Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Clean Out the Trap

As I remove laundry from the dryer daily, I clean the lint trap out to prevent build up and potential fire.  When buying new clothes, towels or socks we often wash before wearing.  The dryer loves new items as it eats away at the material.  The lint trap always contains a handful after drying these items.  As these same items get worn and washed again, the lint decreases with each cycle.

Had the trap not performed assigned duties within the cleaning cycle, lint would shed off throughout the day onto our skin, the clothes of others or most items touched.  Causing a mess leads to wasted time cleaning up the tiny little particles everywhere they lay.  The daunting task eventually would stir up frustration causing bitter/angry attitudes.

The solution is to maintain clothing via wash cycle followed by drying and ending with removing lint from the trap.  The last step holds great importance because if the lint accumulates beyond what the trap can hold, risk for fire increases and the trap no longer can perform assigned duties.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:10-12

Coming to the cross, laying it all down, and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior begins a new life.  Taking the first step as a Christian begins the “drying” process.  Jesus washed away all sin as He accepted God’s Will for Him to die on the cross.  Now, we must continue in faith and allow God to remove any “lint” which clings to our hearts.  It seems in the beginning handfuls of sin shed from our hearts clearing our vision to better follow His Will.  We then delve more into Truth, increase prayer life, join study groups and work diligently to learn more about our Savior.

As the days pass our faith grows and the grip on this world loosens.  We see that sin decreases while walking further down the straight path.  We lean on Truth to keep clean, striving to be like Jesus.  The Spirit within shines brighter providing strength greater than this world offers.

We must keep the cycle going of daily reading Truth, filling our thoughts with His Word to remain clean and pure.  Should we allow “things” of this world to override this cycle, we move further away from God our Savior.  Sin slowly creeps back into each day clinging to our heart, damaging the lives of those encountered and destroying our lives.  Causing a mess in our lives, sin leads to relying on worldly “things” to temporary relieve pain/suffering which only wastes our time here on Earth.  God planned for hope and prosperity for each of His Children.  As we follow the path laid for us, we keep pure and clean hearts which can be used in mighty ways to build the Kingdom.

Don’t fret. . .He will use each and every moment in life for His Good.  So, come to Him today, whether clean or covered in sin; He will take all you lay at the cross and fit it into His plan for your life!  Trust Him.  Maintain the wash cycle followed by removing sin daily and ending with His sweet Words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig  

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