Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Some of Life's Lessons

As I begin this new journey of returning to school, I am learning more than I ever imagined.  I would like to share a couple lessons learned since August. . .

*Perfection is overrated!  This one hit hard within the first week of school.  Funny how one letter of the alphabet ranks high in defining my worth.  As I received the quiz back, the score screamed poor preparation, lack of knowledge and failure.  My thoughts honed in on these lies, leading to doubt and lack of confidence in the decision made to return to school.  I pulled from all the Scriptures in my mind and began fighting these lies.  I worked so hard at this the remainder of class (3 hours).  I left school that day with tears streaming down my face.  I felt defeated.  I reached my arms to God and asked why I feel this need to be so perfect.  If perfection were not my enemy, I could move on, pick myself up and try harder on the next quiz.  As I arrived home to a husband who already received the warning of my terrible experience via text message, he provided just what I needed – a hug.  He comforted and loved me through this moment.  Was this a loving, caring and awesome husband – YES; but, even more, this was a man saying yes to God and serving Him by loving and comforting his wife.  God knew what I needed and provided.  My children did the same.  Come to find out, that failing grade did not rank me any less of a mother or wife.  My three angels still loved me and thought nothing less of me.  More importantly, God did not think any less of me.  He simply said, give this experience to me and I will work all things out for your good.  I hate to admit this one, but that lovely letter in the alphabet appeared again.  I knew exactly what to do this time around.  See, God brings us through all trials and makes us stronger with each one.  He thinks nothing less of us when we do not measure up to society’s ideas of a “good, successful person”.  Striving for perfection steals so much joy and we lose sight of our Leader.  We work ourselves toward destruction, try to accomplish our goals with society’s standards in mind and end up less than perfect anyway.  So, I have learned to reach up, let go and surrender.  It is much easier to be a child of God and know who I am rather than beat myself up trying to be who I am not.  Satan will continue his lies, attempting to dominate my thoughts by showing up in every situation attempting to defeat Truth.  Guess what!  That liar cannot win against Truth.  Fill yourselves daily with Truth and be ready, arming yourselves fully with spiritual armor provided by our God.  What Satan means for harm; God will turn to good!

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

*My daily schedule must be given to God.  Early in the semester, I made out my itinerary, planned all my study time, set up babysitters to help and worked hard at keeping to the schedule.  Didn’t work so well for me.  Come to find out there are only 24 hours in one day and my schedule consisted of about 36 hours of “things” to accomplish.  I am no math wizard, but I don’t think that equation works.  I went to bed later and woke up even earlier to try and fit in more study time, tending to the house, completing needed errands, etc.  There was never enough time.  I came to the realization that one piece of the puzzle remained vacant!  I quit spending my time with God in the morning.  Yes, I said my prayers, looked at my Scriptures throughout the day and worshipped in song while in the car; but, I was not studying His Word, listening for direction or giving my time to Him.  I was pleading for success, ignoring Him when I failed and presenting MY itinerary to Him.  This led to an irritable, frustrated and ugly woman filled with stress.  I decided to escape the crazy cycle and surrender my days to Him.  I slept more, gave my first moments of the day to Him and received HIS itinerary for the day.  What a release.  I found time to play with my children, spend time with my husband and study as well.  My eyes focused back on the reason God gave me life.  I am not here to get straight A’s in college, be superwoman or be free of any troubles. . .I am here to serve God.  My days run much smoother now that I work from His itinerary not mine. 

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)

God is our ultimate provider and we are His children here to serve Him each living moment given to us.  Perfection is unobtainable.  We cannot live up to the world’s standards and survive spiritually.  God’s grace, love, comfort and glory shine through our flaws and failures.  Be His servant and find worth in Him.  OUR itinerary and plans will fall short.  Seek His plan and follow the path laid for your life.  The road is much smoother.  

Oh, yeah. . .I learned a few things about nursing and some skills needed to care for a patient.  J

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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