Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Who’s Invited?

As my son’s birthday approaches, we ask the mighty question, “What would you like to do for your party?”  He thinks for a little while and develops a plan.  My husband calls the company to gather the details, rules and open dates for the facility our son chose to host the party.  After hanging up, he reports that our son can take 16 of his closest friends, host the party in a room decorated for the occasion, bring in any food desired and spend hours playing with equipment any child would love to possess. 

So, now he must decide the guest list.  Coming up with 16 friends can be tough.  We do not own a vehicle with the capacity to hold 19 passengers.  Therefore, some friends will need to drive with their parents separately and meet us there.  Invitations are a must to inform others of address, time, date and details of activities.  Let us think hypothetically: let us imagine a birthday party for my son, but when the invitations were sent, he did not receive one.  A day dedicated to celebrate his birthday, to remember the joys of his birth and the blessing brought forth when seeing his face; yet, he is not allowed to join in the day’s events. 

We arrive at the facility and partake in all events with extreme joy forgetting all about the true reason we were there.  Oh yeah, the reason was to have fun, keep the gift purchased for ourselves and let the day pass just like any other, right?  Also avoid any family/friends we don’t care to be around and keep the tension high just as the year before. 

Hmmmmm, sounds pretty harsh to my son, doesn’t it?  Then why would we think that to be okay to do on Christmas Day?  As the day approaches, the mighty question arises, “Where will the party be hosted?”  We go back and forth to figure out which house best fits the family.  More questions follow, “What food will be brought?”  And, “What gifts will be purchased?”  A plan develops as each question receives an answer. 

The hostess prepares diligently by cleaning, decorating and creating space to house all the guests.  The guests work to prepare food, presents and outfits.  Among all this hustle and bustle the true meaning for the day somehow gets lost. Purchased gifts take the forefront while the one FREE gift lay to the side.  Family strife steals the joy behind the event in need of celebration.  The day passes before our eyes just as any other. 

The worst part of it all. . .we sent out invitations yet failed to invite the most important Guest.  Our Lord Jesus came to this world as a baby in a manger.  God provided this Gift to us Free in order to have a relationship with us lasting for Eternity.  Jesus creates a guest list to His party that is endless.  Invitations include the Way, Truth and Life; yet, leave out the time and date.  We must believe in Him daily, accept the invitation and let God carry out the details in His timing.

Let us not forget to invite Jesus into our everyday lives, especially His own birthday.  Christmas is the day to celebrate Him, to remember the joys of His birth and the blessing brought forth when His face shone upon this Earth.  Remember the faith required by two individuals, the strength of one lovely lady and the plan carried out by our God.  Share this story at your celebration and acknowledge the gift that never ceases to provide. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig  

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