Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ditch the Auto-Correct

One day my husband tried numerous times to text a message to my phone.  He probably used voice command as he often does to prevent looking at the phone or needing to touch the screen.  The hands free method exists within the list of features a smart phone provides to the owner.  Another feature includes auto-correct similar to spell-check on Microsoft Word.  Just as Word corrects spellings while typing a document as does the smart phone correct while talking/typing a text.  One difference appears on the phone in that it will change a word to whatever deemed necessary by what knowledge exists in the database.  The more a word used in your everyday usage, the more often it will show up when the phone is not sure what was said or letters typed out of order.

So, the day he tried to text ended in failure four times as auto-correct kicked in and sent a word which made no sense in the sentence or even related to the topic.  Yet, the text continued to come four times.  The question remains from this skeptic of smart phones (although an owner). . .how smart are these phones really?  The hands free method quickly changes to hands on in order to correct the auto-correct feature.  Texting on a small keyboard causes frustrations when auto-correct continues to place a word not desired in the conversation.  Often the conversation is destroyed and receiver cannot understand or even takes offense to the message read.  Who is behind this auto-correct?  I would like to have a conversation with the person and explain all the trouble caused due to their misguidance.

In life auto-correct appears daily.  We dwell on Truth, pray often, love others and strive to live like Jesus.  Yet, days come in when the world works diligently against the database collected prior to leaving the house.  Traffic increases causing delays on the way to work, a speedy little car cuts us off on the highway, coffee spills all over staining a neatly pressed shirt worn for an important lunch meeting later that day, others throw dirty looks our way at school, negative comments ring in our ears from loved ones, disappointment appears in the eyes of our parents, a wall blocks our goals in life, etc.  Each event changes the database into something different which steers our conversations to others and thoughts of ourselves.  The more events occur daily and we allow this auto-correct process to occur, the more often it steals joy, peace, love and purpose.

Who is behind this auto-correct?  “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) The enemy loves to deceive our database destroying relationships, decisions and purposes.  Well, my dear friends, the time is now to have a conversation with the enemy.  One simple Truth will destroy his auto-correct. ‘Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” (Matthew 16:23) Then, strengthen your database by dwelling on Truth after Truth provided in the Bible.  The more Truth dwelling in your thoughts; the greater the transformation of daily patterns which guide each step and comfort each pain.  This will lead to greater joy, peace and love.  God will open doors and provide strength to walk through in order to carry out the plan and purpose He holds for your life.

Ditch the auto-correct. . .it is not smart!  Allow God’s Truth to take over and guide your life!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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