With all these emotions, life can seem like a whirlwind when coping with the loss of a loved one. Nothing will be the same, life uproots and we must find a way to mend a broken heart. Each day feels incomplete. Each moment flawed. Death places a void in our lives. How do we put the pieces of our broken heart and fill this now obvious void?
Read Hebrews 4:14-16
We lean on the constant love, comfort and peace from our Savior. He understands all suffering we endure here on Earth; for He came, dwelt among us, suffered many trials and ultimately death on the cross. He remains constant in our whirlwind situations. Lean on Him for strength to overcome the worst pain experienced - loss of a loved one. Do not allow the void to remain.Any brokenness will be put together carefully, with sturdy hands and solid construction. He will mend your heart as you stand firm on His Truth. Scripture by Promise by Truth, He will renew our lives each day. Though everything around us seems wrong without our loved one here on Earth, God remains, never leaving your side. Grab a hold of Him to carry you through this and persevere, gaining strength with every tear that falls. He will use this trial in your life for His good. He will make this time of suffering, sadness and loss your ministry to help others experiencing the same. Take Him with you and utilize Truth in your life. He will fill your void.
Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
See the life of your love one through God's eyes. As you thumb through the pictures, recall the ways God used them while on Earth. Recall the smiles and all the goodness left behind. Your loved one touched your life in unforgettable ways. Hang on to those memories and pass the wisdom, love and laughter on to the next generation. Keep the spirit of your loved one alive by learning from their example left. Pull out all the greatness, faith and positive words offered throughout their life. Cling closer to God daily and know that someday, you will see your loved one again. Keep focus on your Eternal home, not this temporary home. God has prepared an indescribable Home for us to live eternally with Him. Do you believe in this promise? Have you accepted the sacrifice made by Jesus? It is never too late to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Assure your place in Heaven by believing in Him and following His Word daily. Spend time with Him daily. Whether good or bad times appear, cling to Him and learn the way to go as a follower. Leave a legacy for generations to follow. Be His hands and feet and carry out the plan He holds for your life. Live each day for the Lord so loved ones can look back on your life knowing where you are and strive to live as you did to meet you again in Heaven.
God, thank you for another day. Help me to live each moment as You intend. I am here for You. Use me as a vessel for Your love, comfort and peace. Give me the words and actions which are pleasing to You. I want to set an example for my loved ones to follow You and to apply Truth into their every day. Feed me with Truth daily so I may live and follow Your plan for my life. Thank You for filling my once empty void inside. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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