Parents may undergo persecution one day from children and then the next be the best thing since sliced bread. Children's emotions ride a roller coaster as they decipher through the world and try to discover themselves. New challenges are huge for kids to face. Difficulties with friendships or in school create much anxiety in a little kid. The pressures of homework and grades present the risk of failing for the child. These overwhelming circumstances may lead a child to misbehave or take anxiety out on his/her family at home. Although we may provide comfort and security, we must not allow the negative actions to occur. We need to pray and ask God to send His Holy Spirit to guide us as parents and find a solution to help our struggling child. God will provide tools needed to overcome the negative emotions and bring peace to all circumstances. Continually point your children to Him.
"Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the LORD your God disciplines you. Observe the commands of the LORD your God, walking in obedience to him and revering him." (Deuteronomy 8:5-6)
"Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 12:9-11)
"In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"
(2 Timothy 3:12)
You see, being a Christian may be tough. But, stay strong, receive His discipline with an open mind and obey His commands. God loves us and wants the best for our lives; therefore, He must discipline. Without our Father's guidance, teaching, rebuking, comfort, love, training and discipline, we would walk aimlessly down a path leading to destruction. Seek His face daily and obey His plans for every moment of the day.
As Christians, you will not always be accepted or understood. Do not give up doing what is right; for in due time you will reap a harvest. Others may throw terrible words at you, reject you, avoid or condemn you; but, He will not leave nor forsake. His arms remain open to run and receive comfort in all times. Avoid the roller coaster of emotions due to outside influences and stay focused on the path leading to Eternal life.
Just as parents face trials of many kinds and may be rejected by their children; Christians face the unknown daily and others may not understand. God understands and He will take care of you. God must discipline. He is not present to allow you to do whatever makes YOU happy. He is present to teach and use you to further His Kingdom. He sent you here to do work for Him, not just play around. My children must be taught right from wrong and carry out the plan and purpose intended for them. I am not to parent by giving them everything that makes them happy. That is why God made grandparents! I am to be the "bad" guy for a while and my day will come when I can spoil and send them back home. :)
God, thank you for this day. Thank You for the discipline received. With each lesson, I know that You are preparing me for Eternal life spent in Heaven. Thanks for loving me so much as to guide me away from wrongful actions and keep my feet in the right direction. Guide me as a parent and provide the words needed to help my children in every season of life. Give me tools to help teach integrity, respect and love. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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