatures left to find another home and the boy's company shuts down due to loss of material.
The boy is left alone in a dark world. The Lorax tried to warn the boy. A promise was made that no tree would be cut down. Once the money blinded the boy's thoughts, the promise went out the window. The Lorax reminded him, "A tree falls the way it leans; be careful which way you lean." He had two ways to lean: toward greedy living or selfless living.
The boy allowed greed to cloud his thoughts and saw the trees in a completely different light. He did not see them as life, beauty or necessary. He stated, "It is not about what it is; it's about what it can become." His focus remained on glory and money.
The boy had a visitor after years of living alone in the dark forest. He explained the whole story and the regret he lived with for all these years. The Lorax left one little stone with the word, 'Unless' chiseled on the front. The boy never understood why until his visitor came. He realized that it takes one person to care a whole lot and strive to get things back where they need to be before anything can be done. This visitor greatly cared to bring the forest back to life and save a nearby town. The boy explained to the visitor, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better; it is not."
Do you ever feel like the boy in this story? The world presents temptations daily to veer us the wrong way. Idols fall into our paths, such as, money, possessions, careers, popularity, status or beauty. These consume our thoughts and place blinders on the sides of our head. Our tunnel vision sways us and we lean toward those idols. We fall into the life of greedy, selfish, destructive living. Others around us suffer, but we do not see it until the damage has been done. Our selfish focus steals the life from others.
Thankfully, we serve a forgiving God. One Who stands with open arms. His arms will grab a hold of your life and stand you upright. As the boy saw a vision in the trees of what they could become, God knows what we can become WHEN leaning toward Him. It matters not what we are or how far or long we've leaned toward the wrong path; God believes in us and never counts us lost. He does not forget the vision He had when creating us. Damage may be done due to our wrong decisions and blind living; but God will forgive and repair.
Unless someone cares a whole awful lot, things cannot get better. Remember the one who cared enough to help you see the way to go. Think back to the one person who cared enough to continually speak Truth into your life. That person did not give up on you, never left your side and continued to encourage you to seek God. That person allowed God to shine light onto your life through words spoken, hugs given and time spent. That person cared a whole awful lot to help you better your life. That person knew that chasing idols in this world leans you toward a destructive path. That person saw not what you were at the time, but what you could become if leaning toward the straight path. Thank that person today!
Now, can you be the one to care a whole awful lot, see others for what they could become and not what they are currently? Can you learn from this orange, fuzzy little creature evolving from a tree? His words pack some powerful lessons. Let us take them and apply them in our lives. Take off the blinders from idols of this world. Lean toward God and fall into His arms daily. Shine His light into other's lives. Don't give up on anyone. Continue to encourage and build up all you meet. Set the example you once were given by standing firm on Truth. Make things better by caring a whole awful lot!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for placing many people in my life to lead me to Your Word. I am thankful those people never gave/give up on me. Though I may fall, they are there to pick me up and lean me back toward Truth. Help me provide the same to others I meet and those placed in my path. Shine through me and use me to help others remove blinders. I care a whole awful lot and want to serve You with each step. Give me strength and courage to do so! I love you.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
I struggled years with disordered eating, poor body image and lack of spiritual nourishment in my life. My eyes are now open to the love God has for me as His Child. Satan tries to find a foothold, BUT I surrender all to God daily and He takes care of my troubles. His Love is all that is needed. His Truths must replace satan's lies. Remember God’s mercies are never exhausted, never spent, but new ever morning. I strive each day to follow the straight path leading to Him.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Nothing to Fear
Courage is fear that has said its prayers!
Our fears shift over time. Children fear peeping under the bed after dark, falling off the balance beam at the park or being separated from a guardian in a crowd. Teens fear wrecking their parent's vehicle, rejection from an organized team or going stag to a dance. Middle age fear unemployment, failure to find a spouse, parenting or graduating from college. Then, life continues and fears arise of death, losing loved ones, financial cushion in retirement, our children's safety, our children's decision-making or grandchildren's health.
Fear appears in our lives to avoid from danger. Fear kicks in and our bodies respond with a flight-or-fight action. It is healthy and maintains survival. We see a spider and kill it so to not be bitten - fight! We see a car coming at us when crossing the street and run quickly to the other side so to not get hit - flight! The water rapidly crosses the road and blocks our passing; so, we choose another route so not to be swept away by the flood - flight!
I want to focus on the fears stated in the beginning paragraph: those concerning WHAT IF? These overtake our thoughts, consume our decisions and steal our joy. Fear-driven thoughts lead to anxiety and even depression. Slowly, fear by fear, they place us in a prison. The walls move in closer with each scenario and flood of fear. We begin to suffocate and movements weaken. With each day bringing unknown circumstances, we create this prison over and over in our lives. Satan loves to see us enclosed and trapped by fear. He will run with it and increase the anxiety, pushing you further into depression. As our minds fill with worry, we have no room for Truth.
In comes prayer. Each time concerns enter your path, go to God. Before uttering the words, "what if?" seek the promises of God. When deciding which step to take, take counsel from God. He will lead you and keep you from suffocating in a prison of fears. He already defeated Satan and knows exactly how to bring you where He intends. Living in fear leaves us useless for the work and plan God holds for our lives.
Take a stand today against invalid fears. Give each thought to God. He will transform fear to Truth. His Word speaks to us concerning our fears numerous times. Pick up a Bible today and find a Scripture to lean on each time fear threatens. Go to and keyword search fear. Let Him speak into your life and ease any anxiety. Find courage by saying prayers.
I want to rid my life of False Expectations Appearing Real! No more suffocation. No more stealing my joy. I will give my fear of rejection, losing loved ones, hypochondriac thoughts and even my fear of spiders to Him. Okay, maybe the fear of spider idea is pushing it too far. Come on, admit it, they are creepy, ugly and need to live far away from us! In seriousness, God will take my fears and fill me with the Truth of knowing whatever comes my way, however situations turn out; He is by my side and provides the strength needed to persevere. He never leaves and will not lead me to places that He and I cannot handle.
The will of God will never take you
where the grace of God will not protect you!
God, thank you for another day. Take my fears, fill me with Truth and let me walk courageously through this day. Thank You for protecting my loved ones, maintaining my health and never rejecting me. I know I have You to lean on through every step and in every situation. Whatever the outcomes may be, I know You work all things out for the good. Thank You for that promise. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My Five Pound Angel
Four years ago, God knew I needed my eyes opened. I was following the wrong path and needed a push in the right direction. He decided to send help. The bondage of Anorexia was so tight in my life that I could not breathe. I continued each day consumed with anxiety of staying thin; eating less than the day before and exercising until exhaustion. My plans must be perfect and go accordingly to MY itinerary. If things changed, my anxiety increased. As anxiety increased, I created a negative environment in my home.
God tried to open my eyes with the blessing of a son and a husband. It did not work fully. My eyesight was enhanced, but blind spots remained. The boys simply conformed to my plans in order to keep peace. I remained miserable inside while trying to appear all together on the outside. Everyone suffered from the bondage suffocating me: Anorexia.
Then, she came. My angel appeared four years ago as a slimy, beet red, 5 lb. baby girl. The moment I met and held her I knew in my heart that my life needed to change. At that moment, I was not sure how or what I would do to get where I needed to be; I just knew that Anorexia no longer could live in our home.
It took about a year for me to break and hit rock bottom. Day after day, the hours did not go according to MY plan. Anxiety arose and Anorexia continued to win each battle. I dropped to a very low weight and daily tasks became difficult. One day, I woke up without blind spots. As I held Brooklyn, now much bigger than 5 lbs., in my arms and looked into her eyes; I realized I could not set this example for my daughter. If I continued living this way, I would not live to see her graduate, walk down the isle or meet her children. Enough is enough.
God tried to open my eyes with the blessing of a son and a husband. It did not work fully. My eyesight was enhanced, but blind spots remained. The boys simply conformed to my plans in order to keep peace. I remained miserable inside while trying to appear all together on the outside. Everyone suffered from the bondage suffocating me: Anorexia.
Then, she came. My angel appeared four years ago as a slimy, beet red, 5 lb. baby girl. The moment I met and held her I knew in my heart that my life needed to change. At that moment, I was not sure how or what I would do to get where I needed to be; I just knew that Anorexia no longer could live in our home.
It took about a year for me to break and hit rock bottom. Day after day, the hours did not go according to MY plan. Anxiety arose and Anorexia continued to win each battle. I dropped to a very low weight and daily tasks became difficult. One day, I woke up without blind spots. As I held Brooklyn, now much bigger than 5 lbs., in my arms and looked into her eyes; I realized I could not set this example for my daughter. If I continued living this way, I would not live to see her graduate, walk down the isle or meet her children. Enough is enough.
"Praise the LORD, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.
Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will." (Psalm 103:20-21)
I realized God sent me an angel to help this blind woman see, this lost soul be found and save my life. Praise God for my beautiful angel. She lifts me up daily with her hugs and random "I love you mommy". She lightens my load by helping with daily tasks. She stays by my side, loving me unconditionally. Her presence keeps my focus on remaining well. Without her, I am not sure I ever would have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Funny how one small baby can change everything! Brooklyn will never realize the impact she had on my life and the ways in which God used her (from birth). He continues to use her and He holds big plans for her life. Thank you God for my Brooklyn!
God uses the youngest of generations to change lives. Just think, He used His only Son, born as a small baby boy, to change the path for all creation. Jesus' birth allowed for us opportunity live Eternally with God. Following His birth, Jesus dwelt among men, set an example of how to live and died on the cross to wash away our sins. Can you see the impact of the birth and death of Jesus on your life? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Read John 3.
Read more in His Story. It is a nonfiction Story. You are one of the characters. It guides any decision you may be facing and offers the greatest ending, should you accept the Word for Truth. Begin in the Book of John and let your eyes be opened to the life waiting for you. God has a plan for each one of His creations - that includes YOU! The moment you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, your heart will be filled and He will reveal the changes needed to follow Him. Sin can no longer live in your home. Repentance will take place. Guess what? He will forgive any sin repented and given to Him. This is all possible because He sent His only Son to die for us and pay for our sins. Seek Him to see how to live each day in accordance to His Word and carry out the plans on your life, completing your story by living for Eternity in Heaven.
God, thank you for another day. I cannot begin to use words to describe the appreciation I have for my angel. She pushed me to the path which You stood waiting for me. Thank You for my daily motivation and shining Your light through her. I know she will motivate many others in her lifetime to find You. I pray she continues to be a vessel and live out the Word she has written on her heart. Keep her healthy and strong. Protect her life. Thank You for another year with my angel. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word.
Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
you his servants who do his will." (Psalm 103:20-21)
I realized God sent me an angel to help this blind woman see, this lost soul be found and save my life. Praise God for my beautiful angel. She lifts me up daily with her hugs and random "I love you mommy". She lightens my load by helping with daily tasks. She stays by my side, loving me unconditionally. Her presence keeps my focus on remaining well. Without her, I am not sure I ever would have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Funny how one small baby can change everything! Brooklyn will never realize the impact she had on my life and the ways in which God used her (from birth). He continues to use her and He holds big plans for her life. Thank you God for my Brooklyn!
God uses the youngest of generations to change lives. Just think, He used His only Son, born as a small baby boy, to change the path for all creation. Jesus' birth allowed for us opportunity live Eternally with God. Following His birth, Jesus dwelt among men, set an example of how to live and died on the cross to wash away our sins. Can you see the impact of the birth and death of Jesus on your life? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Read John 3.
Read more in His Story. It is a nonfiction Story. You are one of the characters. It guides any decision you may be facing and offers the greatest ending, should you accept the Word for Truth. Begin in the Book of John and let your eyes be opened to the life waiting for you. God has a plan for each one of His creations - that includes YOU! The moment you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, your heart will be filled and He will reveal the changes needed to follow Him. Sin can no longer live in your home. Repentance will take place. Guess what? He will forgive any sin repented and given to Him. This is all possible because He sent His only Son to die for us and pay for our sins. Seek Him to see how to live each day in accordance to His Word and carry out the plans on your life, completing your story by living for Eternity in Heaven.
God, thank you for another day. I cannot begin to use words to describe the appreciation I have for my angel. She pushed me to the path which You stood waiting for me. Thank You for my daily motivation and shining Your light through her. I know she will motivate many others in her lifetime to find You. I pray she continues to be a vessel and live out the Word she has written on her heart. Keep her healthy and strong. Protect her life. Thank You for another year with my angel. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Our Rival
During the NCAA tournament, IU met UK. Two rivals took the court to face the game for a ticket to the final four. IU ranked fourth in the season, while UK ranked number one. In season, IU pulled out a win against this team and came ready to repeat the same scenario. IU knew what it took to win, came with their game face on and all the 'tools' needed to come through with a win.
My husband and I visited Lexington that night for a weekend getaway. We failed to think about the situation we placed ourselves in by doing so. Blue-bleeding individuals surrounded this Crimson-bleeding couple as the game began. I went on upstairs to finish watching in the room. My husband hung around for a while but came upstairs after losing his joy in the game. Everyone around him kept cheering loudly against his team and firmly supporting those players wearing blue.
The score did not differ too much during the first half. IU fought with fouls which landed star players on the bench to prevent anymore for the half. Both teams played hard, focused on victory. The game was up and down the court for the most part. The fouls and errors allowed UK to gain points each time. After the half, I fell asleep, but read the recap the following day. IU lost, finished up their season without a ring and trophy and went home to watch the rest of the tournament on TV. I see it as IU played to their best ability, scored 90 points against a top-seeded team, made it this far in the tournament and have rebuilt a once 'lost' team. UK was just too big, too quick and too good for IU, THIS YEAR!
Do you ever feel like the challenge before you is too big? Do you feel Satan is too quick with his schemes? Do you feel Satan is just too good in the game?
Coming against the 'rival' in your life can be very intimidating and challenging. You have been here before, you know what moves he will make and each play he brings to the game. You approach with your game face on and tools found in this world to try and gain victory.
Two paths lay ahead of you: the one that follows Jesus and the one that follows the world. Following Jesus and accepting Him as Lord and Savior washes away sin and provides victory. Jesus provides the tools needed to gain strength and wisdom when facing trials. The world provides tools that actually support and aid Satan in his moves. He uses these to make plays which gain power and tighten the bondage in our lives. Refuse the path with worldly tools which steal joy. Take the path leading to victory and joy with each step.
The game will come. Be ready. Stand firm on Truth. Lean on the Coach to see you through the toughest of plays. He will provide the exact move which will stomp the opponent and lead one step closer to victory. Though it may seem like the enemy is ahead from time to time, focus on the victory you have in accepting Him as Coach over your life. You chose the right team and no matter the ranking or power our opponent believes he possesses, he is already defeated.
If one game, you fall short (and we all will), run to Coach and He will pick you up. He will dust you off, wrap His arms around you and love you unconditionally! Okay, so THIS TIME was not the best outcome; learn from it and give it to Him. He knows you are striving each day to follow Him. He sees your heart. Focus on the victory we have in Him and never lose hope. With each game, we gain more tools and gain strength for the next game faced.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for washing my sins away by sending Your only Son to die and claim victory over the enemy. I remain on Your team and listen to every move needed to destroy the plays of Satan. Should I fall, help me up and show me the mistake made so I can learn and be strengthened for those challenging games yet to come. Keep my eyes focused on the victory I have in You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
My husband and I visited Lexington that night for a weekend getaway. We failed to think about the situation we placed ourselves in by doing so. Blue-bleeding individuals surrounded this Crimson-bleeding couple as the game began. I went on upstairs to finish watching in the room. My husband hung around for a while but came upstairs after losing his joy in the game. Everyone around him kept cheering loudly against his team and firmly supporting those players wearing blue.
The score did not differ too much during the first half. IU fought with fouls which landed star players on the bench to prevent anymore for the half. Both teams played hard, focused on victory. The game was up and down the court for the most part. The fouls and errors allowed UK to gain points each time. After the half, I fell asleep, but read the recap the following day. IU lost, finished up their season without a ring and trophy and went home to watch the rest of the tournament on TV. I see it as IU played to their best ability, scored 90 points against a top-seeded team, made it this far in the tournament and have rebuilt a once 'lost' team. UK was just too big, too quick and too good for IU, THIS YEAR!
Do you ever feel like the challenge before you is too big? Do you feel Satan is too quick with his schemes? Do you feel Satan is just too good in the game?
Coming against the 'rival' in your life can be very intimidating and challenging. You have been here before, you know what moves he will make and each play he brings to the game. You approach with your game face on and tools found in this world to try and gain victory.
Two paths lay ahead of you: the one that follows Jesus and the one that follows the world. Following Jesus and accepting Him as Lord and Savior washes away sin and provides victory. Jesus provides the tools needed to gain strength and wisdom when facing trials. The world provides tools that actually support and aid Satan in his moves. He uses these to make plays which gain power and tighten the bondage in our lives. Refuse the path with worldly tools which steal joy. Take the path leading to victory and joy with each step.
The game will come. Be ready. Stand firm on Truth. Lean on the Coach to see you through the toughest of plays. He will provide the exact move which will stomp the opponent and lead one step closer to victory. Though it may seem like the enemy is ahead from time to time, focus on the victory you have in accepting Him as Coach over your life. You chose the right team and no matter the ranking or power our opponent believes he possesses, he is already defeated.
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you." (Philippians 3:13-15)
If one game, you fall short (and we all will), run to Coach and He will pick you up. He will dust you off, wrap His arms around you and love you unconditionally! Okay, so THIS TIME was not the best outcome; learn from it and give it to Him. He knows you are striving each day to follow Him. He sees your heart. Focus on the victory we have in Him and never lose hope. With each game, we gain more tools and gain strength for the next game faced.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for washing my sins away by sending Your only Son to die and claim victory over the enemy. I remain on Your team and listen to every move needed to destroy the plays of Satan. Should I fall, help me up and show me the mistake made so I can learn and be strengthened for those challenging games yet to come. Keep my eyes focused on the victory I have in You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Signs of Aging
Another year passes and I take a look in the mirror. My eyesight improves, as I now see blemishes and flaws I did not notice last year. I see stretch marks on the sides of my legs, gray hair emerging, my hips seem wider and laugh lines appear on my face. Along with my eyesight, my senses improve as I now feel aches and pains quicker. My level of energy differs extremely from my kids, my muscles have limitations on stretching and pain results from the slightest exertion.
Another year passes and I process all this information stated above. I know that each flaw, blemish and minimized energy made me the woman I am today. Every flaw and blemish holds an important story. Every lethargic moment has a legitimate reason behind it. I would not take back one minute of my past. God brought me out of tragic situations and taught me much needed lessons. I matured and grew in faith with each step. I agree with Joyce Meyer when she says, "I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be; I am okay and I am on my way." I have not reached the level of spiritual maturity God intends for Sheree Craig, but I am growing in strength and faith with each year that passes. God sees my heart and knows I strive to be His follower each day. I fall short of His glory continuously, but His mercies are new every morning and His mercies are never spent.
The stretch marks on my legs remind me of the bondage once present in my life: Anorexia. I lost so much weight and my skin formed to that size. Then, as I became healthy, the skin stretched quickly, leaving these wonderfully curvy, crack appearances on the sides of my legs. They remind me of the beauty God brought from my ashes. Praise God for stretch marks.
I see my gray hair as wisdom. Each one reminds me of my Memaw's hair and my heredity. She is full of wisdom as she retains all experiences in her memory and shares the lessons learned to the family. I notice gray in my mother's hair and learn from her wisdom as well. I pray that I can be even half the woman that each of these ladies are and that I can pass the wisdom learned down to the next generation. Praise God for gray hair.
The widening of my hips represents motherhood. After pregnancy, my pants fit a bit differently. My hips required growth to hold a baby inside and give birth. God provided the biggest blessing I will ever receive the day He made me a mother. I am reminded every time I must wiggle into my jeans or turn sideways to fit through a tight spot, that I have two little angels present in my life. Each day my angels teach me a lesson, provide love, comfort me after a long day out in the world and keep me laughing. This leads to laugh lines on my face. Each line symbolizes joy! Praise God for wide hips and laugh lines.
As I grow older, my energy decreases, muscles ache quicker and my body stretching ability decreased. I know that these are signs of an active lifestyle. Over the years I have worked hard and enjoyed helping others to my best ability. God blessed me with opportunities to love others with a helping hand. Praise God for tired bodies.
We all get to this point. We can either begin hating what image we see in the mirror, become depressed about the number attached to our name and pay for artificial enhancements. OR, we can love the body God continues to use as a vessel to shine through and enjoy the signs of aging. The number representing your life does not matter; it is the days that make up those years which pack powerful meaning. The outward appearance which accompanies aging means nothing; it is the inward growth and renewal which matters the most. Focus on the memories behind each aging year, not the physical limitations or outward changes. Praise God for renewal of our soul with each day that passes. Praise God for offering an Eternal home in Heaven. Remember this is our temporary home and God loves every part of you, aging body and all!
Another year passes and I process all this information stated above. I know that each flaw, blemish and minimized energy made me the woman I am today. Every flaw and blemish holds an important story. Every lethargic moment has a legitimate reason behind it. I would not take back one minute of my past. God brought me out of tragic situations and taught me much needed lessons. I matured and grew in faith with each step. I agree with Joyce Meyer when she says, "I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be; I am okay and I am on my way." I have not reached the level of spiritual maturity God intends for Sheree Craig, but I am growing in strength and faith with each year that passes. God sees my heart and knows I strive to be His follower each day. I fall short of His glory continuously, but His mercies are new every morning and His mercies are never spent.
The stretch marks on my legs remind me of the bondage once present in my life: Anorexia. I lost so much weight and my skin formed to that size. Then, as I became healthy, the skin stretched quickly, leaving these wonderfully curvy, crack appearances on the sides of my legs. They remind me of the beauty God brought from my ashes. Praise God for stretch marks.
I see my gray hair as wisdom. Each one reminds me of my Memaw's hair and my heredity. She is full of wisdom as she retains all experiences in her memory and shares the lessons learned to the family. I notice gray in my mother's hair and learn from her wisdom as well. I pray that I can be even half the woman that each of these ladies are and that I can pass the wisdom learned down to the next generation. Praise God for gray hair.
The widening of my hips represents motherhood. After pregnancy, my pants fit a bit differently. My hips required growth to hold a baby inside and give birth. God provided the biggest blessing I will ever receive the day He made me a mother. I am reminded every time I must wiggle into my jeans or turn sideways to fit through a tight spot, that I have two little angels present in my life. Each day my angels teach me a lesson, provide love, comfort me after a long day out in the world and keep me laughing. This leads to laugh lines on my face. Each line symbolizes joy! Praise God for wide hips and laugh lines.
As I grow older, my energy decreases, muscles ache quicker and my body stretching ability decreased. I know that these are signs of an active lifestyle. Over the years I have worked hard and enjoyed helping others to my best ability. God blessed me with opportunities to love others with a helping hand. Praise God for tired bodies.
We all get to this point. We can either begin hating what image we see in the mirror, become depressed about the number attached to our name and pay for artificial enhancements. OR, we can love the body God continues to use as a vessel to shine through and enjoy the signs of aging. The number representing your life does not matter; it is the days that make up those years which pack powerful meaning. The outward appearance which accompanies aging means nothing; it is the inward growth and renewal which matters the most. Focus on the memories behind each aging year, not the physical limitations or outward changes. Praise God for renewal of our soul with each day that passes. Praise God for offering an Eternal home in Heaven. Remember this is our temporary home and God loves every part of you, aging body and all!
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." (2 Corinthians 4:16-17)
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for another year spent here in my temporary home. I am here to serve only You. Continue to use whatever energy I have left to further Your Kingdom. Keep my focus on the memories that each aging appearance represents. Thank You for bringing me where I am today and blessing me throughout my years. Thank You for grace and forgiveness when I strayed and when I now fall short of Your glory daily. Fill me with Truth so I keep following You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Thursday, March 22, 2012
A Bag of Spare Parts
Our TV needed repair. The screen became green in spots and lines appeared across the middle. Nothing seemed to work as it should. As one part quit serving its purpose, the rest of the parts did not know how to act and followed suit.
We made a service call, being still under warranty, and a man came the next week. He tore apart the back of the TV to see where the problem existed. He began to singe wires, replaced tiny little chips, unscrewed panels, moved parts and then put it all back together again! Well, his effort was unsuccessful, not only once, but three times. Our TV was a loss.
Each time he visited our home, he left with a bag of 'spare parts' (may be the reason the effort to repair did not work - just sayin'). He deemed them useless. He said, "Oh, they mean nothing and would not help matters anyway." So, off he went with no success and extra pieces to lug around or throw away.
Do you ever feel like a bag of 'spare parts'? Maybe you feel helpless and unable to offer anything in a situation. You feel words only hurt the matter or you have no idea what needs to occur to bring good out of the moment.
Well, I am here to tell you that God created our bodies with purpose. Read Philippians 2:13. Your existence is not a mistake. He built our bodies, one piece at a time, perfectly to serve Him. Whatever situation comes our way, He provides the tools needed to help. Take a look in the mirror and see all the goodness God offers to each of us. We have full potential to complete the work He intended for our lives. We must choose to serve, teach, lead and comfort. Read Joshua 22:5-6.
Depict each piece of your body to realize what purpose it serves. . .
Be His hands every place traveled. Shake another hand in greeting to welcome them into your presence. Hold another hand to ease anxiety, sadness or to let them know you are near. Grab a load from another hand to help complete a task.
Be His feet with each step. Walk the path laid for your life. Do not turn to the left or right. Set the example of a follower for others to see and join His team.
See the world through His eyes. Improve your eyesight from me/me to Him/others. Look to Him to see what others need. Edit the media viewed to keep your mind clean.
Speak His Truth. Open with caution and edit before voicing. Words pack powerful meanings and leave indelible marks. Use your words carefully to build each other up. Avoid tearing apart another when tension arises. Instead go to the Word and find peace in His Truth. Pray for/with another in need. Prayer is the best gift and all can give it.
No part is more important than the other. They must all work together to serve Him. If one quits serving, the others follow suit. Call quickly to God and He will break you apart and put you back together in proper working order. You need Him to help when your have failed to properly use the parts given. Do not fear, for His warranty does not run out. At creation, He placed a warranty in each of us that lasts for Eternity. Have you accepted the warranty?
God will come into your life to mend, teach, lead and guide every moment. Allowing Him to do so enables you to fulfill your purpose. He created an Instruction Manual, Word for Word, to help through any malfunction. Seek His instruction. Pick one up today and begin learning how to use each perfectly placed part of the body. It is never too late. You are NEVER considered a loss!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for the blessing of life to serve You. Help me see those in need. Guide my hands to help the hurting and lift the load from others. Move my feet in Your direction. Edit my mouth so my words will be pleasing to You. Keep my ears in tune to Your Word. I am here for You. As I begin to wear down, idle or work improperly; show me quickly so I may refer to my Instruction Manual and repair what is broken. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
We made a service call, being still under warranty, and a man came the next week. He tore apart the back of the TV to see where the problem existed. He began to singe wires, replaced tiny little chips, unscrewed panels, moved parts and then put it all back together again! Well, his effort was unsuccessful, not only once, but three times. Our TV was a loss.
Each time he visited our home, he left with a bag of 'spare parts' (may be the reason the effort to repair did not work - just sayin'). He deemed them useless. He said, "Oh, they mean nothing and would not help matters anyway." So, off he went with no success and extra pieces to lug around or throw away.
Do you ever feel like a bag of 'spare parts'? Maybe you feel helpless and unable to offer anything in a situation. You feel words only hurt the matter or you have no idea what needs to occur to bring good out of the moment.
Well, I am here to tell you that God created our bodies with purpose. Read Philippians 2:13. Your existence is not a mistake. He built our bodies, one piece at a time, perfectly to serve Him. Whatever situation comes our way, He provides the tools needed to help. Take a look in the mirror and see all the goodness God offers to each of us. We have full potential to complete the work He intended for our lives. We must choose to serve, teach, lead and comfort. Read Joshua 22:5-6.
Depict each piece of your body to realize what purpose it serves. . .
Be His hands every place traveled. Shake another hand in greeting to welcome them into your presence. Hold another hand to ease anxiety, sadness or to let them know you are near. Grab a load from another hand to help complete a task.
Be His feet with each step. Walk the path laid for your life. Do not turn to the left or right. Set the example of a follower for others to see and join His team.
See the world through His eyes. Improve your eyesight from me/me to Him/others. Look to Him to see what others need. Edit the media viewed to keep your mind clean.
Speak His Truth. Open with caution and edit before voicing. Words pack powerful meanings and leave indelible marks. Use your words carefully to build each other up. Avoid tearing apart another when tension arises. Instead go to the Word and find peace in His Truth. Pray for/with another in need. Prayer is the best gift and all can give it.
No part is more important than the other. They must all work together to serve Him. If one quits serving, the others follow suit. Call quickly to God and He will break you apart and put you back together in proper working order. You need Him to help when your have failed to properly use the parts given. Do not fear, for His warranty does not run out. At creation, He placed a warranty in each of us that lasts for Eternity. Have you accepted the warranty?
God will come into your life to mend, teach, lead and guide every moment. Allowing Him to do so enables you to fulfill your purpose. He created an Instruction Manual, Word for Word, to help through any malfunction. Seek His instruction. Pick one up today and begin learning how to use each perfectly placed part of the body. It is never too late. You are NEVER considered a loss!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for the blessing of life to serve You. Help me see those in need. Guide my hands to help the hurting and lift the load from others. Move my feet in Your direction. Edit my mouth so my words will be pleasing to You. Keep my ears in tune to Your Word. I am here for You. As I begin to wear down, idle or work improperly; show me quickly so I may refer to my Instruction Manual and repair what is broken. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Back to the Basics
My husband holds the president position in our local baseball league. As you can imagine, it is difficult to find coaches to volunteer at all levels; the hardest level being four year old tee ball. Somewhere in the fine print of the rules, there must be a line which states the duties of a president's wife. One of those duties includes filling any vacant tee ball coaching position. I missed that part, but my husband kindly informed me of the statement. I hesitated at first, ready to defy the rules and be a rebel; but, then agreed to fill the position.
I begin to wonder what I just got myself into and how I was going to pull off teaching four year olds how to play baseball? Somewhere in the mix, I became excited for the upcoming season. I gathered my list of 5 players (don't laugh, keeping the attention of 5 children this age can be quite difficult), envisioned the float for opening day parade and mapped out the objectives of the season.
I sat down to plan the first practice. I thought to myself, "What skills do I teach" and "How do I reach these children at this level"? Well, we need to go back to the basics. Some skills include: running the bases (in the right direction), orienting ourselves with a ball, throwing to a teammate's glove (not their head), swinging a bat, keeping their eye on the ball at all times, where to stand in the field, etc. These children come with various backgrounds in baseball. Some born with a bat and ball in their hand, while others do not even know the name of the white round thing I hold in my hand. Regardless of where they come from, we all have the same goal in mind; to strengthen our skills as baseball players. Oh yeah, and have a blast while doing so!
I want to create a season full of learning AND laughter. I want to prepare these children for next season, play hard each practice and game, increase physical strength and raise their excitement for the greatest game on Earth!
Just as little children must understand the basic principles before going into the game, we must understand and learn the basic principles on which to stand before facing the games thrown in our everyday lives. The children look to their coach to learn, understand and grow their skills. Then, they use the knowledge and gained strength to face any situation in a game. If ever in trouble, they turn to the coach for help for a reminder of where to go or what to do next.
As Christians, sometimes we need to get back to basics. Life surrounds us, chaos continues each day and we lose sight of the basic principles of living as a follower. We must always remember to look to our Coach for guidance and use the tools He provides to continue down the path He laid for our life. Revisit the Rulebook daily to gain strength, learn and raise joy for the day given to you from God. He believes in you and wants you to know you can do all things through Him. He remains at your side to help at all times, cheers for you, guides every step and opens your eyes to which decision to make next.
Get back to the basics. No matter your background, He accepts you. Some grow up in a church and read the Bible daily from birth; while, others may own a Bible, but a thick layer of dust hides the title. Regardless of background, the same goal exists for all who follow Him; to strengthen faith and further His Kingdom. He loves all and is ready to take you in His arms and teach you the way to go. He is excited to be your Coach. He knows every player, calls upon each of them often and already mapped out every objective for their lives. He holds the whole season in His hands. Trust Him, look to Him and be an active player on His team. Oh yeah, and have a blast while doing so!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for coaching me through each moment of my days. I am so excited to be a player for You. I will hustle, never give up and continually turn to You for guidance. Strengthen me with each game played and prepare me for the next. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
I begin to wonder what I just got myself into and how I was going to pull off teaching four year olds how to play baseball? Somewhere in the mix, I became excited for the upcoming season. I gathered my list of 5 players (don't laugh, keeping the attention of 5 children this age can be quite difficult), envisioned the float for opening day parade and mapped out the objectives of the season.
I sat down to plan the first practice. I thought to myself, "What skills do I teach" and "How do I reach these children at this level"? Well, we need to go back to the basics. Some skills include: running the bases (in the right direction), orienting ourselves with a ball, throwing to a teammate's glove (not their head), swinging a bat, keeping their eye on the ball at all times, where to stand in the field, etc. These children come with various backgrounds in baseball. Some born with a bat and ball in their hand, while others do not even know the name of the white round thing I hold in my hand. Regardless of where they come from, we all have the same goal in mind; to strengthen our skills as baseball players. Oh yeah, and have a blast while doing so!
I want to create a season full of learning AND laughter. I want to prepare these children for next season, play hard each practice and game, increase physical strength and raise their excitement for the greatest game on Earth!
Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.
~Babe Ruth
~Babe Ruth
Just as little children must understand the basic principles before going into the game, we must understand and learn the basic principles on which to stand before facing the games thrown in our everyday lives. The children look to their coach to learn, understand and grow their skills. Then, they use the knowledge and gained strength to face any situation in a game. If ever in trouble, they turn to the coach for help for a reminder of where to go or what to do next.
As Christians, sometimes we need to get back to basics. Life surrounds us, chaos continues each day and we lose sight of the basic principles of living as a follower. We must always remember to look to our Coach for guidance and use the tools He provides to continue down the path He laid for our life. Revisit the Rulebook daily to gain strength, learn and raise joy for the day given to you from God. He believes in you and wants you to know you can do all things through Him. He remains at your side to help at all times, cheers for you, guides every step and opens your eyes to which decision to make next.
Get back to the basics. No matter your background, He accepts you. Some grow up in a church and read the Bible daily from birth; while, others may own a Bible, but a thick layer of dust hides the title. Regardless of background, the same goal exists for all who follow Him; to strengthen faith and further His Kingdom. He loves all and is ready to take you in His arms and teach you the way to go. He is excited to be your Coach. He knows every player, calls upon each of them often and already mapped out every objective for their lives. He holds the whole season in His hands. Trust Him, look to Him and be an active player on His team. Oh yeah, and have a blast while doing so!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for coaching me through each moment of my days. I am so excited to be a player for You. I will hustle, never give up and continually turn to You for guidance. Strengthen me with each game played and prepare me for the next. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Monday, March 19, 2012
Impossible Becomes Possible
Magic entertains audiences of any age by staging tricks or creating illusions which seem impossible. The magician brings questions to our thoughts and amazement to our eyes. He uses natural, legitimate means to perform this magic and the impossible becomes possible right before our very eyes. These illusions and tricks fall into specific categories based on the effect. Some include:
Production - The magician produces something from nothing. A handkerchief appears in the once empty hand; a rabbit comes from a vacant top hat; or confetti showers out of the magician's hand which once held a shredded, soaking wet napkin.
Vanish - The reverse of production is when something goes to nothing. A knot tied between two handkerchiefs suddenly is no more or a quarter disappears into thin air.
Transformation - One item/person becomes completely different in appearance. A handkerchief, once white, becomes a rainbow of colors; a girl transforms into a tiger; or a blank paper evolves into a beautiful piece of art.
Escape - The magician or assistant comes out of the most confined, restrained, or painful places unharmed. An assistant cut in half comes out without a scar or a magician handcuffed, tied in a bag and placed in a securely locked box will escape in minutes without a sweat.
The act leaves you baffled, on the edge of your seat. Our minds cannot wrap around the unbelievable. We need answers to how, why, when, where and what? The questions remain and bind up our thoughts, all the while draining our energy. We must abandon all the questions and believe in the unknown, accept the amazing and enjoy the performance.
The miracles Jesus performed when dwelling among men could very well been speculated by nonbelievers as "magic". He produced sight from blind eyes. Jesus made leper's sores vanish. He transformed water into wine. Those who demanded answers could not escape binding thoughts. Unbelievers did not follow Jesus, but rejected Him and refused to accept the miracles performed through the power of the Holy Spirit from His Father. Those individuals lacked joy in their lives. They were not promised an eternal life in Heaven. Life remained hard without any hope.
As a believer, we can get caught up in the questions arising from an event or situation. We do not feel this should happen and demand a reason from God why; how will we get through; when will this end; where can we turn; what shall we do next? Each day, our minds race with no answers appearing to satisfy or ease our thoughts. Our energy drains completely and we feel hopeless. Well, guess what? There is a much easier approach, an amazing answer that will make the seemingly impossible come to be possible. One Way, one Source fits all situations and circumstances - God!
Give Him the situation. He produced you from dust. His only Son sacrificed to vanish all our sins. He will transform your life and replace lies with Truth. He will help you escape the bondage placed on your life from the devil. Guess what? All we have to do is believe in Him, accept Him into your every day life and enjoy every breath He provides. God is not a magician and does not perform magic. He is our Maker and performs miracles. He will leave you standing in awe of the ways He blesses, provides, loves, comforts and strengthens.
God, thank you for another day. Rid me of any unbelief which hinders my journey with You. Thank You for transforming my life. Thank You for sending Your Son to vanish all my sins. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Production - The magician produces something from nothing. A handkerchief appears in the once empty hand; a rabbit comes from a vacant top hat; or confetti showers out of the magician's hand which once held a shredded, soaking wet napkin.
Vanish - The reverse of production is when something goes to nothing. A knot tied between two handkerchiefs suddenly is no more or a quarter disappears into thin air.
Transformation - One item/person becomes completely different in appearance. A handkerchief, once white, becomes a rainbow of colors; a girl transforms into a tiger; or a blank paper evolves into a beautiful piece of art.
Escape - The magician or assistant comes out of the most confined, restrained, or painful places unharmed. An assistant cut in half comes out without a scar or a magician handcuffed, tied in a bag and placed in a securely locked box will escape in minutes without a sweat.
The act leaves you baffled, on the edge of your seat. Our minds cannot wrap around the unbelievable. We need answers to how, why, when, where and what? The questions remain and bind up our thoughts, all the while draining our energy. We must abandon all the questions and believe in the unknown, accept the amazing and enjoy the performance.
The miracles Jesus performed when dwelling among men could very well been speculated by nonbelievers as "magic". He produced sight from blind eyes. Jesus made leper's sores vanish. He transformed water into wine. Those who demanded answers could not escape binding thoughts. Unbelievers did not follow Jesus, but rejected Him and refused to accept the miracles performed through the power of the Holy Spirit from His Father. Those individuals lacked joy in their lives. They were not promised an eternal life in Heaven. Life remained hard without any hope.
As a believer, we can get caught up in the questions arising from an event or situation. We do not feel this should happen and demand a reason from God why; how will we get through; when will this end; where can we turn; what shall we do next? Each day, our minds race with no answers appearing to satisfy or ease our thoughts. Our energy drains completely and we feel hopeless. Well, guess what? There is a much easier approach, an amazing answer that will make the seemingly impossible come to be possible. One Way, one Source fits all situations and circumstances - God!
"how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will." (Hebrews 2:1-4)
Give Him the situation. He produced you from dust. His only Son sacrificed to vanish all our sins. He will transform your life and replace lies with Truth. He will help you escape the bondage placed on your life from the devil. Guess what? All we have to do is believe in Him, accept Him into your every day life and enjoy every breath He provides. God is not a magician and does not perform magic. He is our Maker and performs miracles. He will leave you standing in awe of the ways He blesses, provides, loves, comforts and strengthens.
Read (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)
Give your life to Him and receive the miracle of transformation. A life once dead will come to life. Eyes once blind will now see. You will learn Truth to follow and a Rock on which to stand.God, thank you for another day. Rid me of any unbelief which hinders my journey with You. Thank You for transforming my life. Thank You for sending Your Son to vanish all my sins. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Do the Research
We buy constantly without putting much thought into a product. It may be a need (i.e. shampoo, soap, towels) and we choose the cheapest or the one readily available. It may be a want (i.e. movie, book, electronic) and we choose these based on our desires. Do you ever research the maker of these products? Do you really understand the meaning or thought behind the products in your home?
It does not seem necessary to put that much effort into products mentioned above. Now, you may study to greater extent the maker of a vehicle or the builder of a home. These purchases hold greater importance in everyday functions and living. A house built by inexperienced individuals may not withstand storms, shifting ground or the boisterous play of little hands and feet. A vehicle created by amateurs may lack safety during a wreck, fade in color quickly as the sun hits or the engine may have a short lifespan.
To find out more about a product, whether big or little, we often seek opinions of others who have used or seen the item. The Internet offers insight about all kinds of products and services. We use Google to look up the maker and creator before deciding. There is even the possibility of trying an item before committing. Try this for 90 days and if you are not satisfied, you can return it at no charge.
How important must a product be in your life for you to take the time and research where it came from? Do you go off other's experiences or wisdom? What resources do you use to learn more?
Remember, we are a product of God. He took time, placed much thought and created each of us with LOVE. His mark is placed on our souls and He lives within us. Stop now and look in a mirror. . .
. . .you just saw the most important product in existence. Do you know the Maker? Have you researched the Builder? The meaning and thought placed behind this beautiful, wonderful product cannot be fathomed by our small minds. His wisdom surpasses. He loves unconditional. The Truth offered withstands throughout all generations. One Source lay behind every creation in this world.
Our Maker stands proudly beside His products. He offers a guarantee to last for Eternity. In your mother's womb, His hands placed every detail just perfectly to carry out the plan laid just for you. Each part must complete the intended role to work properly. As a builder places each brick, board and nail in place to stand strong, God knows just how to build us to withstand the greatest of trials, changes of this world and the chaos surrounding our days. He offers safe arms to protect, light to enhance our being not tarnish and a source of power to last eternally.
Get to know your Maker. You need not search all around trying to gather information from others or trying this or that to see if it works. One manual holds all the Truth. Pick up a Bible today and begin reading to find out His promises, power and presence in your life. Accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life. When a day goes wrong, a sickness threatens your health or decisions leave you struggling; seek your Maker for help. When a day goes perfect, health returns and stays strong or decisions continue to bring blessings; praise your Maker for creating you. Seek Him always, learn about Him daily and grow closer with each step taken. Ask Him to place others in your life to help you along the way. He will use them to shine His Glory and offer His Truth.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for my restored health, the blessings provided daily and for the thought put forth during my creation. I am here to walk the path laid for my life. Continue to guide my every step and use my life to teach others about You. I am ready and willing to use the Truth You provide to help others see the goodness offered and the Eternal life they can experience. Show me where I must serve You. Shine through me. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
It does not seem necessary to put that much effort into products mentioned above. Now, you may study to greater extent the maker of a vehicle or the builder of a home. These purchases hold greater importance in everyday functions and living. A house built by inexperienced individuals may not withstand storms, shifting ground or the boisterous play of little hands and feet. A vehicle created by amateurs may lack safety during a wreck, fade in color quickly as the sun hits or the engine may have a short lifespan.
To find out more about a product, whether big or little, we often seek opinions of others who have used or seen the item. The Internet offers insight about all kinds of products and services. We use Google to look up the maker and creator before deciding. There is even the possibility of trying an item before committing. Try this for 90 days and if you are not satisfied, you can return it at no charge.
How important must a product be in your life for you to take the time and research where it came from? Do you go off other's experiences or wisdom? What resources do you use to learn more?
Another question: Do you consider your own life important?
Remember, we are a product of God. He took time, placed much thought and created each of us with LOVE. His mark is placed on our souls and He lives within us. Stop now and look in a mirror. . .
. . .you just saw the most important product in existence. Do you know the Maker? Have you researched the Builder? The meaning and thought placed behind this beautiful, wonderful product cannot be fathomed by our small minds. His wisdom surpasses. He loves unconditional. The Truth offered withstands throughout all generations. One Source lay behind every creation in this world.
"He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever." (Psalm 146:6)
Our Maker stands proudly beside His products. He offers a guarantee to last for Eternity. In your mother's womb, His hands placed every detail just perfectly to carry out the plan laid just for you. Each part must complete the intended role to work properly. As a builder places each brick, board and nail in place to stand strong, God knows just how to build us to withstand the greatest of trials, changes of this world and the chaos surrounding our days. He offers safe arms to protect, light to enhance our being not tarnish and a source of power to last eternally.
Get to know your Maker. You need not search all around trying to gather information from others or trying this or that to see if it works. One manual holds all the Truth. Pick up a Bible today and begin reading to find out His promises, power and presence in your life. Accept Him as Lord and Savior of your life. When a day goes wrong, a sickness threatens your health or decisions leave you struggling; seek your Maker for help. When a day goes perfect, health returns and stays strong or decisions continue to bring blessings; praise your Maker for creating you. Seek Him always, learn about Him daily and grow closer with each step taken. Ask Him to place others in your life to help you along the way. He will use them to shine His Glory and offer His Truth.
It is never too late to learn about our Builder, Creator and Maker!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for my restored health, the blessings provided daily and for the thought put forth during my creation. I am here to walk the path laid for my life. Continue to guide my every step and use my life to teach others about You. I am ready and willing to use the Truth You provide to help others see the goodness offered and the Eternal life they can experience. Show me where I must serve You. Shine through me. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Friday, March 16, 2012
Let Your Hair Down
Remember as a child that coming home from school brought such relief. Maybe your mom had a snack waiting as you entered the door. Maybe you ran directly to a clubhouse or designated area just for you. Maybe you shot some hoops, rode a bike, took a walk around the neighborhood or some other activity to release stored energy. Yet, maybe just plopping on the couch to vegetate until supper helped you relax. Whatever the choice, it was so nice to be released from all the rules placed by the school, leave the eight hour confinement and let your hair down. Throughout the school day, you had to raise your hand to speak, walk in a straight line, eat at the assigned hour, use the restroom at specific times and complete the assignments given. A little child experiences much pressure in their days. As parents, let us offer them a safe haven to return to after a long day.
As an adult coming home from work, school and/or the 'real world', do you feel the same relief as in childhood? Wherever we may report to each day, rules exist, eight hour+ confinement occurs and stressful situations arise. Lunch times are assigned, bathroom breaks must be approved, assignments have deadlines attached and pressures weigh heavily on our shoulders. We rush home only to find a bill in the mail, yard work waiting, supper unprepared, kids in need, pets demanding attention and bedtime creeping closer. Is home a safe haven? Can you let your hair down in the place you work so hard to keep? What brings you relief?
Ultimately, God brings relief to all situations. But, God never intended for our lives to be jammed packed with busyness that leaves us empty, drained and stressed. He would love to see you revert back to childhood in this area. Go back to a time when you released all the tension from your day. Being an adult does not mean you cannot enjoy life. God blesses us with a job, home, children, pets, food and rest. He trusts us to care for these blessings in a way pleasing to Him. But, He does not intend for these items to exhaust our being. Exhausted, frustrated people have no use in furthering His Kingdom.
If we ran our kids ragged the moment they returned home from school, they would become sick; physically and emotionally. Well, the same goes for adults. If we never chill, find comfort, enjoy pleasures in this world or let our hair down; we will become sick; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Nothing is left in us to further His kingdom.
I am guilty of running too much, feeling guilty for taking part in something just for pleasure and neglecting my own needs. As I do this and refuse to chill out, I become resentful to the ones I serve. I think, "Why can't they see my exhaustion and give me a break?" Or, "They reap the benefits of my work and never once take the load off me." These thoughts are selfish and lead only to destruction of any joy in my life. It is time to rid myself of these thoughts. It is time to create a safe haven for me to rejuvenate.
The same goes for you. Seek God for wisdom on what pleasures He has waiting for you. Ask Him to clearly show you when the opportunity arises or for Him to open your schedule to allow for relaxation. We cannot continue spinning our wheels day after day. We need some down time. Forget dusting the living room, let the yard work go for another day, dine out or eat leftovers and let the laundry lay. There is something much more important to be done; your health depends on it - FIND RELIEF. The world tries to tear us down daily. Find a safe haven to return.
Pull out your favorite video and vegetate on the couch. Draw a hot bubble bath and take a good book with you (lock the door behind you so little feet cannot enter). Grab some chocolate and sit in silence while your taste buds jump for joy. Bring out that outfit you bought for special occasions, put it on and go out on a date with your spouse. Plan a girls/guys night out. Go for a walk. Crank up your favorite CD and dance.
Make a list for yourself. Take part in one a week or even one a day! Trust me, you will be better able to serve others as God intends. Take care of yourself. It is not a sin to experience pleasure in this world. God provides so much for us and smiles when we smile. Just as parents love to offer a safe haven and a place to release all the pressure from their child's day; God loves to provide opportunity and blessings to relieve pressure from your day. Run to Him for guidance and He will offer peace. Don't feel guilty for caring for your needs.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for creating things in this world which bring pleasure to me and provide joy in my life. Thank You for offering time daily for me to chill out and relax. Free me from the guilt I feel when doing things for pleasure. Show me opportunities to relax and put other things on the back burner. Guide my actions and words so they are pleasing to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
As an adult coming home from work, school and/or the 'real world', do you feel the same relief as in childhood? Wherever we may report to each day, rules exist, eight hour+ confinement occurs and stressful situations arise. Lunch times are assigned, bathroom breaks must be approved, assignments have deadlines attached and pressures weigh heavily on our shoulders. We rush home only to find a bill in the mail, yard work waiting, supper unprepared, kids in need, pets demanding attention and bedtime creeping closer. Is home a safe haven? Can you let your hair down in the place you work so hard to keep? What brings you relief?
Ultimately, God brings relief to all situations. But, God never intended for our lives to be jammed packed with busyness that leaves us empty, drained and stressed. He would love to see you revert back to childhood in this area. Go back to a time when you released all the tension from your day. Being an adult does not mean you cannot enjoy life. God blesses us with a job, home, children, pets, food and rest. He trusts us to care for these blessings in a way pleasing to Him. But, He does not intend for these items to exhaust our being. Exhausted, frustrated people have no use in furthering His Kingdom.
If we ran our kids ragged the moment they returned home from school, they would become sick; physically and emotionally. Well, the same goes for adults. If we never chill, find comfort, enjoy pleasures in this world or let our hair down; we will become sick; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Nothing is left in us to further His kingdom.
I am guilty of running too much, feeling guilty for taking part in something just for pleasure and neglecting my own needs. As I do this and refuse to chill out, I become resentful to the ones I serve. I think, "Why can't they see my exhaustion and give me a break?" Or, "They reap the benefits of my work and never once take the load off me." These thoughts are selfish and lead only to destruction of any joy in my life. It is time to rid myself of these thoughts. It is time to create a safe haven for me to rejuvenate.
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:13)
but heartache crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:13)
The same goes for you. Seek God for wisdom on what pleasures He has waiting for you. Ask Him to clearly show you when the opportunity arises or for Him to open your schedule to allow for relaxation. We cannot continue spinning our wheels day after day. We need some down time. Forget dusting the living room, let the yard work go for another day, dine out or eat leftovers and let the laundry lay. There is something much more important to be done; your health depends on it - FIND RELIEF. The world tries to tear us down daily. Find a safe haven to return.
Pull out your favorite video and vegetate on the couch. Draw a hot bubble bath and take a good book with you (lock the door behind you so little feet cannot enter). Grab some chocolate and sit in silence while your taste buds jump for joy. Bring out that outfit you bought for special occasions, put it on and go out on a date with your spouse. Plan a girls/guys night out. Go for a walk. Crank up your favorite CD and dance.
Make a list for yourself. Take part in one a week or even one a day! Trust me, you will be better able to serve others as God intends. Take care of yourself. It is not a sin to experience pleasure in this world. God provides so much for us and smiles when we smile. Just as parents love to offer a safe haven and a place to release all the pressure from their child's day; God loves to provide opportunity and blessings to relieve pressure from your day. Run to Him for guidance and He will offer peace. Don't feel guilty for caring for your needs.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for creating things in this world which bring pleasure to me and provide joy in my life. Thank You for offering time daily for me to chill out and relax. Free me from the guilt I feel when doing things for pleasure. Show me opportunities to relax and put other things on the back burner. Guide my actions and words so they are pleasing to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Lasting, Powerful Source
I start up my hot rod (minivan), place the gear in drive and begin pulling out of my driveway. All is well, UNTIL I push with greater force on the gas in attempt to enter traffic on the highway. My dash tells me the gear is in D but the gas petal claims to be in N. Finally, the engine wakes up and realizes it should be accelerating, not idling and takes off.
I advance down the highway and notice my hot rod has a difficult time shifting gears yet again. The RPM approaches 2500 or 3000 and a lovely grinding noise sound from my right side. It eventually stops and the gear shifts.
Oh, there is more. My hot rod continues to knock and moan at me when moving in any other direction than straight. It sounds like it is in pain and struggles just to get to the next destination. I think it needs help.
I go to the mechanic, describe the symptoms and beg for help. I explain the time period of the issues. He doesn't take long to offer a diagnosis. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is NOT what I wanted to hear. First, he rejects service on the vehicle because the issues are more than he can handle. Secondly, the problem lies in the transmission. So, rejection and expensive repair do not sit well in my thoughts. I instantly feel helpless and begin to worry about driving the vehicle around. What if it goes out mid-ride? What if my kids are with me and we wreck? How much will this cost?
Do you ever feel like my vehicle? Do you ever worry like I did when receiving bad news?
Ever wake up and tell your body to GO, but your thoughts just want to pull the covers back over your head? Finally, your body kicks in to move throughout the day, but not without groans, complains and refusal to feel joy. Focus remains on the wrong, the negative and the struggles. You find it difficult to smile. Your attitude and outlook infect your thoughts. You need help.
Don't run to the world for help. The things of this world will cost you much and leave you with bigger struggles. Hardships and trials are more than things of this world can handle. You need a lasting solution, a powerful Source to take away worries, negative outlooks and trying times.
I know just the place to go. Yep, God waits to help. His hand extends for you to grab. He hears and sees your symptoms. He instantly knows a diagnosis and offers a solution - you need more of Him in your life. Seek Truth to fuel your body, visit Him daily for tune-ups and your days will run smoothly. No more groans, complains or sad outlooks. Invite Him into your day to lift you up, provide comfort, strength and unconditional love.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for providing continual maintenance in my life. Thank You for being the One True Source for joy. I know I can turn to You at all times and seek Your Word for guidance. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
I advance down the highway and notice my hot rod has a difficult time shifting gears yet again. The RPM approaches 2500 or 3000 and a lovely grinding noise sound from my right side. It eventually stops and the gear shifts.
Oh, there is more. My hot rod continues to knock and moan at me when moving in any other direction than straight. It sounds like it is in pain and struggles just to get to the next destination. I think it needs help.
I go to the mechanic, describe the symptoms and beg for help. I explain the time period of the issues. He doesn't take long to offer a diagnosis. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is NOT what I wanted to hear. First, he rejects service on the vehicle because the issues are more than he can handle. Secondly, the problem lies in the transmission. So, rejection and expensive repair do not sit well in my thoughts. I instantly feel helpless and begin to worry about driving the vehicle around. What if it goes out mid-ride? What if my kids are with me and we wreck? How much will this cost?
Do you ever feel like my vehicle? Do you ever worry like I did when receiving bad news?
Ever wake up and tell your body to GO, but your thoughts just want to pull the covers back over your head? Finally, your body kicks in to move throughout the day, but not without groans, complains and refusal to feel joy. Focus remains on the wrong, the negative and the struggles. You find it difficult to smile. Your attitude and outlook infect your thoughts. You need help.
"The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:17-18)
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:17-18)
"The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them." (Psalm 145:18-19)
to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them." (Psalm 145:18-19)
Don't run to the world for help. The things of this world will cost you much and leave you with bigger struggles. Hardships and trials are more than things of this world can handle. You need a lasting solution, a powerful Source to take away worries, negative outlooks and trying times.
I know just the place to go. Yep, God waits to help. His hand extends for you to grab. He hears and sees your symptoms. He instantly knows a diagnosis and offers a solution - you need more of Him in your life. Seek Truth to fuel your body, visit Him daily for tune-ups and your days will run smoothly. No more groans, complains or sad outlooks. Invite Him into your day to lift you up, provide comfort, strength and unconditional love.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for providing continual maintenance in my life. Thank You for being the One True Source for joy. I know I can turn to You at all times and seek Your Word for guidance. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
His Product
I LOVE sports. Growing up, I kept active in whichever sport the current season allowed. I participated in soccer, basketball and softball. I yearned to be outdoors engaging in physical activity. My days consisted of riding bikes, rollerblading, climbing trees, playing basketball or softball and just being out of the house. I joined teams to learn even more about the sports I loved. The coaches helped me advance my skills and grow my strength and capability. I also met neighbors who joined me in my outdoor adventures. They taught me much by example. They were boys, so I learned courage, not to cry when wrecking your bike or falling on the ground (since I lack agility, this was a daily lesson) and that no adventure is scary when you have another alongside.
These passions in life required equipment and proper attire. I wanted only the best. From water bottle to sweat band; I wanted NIKE written all over. My shoes needed the famous check mark across the side. My shirt must say, "Just do it" across the chest. Even my socks needed NIKE somewhere on them. No matter what the coaches or my friends taught me, having NIKE written all over me surely increased my abilities. Without the name, I was nothing.
The name says it all. . .
NIKE - Just do it
AIDIDAS - Impossible is nothing
REEBOK - I am what I am
UMBRO - Go out there
And then, of course, I needed to drink to help my game. . .
GATORADE - Is it in you
These products promised so much in such little words. So, did they fulfill their promises? I still sat the bench many of games and fell numerous times while riding my bike or rollerblading. My mother mended too many cuts and bruises to count. But, with each brand name worn, I felt courage, strength and believed in myself. Silly how one little name can do so much, isn't it?
Well, I have a Name that can and will do so much. The Name fulfills every promise made and more. You do not need to buy this One in the store or paste the Name all over your body to increase ability, strength or endurance. This is marked on every one's heart and comes from within. Every child born is marked with this Name. I can assure you, without actively using this Name in your life, you are nothing.
I am sure you all realize I am speaking about our Creator. God provides all the equipment and attire needed to perform at your very best each day. Seek Him for Truth to guide every move. His Word will coach you and teach you through His example. He will enhance the skills provided, grow your strength through any trial encountered, pick you up if you fall and help you see that NOTHING is impossible or scary with Him alongside. His promises reign true throughout all generations and He remains unchanging.
Companies continue to change products to entice athletes to use them. They must conform to the wants and needs of the athlete. Slogans help coax a person to try the product. Companies must look good on the outside to pull in customers. Unfortunately, some companies lack truth behind their slogan or promises. It lasts temporarily. I went through many pairs of shoes, numerous water bottles, countless shirts and several packs of socks.
Guess what? God needs no slogan, never changes and lasts for eternity. In Him, you will find an everlasting life, fulfilled promises and Truth that you can stand on. You were created by Him and His name is marked on your soul. Do not mimic companies of this world who do not back up their product. You are a product of God, so act like one inside and out. Be consistent in character, live out Truth, boldly walk for Him and live for Him!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for guiding me with Truth, a Truth I can rely on and that is offered to me daily. In You, I find strength, courage and believe in the Sheree created to live boldly for You. Thank You for creating me and placing Your name on my soul. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
These passions in life required equipment and proper attire. I wanted only the best. From water bottle to sweat band; I wanted NIKE written all over. My shoes needed the famous check mark across the side. My shirt must say, "Just do it" across the chest. Even my socks needed NIKE somewhere on them. No matter what the coaches or my friends taught me, having NIKE written all over me surely increased my abilities. Without the name, I was nothing.
The name says it all. . .
NIKE - Just do it
AIDIDAS - Impossible is nothing
REEBOK - I am what I am
UMBRO - Go out there
And then, of course, I needed to drink to help my game. . .
GATORADE - Is it in you
These products promised so much in such little words. So, did they fulfill their promises? I still sat the bench many of games and fell numerous times while riding my bike or rollerblading. My mother mended too many cuts and bruises to count. But, with each brand name worn, I felt courage, strength and believed in myself. Silly how one little name can do so much, isn't it?
Well, I have a Name that can and will do so much. The Name fulfills every promise made and more. You do not need to buy this One in the store or paste the Name all over your body to increase ability, strength or endurance. This is marked on every one's heart and comes from within. Every child born is marked with this Name. I can assure you, without actively using this Name in your life, you are nothing.
I am sure you all realize I am speaking about our Creator. God provides all the equipment and attire needed to perform at your very best each day. Seek Him for Truth to guide every move. His Word will coach you and teach you through His example. He will enhance the skills provided, grow your strength through any trial encountered, pick you up if you fall and help you see that NOTHING is impossible or scary with Him alongside. His promises reign true throughout all generations and He remains unchanging.
Companies continue to change products to entice athletes to use them. They must conform to the wants and needs of the athlete. Slogans help coax a person to try the product. Companies must look good on the outside to pull in customers. Unfortunately, some companies lack truth behind their slogan or promises. It lasts temporarily. I went through many pairs of shoes, numerous water bottles, countless shirts and several packs of socks.
Guess what? God needs no slogan, never changes and lasts for eternity. In Him, you will find an everlasting life, fulfilled promises and Truth that you can stand on. You were created by Him and His name is marked on your soul. Do not mimic companies of this world who do not back up their product. You are a product of God, so act like one inside and out. Be consistent in character, live out Truth, boldly walk for Him and live for Him!
"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for guiding me with Truth, a Truth I can rely on and that is offered to me daily. In You, I find strength, courage and believe in the Sheree created to live boldly for You. Thank You for creating me and placing Your name on my soul. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Darkness Cannot Defeat Light
Our eyes have an amazing ability to adjust to darkness. Although our eyes can adjust, our eyesight is much better in the light. After resting for eight hours; okay, let's be realistic, more like six on a good night; we have a difficult time adjusting to a well-lit room. We adapted to the darkness and now must reacquaint our eyes to light.
I heard a man from my church say, "The darker the night, the brighter the light." Think about that saying. It is true. The darker environment your eyes experience, the brighter the light will seem because of the extreme change. Surround yourself in a dim environment, then increase the light to the same intensity and the adjustment will not be as difficult; therefore, the light will not seem as bright.
Which offers a safer environment, light or dark? Little can hide in a well-lit environment. Our eyes see clearly the way to go without hitting any roadblocks or stepping on any traps. A vehicle requires headlights to function safely at night. Headlights allow the driver to see the road, warn others of its presence and guide a person to a destination.
Use this analogy in your spiritual life. Your soul requires light. God provides that light and those living in His light cannot hide in darkness. Satan can use anything hidden in darkness to steal, kill and destroy. Take a stand today and do not allow a dark environment in your soul.
No matter the level of darkness, God's light will overpower and His Truth will help you adjust smoothly to living in the light. Satan's darkness will never win against His light! Use Him to light your path, shine brightly for others to see and guide you to your Eternal destination.
Today is the day to adjust to living in the light. Run to Him to help brighten your soul. Begin reading His Word and you will see clearly the path to travel. Truth will help you see any roadblocks or traps laid by Satan. He will meet you wherever you are to bring you to the path laid for your life. He will shine in your life if only asked and invited.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for your light which shines brightly on my path. Keep all darkness from my soul. Defeat the lies and evil schemes of Satan by Your light and Truth. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
I heard a man from my church say, "The darker the night, the brighter the light." Think about that saying. It is true. The darker environment your eyes experience, the brighter the light will seem because of the extreme change. Surround yourself in a dim environment, then increase the light to the same intensity and the adjustment will not be as difficult; therefore, the light will not seem as bright.
Which offers a safer environment, light or dark? Little can hide in a well-lit environment. Our eyes see clearly the way to go without hitting any roadblocks or stepping on any traps. A vehicle requires headlights to function safely at night. Headlights allow the driver to see the road, warn others of its presence and guide a person to a destination.
No matter if you are driving, walking, flying or boating; lights are a must to see clearly the way to travel. Darkness will never win against the light!
Use this analogy in your spiritual life. Your soul requires light. God provides that light and those living in His light cannot hide in darkness. Satan can use anything hidden in darkness to steal, kill and destroy. Take a stand today and do not allow a dark environment in your soul.
No matter the level of darkness, God's light will overpower and His Truth will help you adjust smoothly to living in the light. Satan's darkness will never win against His light! Use Him to light your path, shine brightly for others to see and guide you to your Eternal destination.
Today is the day to adjust to living in the light. Run to Him to help brighten your soul. Begin reading His Word and you will see clearly the path to travel. Truth will help you see any roadblocks or traps laid by Satan. He will meet you wherever you are to bring you to the path laid for your life. He will shine in your life if only asked and invited.
"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.
They rejoice in your name all day long;
they celebrate your righteousness." (Psalm 89:15-16)
who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.
They rejoice in your name all day long;
they celebrate your righteousness." (Psalm 89:15-16)
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
"If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." (1 John 1:6-7)
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for your light which shines brightly on my path. Keep all darkness from my soul. Defeat the lies and evil schemes of Satan by Your light and Truth. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Monday, March 12, 2012
Completion not Competition
In the wide world of sports, each team comes with one motive - to win. Each team views the opponent as weaker, less experienced and lacking talent. In some matches, one team feels such domination over the other and approach the game with a lackadaisical attitude. They see no reason to exert complete energy when less is required to win.
A problem occurs when the team underestimates their opponent. The lackadaisical attitude results in a loss. The opponent approaches the match with 100% effort in skill, strength and a spirit to perform with excellence. The opponent displays teamwork, communication, encouragement to one another and effort put forth from each player. Together, they shine and dominate the arrogant team.
The mindset to win backed with arrogant attitude will cause destruction. The mindset to play your very best backed with an encouraging attitude will always shine. If the score deems a loss, the team that worked together to the best ability still won in their hearts. They completed the game without pride, not passively and along the way provided positive feedback to one another. The team grew closer, learned more about how each played the game and will work together next time to an even greater level.
In comparison, the wide world of marriage requires each member to enter with one motive - to become one! Pride cannot exist in marriage. Lack of effort must be left at the altar. Criticism will not be accepted. As married couples, we must eliminate an outlook of opposition. If a spouse perceives the other as an opponent, the focus rests on weaknesses, lack of experience and where the other falls short in talents. We see what our spouse CAN'T do, not what they CAN do.
Each day passes with various 'games' existing. Each 'game' presents opportunity to be a team or be an individual. The moves we make depend completely on our attitude.
Marriages do not come with scorecards. So, avoid keeping track of who gives more effort in a 'game'. Each member should exert as much energy as possible and contribute the skills they posses. God created marriage for completion not competition.
Next time you see your spouse folded the laundry to help mark off a chore on your list; do not grumble or complain if the socks do not line up just right or a shirt needed to be on a hanger not folded. Thank him/her for taking that load off you and quietly put the clothes away. If you come home and the biscuits appear a little darker on the bottom or the meatloaf just does not taste like your momma's; avoid criticizing or downgrading his/her effort to put a warm meal in your stomach. Instead, chew each bite with love and gratitude for the contribution given by your teammate.
Overall, love one another, focus on positives, encourage and allow your teammate some playing time without constant criticism. Remember, we each married a sinner. Each day we will fall short of God's glory. You are not perfect and neither is your spouse. But, together, working to complement one another; the two shall become one. Place God at the center of marriage and see your spouse through His eyes. God created each of you with a purpose and plan. Encourage each other to fulfill the plan and love as God loves.
Come together in unity, as a team. Do not continue marriage as an individual, in division.
Live to serve one another. Offer a compliment each day. View the other through God's eyes. Encourage always.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for carefully choosing my teammate in life. I feel blessed each time I see him walk through the door. Continue to guide me and keep my eyes focused on positive contributions from my husband, not when he chooses to sit the bench. Help me encourage my husband, respect him and love him as no one else on Earth can. Lead me to be the wife You intend. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
A problem occurs when the team underestimates their opponent. The lackadaisical attitude results in a loss. The opponent approaches the match with 100% effort in skill, strength and a spirit to perform with excellence. The opponent displays teamwork, communication, encouragement to one another and effort put forth from each player. Together, they shine and dominate the arrogant team.
The mindset to win backed with arrogant attitude will cause destruction. The mindset to play your very best backed with an encouraging attitude will always shine. If the score deems a loss, the team that worked together to the best ability still won in their hearts. They completed the game without pride, not passively and along the way provided positive feedback to one another. The team grew closer, learned more about how each played the game and will work together next time to an even greater level.
In comparison, the wide world of marriage requires each member to enter with one motive - to become one! Pride cannot exist in marriage. Lack of effort must be left at the altar. Criticism will not be accepted. As married couples, we must eliminate an outlook of opposition. If a spouse perceives the other as an opponent, the focus rests on weaknesses, lack of experience and where the other falls short in talents. We see what our spouse CAN'T do, not what they CAN do.
Each day passes with various 'games' existing. Each 'game' presents opportunity to be a team or be an individual. The moves we make depend completely on our attitude.
Marriages do not come with scorecards. So, avoid keeping track of who gives more effort in a 'game'. Each member should exert as much energy as possible and contribute the skills they posses. God created marriage for completion not competition.
"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)
"to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:23-24;29)
Next time you see your spouse folded the laundry to help mark off a chore on your list; do not grumble or complain if the socks do not line up just right or a shirt needed to be on a hanger not folded. Thank him/her for taking that load off you and quietly put the clothes away. If you come home and the biscuits appear a little darker on the bottom or the meatloaf just does not taste like your momma's; avoid criticizing or downgrading his/her effort to put a warm meal in your stomach. Instead, chew each bite with love and gratitude for the contribution given by your teammate.
Overall, love one another, focus on positives, encourage and allow your teammate some playing time without constant criticism. Remember, we each married a sinner. Each day we will fall short of God's glory. You are not perfect and neither is your spouse. But, together, working to complement one another; the two shall become one. Place God at the center of marriage and see your spouse through His eyes. God created each of you with a purpose and plan. Encourage each other to fulfill the plan and love as God loves.
Come together in unity, as a team. Do not continue marriage as an individual, in division.
Live to serve one another. Offer a compliment each day. View the other through God's eyes. Encourage always.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for carefully choosing my teammate in life. I feel blessed each time I see him walk through the door. Continue to guide me and keep my eyes focused on positive contributions from my husband, not when he chooses to sit the bench. Help me encourage my husband, respect him and love him as no one else on Earth can. Lead me to be the wife You intend. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Galatians 1:10
To the ladies: Have you ever worked for an hour cleaning one room in the house only to discover chaos occurred in another room throughout that hour? Have you ever taken the time to dress nice, put on some makeup and fix your hair then only hear, "That looks nice?" Have you ever slaved in the kitchen to create a meal fit for a king yet receive only complaints once all settled around the dinner table?
We work hard to accomplish the expectations accompanying our role. Whether the role be mother, wife, housekeeper or chef; the pressure exists daily to fulfill these to our best ability. Our attitude often revolves around the progress made and appreciation given for completion. Our flesh needs confirmation of a job well done. We want our work to be recognized. By who? - Others in this world.
I fall victim to the need for approval in my daily life. I will work vigorously in front of my family hoping they see all the hard work done to keep the house in tiptop shape. I will try to put on a nicer outfit, fix my hair to my best ability and even dust off my makeup case to apply some on my face to get attention from my husband. I boast about each crevice I cleaned in a room to try and receive an 'atta girl'. I wait to hear a 'thank you' when I prepare each member in the house for the next day (make lunches, lay out clothes, etc.). Then, to top it off, I take time planning, preparing and providing food to comfort my family and hope to hear how lucky they are to have a great chef living among them.
Wow, I place high expectations on my family. The pressure they feel creates a miserable environment. The need for their approval in my life wraps me in chains. When failing to hear the exact praise I yearned for, the chains pull a bit tighter. I feel trapped, suffocated and a failure. I then externalize all the built up emotion and begin constructing a home no one would want to enter. Some responses include: "I slaved for hours and now all you want to do is complain about food given to you? , If you don't like it, starve. , I just cleaned up this room, don't mess it up. , Don't you see all the work I do? , or What does it take for you to see beauty in me?"
I place such standards on my family that I steal their freedom to be who God created them to be. They begin to try and please me to get peace in the house and lose themselves in the meantime. My family will try and help, say nice things and eat without complaints; but, will I ever be satisfied?
The answer is NO, if I continue to seek approval from those with 'skin on'. Not only do I continue to feel empty, but I portray an unloving, dissatisfied, hard to please individual. I will never be happy when my happiness relies on reactions of others. God created each of us in His image and with a specified purpose. If I try to control my loved ones so they act and speak to please me, I say to God, "I think you messed up on this one, let me fix that for you." I do not love them for who God created. I destroy their hearts as well as mine.
The solution comes when we/I fully accept God into every aspect of our/my day. He created each of us to please only Him. Yes, He provides specified roles in life, but does not do so for us to get a pat on the back from all affected. He wants us to do everything for Him. Praise Him for the blessings given daily. He sees all your good work. He intends for our hands to complete tasks with a loving heart leading them. He intends for our thoughts to align with Truth as we serve. We are not here to tally up our 'atta boys' or 'atta girls'. We are here to serve God in fulfilling the roles He placed in our life. We must do these without grumbling, complaining or seeking approval from man. Let others be themselves, work only for God and relax in His arms. Give others the space to discover their character without trying to form them to have the same beliefs and character as you. Set by example a life led by God. Encourage each other, help one another and see through God's eyes the beauty within each creation.
Do for the Lord, not man! He is constant in loving, comforting and caring. Seek Him for approval and be filled beyond your imagination. Satisfaction will follow surrender. God's Word provides all you need. He will help, lead, teach, love and bless your life. Go to Him. Allow Him to shine in your life and wipe out all the need for approval. He will break the chains and free your soul.
God, thank you for another day. Help me to seek only You and avoid trying to fill up with approval from those with 'skin on'. I am here to serve You. Thank You for providing a house, a family and food for us daily. May I care for each of these blessings in a way pleasing to You so that my house will become a warm, welcome home. Help me see others just as You see them. Rid me of grumbles and complains when I do not receive the appreciation I think I should. Help me to appreciate the differences in all my loved ones and love them for who You created. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
We work hard to accomplish the expectations accompanying our role. Whether the role be mother, wife, housekeeper or chef; the pressure exists daily to fulfill these to our best ability. Our attitude often revolves around the progress made and appreciation given for completion. Our flesh needs confirmation of a job well done. We want our work to be recognized. By who? - Others in this world.
I fall victim to the need for approval in my daily life. I will work vigorously in front of my family hoping they see all the hard work done to keep the house in tiptop shape. I will try to put on a nicer outfit, fix my hair to my best ability and even dust off my makeup case to apply some on my face to get attention from my husband. I boast about each crevice I cleaned in a room to try and receive an 'atta girl'. I wait to hear a 'thank you' when I prepare each member in the house for the next day (make lunches, lay out clothes, etc.). Then, to top it off, I take time planning, preparing and providing food to comfort my family and hope to hear how lucky they are to have a great chef living among them.
Wow, I place high expectations on my family. The pressure they feel creates a miserable environment. The need for their approval in my life wraps me in chains. When failing to hear the exact praise I yearned for, the chains pull a bit tighter. I feel trapped, suffocated and a failure. I then externalize all the built up emotion and begin constructing a home no one would want to enter. Some responses include: "I slaved for hours and now all you want to do is complain about food given to you? , If you don't like it, starve. , I just cleaned up this room, don't mess it up. , Don't you see all the work I do? , or What does it take for you to see beauty in me?"
I place such standards on my family that I steal their freedom to be who God created them to be. They begin to try and please me to get peace in the house and lose themselves in the meantime. My family will try and help, say nice things and eat without complaints; but, will I ever be satisfied?
The answer is NO, if I continue to seek approval from those with 'skin on'. Not only do I continue to feel empty, but I portray an unloving, dissatisfied, hard to please individual. I will never be happy when my happiness relies on reactions of others. God created each of us in His image and with a specified purpose. If I try to control my loved ones so they act and speak to please me, I say to God, "I think you messed up on this one, let me fix that for you." I do not love them for who God created. I destroy their hearts as well as mine.
The solution comes when we/I fully accept God into every aspect of our/my day. He created each of us to please only Him. Yes, He provides specified roles in life, but does not do so for us to get a pat on the back from all affected. He wants us to do everything for Him. Praise Him for the blessings given daily. He sees all your good work. He intends for our hands to complete tasks with a loving heart leading them. He intends for our thoughts to align with Truth as we serve. We are not here to tally up our 'atta boys' or 'atta girls'. We are here to serve God in fulfilling the roles He placed in our life. We must do these without grumbling, complaining or seeking approval from man. Let others be themselves, work only for God and relax in His arms. Give others the space to discover their character without trying to form them to have the same beliefs and character as you. Set by example a life led by God. Encourage each other, help one another and see through God's eyes the beauty within each creation.
Do for the Lord, not man! He is constant in loving, comforting and caring. Seek Him for approval and be filled beyond your imagination. Satisfaction will follow surrender. God's Word provides all you need. He will help, lead, teach, love and bless your life. Go to Him. Allow Him to shine in your life and wipe out all the need for approval. He will break the chains and free your soul.
God, thank you for another day. Help me to seek only You and avoid trying to fill up with approval from those with 'skin on'. I am here to serve You. Thank You for providing a house, a family and food for us daily. May I care for each of these blessings in a way pleasing to You so that my house will become a warm, welcome home. Help me see others just as You see them. Rid me of grumbles and complains when I do not receive the appreciation I think I should. Help me to appreciate the differences in all my loved ones and love them for who You created. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Friday, March 9, 2012
Greatest Work on Earth
It is called the Greatest Show on Earth. Children of all ages come to enjoy a few hours of entertainment. It is viewed countrywide. The show brings laughter, cheers, amazement, bonding and inspiration. What am I speaking of?
The show presents a collaborative effort to bring forth an unforgettable evening. The team of members become a family as they travel from place to place spreading cheer. Each one serves a specific purpose. For one, it is laughter; another, it may be amazement; and yet another, it is music to your ear. Together, the family completes the task at hand; creating a show full of entertainment. Each member displays a cheerful attitude while greeting spectators and gathering volunteers to help with an act. As a spectator, you feel welcome, encouraged and loved by complete strangers. The smiles are contagious and the laughter addictive.
When the show begins, all its members come out to greet and show a bit of their talent. The ringmaster, the one who leads and guides the whole evening, announces each act. His words display passion and support for his members as they enter the stage. He believes in their performance and hold confidence in their abilities. He sets himself apart from any other member by his attire. His clothes sparkle, his topcoat has a long tail and a rather large top hat sits on his head.
With each performance, teamwork MUST be present. I watch the tightrope act and realize that one false move on a member part and the whole team could fall. I see the clowns come together to bring a hilarious scene; but, without the input from one, the joke would be incomplete. I view the gymnastics portion and perceive the importance of timing. One second too late in the act and a crash will occur between two performers. Upon completing the act, each member cheers for the other. They are proud of what each accomplished. They encourage one another along the way and celebrate in the end.
Behind the scenes, they work every day in practice for the big show. Hours of hard work fill their days. Each member realizes the importance of daily preparation, exercise and strategies to plan for possible error. Each day builds their strength, endurance and belief that they can contribute to the Greatest Show on Earth.
What if we ran God's family in such a manner? Each member performs the talent given by our Creator, presents a cheerful attitude throughout the day and works together for His Kingdom.
Just as the ringmaster places each member in a specific place throughout the show to achieve completeness; God places each of His members in specific places throughout life to achieve completeness. He created our innermost being and did so with a purpose. To each, He gives a talent and plan. He will call upon each by name when the time comes for the talent to be used. Each season in life presents the opportunity to use what He provided as a gift to you. He believes in you, which is why you encounter specific seasons throughout life. He holds complete confidence in your abilities. He will lead and guide your every step if you just listen and obey. He will support you in everything if you believe and have faith in Him. Give Him the top hat and let Him be your Master.
Being a member also requires one to encourage. Help pull out the talents and gifts to be used for His work. Don't berate of tear down any one of His members. Lift up and celebrate with each accomplishment. Don't wish for another's talent, but work together to complement each other. Teamwork must be present. God did not create one person to perform all of His plans. No, He created many parts/members of His body to complete the plan and further His Kingdom. Become compliant and praise Him for the given talent and plan. Stick with it and practice daily to enhance what is given. Prepare yourself by feeding your soul with His Truth, placing on the spiritual armor provided and preventing footholds for Satan. Be aware that error will occur. We all fall short of His glory daily. But, pick yourself up, allow Him to dust you off and continue on with a lesson learned.
Take your part and perform it well. Spread smiles along the way. Rub laughter off on others. Build strength through Him daily. Endure anything this world throws your way. Welcome new members into the family. Most importantly, contribute the gift and talent given to you to complete the Greatest Work on Earth - bringing others to know our Creator!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for providing a plan and purpose for my life. Thank You for placing such talent in my being to perform the tasks given to me daily. Keep my focus on the gifts I can contribute and not what skills I lack. I know that each of us has a role in Your plan and I want to only complete the one given to me. I would not want to take another's role, leaving them depleted of the joy and honor of serving you. Lead and guide my actions today. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
The circus, of course!
The show presents a collaborative effort to bring forth an unforgettable evening. The team of members become a family as they travel from place to place spreading cheer. Each one serves a specific purpose. For one, it is laughter; another, it may be amazement; and yet another, it is music to your ear. Together, the family completes the task at hand; creating a show full of entertainment. Each member displays a cheerful attitude while greeting spectators and gathering volunteers to help with an act. As a spectator, you feel welcome, encouraged and loved by complete strangers. The smiles are contagious and the laughter addictive.
When the show begins, all its members come out to greet and show a bit of their talent. The ringmaster, the one who leads and guides the whole evening, announces each act. His words display passion and support for his members as they enter the stage. He believes in their performance and hold confidence in their abilities. He sets himself apart from any other member by his attire. His clothes sparkle, his topcoat has a long tail and a rather large top hat sits on his head.
With each performance, teamwork MUST be present. I watch the tightrope act and realize that one false move on a member part and the whole team could fall. I see the clowns come together to bring a hilarious scene; but, without the input from one, the joke would be incomplete. I view the gymnastics portion and perceive the importance of timing. One second too late in the act and a crash will occur between two performers. Upon completing the act, each member cheers for the other. They are proud of what each accomplished. They encourage one another along the way and celebrate in the end.
Behind the scenes, they work every day in practice for the big show. Hours of hard work fill their days. Each member realizes the importance of daily preparation, exercise and strategies to plan for possible error. Each day builds their strength, endurance and belief that they can contribute to the Greatest Show on Earth.
What if we ran God's family in such a manner? Each member performs the talent given by our Creator, presents a cheerful attitude throughout the day and works together for His Kingdom.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
"But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body." (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)
Just as the ringmaster places each member in a specific place throughout the show to achieve completeness; God places each of His members in specific places throughout life to achieve completeness. He created our innermost being and did so with a purpose. To each, He gives a talent and plan. He will call upon each by name when the time comes for the talent to be used. Each season in life presents the opportunity to use what He provided as a gift to you. He believes in you, which is why you encounter specific seasons throughout life. He holds complete confidence in your abilities. He will lead and guide your every step if you just listen and obey. He will support you in everything if you believe and have faith in Him. Give Him the top hat and let Him be your Master.
Being a member also requires one to encourage. Help pull out the talents and gifts to be used for His work. Don't berate of tear down any one of His members. Lift up and celebrate with each accomplishment. Don't wish for another's talent, but work together to complement each other. Teamwork must be present. God did not create one person to perform all of His plans. No, He created many parts/members of His body to complete the plan and further His Kingdom. Become compliant and praise Him for the given talent and plan. Stick with it and practice daily to enhance what is given. Prepare yourself by feeding your soul with His Truth, placing on the spiritual armor provided and preventing footholds for Satan. Be aware that error will occur. We all fall short of His glory daily. But, pick yourself up, allow Him to dust you off and continue on with a lesson learned.
Take your part and perform it well. Spread smiles along the way. Rub laughter off on others. Build strength through Him daily. Endure anything this world throws your way. Welcome new members into the family. Most importantly, contribute the gift and talent given to you to complete the Greatest Work on Earth - bringing others to know our Creator!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for providing a plan and purpose for my life. Thank You for placing such talent in my being to perform the tasks given to me daily. Keep my focus on the gifts I can contribute and not what skills I lack. I know that each of us has a role in Your plan and I want to only complete the one given to me. I would not want to take another's role, leaving them depleted of the joy and honor of serving you. Lead and guide my actions today. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Grow by His Clock
My daughter will come out of her room numerous times before finally closing her eyes for the night. Our rooms sit across from one another so I witness all the activity going on. She will get on the ground and crawl out of her room into mine (thinking she is invincible) and chill for a while on the floor. Or, she will tiptoe out of her room while cowering down (again, thinking she is invincible) and sneak into our room. Her goal is to land herself in my bed without me realizing.
One night this scenario repeated for 30 minutes. I finally told her that when the clock hits 9:00, I will come bring her to my bed if she is still awake. So, my hopes were for her to be sleeping by then and I would not break my promise. This tactic did not work. She continued to come into my room. Her eyes checked the clock with each visit. Her little mind could not take the lingering seconds and minutes until she could finally lay by my side. She said, "Mommy, your clock takes a long time to get to 9:00!" I had to laugh at that statement and the pity in her voice caused me to cave in. Besides, I was not accomplishing anything I wanted with the constant interruption of a four year old.
My persistent little daughter got her way AGAIN. Impatience caused her to push forward with her plan in HER timing. My thoughts meant nothing to her and the rules I placed flew out the window.
Do you ever feel you perform such a scenario as this with God? He commands us to have patience, trust in His timing and lean on Him for strength to persevere.
God is the beginning and the end. He is the way, the truth and the life. We cannot come against Him and proclaim our plan to be the better choice. He holds all plans in the palm of His hand and knows exactly which plan goes with your life. He does not get confused or forget about you. Some things must come in a later season. Although, we love to have instant gratification and solutions to troubles; God knows what is best and will lift you up in due time. He cares so much for you and hears every cry. He will comfort you always, but some seasons must be endured to strengthen your faith. He will use every trial and trouble for your ministry. Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand and submit to His plan.
Impatient attitudes will lead to a path other than His. Sneaking around His plan will lead to places not protected by His hands. Seek His Word to guide every step, decision and action taken. Use His wisdom to lead you down the path for your life. Do not hide from Him. He provides the tools needed to persevere.
His clock may seem to tick much slower than yours. Have patience, avoid nagging and complaining. Seek Him and nothing you face will be bigger than the both of you can handle. Walk hand in hand through every season and feel your faith grow. Grow by His clock, not yours.
God, thank you for another day. Thank you for taking care of my every moment. I give all my worries about this day to You. I am here to accomplish Your plan for my life. Take my impatient attitude away and bless me with patience. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
One night this scenario repeated for 30 minutes. I finally told her that when the clock hits 9:00, I will come bring her to my bed if she is still awake. So, my hopes were for her to be sleeping by then and I would not break my promise. This tactic did not work. She continued to come into my room. Her eyes checked the clock with each visit. Her little mind could not take the lingering seconds and minutes until she could finally lay by my side. She said, "Mommy, your clock takes a long time to get to 9:00!" I had to laugh at that statement and the pity in her voice caused me to cave in. Besides, I was not accomplishing anything I wanted with the constant interruption of a four year old.
My persistent little daughter got her way AGAIN. Impatience caused her to push forward with her plan in HER timing. My thoughts meant nothing to her and the rules I placed flew out the window.
Do you ever feel you perform such a scenario as this with God? He commands us to have patience, trust in His timing and lean on Him for strength to persevere.
"We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." (Hebrews 6:11-12)
"being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience," (Colossians 1:11)
God is the beginning and the end. He is the way, the truth and the life. We cannot come against Him and proclaim our plan to be the better choice. He holds all plans in the palm of His hand and knows exactly which plan goes with your life. He does not get confused or forget about you. Some things must come in a later season. Although, we love to have instant gratification and solutions to troubles; God knows what is best and will lift you up in due time. He cares so much for you and hears every cry. He will comfort you always, but some seasons must be endured to strengthen your faith. He will use every trial and trouble for your ministry. Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand and submit to His plan.
Impatient attitudes will lead to a path other than His. Sneaking around His plan will lead to places not protected by His hands. Seek His Word to guide every step, decision and action taken. Use His wisdom to lead you down the path for your life. Do not hide from Him. He provides the tools needed to persevere.
His clock may seem to tick much slower than yours. Have patience, avoid nagging and complaining. Seek Him and nothing you face will be bigger than the both of you can handle. Walk hand in hand through every season and feel your faith grow. Grow by His clock, not yours.
God, thank you for another day. Thank you for taking care of my every moment. I give all my worries about this day to You. I am here to accomplish Your plan for my life. Take my impatient attitude away and bless me with patience. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Empty Cannot Last Long
In our environment, empty cannot last for long. As our gas tank nears 'E', we rush to a gas station and fill it with gasoline. Our dishwasher must be filled with rinse agent and detergent before working efficiently. Clothes cannot be cleaned properly without detergent or smell fresh without fabric softener placed in the machine to a specified level. Pipes keep a continuous flow of water supplying our homes.
In our nutrition, empty cannot last for long. We visit the grocery store often to fill our kitchen with foods to nourish our bodies. Our cup receives refills throughout the day to keep us hydrated. To maintain proper hygiene, we keep adequate amounts of hand soap and shower wash in the bathrooms. As toilet paper reaches its last square, we replace it quickly with another roll.
In our finances, empty cannot last for long. As negative amounts threaten our account balance, we quickly deposit money in the bank. We maintain a balance in our emergency fund that serves as a cushion to our finances. Our anxieties lessen when our accounts remain full with sufficient amounts of money and the bills paid.
Since we pay so close attention to our physical, financial and surrounding needs; why do we feel empty? We work diligently each day to maintain and balance our lives; so, why do we feel incomplete?
We are missing the most important area in our lives. We neglect our only reason for living. We continue each day with an empty tank, while running here and there filling up 'things' of this world.
In our spiritual being, empty cannot last AT ALL! Without proper care to our heart, soul and mind; our being slowly fades into darkness. Nothing of this world can fill us. God satisfies every need and overflows our lives with blessings. As we look to Him and seek His Truth, our lives are complete. Attention must be given to our spiritual lives daily in order to keep in accordance to His Will. His grace is sufficient for our lives. He will give strength and power to the weak and weary. Keep filled with His Holy Spirit.
When the day drains energy, fill up with Truth.
When children steal serenity, fill up with Truth.
When spouses remove hope, fill up with Truth.
When careers take patience, fill up with Truth.
When society threatens virtue, fill up with Truth.
Take a stand today and quit running on empty. It benefits no one. Seek God and become His servant. He will fill you lives beyond what you ever could imagine. Fill your hearts with love, your soul with passion and your minds with pleasing thoughts. Replace the lies, bitterness, apathy and displeasing lifestyle. Pick up a copy of His Word today and begin filling with Truth. Praise Him with every breath you take!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for filling me up when the world empties. Only You provide for my every need and complete my days. Thank You for loving me enough to give Your only Son to die so I may live abundantly. I am here to be used by you. Shine through me as I walk each day. Guide my words and actions so they are pleasing to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
In our nutrition, empty cannot last for long. We visit the grocery store often to fill our kitchen with foods to nourish our bodies. Our cup receives refills throughout the day to keep us hydrated. To maintain proper hygiene, we keep adequate amounts of hand soap and shower wash in the bathrooms. As toilet paper reaches its last square, we replace it quickly with another roll.
In our finances, empty cannot last for long. As negative amounts threaten our account balance, we quickly deposit money in the bank. We maintain a balance in our emergency fund that serves as a cushion to our finances. Our anxieties lessen when our accounts remain full with sufficient amounts of money and the bills paid.
Since we pay so close attention to our physical, financial and surrounding needs; why do we feel empty? We work diligently each day to maintain and balance our lives; so, why do we feel incomplete?
We are missing the most important area in our lives. We neglect our only reason for living. We continue each day with an empty tank, while running here and there filling up 'things' of this world.
"You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water." (Psalm 63:1)
earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water." (Psalm 63:1)
"Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." (Psalm 63:3-5)
my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." (Psalm 63:3-5)
In our spiritual being, empty cannot last AT ALL! Without proper care to our heart, soul and mind; our being slowly fades into darkness. Nothing of this world can fill us. God satisfies every need and overflows our lives with blessings. As we look to Him and seek His Truth, our lives are complete. Attention must be given to our spiritual lives daily in order to keep in accordance to His Will. His grace is sufficient for our lives. He will give strength and power to the weak and weary. Keep filled with His Holy Spirit.
When the day drains energy, fill up with Truth.
When children steal serenity, fill up with Truth.
When spouses remove hope, fill up with Truth.
When careers take patience, fill up with Truth.
When society threatens virtue, fill up with Truth.
Take a stand today and quit running on empty. It benefits no one. Seek God and become His servant. He will fill you lives beyond what you ever could imagine. Fill your hearts with love, your soul with passion and your minds with pleasing thoughts. Replace the lies, bitterness, apathy and displeasing lifestyle. Pick up a copy of His Word today and begin filling with Truth. Praise Him with every breath you take!
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for filling me up when the world empties. Only You provide for my every need and complete my days. Thank You for loving me enough to give Your only Son to die so I may live abundantly. I am here to be used by you. Shine through me as I walk each day. Guide my words and actions so they are pleasing to You. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Monday, March 5, 2012
Calm to Every Storm
The season of spring enters our lives with a mind of its own. One cannot predict what the month of March will bring. The moment we tuck our winter clothes in the back of our closet, we wake up to snow on the ground. One day we crank up the heat in our homes; while, the next we kick the thermostat to A/C. The season presents confusion in wardrobe selection, worry in the severity of the season and sickness due to the dynamic weather patterns.
For a person who prefers constant, unchanging times; this season brings anxiety to my days. I say anxiety, not because of possible snow, not necessarily because of the cold/hot temp changes; but, because of the increased possibility for storms. I am not speaking about a minor thunderstorm. I speak of a siren blaring, take cover kind of storm. I do not like any part of those. The idea of an uncontrollable, mind of its own twister coming towards my loved ones and I sends me in a tailspin of emotions. The storm steals my security. The situation surrounds me with an uncontrolled environment. I stand on pins and needles, very tense when the radar indicates the beast of storms may be headed our way or in the way of a loved one.
Recently, I experienced a day such as described above. All day, the radar displayed a huge patch of RED coming our way. I always hated the color red and now despise it even more. My nerves stood on end the moment I dropped my daughter off and heard of the possible tornadoes coming later. My daughter remained at the babysitter, my husband at work and my son at school. The separation of my family did not disturb me until hearing an air horn sounding from the TV. Suddenly, I recognize the names of towns mentioned by the meteorologist. The sirens blared outside and pulsated through me. My nerves that were on end before now shook violently in fear. My son was the only one with family. I just could not take the anxiety. Yes, this grown woman is still scared of storms. Don't laugh!
My co-workers let me go get my daughter and meet my husband where our son waited. I rushed up the hill, got my daughter and drove to safety. The sirens continued and as best I could, I made the situation sound like no big deal to my precious 4 year old. She seemed fine and once arriving at my in-laws, just played around in the basement. My son, on the other hand, appeared in the same state as I. We all came together as a family and calmed one another down. The comfort I needed lay in the arms of my husband. He spoke calmly and reassured us that all was okay. He took all my anxiety away just by being present. God blessed me, my son and my daughter with a strong, solid, soothing man to lead us. He went even further with the blessing and created my husband stunningly handsome. Oh, God is awesome!
Do you ever feel this way in life; you know, the seasons when no day is predictable; the environment chaotic and anxieties rise? No guarantee exists to assure freedom from trials in life. But, there is a guarantee of peace, comfort, guidance, love, stability and strength to see you through any trouble surrounding your day. It is not a physical shelter, a free get out of trouble pass or a free wish granted to you. It is the freedom found in Christ. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior brings calm to every stormy trial. He will stand by your side, provide strength, comfort your soul and remain stable always. He never changes, though life can at any time. Nothing compares to His embrace in the wildest of storms. Reach for Him to lead and protect your life.
I may never be at ease when a physical storm threatens our weather; but, I can rest assured every day that I have peace in my Father. My heart may ache, tears may fall, worries appear; but, my Father up above will take care of me and see me through. His light shines in the darkest of storms. So, when sirens blare or your nerves begin to shake; go to Him in prayer and release the anxiety. He will work all things out for His good if only we love and lean on Him.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for being my Rock on which I stand through any trial or storm in life. Thank You for providing Truth to feed my soul and a light to shine brightly upon the darkest of times. Embrace my heart, guide my days, protect my soul and lead me in Your Ways each day. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
For a person who prefers constant, unchanging times; this season brings anxiety to my days. I say anxiety, not because of possible snow, not necessarily because of the cold/hot temp changes; but, because of the increased possibility for storms. I am not speaking about a minor thunderstorm. I speak of a siren blaring, take cover kind of storm. I do not like any part of those. The idea of an uncontrollable, mind of its own twister coming towards my loved ones and I sends me in a tailspin of emotions. The storm steals my security. The situation surrounds me with an uncontrolled environment. I stand on pins and needles, very tense when the radar indicates the beast of storms may be headed our way or in the way of a loved one.
Recently, I experienced a day such as described above. All day, the radar displayed a huge patch of RED coming our way. I always hated the color red and now despise it even more. My nerves stood on end the moment I dropped my daughter off and heard of the possible tornadoes coming later. My daughter remained at the babysitter, my husband at work and my son at school. The separation of my family did not disturb me until hearing an air horn sounding from the TV. Suddenly, I recognize the names of towns mentioned by the meteorologist. The sirens blared outside and pulsated through me. My nerves that were on end before now shook violently in fear. My son was the only one with family. I just could not take the anxiety. Yes, this grown woman is still scared of storms. Don't laugh!
My co-workers let me go get my daughter and meet my husband where our son waited. I rushed up the hill, got my daughter and drove to safety. The sirens continued and as best I could, I made the situation sound like no big deal to my precious 4 year old. She seemed fine and once arriving at my in-laws, just played around in the basement. My son, on the other hand, appeared in the same state as I. We all came together as a family and calmed one another down. The comfort I needed lay in the arms of my husband. He spoke calmly and reassured us that all was okay. He took all my anxiety away just by being present. God blessed me, my son and my daughter with a strong, solid, soothing man to lead us. He went even further with the blessing and created my husband stunningly handsome. Oh, God is awesome!
Do you ever feel this way in life; you know, the seasons when no day is predictable; the environment chaotic and anxieties rise? No guarantee exists to assure freedom from trials in life. But, there is a guarantee of peace, comfort, guidance, love, stability and strength to see you through any trouble surrounding your day. It is not a physical shelter, a free get out of trouble pass or a free wish granted to you. It is the freedom found in Christ. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior brings calm to every stormy trial. He will stand by your side, provide strength, comfort your soul and remain stable always. He never changes, though life can at any time. Nothing compares to His embrace in the wildest of storms. Reach for Him to lead and protect your life.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
(2 Corinthians 3:17)
"You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance." (Psalm 32:7)
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance." (Psalm 32:7)
I may never be at ease when a physical storm threatens our weather; but, I can rest assured every day that I have peace in my Father. My heart may ache, tears may fall, worries appear; but, my Father up above will take care of me and see me through. His light shines in the darkest of storms. So, when sirens blare or your nerves begin to shake; go to Him in prayer and release the anxiety. He will work all things out for His good if only we love and lean on Him.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for being my Rock on which I stand through any trial or storm in life. Thank You for providing Truth to feed my soul and a light to shine brightly upon the darkest of times. Embrace my heart, guide my days, protect my soul and lead me in Your Ways each day. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Prevent Technical Fouls
God blessed me with two children, which added the title mother, mommy or mom to my name! With one child only, this title stood alone and remained strong. Then, God added another child to the mix and my title expanded beyond what I ever imagined. Added to the list were: housekeeper, detective, repair(wo)man, hairdresser, fashion coordinator, dietician, hygienist, doctor and taxi driver. I seem to fulfill all these roles in a 24 hour period. BUT, my hardest, most used title involves a whistle and striped shirt. Being a mom of more than one kid adds the role of referee.
Some days I feel all I did was blow the whistle on arguments and pulled apart two stubborn, angry children. They agitate one another and the conflict begins. Then, it progresses to an all out brawl with words flying back and forth. At times, I even fall into the battle and try to get my two cents worth in the mix. I feel pulled to one's side, which worsens the matters.
I noticed the other day, as I placed my whistle around my neck and pulled my striped shirt over my head; the underlying problem of all conflicts. One child adds their two cents worth of opinion to get the last word in a conversation. Ultimately, those two cents creates a battlefield full of daggers from each tongue. So, I nicely (as nice as a frustrated mom/referee could) said, "If you would just leave it alone and not add your two cents, then agitation would not occur and we could all get along. Sometimes, words are not worth saying. They mean nothing and only cause chaos."
I believe my children think they know everything at age 4 and 8, which makes their opinion the only option possible. So, one begins to argue with the other in hopes to get them to have the same opinion. Humility does not exist in my children's vocabulary. Surrender will not come from either side. Hard hearts lead to stubborn thoughts and raised voices. So, what else could this referee do? I 'T' them both and send them to their locker rooms to chill in hopes to return with different attitudes.
Do you ever feel God throws a 'T' at you? Did you ever think God may feel like a referee sometimes?
We become like children too often and believe we know it all. We are set in our thoughts on how a situation should occur or stand firm on our opinion in a matter. Our two cents must be given every time. God needs to hear it, right?
No, sometimes words are not to be said. The thoughts provoking those words need replaced by Truth. Our mind is a battlefield between Truth and lies from Satan. When we try and throw our two cents in the mix, chaos occurs and our emotions fly. We try to convince God to think just like us. We argue back and forth only to exhaust ourselves and hinder our journey forward on His Path. God knows everything. He is the beginning and the end. So, why do we try and convince Him that our way is better?
Pride. It must be eliminated from our vocabulary. Humble your heart and surrender to God. He will soften your heart to help you learn His Way. He can do immeasurably more than ever asked or imagined. Trust Him with the battlefield going on daily in your mind. He will make it work to further His Kingdom and progress you on the path laid for you. Give it up to Him. Take the 'T' received, depart to your locker room, pick up the Rule Book and study the way you should handle the situation. Forget your deposit of two cents; allow God to fill you with priceless wisdom. Let Him adjust your view to see through His eyes!
Some days I feel all I did was blow the whistle on arguments and pulled apart two stubborn, angry children. They agitate one another and the conflict begins. Then, it progresses to an all out brawl with words flying back and forth. At times, I even fall into the battle and try to get my two cents worth in the mix. I feel pulled to one's side, which worsens the matters.
I noticed the other day, as I placed my whistle around my neck and pulled my striped shirt over my head; the underlying problem of all conflicts. One child adds their two cents worth of opinion to get the last word in a conversation. Ultimately, those two cents creates a battlefield full of daggers from each tongue. So, I nicely (as nice as a frustrated mom/referee could) said, "If you would just leave it alone and not add your two cents, then agitation would not occur and we could all get along. Sometimes, words are not worth saying. They mean nothing and only cause chaos."
I believe my children think they know everything at age 4 and 8, which makes their opinion the only option possible. So, one begins to argue with the other in hopes to get them to have the same opinion. Humility does not exist in my children's vocabulary. Surrender will not come from either side. Hard hearts lead to stubborn thoughts and raised voices. So, what else could this referee do? I 'T' them both and send them to their locker rooms to chill in hopes to return with different attitudes.
Do you ever feel God throws a 'T' at you? Did you ever think God may feel like a referee sometimes?
We become like children too often and believe we know it all. We are set in our thoughts on how a situation should occur or stand firm on our opinion in a matter. Our two cents must be given every time. God needs to hear it, right?
No, sometimes words are not to be said. The thoughts provoking those words need replaced by Truth. Our mind is a battlefield between Truth and lies from Satan. When we try and throw our two cents in the mix, chaos occurs and our emotions fly. We try to convince God to think just like us. We argue back and forth only to exhaust ourselves and hinder our journey forward on His Path. God knows everything. He is the beginning and the end. So, why do we try and convince Him that our way is better?
Pride. It must be eliminated from our vocabulary. Humble your heart and surrender to God. He will soften your heart to help you learn His Way. He can do immeasurably more than ever asked or imagined. Trust Him with the battlefield going on daily in your mind. He will make it work to further His Kingdom and progress you on the path laid for you. Give it up to Him. Take the 'T' received, depart to your locker room, pick up the Rule Book and study the way you should handle the situation. Forget your deposit of two cents; allow God to fill you with priceless wisdom. Let Him adjust your view to see through His eyes!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
God, thank you for another day. Help me to avoid spouting off my two cents, opinion in the matter or sharing my fleshly thoughts. I surrender the battle to You, which I know has already been won. Thank You for sending Your only Son, Jesus to die for my sins. May I be reminded every moment of this sacrifice. May pride be killed in my life and my heart softened. My opinion means nothing. Only Your Truth is the Way to follow. Thank You for providing a Rule Book filled with Truth to combat fleshly opinions and lies from Satan. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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