Monday, December 29, 2014

Blurred Vision

The time arrived to replace my prescription contacts.  The ones I chose function for two weeks, yet I extend the usage for about a month.  As I changed out the old for the new, my left contact did not feel in proper position.  I continued to move it around, took it out to clean, confirmed it to be free of rips or a possible eyelash adhered to the plastic.  Nothing seemed out of place or defected in this new contact.

Vision remained unclear in that eye.  I pushed it off on my sickness.  The flu lingered in my body for over a week and I just assumed the headaches began to affect my vision.  I tried moving on throughout the day and even drove various places.  Once returning home, I could not take the blurry one sided vision any longer.  I removed the new contacts and placed on eyeglasses.  The blurriness remained.  I threw in the towel on this situation and lay down for a long nap.  Eyes closed kept me from recognizing the defective left eye.

The defect did not vanish with rest.  Finally lying down for the night, I thought it all to be over by morning.  I was wrong.  I decided to take the new contacts both out yet again and examine, clean and reapply both.  Upon doing so, I discovered the problem. . .let me preface this next sentence with a reminder of the condition my body remained in for a week now – sick with flu!  Apparently when I changed out the contacts the prior day, I performed the task correctly with my right eye; unfortunately, I did not with the left eye.  I failed to remove my old contact prior to placing the new one in position.  Therefore, I walked around with double vision due to two contacts covering my left eye.  No wonder I could not see clearly, a headache remained and frustrations arose.

We cannot expect to experience the life promised – joy, peace, love, comfort, guidance and did I mention joy – when failing to take off the old self and replace with new once becoming a Christian.  “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

Coming to the cross, laying all down and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is when our old sinful life washes away.  Failing to replace lies with Truth while renewing your mind will keep us stagnate, not in proper position to go and make disciples of others.  We are called as Christians to build His Kingdom and we cannot work to full potential with blurred vision.  “. . .and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 Without clear vision, clean spirits and conscious minds we cannot recognize sin creeping into our lives; therefore, lack ability to teach others and lead by example.

Excuses often prolong the decision to come to the cross and leave old self in the dust.  “The time does not feel right”, “I will wait until the New Year”, “Once I get this promotion at work”, “If I ever start feeling better”, etc.  The time is NOW!  Come to the cross, take off old self and allow God to provide a clean, clear and conscious mind.  He will bring clarity to any situation.  He will provide guidance through the toughest of storms.  He will renew your mind daily with Truth.  All while using use as a vessel to lead others to His Kingdom.

Along the path, times arise when coming to the cross must occur again.  We somehow picked up old habits, fell into a rut or the enemy worked diligently to feed us lies which drowned Truth in our minds.  No worries!  God waits with open arms.  Do you have something in life that feels out of place, defective, unclean, distorted or confusing?  Come to the cross, lay it all down and put off the old.  Create a new attitude today through the renewal of your minds.  It is amazing the clarity brought to a situation once we ask God to lead the way.

“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig        

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