When the decorating day came, the kitchen was not a place anyone would like to be. Have you ever seen Food Network cake challenges, or "Cupcake Wars"? Well, we reenacted an episode with each birthday. I would boss my husband around to bring the design I envisioned alive on the cake. His poor soul stood and helped without much complaining. There came a point when my nagging was too much. The bickering began because my words shot out like poison. We were down to the final wire and must get this cake done. I was stressed and took it out on my husband. Why could he not get this done? We are never going to make it look right!
One year, he refused to ever make a cake with me again. He said he would leave the house and not be brought into a kitchen where a blank canvas appeared in cake form. Well, that did not stand true. I drug him in the next year and repeated the process described above.
"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:16)
"A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." (Proverbs 12:4)
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." (Proverbs 12:4)
With each year, we learned ways to lessen errors. But, still I would set the scene and leave the door open for Satan to come and attack. He knew I like to be in control and say, "I did this." Satan enhanced those thoughts every time to start an argument. My crude character placed a huge wedge between my husband and I. I wanted to do it all, not delegate the work.
Well, things have changed. The last cake we created went smoothly. Not one foul word or disgust look came from me. I realize the skills my husband possesses and delegated those jobs to him. It is not about who did what or who gets the credit; it is about teamwork and enjoying everything you do together as a couple. Just as the whole body works together, with specific functions, so should a marriage. The two become one. This time around I also invited God to join our work. In the past, I completely forgot the most important piece. Placing God at the center allowed the process to go smoothly and without argument. Failing to bring Him in allowed Satan to join and destroy the joy in our work. Whatever you do, wherever you go and whenever you move; do so with God at the center. He will bind together and remove any wedge between you and your spouse.
Strive for a noble character. Join together and allow each to shine through the skills given from God. Build each other up with encouraging words. Let go of the control. It is not about who does what part, it is about making another person smile and bring joy to the lives of those around you.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for my husband, partner, teammate and best friend. We have failed in the past to bring You in the center of EVERY situation. For this, I am sorry. Continue to guide us in all situations so we may enjoy the times together and create wonderful memories for our family. Thank You for blessing my husband with such wonderful skills to compliment the skills You provided for me. We truly are one and we are learning every day how to better follow You. Use us, as one, to spread Truth, love and joy. May You shine through us every day. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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