We live in an ever-changing, fast paced society. The changes usually involve better or more convenient ways to accomplish goals. I believe fast paced living results from convenience. People want tasks complete within minutes. At the click of a mouse, a computer performs work which years ago would have taken hours. One turn provides clean, fresh water to wash you. Previously, people rationed water and walked miles to a creek to receive their supply. The turn of a key starts our means of travel, then a pedal progresses the vehicle at regulated speeds. Before, horses were brought out, harnessed and slowly led the way to the destination.
Some other conveniences include readily available food from a fridge, stoves/ovens, electricity and washer/dryer units. We have manufacturers to create clothing to purchase right off the shelf. Televisions offer entertainment in homes at the touch of a button. The Internet can be used anywhere through Wi-Fi.
The list continues. Each day, new inventions arise to provide comfortable lifestyle and bring profit to a person or business. There is always something out there better or faster than the product in your hand. We live in an ever-improving, growing society. I have two questions. . .
If society strives for comfortable living and convenient lifestyles, why are depression, sadness and anxiety increasing every year? Would you ever go back to the simple, quiet society?
My guess is most would not turn back the hands of time to live in an environment which required so much work just to have a meal. We cannot imagine going to bed when darkness struck because candles just don't provide enough light; or, entertaining ourselves by playing games with the family, such as, Charades or Checkers. What about walking to a destination? What about paper and a pencil to complete a task?
These inventions are fantastic and do create a better lifestyle and provide improving technology to aide in growing businesses. Also, research with the latest technology allows for better health care or cures to once fatal diseases. Trust me, I love waking up in the morning, flipping a switch to brew my coffee, sitting down in front of a computer and completing my morning routine. I can't imagine walking or taking a buggy to my in-laws to drop the children off for the day. I run late as it is with the convenience of a vehicle. I cannot imagine how late I would be with a buggy or by foot.
Ever-improving, always growing, ever-changing and fast pace; so, why not more happiness? Well, I think we forget the most important piece to complete the puzzle. Our Centerpiece! A perfect hole exists in the center and all these improvements, growth and jam packed schedules surround it. All the other pieces are great, but accomplish NOTHING of any meaning without our Centerpiece. Life remains incomplete and unreliable. When finding the One which fits the hole, you are whole. It costs nothing and you gain everything.
The coolest, most amazing part of it all. No matter how many changes or how fast the world around us moves; our Centerpiece remains still. He offers hope in all situations, never leaves you alone, comforts, loves and heals. Our God is the Centerpiece needed to experience everlasting peace. He is right there. Grab His hand and place Him in the center of your life! Enjoy the pleasures of this world with Him guiding every step.
God, thank you for this day. My day is in Your hands. Keep me following the straight path. May I never lose sight of You in this ever-changing, fast paced world. I thank You for providing comfort here and convenient ways of living. But, I know that the comfort, peace and joy You have to offer in Eternity cannot compare to the joys here on Earth. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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