Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Everlasting Companion

Christ beside me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
 ~St. Patrick

We encounter times when all seems lost; the moments in life when no one understands; or, you feel abandoned by all?  These can consume our every being and deepen sadness, pain and loss. 

Searching for companions to help when lost, hurt or lonely can lead to destruction.  Things of this world become catastrophic to our living.  One drink to kill the pain leads to relying on the bottle to cope with every trial.  One purge to find peace will lead to another and another, creating a monster as your companion.  One day of restriction to find control and look a way that is pleasing to others will begin a chain, link by link, to hold you in bondage.  One cigarette to de-stress and breathe a sigh of relief lasts a short bit before reaching for another, leading to an addiction which suffocates. 

Whichever companion we choose (those listed above, money, people, children, fame, etc.); all exemplify temporary fixes to a much deeper problem.  Each decision to engage with the companion gives Satan a greater foothold in our lives.  This world will bring trials every day; how we choose to handle them makes all the difference.  We have two choices; rely on God to make all things work out for His good OR turn to our companion and fall deeper into bondage.

I speak from experience.  I spent years upon years searching for a companion in what seemed a lonely, dark and painful world.  I took every trial and added it to a list of reasons why I needed a numbing tool.  I knew no other way to cope with the pain felt inside, the chaos of my life or the sadness of my surroundings.  I felt my small voice meant nothing and was never heard.  But, my companions heard me and comforted me through the trials.  Bad part is they were never enough.  I had to return to them daily and each time needed more of them.  I woke up each day and fell into the arms of my eating disorder, alcohol and other numbing tools.  My companions led me through the day and down a destructive path.

"A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,
   but fools detest turning from evil.
 Walk with the wise and become wise,
   for a companion of fools suffers harm.
 Trouble pursues the sinner,
   but the righteous are rewarded with good things." (Proverbs 13:19-21)

If you feel in the same position I did, turn around today.  It is never too late.  Rid yourselves of destructive, temporary and false companions.  They will always fail you, leave you thirsting for more.  Reach to the One who will provide strength to endure all things, not numb out.  He will fulfill every need, provide lasting peace, work all things for His good and build you up to serve at an even greater length.

Whatever the source of our emotion, God can take care of it.  He is so much bigger than anything you will encounter here on Earth.  He never leaves nor forsakes any of His children.  He loves with all His might, comforts completely and holds great plans for your future.  Take Him through each moment in this life.

Seek Him.  Find Him.  Know Him.  Be His companion!  He is waiting with open arms.  Stamp the quote from St. Patrick on your hearts.  I encourage you today to take that step towards Him and away from temporary fixes.  You can do this and you will NOT be alone.  I will be praying for all who read this and need to find strength to break free from bondage.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for loving me and guiding me back to the path laid for my life.  I learned so many lessons through every hurting moment in my past.  I thank You for not giving up on me or abandoning me.  You were there through it all, yet I ignored You.  I am sorry.  I seek You now for a companion.  Only Your arms will I fall into each day.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 


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