"They will have no fear of bad news;
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes." (Psalm 112:7-8)
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes." (Psalm 112:7-8)
Ever had one of THOSE days? You know, the ones where the moment feet hit the floor, news flows in of troubles and trials surrounding you. It feels as though every moment presents a battle to stay positive and keeping tears from flowing. With each email, text or phone call, more weight bears down on your heart. By the time head meets pillow, you are exhausted.
I had one of THOSE days. Each way I turned, I received a blow to the heart. I felt as though I was in a boxing match against my thoughts and I was losing. From the first text of the morning to the last phone call in the evening, trial consumed the 24 hour period. I thought to myself, "Can't we span these events out a bit. One day is not enough to process all this."
It began with news of a friend losing their life. The cancer came on too quick and doctors could not beat it. He passed away within weeks. I just felt sad. While dropping my daughter off, I hear of some trials going on in other's lives. I also begin to think about my own kids and the struggles they already face. Moving on to work, I enter with a downcast attitude. I begin making little mistakes and become frustrated with myself. I just wanted to go be with God to process all the news of the morning.
As the morning went on, I ticked off a customer, and she let me know it. Any other day, and I would not have taken this incident to heart. BUT, I did. I added this to the frustrated, concerned, saddened heart already in progress. The afternoon dragged on with spurts of emotions. Finally, the work day ended and I could go home.
I entered the house to find my wonderful family ready to eat supper. My husband had the table ready, the kitchen smelling great and the kids ready to sit down. It seems like all the day erased and love began to fill my heart again. After supper, a phone call took place and I heard of an accident my nephew experienced with his quad. Thank God, all was well and his foot the only body part affected. I felt this day had enough and it was time to hit the sheets.
As I lay down, I begin to look back on the day. Yes, it was filled with sadness, frustration and concerns; but, God still remains. I see this day through His eyes. Our friend passed away - his suffering ended. He left a lasting legacy for innumerable lives. We feel blessed to have known him and will not forget him. The trials my loved ones face - God will work those situations out for His good. He promises that in His Word. God never leaves a promise unfulfilled. My children face struggles - God is teaching them, holding them in His palm and leading them through every moment. He will guide, guard and protect their lives. I made mistakes - I will continue to make mistakes daily. But, I am more than the sum of my mistakes. I am more than any problem I may create. God forgives me. My nephew had an accident - Thank God, he is okay and resting at home in his bed peacefully. He learned a lesson on safety and now has only soreness to heal.
The key to seeing our day through His eyes and processing all the trials - GIVE IT ALL TO HIM! Cast all cares and anxiety on Him. He is there with open arms to love, comfort and care for you. Take today's Scripture with you in every situation and do not fear bad news. Know in your heart that God will take care of you and help through every situation. He has a plan that is much bigger than this moment. He places the pieces together perfectly. Trust in Him, lean not on your own understanding. Cling to this Truth in times such as these.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for bringing such a wonderful friend into our lives. Thank You for his legacy. Keep the great memories in the forefront in all affected by the loss of this man. Thank You for my employees to comfort me and take up for me in tough situations at work. Thank You for protecting my nephew in his accident. You are amazing and Your comfort is indescribable. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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