Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Revealing Characteristic

Tall, Decaf, Light Mocha Frappuccino with Soy milk . . .
Tall, Decaf, Skinny Caramel Macchiato with Soy milk . . .

I heard once that your Starbucks order could reveal a part of your character.  While I am not so sure about this, it is fun to think about it.  So, my order above would say what about me?

Well, I have come to the conclusion that my long winded order reveals my emphasis on detail.  I am specific in descriptions and I like things a certain way.  I will order my drinks in the same manner each time I visit Starbucks (which is not often enough).  I am one who loves routine, knowing what to expect and being prepared.  I like to know the exact ingredients in my beverage and foods, which gives me a sense of control over something.  In ordering foods at restaurants, the same manners exist.  Most things I order on the side or I go for dishes with few ingredients.  Call me plain, boring or predictable; but that is just me!  :)

My husband would probably say my Starbucks order reveals my complicated nature; I am a woman of many words and too detailed.  When my husband, or anyone, tells me a story, I often ask many questions to hear ALL the details.  I just like to know about the people involved in the story and set the scene up in my mind.  I get on his nerves because the point of the story is lost among all the other details.  If I am learning a new skill, I fill with questions of greater depth than needed to complete the presented task.  I need to know ALL about it and be prepared should something different happen.  I like to know the rules so I may follow them. 

Though these traits make up Sheree Craig and may be great at times; all of these bring trouble in the greatest relationship in my life.  When coming to God with long winded, specific instructions or requests on a situation in my life, He simply says, "My Will, not yours my sweet Sheree."  I come to Him with a plan with exact, step by step ways of doing it and find out none of it exists in His plan.  I try and work with Him and say, "But, I know this is the way it will work and this is best for me."  He quickly stops me at the first word in my sentence and reminds me that He works all things out for His good.  He is the beginning and the end.  His Will, not mine be done.  In come my struggles.  The unknown brings fear and gives risk for the devil to gain a foothold.  How can I prepare for the unknown?  What about. . .?  What if. . .?  But. . .

It does not matter as I place it in His hands.  I must trust my Father to carefully take every situation in my life and form it to fit His plan and further my walk with Him.  He knows exactly what He is doing and I need not stand in the way.  Details will come as I need them.  Routine must vanish.  God plan may interrupt mine, pushing my ideas aside to help a friend in need, listen to my child, play with my children, pray for or with someone, etc.  I do not need to know what ever hour will bring, for God will provide all I need.  His Will never leads where His Grace cannot keep me. 

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I will get to talking and He reminds me to be still and listen.  My mouth gets moving and my ears shut off.  I find myself often sitting in silence to soak in the Truths He wishes me to hear.  He created my every fiber and knows these weaknesses of mine.  So, He works with me, continues to teach me when to use these characteristics and brings peace each day.  My need to plan, control and have routine brings much anxiety in my days.  But, now I know where to take those thoughts.  He removes anxiety, brings balance and loves me through it all!  When I begin to act as I did in the past; consumed with need for control, routine and speaking too much, He feeds His Truths quickly into my situation.  He holds His hand out and says, "Come with me my dear child, let us walk together and have peace today."  By trusting Him with each day, I need not worry about details.  He has it all under control.  Read Matthew 6:25-34.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for creating me and providing a great plan for my life.  I am here to follow Your Will each day.  Though I try and put my itinerary in play daily, I know that it may change so I can be a servant for You.  Help me to shift from MY plan without anxiety and know that every situation You work out for Your good.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

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